Exemple #1
bool FileFormatInstance::WriteColorFilterArray( const ColorFilterArray& cfa )
      if ( (*API->FileFormat->BeginColorFilterArrayEmbedding)( handle ) == api_false )
         return false;

      IsoString pattern = cfa.Pattern();
      String name = cfa.Name();

      bool ok = (*API->FileFormat->SetImageColorFilterArray)( handle,
                           pattern.c_str(), cfa.Width(), cfa.Height(), name.c_str() ) != api_false;

      if ( cfa.Pattern() != pattern || cfa.Name() != name )
         APIHackingAttempt( "WriteColorFilterArray" );

      (*API->FileFormat->EndColorFilterArrayEmbedding)( handle );
      return ok;
   catch ( ... )
      (*API->FileFormat->EndColorFilterArrayEmbedding)( handle );
Exemple #2
bool FileFormatInstance::Open( ImageDescriptionArray& images,
                               const String& filePath, const IsoString& hints )

   if ( (*API->FileFormat->OpenImageFileEx)( handle, filePath.c_str(), hints.c_str(), 0/*flags*/ ) == api_false )
      return false;

   for ( uint32 i = 0, n = (*API->FileFormat->GetImageCount)( handle ); i < n; ++i )
      IsoString id;
      size_type len = 0;
      (*API->FileFormat->GetImageId)( handle, 0, &len, i );
      if ( len > 0 )
         id.SetLength( len );
         if ( (*API->FileFormat->GetImageId)( handle, id.Begin(), &len, i ) == api_false )
            throw APIFunctionError( "GetImageId" );

      api_image_info info;
      api_image_options options;
      if ( (*API->FileFormat->GetImageDescription)( handle, &info, &options, i ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "GetImageDescription" );

      ImageDescription d;
      d.id = id;
      APIImageInfoToPCL( d.info, info );
      APIImageOptionsToPCL( d.options, options );
      images.Add( d );

   return true;
static IsoString GetDemangledFunctionName( const char* symbol, IsoString& addrStr )
   IsoString symbolStr( symbol );

   // Get mangled function name. Example:
   //    /opt/PixInsight/bin/lib/libQtGui.so.4(_ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent+0x411) [0x7fa271347811]
   StringList tokens;
   symbolStr.Break( tokens, '(' , true/*trim*/ );
   if ( tokens.Length() != 2 )
      return symbolStr;

   // Take second token and split again.
   StringList tokens2;
   tokens[1].Break( tokens2, '+' , true/*trim*/ );
   if ( tokens2.Length() != 2 )
      return symbolStr;

   // If there is no function name, do not set the addr string.
   if ( !tokens2[0].IsEmpty() )
      addrStr = tokens2[1];
      addrStr.DeleteChar( '(' );
      addrStr.DeleteChar( ')' );

   // The first token of tokens2 contains the mangled string. Demangle it.
   size_t funcnameSize = 256;
   char funcname[ funcnameSize ];
   int status;
   IsoString token( tokens2[0] );
   const char* demangledFuncname = abi::__cxa_demangle( token.c_str(), funcname, &funcnameSize, &status );
   return (status == 0) ? IsoString( demangledFuncname ) : symbolStr;
Exemple #4
void FileDataCache::Purge() const
   IsoString key = m_keyPrefix;
   if ( key.EndsWith( '/' ) )
      key.DeleteRight( key.UpperBound() );
   Settings::Remove( key );
Exemple #5
String ProcessInstance::ToSource( const IsoString& language, const IsoString& varId, int indent ) const
   char16_type* s = (*API->Process->GetProcessInstanceSourceCode)(
                              ModuleHandle(), handle, language.c_str(), varId.c_str(), indent );
   if ( s == 0 )
      throw APIFunctionError( "GetProcessInstanceSourceCode" );
   String source( s );
   Module->Deallocate( s );
   return source;
Exemple #6
 void SwitchProperty::addElement(IsoString elementName, IsoString value){
 	 ISwitch* sp = ((ISwitchVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->sp;
 	 int nsp = ((ISwitchVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->nsp;
 	 sp = (ISwitch*) realloc(sp, (nsp+1) * sizeof(ISwitch));
 	 strcpy(sp->name, elementName.c_str());
 	 sp->s = (strcmp(value.c_str(),"ON")==0) ? ISS_ON : ISS_OFF ;
 	 sp->svp =(ISwitchVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty();
 	 ((ISwitchVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->nsp++;
 	 ((ISwitchVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->sp = sp;
Exemple #7
 void NumberProperty::addElement(IsoString elementName, IsoString value){
	 INumber* np = ((INumberVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->np;
	 int nnp = ((INumberVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->nnp;
	 np = (INumber*) realloc(np, (nnp+1) * sizeof(INumber));
	 strcpy(np->name, elementName.c_str());
	 np->value = value.ToDouble();
	 np->nvp=(INumberVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty();
	 ((INumberVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->nnp++;
	 ((INumberVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->np = np;
void FileFormatImplementation::SetImageProperty( const IsoString& id, const Variant& value )
   IsoString tid = id.Trimmed();
   if ( !tid.IsEmpty() && value.IsValid() )
      FileFormatPropertyArray::iterator i = m_data->properties.Search( tid );
      if ( i != m_data->properties.End() )
         i->value = value;
         m_data->properties.Append( FileFormatProperty( tid, value ) );
Exemple #9
void TextProperty::addElement(IsoString elementName, IsoString value) {
	IText* tp = ((ITextVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->tp;
	int ntp = ((ITextVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->ntp;
	tp = (IText*) realloc(tp, (ntp + 1) * sizeof(IText));
	strcpy(tp->name, elementName.c_str());
	//FIXME Leaks memory?
	tp->text = (char*) malloc(sizeof(value.c_str()));
	strcpy(tp->text, value.c_str());
	tp->tvp = (ITextVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty();
	((ITextVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->ntp++;
	((ITextVectorProperty*) m_property->getProperty())->tp = tp;
Exemple #10
void TextProperty::addElement( IsoString elementName, IsoString value )
   ITextVectorProperty* tvp = m_property->getText();
   IText* tp = tvp->tp;
   int ntp = tvp->ntp;
   tp = reinterpret_cast<IText*>( realloc( tp, (ntp + 1)* sizeof( IText ) ) );
   if ( tp == nullptr )
      throw std::bad_alloc();
   strcpy( tp->name, elementName.c_str() );
   tp->text = value.Release(); // N.B.: Can do this because value is being passed by value, so we have a local copy.
   tp->tvp = tvp;
   tvp->tp = tp;
Exemple #11
ProcessParameter::ProcessParameter( const Process& process, const IsoString& paramId )
   m_data = new ProcessParameterPrivate( (*API->Process->GetParameterByName)( process.Handle(), paramId.c_str() ) );
   if ( m_data->handle == nullptr )
      if ( paramId.IsEmpty() )
         throw Error( "ProcessParameter: Empty process parameter identifier specified" );
      if ( !paramId.IsValidIdentifier() )
         throw Error( "ProcessParameter: Invalid process parameter identifier specified: \'" + paramId + '\'' );

      throw Error( "ProcessParameter: No parameter was found "
                   "with the specified identifier \'" + paramId + "\' for process \'" + process.Id() + '\'' );
Exemple #12
ImagePropertyDescriptionArray FileFormatInstance::Properties()
   ImagePropertyDescriptionArray properties;
   IsoString id;
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->FileFormat->EnumerateImageProperties)( handle, 0, 0, &len, 0 ); // 1st call to get max identifier length
   if ( len > 0 )
      id.Reserve( len );
      if ( (*API->FileFormat->EnumerateImageProperties)( handle, APIPropertyEnumerationCallback,
                                                         id.Begin(), &len, &properties ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "EnumerateImageProperties" );
   return properties;
Exemple #13
IsoString View::FullId() const
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->View->GetViewFullId)( handle, 0, &len );

   IsoString id;
   if ( len > 0 )
      id.SetLength( len );
      if ( (*API->View->GetViewFullId)( handle, id.c_str(), &len ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "GetViewFullId" );
   return id;
Exemple #14
IsoString ProcessParameter::Id() const
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->Process->GetParameterIdentifier)( m_data->handle, 0, &len );

   IsoString id;
   if ( len > 0 )
      id.SetLength( len );
      if ( (*API->Process->GetParameterIdentifier)( m_data->handle, id.c_str(), &len ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "GetParameterIdentifier" );
   return id;
Exemple #15
IsoString FileFormat::Name() const
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->FileFormat->GetFileFormatName)( m_data->handle, 0, &len );

   IsoString name;
   if ( len > 0 )
      name.SetLength( len );
      if ( (*API->FileFormat->GetFileFormatName)( m_data->handle, name.c_str(), &len ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "GetFileFormatName" );
   return name;
Exemple #16
void MetaModule::GetVersion( int& major, int& minor, int& release, int& build,
                             IsoString& language, IsoString& status ) const
   // Set undefined states for all variables, in case of error.
   major = minor = release = build = 0;

   IsoString vs( Version() );

   // A version string must begin with a version marker
   if ( vs.Length() < LengthOfVersionMarker )

   // Split the string of version numbers into tokens separated by dots
   StringList tokens;
   vs.Break( tokens, '.', false/*trim*/, LengthOfVersionMarker );

   // Required: MM.mm.rr.bbbb.LLL
   // Optional: .<status>
   if ( tokens.Length() < 5 || tokens.Length() > 6 )

   // Extract version numbers
      int MM   = tokens[0].ToInt( 10 );
      int mm   = tokens[1].ToInt( 10 );
      int rr   = tokens[2].ToInt( 10 );
      int bbbb = tokens[3].ToInt( 10 );

      major = MM;
      minor = mm;
      release = rr;
      build = bbbb;
   catch ( ... ) // silently eat all parse exceptions here

   // Language code
   language = tokens[4]; // ### TODO: Verify validity of ISO 639.2 code

   // Optional status word
   if ( tokens.Length() == 6 )
      status = tokens[5];  // ### TODO: Verify validity of the status word
Exemple #17
Variant View::ComputeProperty( const IsoString& property, bool notify )
   api_property_value value;
   if ( (*API->View->ComputeViewProperty)( ModuleHandle(), handle, property.c_str(), notify, &value ) == api_false )
      throw APIFunctionError( "ComputeViewProperty" );
   return VariantFromAPIPropertyValue( value );
Exemple #18
Variant::data_type View::PropertyType( const IsoString& property ) const
   uint64 type = 0;
   if ( (*API->View->GetViewPropertyAttributes)( ModuleHandle(), handle, property.c_str(), 0/*flags*/, &type ) == api_false )
      throw APIFunctionError( "GetViewPropertyAttributes" );
   return VariantTypeFromAPIPropertyType( type );
Exemple #19
bool FileFormatInstance::WriteProperty( const IsoString& property, const Variant& value )
      if ( (*API->FileFormat->BeginPropertyEmbedding)( handle ) == api_false )
         return false;

      bool ok = true;

      if ( value.IsValid() )
         api_property_value apiValue;
         APIPropertyValueFromVariant( apiValue, value );
         api_property_value safeCopy = apiValue;
         ok = (*API->FileFormat->SetImageProperty)( handle, property.c_str(), &safeCopy ) != api_false;

         if ( safeCopy.data.blockValue != apiValue.data.blockValue ||
              safeCopy.dimX != apiValue.dimX || safeCopy.dimY != apiValue.dimY ||
              safeCopy.dimZ != apiValue.dimZ || safeCopy.dimT != apiValue.dimT || safeCopy.type != apiValue.type )
            APIHackingAttempt( "WriteProperty" );

      (*API->FileFormat->EndPropertyEmbedding)( handle );

      return ok;
   catch ( ... )
      (*API->FileFormat->EndPropertyEmbedding)( handle );
Exemple #20
ImageDescriptionArray JPEGInstance::Open( const String& filePath, const IsoString& hints )


      JPEGImageOptions jpegOptions = JPEGFormat::DefaultOptions();
      IsoStringList theHints;
      hints.Break( theHints, ' ', true/*trim*/ );
      theHints.Remove( IsoString() );
      for ( IsoStringList::const_iterator i = theHints.Begin(); i < theHints.End(); ++i )
         if ( *i == "verbosity" )
            if ( ++i == theHints.End() )
            int n;
            if ( i->TryToInt( n ) )
               jpegOptions.verbosity = Range( n, 0, 3 );

      m_reader = new JPEGReader;
      m_reader->SetJPEGOptions( jpegOptions );
      m_reader->Open( filePath );
      return ImageDescriptionArray() << ImageDescription( m_reader->Info(), m_reader->Options() );
   catch ( ... )
Exemple #21
void View::SetPropertyValue( const IsoString& property, const Variant& value, bool notify, ViewPropertyAttributes attributes )
   api_property_value apiValue;
   APIPropertyValueFromVariant( apiValue, value );
   if ( (*API->View->SetViewPropertyValue)( ModuleHandle(), handle, property.c_str(), &apiValue, attributes, notify ) == api_false )
      throw APIFunctionError( "SetViewPropertyValue" );
Exemple #22
ViewPropertyAttributes View::PropertyAttributes( const IsoString& property ) const
   uint32 flags = 0;
   if ( (*API->View->GetViewPropertyAttributes)( ModuleHandle(), handle, property.c_str(), &flags, 0/*type*/ ) == api_false )
      throw APIFunctionError( "GetViewPropertyAttributes" );
   return ViewPropertyAttributes( ViewPropertyAttribute::mask_type( flags ) );
Exemple #23
Variant View::PropertyValue( const IsoString& property ) const
   api_property_value value;
   if ( (*API->View->GetViewPropertyValue)( ModuleHandle(), handle, property.c_str(), &value ) == api_false )
      throw APIFunctionError( "GetViewPropertyValue" );
   return VariantFromAPIPropertyValue( value );
Exemple #24
IsoStringList ProcessParameter::Aliases() const
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->Process->GetParameterAliasIdentifiers)( m_data->handle, 0, &len );

   IsoStringList aliases;
   if ( len > 0 )
      IsoString csAliases;
      csAliases.SetLength( len );
      if ( (*API->Process->GetParameterAliasIdentifiers)( m_data->handle, csAliases.c_str(), &len ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "GetParameterAliasIdentifiers" );
      csAliases.Break( aliases, ',' );
   return aliases;
Exemple #25
void NumberProperty::addElement( IsoString elementName, IsoString value )
   if ( !value.IsEmpty() )
      INumberVectorProperty* nvp = m_property->getNumber();
      INumber* np = nvp->np;
      int nnp = nvp->nnp;
      np = reinterpret_cast<INumber*>( realloc( np, (nnp + 1)*sizeof( INumber ) ) );
      if ( np == nullptr )
         throw std::bad_alloc();
      strcpy( np->name, elementName.c_str() );
      value.TryToDouble( np->value );
      np->nvp = nvp;
      nvp->np = np;
Exemple #26
IsoString Filter::ToSource() const
   IsoString s;
   if ( IsValid() )
      if ( IsSeparable() )
         s += "SeparableFilter {\n";
         s += "   name { " + Separable().Name().ToUTF8() + " }\n";
         s += "   row-vector { ";
         SeparableFilter::coefficient_vector H = Separable().RowFilter();
         for ( int i = 0; i < H.Length(); ++i )
            s.AppendFormat( ( H[i] < 0 ) ? "%.6f " :  " %.6f ", H[i] );
         s += "}\n";
         s += "   col-vector { ";
         SeparableFilter::coefficient_vector V = Separable().ColFilter();
         for ( int i = 0; i < V.Length(); ++i )
            s.AppendFormat( ( V[i] < 0 ) ? "%.6f " :  " %.6f ", V[i] );
         s += "}\n";
         s += "KernelFilter {\n";
         s += "   name { " + Kernel().Name().ToUTF8() + " }\n";
         s += "   coefficients {\n";
         KernelFilter::coefficient_matrix M = Kernel().Coefficients();
         for ( int i = 0; i < M.Rows(); ++i )
            s += "      ";
            for ( int j = 0; ; )
               s.AppendFormat( ( M[i][j] < 0 ) ? "%.6f " :  " %.6f ", M[i][j] );
               if ( ++j == M.Cols() )
               s += ' ';
            s += '\n';
         s += "   }\n";
      s += "}\n";

   return s;
Exemple #27
Filter Filter::FromSource( const IsoString& src )
   IsoStringList lines;
   src.Break( lines, '\n' );
   FilterParser P( lines );
   if ( P.Filters().IsEmpty() )
      return Filter();
   return P.Filters()[0];
Exemple #28
IsoStringList ProcessInstance::Icons()
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->Process->EnumerateProcessIcons)( 0, 0, &len, 0 );

   IsoStringList icons;

   if ( len != 0 )
      IsoString iconId;
      iconId.Reserve( len );
      if ( (*API->Process->EnumerateProcessIcons)( InternalIconEnumerator::IconCallback,
                                          iconId.c_str(), &len, &icons ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "EnumerateProcessIcons" );

   return icons;
Exemple #29
IsoStringList ProcessInstance::IconsByProcessId( const IsoString& processId )
   size_type len = 0;
   (*API->Process->EnumerateProcessIcons)( 0, 0, &len, 0 );

   ProcessIconsByProcessIdEnumerationData data( processId );

   if ( len != 0 )
      IsoString iconId;
      iconId.Reserve( len );
      if ( (*API->Process->EnumerateProcessIcons)( InternalIconEnumerator::ProcessCallback,
                                          iconId.c_str(), &len, &data ) == api_false )
         throw APIFunctionError( "EnumerateProcessIcons" );

   return data.icons;
Exemple #30
ProcessParameter::ProcessParameter( const ProcessParameter& table, const IsoString& colId )
   m_data = new ProcessParameterPrivate( (*API->Process->GetTableColumnByName)( table.m_data->handle, colId.c_str() ) );
   if ( m_data->handle == nullptr )
      if ( table.IsNull() )
         throw Error( "ProcessParameter: Null table parameter" );
      if ( colId.IsEmpty() )
         throw Error( "ProcessParameter: Empty table column parameter identifier specified" );
      if ( !colId.IsValidIdentifier() )
         throw Error( "ProcessParameter: Invalid table column parameter identifier specified: \'" + colId + '\'' );
      if ( !table.IsTable() )
         throw Error( "ProcessParameter: The specified parameter \'" + table.Id() + "\' is not a table parameter" );

      throw Error( "ProcessParameter: No table column parameter was found "
                   "with the specified identifier \'" + colId + "\' "
                   "for table parameter \'" + table.Id() + "\' "
                   "of process \'" + table.ParentProcess().Id() + '\'' );