void MyIrcSession::on_messageReceived(IrcMessage *message) { IrcPrivateMessage *m = (IrcPrivateMessage *) message; if (m->isRequest()) { QString request = m->message().split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts).value(0).toUpper(); if (request == "PING" || request == "TIME" || request == "VERSION") { LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << ": " << TO_UTF8(request) << " received and has been answered"); return; } } QString msg = m->message(); if (m->isAction()) { msg = QString("/me ") + msg; } std::string target = TO_UTF8(m->target()); LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << ": Message from " << target); if (target.find("#") == 0) { std::string nickname = TO_UTF8(m->sender().name()); correctNickname(nickname); np->handleMessage(user, target + suffix, TO_UTF8(msg), nickname); } else { std::string nickname = TO_UTF8(m->sender().name()); correctNickname(nickname); LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, nickname + suffix); np->handleMessage(user, nickname + suffix, TO_UTF8(msg)); } }
void MyIrcSession::on_messageReceived(IrcMessage *message) { IrcPrivateMessage *m = (IrcPrivateMessage *) message; if (m->isRequest()) { QString request = m->message().split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts).value(0).toUpper(); if (request == "PING" || request == "TIME" || request == "VERSION") { LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << ": " << TO_UTF8(request) << " received and has been answered"); return; } } QString msg = m->message(); if (m->isAction()) { msg = QString("/me ") + msg; } QString html = "";//msg; CommuniBackport::toPlainText(msg); // TODO: Communi produces invalid html now... // if (html == msg) { // html = ""; // } // else { // html = IrcUtil::messageToHtml(html); // } std::string target = TO_UTF8(m->target().toLower()); LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, user << ": Message from " << target); if (target.find("#") == 0) { std::string nickname = TO_UTF8(m->sender().name()); correctNickname(nickname); np->handleMessage(user, target + suffix, TO_UTF8(msg), nickname, TO_UTF8(html)); } else { std::string nickname = TO_UTF8(m->sender().name()); correctNickname(nickname); if (m_pms.find(nickname) != m_pms.end()) { if (hasIRCBuddy(m_pms[nickname], nickname)) { LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, nickname); np->handleMessage(user, m_pms[nickname] + suffix, TO_UTF8(msg), nickname, TO_UTF8(html), "", false, true); return; } else { nickname = nickname + suffix; } } else { nickname = nickname + suffix; } LOG4CXX_INFO(logger, nickname); np->handleMessage(user, nickname, TO_UTF8(msg), "", TO_UTF8(html)); } }
void IrcSessionPrivate::receiveMessage(IrcMessage* msg) { Q_Q(IrcSession); switch (msg->type()) { case IrcMessage::Numeric: { IrcNumericMessage* numeric = static_cast<IrcNumericMessage*>(msg); if (numeric->code() == Irc::RPL_WELCOME) { setNick(msg->parameters().value(0)); setConnected(true); } else if (numeric->code() == Irc::RPL_ISUPPORT) { foreach (const QString& param, msg->parameters().mid(1)) { QStringList keyValue = param.split("=", QString::SkipEmptyParts); info.insert(keyValue.value(0), keyValue.value(1)); } emit q->sessionInfoReceived(IrcSessionInfo(q)); } break; } case IrcMessage::Ping: q->sendRaw("PONG " + static_cast<IrcPingMessage*>(msg)->argument()); break; case IrcMessage::Private: { IrcPrivateMessage* privMsg = static_cast<IrcPrivateMessage*>(msg); if (privMsg->isRequest()) { IrcCommand* reply = q->createCtcpReply(privMsg); if (reply) q->sendCommand(reply); } break; } case IrcMessage::Nick: if (msg->flags() & IrcMessage::Own) setNick(static_cast<IrcNickMessage*>(msg)->nick()); break; case IrcMessage::Capability: { IrcCapabilityMessage* capMsg = static_cast<IrcCapabilityMessage*>(msg); QString subCommand = capMsg->subCommand(); if (subCommand == "LS") { foreach (const QString& cap, capMsg->capabilities()) handleCapability(&availableCaps, cap); if (!connected) { QStringList params = capMsg->parameters(); if (params.value(params.count() - 1) != QLatin1String("*")) { QStringList request; emit q->capabilities(availableCaps.toList(), &request); if (!request.isEmpty()) q->sendCommand(IrcCommand::createCapability("REQ", request)); else q->sendData("CAP END"); } } } else if (subCommand == "ACK" || subCommand == "NAK") {
void tst_IrcMessage::testPrivateMessage() { QFETCH(bool, valid); QFETCH(QString, cap); QFETCH(QByteArray, data); QFETCH(QString, target); QFETCH(QString, content); QFETCH(bool, priv); QFETCH(bool, action); QFETCH(bool, request); QFETCH(uint, flags); IrcConnection connection; connection.setNickName("communi"); TestProtocol protocol(cap, &connection); static_cast<FriendConnection*>(&connection)->setProtocol(&protocol); IrcMessage* message = IrcMessage::fromData(data, &connection); QCOMPARE(message->type(), IrcMessage::Private); QCOMPARE(message->command(), QString("PRIVMSG")); QCOMPARE(message->property("valid").toBool(), valid); QCOMPARE(message->property("target").toString(), target); QCOMPARE(message->property("content").toString(), content); QCOMPARE(message->property("private").toBool(), priv); QCOMPARE(message->property("action").toBool(), action); QCOMPARE(message->property("request").toBool(), request); QCOMPARE(message->property("flags").toUInt(), flags); IrcPrivateMessage* privateMessage = qobject_cast<IrcPrivateMessage*>(message); QVERIFY(privateMessage); QCOMPARE(privateMessage->isValid(), valid); QCOMPARE(privateMessage->target(), target); QCOMPARE(privateMessage->content(), content); QCOMPARE(privateMessage->isPrivate(), priv); QCOMPARE(privateMessage->isAction(), action); QCOMPARE(privateMessage->isRequest(), request); QCOMPARE(static_cast<uint>(privateMessage->flags()), flags); }
void IrcSessionPrivate::processLine(const QByteArray& line) { Q_Q(IrcSession); QString encoded = encoder.encode(line); static bool dbg = qgetenv("COMMUNI_DEBUG").toInt(); if (dbg) qDebug() << encoded; IrcMessage* msg = IrcMessage::fromString(encoded); if (msg) { switch (msg->type()) { case IrcMessage::Numeric: if (static_cast<IrcNumericMessage*>(msg)->code() == Irc::RPL_WELCOME) { setNick(msg->parameters().value(0)); connected = true; emit q->connected(); emit q->connectedChanged(true); } else if (static_cast<IrcNumericMessage*>(msg)->code() == Irc::RPL_ISUPPORT) { foreach (const QString& param, msg->parameters().mid(1)) { const QStringList keyValue = param.split("=", QString::SkipEmptyParts); info.insert(keyValue.value(0), keyValue.value(1)); } } break; case IrcMessage::Ping: q->sendRaw("PONG " + static_cast<IrcPingMessage*>(msg)->argument()); break; case IrcMessage::Private: { IrcPrivateMessage* privMsg = static_cast<IrcPrivateMessage*>(msg); if (privMsg->isRequest()) { QString reply; QString request = privMsg->message().split(" ", QString::SkipEmptyParts).value(0).toUpper(); if (request == "PING") reply = privMsg->message(); else if (request == "TIME") reply = "TIME " + QLocale().toString(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), QLocale::ShortFormat); else if (request == "VERSION") reply = QString("VERSION Communi ") + Irc::version(); if (!reply.isNull()) q->sendCommand(IrcCommand::createCtcpReply(msg->sender().name(), reply)); } break; } case IrcMessage::Nick: if (msg->sender().name() == nickName) setNick(static_cast<IrcNickMessage*>(msg)->nick()); break; default: break; } emit q->messageReceived(msg); msg->deleteLater(); }
void IrcSessionPrivate::processLine(const QByteArray& line) { Q_Q(IrcSession); static bool dbg = qgetenv("COMMUNI_DEBUG").toInt(); if (dbg) qDebug() << line; IrcMessage* msg = IrcMessage::fromData(line, encoding, q); if (msg) { switch (msg->type()) { case IrcMessage::Numeric: if (static_cast<IrcNumericMessage*>(msg)->code() == Irc::RPL_WELCOME) { setNick(msg->parameters().value(0)); setConnected(true); } break; case IrcMessage::Ping: q->sendRaw("PONG " + static_cast<IrcPingMessage*>(msg)->argument()); break; case IrcMessage::Private: { IrcPrivateMessage* privMsg = static_cast<IrcPrivateMessage*>(msg); if (privMsg->isRequest()) { IrcCommand* reply = q->createCtcpReply(privMsg); if (reply) q->sendCommand(reply); } break; } case IrcMessage::Nick: if (msg->isOwn()) setNick(static_cast<IrcNickMessage*>(msg)->nick()); break; case IrcMessage::Capability: if (!connected) { IrcCapabilityMessage* capMsg = static_cast<IrcCapabilityMessage*>(msg); QString subCommand = capMsg->subCommand(); if (subCommand == "LS") { foreach (const QString& cap, capMsg->capabilities()) capabilities.insert(cap); QStringList params = capMsg->parameters(); if (params.value(params.count() - 1) != QLatin1String("*")) { QStringList request; emit q->capabilities(capabilities.toList(), &request); if (!request.isEmpty()) q->sendCommand(IrcCommand::createCapability("REQ", request)); else q->sendData("CAP END"); } } else if (subCommand == "ACK" || subCommand == "NAK") { q->sendData("CAP END"); } }