Exemple #1
void test()
    // instantiate IntegerSet

    IntegerSet a;



    // verify virtual container contents: 0, 1, 2, 4

    if (os_)
        copy(a.begin(), a.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(*os_," ")); 
        *os_ << endl;

    vector<int> b; 
    copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(b));

    unit_assert(b.size() == 4);
    unit_assert(b[0] == 0);
    unit_assert(b[1] == 1);
    unit_assert(b[2] == 2);
    unit_assert(b[3] == 4);

    // insert [2,4], and verify contents: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4


    if (os_)
        copy(a.begin(), a.end(), ostream_iterator<int>(*os_," ")); 
        *os_ << endl;

    copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(b));

    unit_assert(b.size() == 5);
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++)
        unit_assert(i == b[i]);
Exemple #2
void testParse()
    IntegerSet a;

    a.parse(" [-3,2] [5,5] [8,9] booger ");  // insert(-3,2); insert(5); insert(8,9);

    unit_assert(a.intervalCount() == 3);
    unit_assert(a.size() == 9);

    vector<int> b;
    copy(a.begin(), a.end(), back_inserter(b));
    unit_assert(b.size() == 9);
    unit_assert(b[0] == -3);
    unit_assert(b[1] == -2);
    unit_assert(b[2] == -1);
    unit_assert(b[3] == 0);
    unit_assert(b[4] == 1);
    unit_assert(b[5] == 2);
    unit_assert(b[6] == 5);
    unit_assert(b[7] == 8);
    unit_assert(b[8] == 9);
Exemple #3
// ** Films::formatGenres
std::string Films::formatGenres( const IntegerSet& genres )
    const char* genreName[] = {
        "Научная фантастика",

    std::string result;
    for( IntegerSet::const_iterator i = genres.begin(), end = genres.end(); i != end; ++i ) {
        if( result != "" ) {
            result += ", ";
        result += genreName[*i];

    return result;
Exemple #4
SetRelations Relationship (IntegerSet &one, IntegerSet &two)
	SetRelations result;

/*        cout << " {";
        std::copy (one.begin(), one.end(),
                std::ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
        cout << "}";

       cout << " {";
        std::copy (two.begin(), two.end(),
                std::ostream_iterator<int>(cout, " "));
        cout << "}";
    if (one == two)
    	result = IDENTITY;
    else if (std::includes (two.begin(), two.end(), one.begin(), one.end()))
    	result = SUBSET; // one is a subset of two
    else if (std::includes (one.begin(), one.end(), two.begin(), two.end()))
    	result = SUPERSET; // two is a subset of one
        IntegerSet common;
        std::set_intersection (one.begin(), one.end(),
            two.begin(), two.end(),
            std::inserter (common, common.end()));
        if (common.size() == 0)
        	result = DISJOINT;
        	result = OVERLAPPING;

//    cout << "result=" << result << endl;

    return result;
Exemple #5
int MAST (NTree &T1, NTree &T2)
	int result = 0;

	// 1. create lists of the nodes in T1 and T2 in postorder
    int count = 0;
    NodeVector pot1;
    NodeIterator <Node> n1 (T1.GetRoot());
    Node *q = n1.begin();
    while (q)
    	q->SetIndex (count);
		pot1.push_back ((NNode *)q);
		q = n1.next();

    count = 0;
    NodeVector pot2;
    NodeIterator <Node> n2 (T2.GetRoot());
    q = n2.begin();
    while (q)
    	q->SetIndex (count);
		pot2.push_back ((NNode *)q);
        q = n2.next();

	// Matrix to hold solutions
    int **m;

    m = new int *[T1.GetNumNodes()];
    for (int i = 0; i < T1.GetNumNodes(); i++)
    	m[i] = new int [T2.GetNumNodes()];

    for (int i = 0; i < T1.GetNumNodes(); i++)
    	for (int j = 0; j <T2.GetNumNodes(); j++)
        	m[i][j] = 0;

	// 2. Visit all pairs of nodes in T1 and T2
     for (int i = 0; i < T1.GetNumNodes(); i++)
    	for (int j = 0; j <T2.GetNumNodes(); j++)
			if (pot1[i]->IsLeaf() || pot2[j]->IsLeaf())
            	// Both are leaves, so MAST[i,j] is 1 if labels are identical
            	if (pot1[i]->IsLeaf() && pot2[j]->IsLeaf())
                	if ( pot1[i]->GetLabel() == pot2[j]->GetLabel())
                    	m[i][j] = 1;
            		// Only one is a leaf, so MAST[i,j] is 1 if leaf is element in cluster
					IntegerSet common;
					std::set_intersection (pot1[i]->Cluster.begin(), pot1[i]->Cluster.end(),
						pot2[j]->Cluster.begin(), pot2[j]->Cluster.end(),
						std::inserter (common, common.end()));
					int w = common.size();
                	m[i][j] = w;
            	// Both are internals so MAST[i,j] is MAX (diag, match)
                std::vector <NodePtr> pchildren, qchildren;

                // diag
                int diag = 0;

                // Get MAST of base of subtree in t1 and immediate children of
                // base of subtree in t2, and at the same time store list of
                // immediate children
                NodePtr p = pot2[j]->GetChild();
                while (p)
                	diag = std::max (diag, m[i][p->GetIndex()]);
                    p = p->GetSibling();
                // get MAST of base of subtree in t2 and immediate children of
                // base of subtree in t1, and at the same time store list of
                // immediate children
                NodePtr q = pot1[i]->GetChild();
                while (q)
                	diag = std::max (diag, m[q->GetIndex()][j]);
                    q = q->GetSibling();

                // maximum weighted bipartite matching
				int match = 0;
				graph g;
				// Nodes for p and q children
				map <int, node, less <int> > p_node;
				map <int, node, less <int> > q_node;
				for (int k = 0; k < pchildren.size(); k++)
					node n = g.new_node();
					p_node[k] = n;
				for (int k = 0; k < qchildren.size(); k++)
					node n = g.new_node();
					q_node[k] = n;
				// Edges
				edge_map<int> weights(g, 0);

				for (int k = 0; k < pchildren.size(); k++)
					for (int r = 0; r < qchildren.size(); r++)
						int v = pchildren[k]->GetIndex();
                        int w = qchildren[r]->GetIndex();
						// It seems that if the partition "from" is much larger than "to,
						// the matching algorithm can blow up with a memory access error
						// in fheap.c. Reversing the graph seems to help.
						edge e;
						if (pchildren.size() < qchildren.size())
							e = g.new_edge (p_node[k], q_node[r]);
							e = g.new_edge (q_node[r], p_node[k]);
						weights[e] = m[v][w];
//				cout << "g" << endl;
//				cout << g;
//				g.save();
//				cout << "Start matching...";
				if (g.number_of_nodes() == 0)
					match = 0;
				mwbmatching mwbm;
				mwbm.set_vars (weights);
				if (mwbm.check(g) != algorithm::GTL_OK)
					cout << "Maximum weight bipartite matching algorithm check failed" << endl;
					if (mwbm.run(g) != algorithm::GTL_OK)
						cout << "Error running maximum weight bipartite matching algorithm" << endl;
						match = mwbm.get_mwbm();
//				cout << "matching done (" << match << ")" << endl;
                // For now (sigh) brute force generation of all matchings. Eventually
                // will need to do this more efficiently
                int n = std::max (pchildren.size(), qchildren.size());

                // Store a vector of indices of children of subtree in t2.
                // We will permute this to generate all matchings. If t2
                // has fewer children than subtree in t1, vector will contain
                // one or more "null" (-1) values.
                std::vector <int> perm;
                for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                	if (k < qchildren.size())
	                	perm.push_back (k);
                    	perm.push_back (-1);

                // Generate all matchings

                // First matching
                int match = 0;
               	for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                    if ((k < pchildren.size()) && (perm[k] != -1))
                    	int v = pchildren[k]->GetIndex();
                        int w = qchildren[perm[k]]->GetIndex();
                        match += m[v][w];

                // Remaining matchings
                while  (next_permutation (perm.begin(), perm.end()) )
                	int this_match = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                        if ((k < pchildren.size()) && (perm[k] != -1))
                            int v = pchildren[k]->GetIndex();
                            int w = qchildren[perm[k]]->GetIndex();
                            this_match += m[v][w];
                    match = std::max (match, this_match);
                m[i][j] = std::max (diag, match);

     result = m[T1.GetNumNodes() - 1][T2.GetNumNodes() - 1];
	 // Show matrix
/*	 for (int i = 0; i < T1.GetNumNodes(); i++)
	 	cout << setw(3) << i << "|";
		for (int j = 0; j < T2.GetNumNodes(); j++)
			cout << setw(3) << m[i][j];
		cout << endl;

     // clean up
    for (int i = 0; i < T1.GetNumNodes(); i++)
       	delete [] m[i];

    delete [] m;

	return result;