void EdgeSE3OdomDifferentialCalib::computeError()
      const VertexSE3* v1                        = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE3*>(_vertices[0]);
      const VertexSE3* v2                        = dynamic_cast<const VertexSE3*>(_vertices[1]);
      const VertexOdomParams* params = dynamic_cast<const VertexOdomParams*>(_vertices[2]);
      const Isometry3d& x1                              = v1->estimate();
      const Isometry3d& x2                              = v2->estimate();

      Isometry3d odom = internal::fromVectorMQT(measurement());
      Eigen::Vector3d rpy = g2o::internal::toEuler(odom.linear());

      //        g2o::MotionMeasurement mma(odom.translation()(0), odom.translation()(1), rpy(2), diff_time_);
      //        g2o::VelocityMeasurement vel = g2o::OdomConvert::convertToVelocity(mma);
      //        vel.setVl(params->estimate()(0) * vel.vl());
      //        vel.setVr(params->estimate()(1) * vel.vr());
      //        g2o::MotionMeasurement mmb = g2o::OdomConvert::convertToMotion(vel, params->estimate()(2));
      //        odom.translation()(0) = mmb.x();
      //        odom.translation()(1) = mmb.y();
      //        rpy(2) = mmb.theta();
      //        odom.linear() = g2o::internal::fromEuler(rpy);

      // move to cpp file
      // implement translation scale
      // implement rotation scale, which affects odometry translation

      double drift_theta = params->estimate()(1) * fabs(rpy(2));
      double drift_trans = params->estimate()(2) * odom.translation().norm();
      Eigen::AngleAxisd drift_rot(drift_theta + drift_trans, Eigen::Vector3d::UnitZ());
      odom.translation() = params->estimate()(0) * (drift_rot * odom.translation());
      rpy(2) += drift_theta + drift_trans;
      odom.linear() = g2o::internal::fromEuler(rpy);

      Isometry3d delta = x2.inverse() * x1 * odom;
      _error = internal::toVectorMQT(delta);
Exemple #2
Isometry3d PrismaticJoint::jointTransform(double* const q) const
  Isometry3d ret;
  ret.translation() = q[0] * translation_axis;
  return ret;
Exemple #3
Eigen::Isometry3d DecodePose(const bot_core::position_3d_t& msg) {
  Isometry3d ret;
  ret.translation() = DecodeVector3d(msg.translation);
  auto quaternion = DecodeQuaternion(msg.rotation);
  ret.linear() = drake::math::quat2rotmat(quaternion);
  return ret;
 Vector7d toVectorQT(const Isometry3d& t){
   Quaterniond q(extractRotation(t));
   Vector7d v;
   v[3] = q.x(); v[4] = q.y(); v[5] = q.z(); v[6] = q.w();
   v.block<3,1>(0,0) = t.translation();
   return v;
Isometry3d RollPitchYawFloatingJoint::jointTransform(const Eigen::Ref<const VectorXd>& q) const
  Isometry3d ret;
  auto pos = q.middleRows<SPACE_DIMENSION>(0);
  auto rpy = q.middleRows<RPY_SIZE>(SPACE_DIMENSION);
  ret.linear() = rpy2rotmat(rpy);
  ret.translation() = pos;
  return ret;
Isometry3d RollPitchYawFloatingJoint::jointTransform(double* const q) const
  Isometry3d ret;
  Map<Vector3d> pos(&q[0]);
  Map<Vector3d> rpy(&q[3]);
  ret.linear() = rpy2rotmat(rpy);
  ret.translation() = pos;
  return ret;
Exemple #7
Isometry3d getRandomTransform()
  Isometry3d T = Isometry3d::Identity();

  const Vector3d rotation = math::randomVector<3>(-DART_PI, DART_PI);
  const Vector3d position = Vector3d(math::random(-1.0, 1.0),
                                     math::random( 0.5, 1.0),
                                     math::random(-1.0, 1.0));

  T.translation() = position;
  T.linear() = math::expMapRot(rotation);

  return T;
Exemple #8
void computeEdgeSE3PriorGradient(Isometry3d& E,
                                 Matrix6d& J, 
                                 const Isometry3d& Z, 
                                 const Isometry3d& X,
                                 const Isometry3d& P){
  // compute the error at the linearization point
  const Isometry3d A = Z.inverse()*X;
  const Isometry3d B = P;
  const Matrix3d Ra = A.rotation();
  const Matrix3d Rb = B.rotation();
  const Vector3d tb = B.translation();
  E = A*B;
  const Matrix3d Re=E.rotation();
  Matrix<double, 3 , 9 >  dq_dR;
  compute_dq_dR (dq_dR, 

  // dte/dt

  // dte/dq =0
  // dte/dqj
    Matrix3d S;

  // dre/dt =0
  // dre/dq
    double buf[27];
    Map<Matrix<double, 9,3> > M(buf);
    Matrix3d Sx,Sy,Sz;
    Map<Matrix3d> Mx(buf);    Mx = Ra*Sx;
    Map<Matrix3d> My(buf+9);  My = Ra*Sy;
    Map<Matrix3d> Mz(buf+18); Mz = Ra*Sz;
    J.block<3,3>(3,3) = dq_dR * M;

void CollisionInterface::updateBodyNodes() {
    int numNodes = mNodeMap.size();
    for (std::map<BodyNode*, RigidBody*>::iterator it = mNodeMap.begin(); it != mNodeMap.end(); ++it) {
        BodyNode *bn = it->first;
        RigidBody *rb = it->second;
        if (bn->getSkeleton()->getName() == "pinata")
        Isometry3d W;
        W.linear() = rb->mOrientation;
        W.translation() = rb->mPosition;
        bn->getSkeleton()->computeForwardKinematics(true, false, false);
Exemple #10
void evaluateXYZExpmapCubicSpline(double t, const PiecewisePolynomial<double> &spline, Isometry3d &body_pose_des, Vector6d &xyzdot_angular_vel, Vector6d &xyzddot_angular_accel) {
  Vector6d xyzexp = spline.value(t);
  auto derivative = spline.derivative();
  Vector6d xyzexpdot = derivative.value(t);
  Vector6d xyzexpddot = derivative.derivative().value(t);
  xyzdot_angular_vel.head<3>() = xyzexpdot.head<3>();
  xyzddot_angular_accel.head<3>() = xyzexpddot.head<3>();
  Vector3d expmap = xyzexp.tail<3>();
  auto quat_grad = expmap2quat(expmap,2);
  Vector4d quat = quat_grad.value();
  body_pose_des.linear() = quat2rotmat(quat);
  body_pose_des.translation() = xyzexp.head<3>();
  Vector4d quat_dot = quat_grad.gradient().value() * xyzexpdot.tail<3>();
  Matrix<double,12,3> dE = quat_grad.gradient().gradient().value();
  Vector3d expdot = xyzexpdot.tail<3>();
  Matrix<double,4,3> Edot = matGradMult(dE,expdot);
  Vector4d quat_ddot = quat_grad.gradient().value()*xyzexpddot.tail<3>() + Edot*expdot;
  Matrix<double,3,4> M;
  Matrix<double,12,4> dM;
  xyzdot_angular_vel.tail<3>() = M*quat_dot;
  xyzddot_angular_accel.tail<3>() = M*quat_ddot + matGradMult(dM,quat_dot)*quat_dot;
Exemple #11
void computeEdgeSE3Gradient(Isometry3d& E,
                        Matrix6d& Ji, 
                        Matrix6d& Jj,
                        const Isometry3d& Z, 
                        const Isometry3d& Xi,
                        const Isometry3d& Xj,
                        const Isometry3d& Pi, 
                        const Isometry3d& Pj
  // compute the error at the linearization point
  const Isometry3d A=Z.inverse()*Pi.inverse();
  const Isometry3d B=Xi.inverse()*Xj;
  const Isometry3d C=Pj;
  const Isometry3d AB=A*B;  
  const Isometry3d BC=B*C;

  const Matrix3d Re=E.rotation();
  const Matrix3d Ra=A.rotation();
  const Matrix3d Rb=B.rotation();
  const Matrix3d Rc=C.rotation();
  const Vector3d tc=C.translation();
  //const Vector3d tab=AB.translation();
  const Matrix3d Rab=AB.rotation();
  const Vector3d tbc=BC.translation();  
  const Matrix3d Rbc=BC.rotation();

  Matrix<double, 3 , 9 >  dq_dR;
  compute_dq_dR (dq_dR, 

  // dte/dti

  // dte/dtj

  // dte/dqi
    Matrix3d S;

  // dte/dqj
    Matrix3d S;

  // dre/dqi
    double buf[27];
    Map<Matrix<double, 9,3> > M(buf);
    Matrix3d Sxt,Syt,Szt;
    Map<Matrix3d> Mx(buf);    Mx = Ra*Sxt;
    Map<Matrix3d> My(buf+9);  My = Ra*Syt;
    Map<Matrix3d> Mz(buf+18); Mz = Ra*Szt;
    Ji.block<3,3>(3,3) = dq_dR * M;

  // dre/dqj
    double buf[27];
    Map<Matrix<double, 9,3> > M(buf);
    Matrix3d Sx,Sy,Sz;
    Map<Matrix3d> Mx(buf);    Mx = Rab*Sx;
    Map<Matrix3d> My(buf+9);  My = Rab*Sy;
    Map<Matrix3d> Mz(buf+18); Mz = Rab*Sz;
    Jj.block<3,3>(3,3) = dq_dR * M;

Exemple #12
rk_result_t Robot::dampedLeastSquaresIK_chain(const vector<size_t> &jointIndices, VectorXd &jointValues, const Isometry3d &target, const Isometry3d &finalTF)

    vector<Linkage::Joint*> joints;
    // FIXME: Add in safety checks
    for(int i=0; i<joints.size(); i++)
        joints[i] = joints_[jointIndices[i]];

    // ~~ Declarations ~~
    MatrixXd J;
    MatrixXd Jinv;
    Isometry3d pose;
    AngleAxisd aagoal(target.rotation());
    AngleAxisd aastate;
    Vector3d Terr;
    Vector3d Rerr;
    Vector6d err;
    VectorXd delta(jointValues.size());
    VectorXd f(jointValues.size());

    tolerance = 0.001;
    maxIterations = 50; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily
    damp = 0.05;

    values(jointIndices, jointValues);

    pose = joint(jointIndices.back()).respectToRobot()*finalTF;
    aastate = pose.rotation();

    Terr = target.translation()-pose.translation();
    Rerr = aagoal.angle()*aagoal.axis()-aastate.angle()*aastate.axis();
    err << Terr, Rerr;

    size_t iterations = 0;
    do {

        jacobian(J, joints, joints.back()->respectToRobot().translation()+finalTF.translation(), this);

        f = (J*J.transpose() + damp*damp*Matrix6d::Identity()).colPivHouseholderQr().solve(err);
        delta = J.transpose()*f;

        jointValues += delta;

        values(jointIndices, jointValues);

        pose = joint(jointIndices.back()).respectToRobot()*finalTF;
        aastate = pose.rotation();

        Terr = target.translation()-pose.translation();
        Rerr = aagoal.angle()*aagoal.axis()-aastate.angle()*aastate.axis();
        err << Terr, Rerr;


    } while(err.norm() > tolerance && iterations < maxIterations);

Exemple #13
rk_result_t Robot::jacobianTransposeIK_chain(const vector<size_t> &jointIndices, VectorXd &jointValues, const Isometry3d &target, const Isometry3d &finalTF)
    // FIXME: Make this solver work

    vector<Linkage::Joint*> joints;
    // FIXME: Add in safety checks
    for(int i=0; i<joints.size(); i++)
        joints[i] = joints_[jointIndices[i]];

    // ~~ Declarations ~~
    MatrixXd J;
    MatrixXd Jinv;
    Isometry3d pose;
    AngleAxisd aagoal;
    AngleAxisd aastate;
    Vector6d state;
    Vector6d err;
    VectorXd delta(jointValues.size());
    Vector6d gamma;
    double alpha;

    aagoal = target.rotation();

    double Tscale = 3; // TODO: Put these as a class member in the constructor
    double Rscale = 0;

    tolerance = 1*M_PI/180; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily
    maxIterations = 100; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily

    size_t iterations = 0;
    do {
        values(jointIndices, jointValues);

        jacobian(J, joints, joints.back()->respectToRobot().translation()+finalTF.translation(), this);

        pose = joint(jointIndices.back()).respectToRobot()*finalTF;
        aastate = pose.rotation();
        state << pose.translation(), aastate.axis()*aastate.angle();

        err << (target.translation()-pose.translation()).normalized()*Tscale,

        gamma = J*J.transpose()*err;
        alpha = err.dot(gamma)/gamma.norm();

        delta = alpha*J.transpose()*err;

        jointValues += delta;

        std::cout << iterations << " | Norm:" << delta.norm()
//                  << "\tdelta: " << delta.transpose() << "\tJoints:" << jointValues.transpose() << std::endl;
                  << " | " << (target.translation() - pose.translation()).norm()
                  << "\tErr: " << (target.translation()-pose.translation()).transpose() << std::endl;

    } while(err.norm() > tolerance && iterations < maxIterations);

 // functions to handle the toVector of the whole transformations
 Vector6d toVectorMQT(const Isometry3d& t) {
   Vector6d v;
   v.block<3,1>(3,0) = toCompactQuaternion(extractRotation(t));
   v.block<3,1>(0,0) = t.translation();
   return v;
bool AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::operator()(AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::TransformType& transform, const CorrespondenceVector& correspondences, const IndexVector& indices)
    double err=0;
    //If my correspondaces indices are less then a minimum threshold, stop it please
    if ((int)indices.size()<minimalSetSize()) return false;

    //My initial guess for the transformation it's the identity matrix
    //maybe in the future i could have a less rough guess
    transform = Isometry3d::Identity();
    //Unroll the matrix to a vector
    Vector12d x=homogeneous2vector(transform.matrix());
    Matrix9x1d rx=x.block<9,1>(0,0);

    //Initialization of variables, melting fat, i've so much space
    Matrix9d H;
    Vector9d b;
    Matrix3x9d A;
    //iteration for each correspondace
    for (size_t i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)

        const Correspondence& c = correspondences[indices[i]];
        const EdgePlane* edge = static_cast<const EdgePlane*>(c.edge());

        //estraggo i vertici dagli edge
        const VertexPlane* v1 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(0));
        const VertexPlane* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(1));

        //recupero i dati dei piani
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pi= v1->estimate();
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pj= v2->estimate();

        //recupeo le normali, mi servono per condizionare la parte rotazionale
        Vector3d ni;
        Vector3d nj;
        Vector4d coeffs_i=pi.toVector();
        Vector4d coeffs_j=pj.toVector();


        //inizializzo lo jacobiano, solo la parte rotazionale (per ora)

        if(DEBUG) {
            cerr << "[DEBUG] PI"<<endl;
            cerr << coeffs_i<<endl;
            cerr << "[DEBUG] PJ "<<endl;
            cerr << coeffs_j<<endl;
            cerr << "[ROTATION JACOBIAN][PLANE "<<i<<"]"<<endl;
            cerr << A<<endl;
        //inizializzo errore
        Vector3d ek;



            cerr << "[ROTATIONAL Hessian for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<H<<endl;
            cerr << "[ROTATIONAL B for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<b<<endl;
    LDLT<Matrix9d> ldlt(H);
    if (ldlt.isNegative()) return false;
    rx=ldlt.solve(-b); // using a LDLT factorizationldlt;

    if(DEBUG) {
        cerr << "Solving the linear system"<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>H"<<endl;
        cerr << H<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>b"<<endl;
        cerr << b<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>rx"<<endl;
        cerr << rx<<endl;
        cerr << "------------>xTEMP"<<endl;
        cerr << vector2homogeneous(x)<<endl<<endl;

        cerr << "łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł"<<endl;
        cerr << "łłłłłłłłłłł Ringraziamo Cthulhu la parte rotazionale è finitałłłłłłłłłłł"<<endl;
        cerr << "łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł łłłłłłłłłłł"<<endl;
    Matrix4d Xtemp=vector2homogeneous(x);

    //now the problem si solved but i could have (and probably i have!)
    //a not orthogonal rotation matrix, so i've to recondition it

    Matrix3x3d R=Xtemp.block<3,3>(0,0);
    // recondition the rotation
    JacobiSVD<Matrix3x3d> svd(R, Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV);
    if (svd.singularValues()(0)<.5) return false;
    Isometry3d X = Isometry3d::Identity();
    X.translation()= x.block<3,1>(0,3);
        cerr << "X dopo il ricondizionamento appare come:"<<endl;
        cerr << X.matrix()<<endl;

    Matrix3d H2=Matrix3d::Zero();
    Vector3d b2=Vector3d::Zero();
    Vector3d A2=Vector3d::Zero();

    //at this point rotation is cured, now it's time to work on the translation

    for (size_t i=0; i<indices.size(); i++)
            cerr << "[TRANSLATION JACOBIAN START][PLANE "<<i<<"]"<<endl;

        const Correspondence& c = correspondences[indices[i]];
        const EdgePlane* edge = static_cast<const EdgePlane*>(c.edge());

        //estraggo i vertici dagli edge
        const VertexPlane* v1 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(0));
        const VertexPlane* v2 = static_cast<const VertexPlane*>(edge->vertex(1));

        //recupero i dati dei piani
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pi= v1->estimate();
        const AlignmentAlgorithmPlaneLinear::PointEstimateType& pj= v2->estimate();

        //recupeo le normali, mi servono per condizionare la parte rotazionale
        Vector3d ni;
        Vector3d nj;
        Vector4d coeffs_i=pi.toVector();
        Vector4d coeffs_j=pj.toVector();
        double di;
        double dj;


            cerr << "[TRANSLATION JACOBIAN][ JACOBIAN IS: ]"<<endl;
            cerr << A2<<endl;

        double ek;
        b2+= (A2.transpose()*ek);
        err += abs(ek*ek);

            cerr << "[TRANSLATIONAL Hessian for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<H2<<endl;
            cerr << "[TRANSLATIONAL B for plane "<<i<<"]"<<endl<<b2<<endl;
        cerr << "[FINAL][TRANSLATIONAL Hessian]"<<endl<<H2<<endl;
        cerr << "[FINAL][TRANSLATIONAL B]"<<endl<<b2<<endl;

    //solving the system
    Vector3d dt;
    LDLT<Matrix3d> ldlt2(H2);
    dt=ldlt2.solve(-b2); // using a LDLT factorizationldlt;
        cerr << "[FINAL][TRANSLATIONAL DT]"<<endl<<dt<<endl;

    transform = X;
        cerr << "TRANSFORM found: " << endl<< endl<< endl;
        cerr << g2o::internal::toVectorMQT(X) << endl;;
        cerr << transform.matrix()<< endl;;
    return true;
 SE3Quat toSE3Quat(const Isometry3d& t)
   SE3Quat result(t.matrix().topLeftCorner<3,3>(), t.translation());
   return result;
 Isometry3d fromSE3Quat(const SE3Quat& t)
   Isometry3d result = (Eigen::Isometry3d) t.rotation();
   result.translation() = t.translation();
   return result;
 Isometry3d fromVectorQT(const Vector7d& v) {
   Isometry3d t;
   t=Quaterniond(v[6], v[3], v[4], v[5]).toRotationMatrix();
   t.translation() = v.head<3>();
   return t;
Exemple #19
rk_result_t Robot::pseudoinverseIK_chain(const vector<size_t> &jointIndices, VectorXd &jointValues,
                                  const Isometry3d &target, const Isometry3d &finalTF)
    // FIXME: Make this solver work

    vector<Linkage::Joint*> joints;
    // FIXME: Add in safety checks
    for(int i=0; i<joints.size(); i++)
        joints[i] = joints_[jointIndices[i]];

    // ~~ Declarations ~~
    MatrixXd J;
    MatrixXd Jinv;
    Isometry3d pose;
    AngleAxisd aagoal;
    AngleAxisd aastate;
    Vector6d goal;
    Vector6d state;
    Vector6d err;
    VectorXd delta(jointValues.size());

    MatrixXd Jsub;
    aagoal = target.rotation();
    goal << target.translation(), aagoal.axis()*aagoal.angle();

    tolerance = 1*M_PI/180; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily
    maxIterations = 100; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily
    errorClamp = 0.25; // TODO: Put this in the constructor
    deltaClamp = M_PI/4; // TODO: Put this in the constructor

    size_t iterations = 0;
    do {

        values(jointIndices, jointValues);

        jacobian(J, joints, joints.back()->respectToRobot().translation()+finalTF.translation(), this);
        Jsub = J.block(0,0,3,jointValues.size());

        pinv(Jsub, Jinv);

        pose = joint(jointIndices.back()).respectToRobot()*finalTF;
        aastate = pose.rotation();
        state << pose.translation(), aastate.axis()*aastate.angle();

        err = goal-state;
        for(int i=3; i<6; i++)
            err[i] *= 0;

        Vector3d e = (target.translation() - pose.translation()).normalized()*0.005;

//        delta = Jinv*err*0.1;
//        clampMag(delta, deltaClamp);
        VectorXd d = Jinv*e;

//        jointValues += delta;
        jointValues += d;
        std::cout << iterations << " | Norm:" << delta.norm()
//                  << "\tdelta: " << delta.transpose() << "\tJoints:" << jointValues.transpose() << std::endl;
                  << " | " << (target.translation() - pose.translation()).norm()
                  << "\tErr: " << (goal-state).transpose() << std::endl;

    } while(delta.norm() > tolerance && iterations < maxIterations);

Exemple #20
Vector6d bodySpatialMotionPD(
    const RigidBodyTree &r, const DrakeRobotState &robot_state,
    const int body_index, const Isometry3d &body_pose_des,
    const Ref<const Vector6d> &body_v_des,
    const Ref<const Vector6d> &body_vdot_des, const Ref<const Vector6d> &Kp,
    const Ref<const Vector6d> &Kd, const Isometry3d &T_task_to_world) {
  // @param body_pose_des  desired pose in the task frame, this is the
  // homogeneous transformation from desired body frame to task frame
  // @param body_v_des    desired [xyzdot;angular_velocity] in task frame
  // @param body_vdot_des    desired [xyzddot;angular_acceleration] in task
  // frame
  // @param Kp     The gain in task frame
  // @param Kd     The gain in task frame
  // @param T_task_to_world  The homogeneous transform from task to world
  // @retval twist_dot, [angular_acceleration, xyz_acceleration] in body frame

  Isometry3d T_world_to_task = T_task_to_world.inverse();
  KinematicsCache<double> cache = r.doKinematics(robot_state.q, robot_state.qd);

  auto body_pose = r.relativeTransform(cache, 0, body_index);
  const auto &body_xyz = body_pose.translation();
  Vector3d body_xyz_task = T_world_to_task * body_xyz;
  Vector4d body_quat = rotmat2quat(body_pose.linear());
  std::vector<int> v_indices;
  auto J_geometric =
      r.geometricJacobian(cache, 0, body_index, body_index, true, &v_indices);
  VectorXd v_compact(v_indices.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < v_indices.size(); i++) {
    v_compact(i) = robot_state.qd(v_indices[i]);
  Vector6d body_twist = J_geometric * v_compact;
  Matrix3d R_body_to_world = quat2rotmat(body_quat);
  Matrix3d R_world_to_body = R_body_to_world.transpose();
  Matrix3d R_body_to_task = T_world_to_task.linear() * R_body_to_world;
  Vector3d body_angular_vel =
      R_body_to_world *
      body_twist.head<3>();  // body_angular velocity in world frame
  Vector3d body_xyzdot =
      R_body_to_world * body_twist.tail<3>();  // body_xyzdot in world frame
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_task = T_world_to_task.linear() * body_angular_vel;
  Vector3d body_xyzdot_task = T_world_to_task.linear() * body_xyzdot;

  Vector3d body_xyz_des = body_pose_des.translation();
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_des = body_v_des.tail<3>();
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_dot_des = body_vdot_des.tail<3>();

  Vector3d xyz_err_task = body_xyz_des - body_xyz_task;

  Matrix3d R_des = body_pose_des.linear();
  Matrix3d R_err_task = R_des * R_body_to_task.transpose();
  Vector4d angleAxis_err_task = rotmat2axis(R_err_task);
  Vector3d angular_err_task =
      angleAxis_err_task.head<3>() * angleAxis_err_task(3);

  Vector3d xyzdot_err_task = body_v_des.head<3>() - body_xyzdot_task;
  Vector3d angular_vel_err_task = body_angular_vel_des - body_angular_vel_task;

  Vector3d Kp_xyz = Kp.head<3>();
  Vector3d Kd_xyz = Kd.head<3>();
  Vector3d Kp_angular = Kp.tail<3>();
  Vector3d Kd_angular = Kd.tail<3>();
  Vector3d body_xyzddot_task =
      (Kp_xyz.array() * xyz_err_task.array()).matrix() +
      (Kd_xyz.array() * xyzdot_err_task.array()).matrix() +
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_dot_task =
      (Kp_angular.array() * angular_err_task.array()).matrix() +
      (Kd_angular.array() * angular_vel_err_task.array()).matrix() +

  Vector6d twist_dot = Vector6d::Zero();
  Vector3d body_xyzddot = T_task_to_world.linear() * body_xyzddot_task;
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_dot =
      T_task_to_world.linear() * body_angular_vel_dot_task;
  twist_dot.head<3>() = R_world_to_body * body_angular_vel_dot;
  twist_dot.tail<3>() = R_world_to_body * body_xyzddot -
  return twist_dot;
Exemple #21
Vector6d bodySpatialMotionPD(RigidBodyManipulator *r, DrakeRobotState &robot_state, const int body_index, const Isometry3d &body_pose_des, const Ref<const Vector6d> &body_v_des, const Ref<const Vector6d> &body_vdot_des, const Ref<const Vector6d> &Kp, const Ref<const Vector6d> &Kd, const Isometry3d &T_task_to_world)
  // @param body_pose_des  desired pose in the task frame, this is the homogeneous transformation from desired body frame to task frame 
  // @param body_v_des    desired [xyzdot;angular_velocity] in task frame
  // @param body_vdot_des    desired [xyzddot;angular_acceleration] in task frame
  // @param Kp     The gain in task frame
  // @param Kd     The gain in task frame 
  // @param T_task_to_world  The homogeneous transform from task to world
  // @retval twist_dot, [angular_acceleration, xyz_acceleration] in body frame

    throw std::runtime_error("bodySpatialMotionPD requires new kinsol format");
  Isometry3d T_world_to_task = T_task_to_world.inverse();

  Vector3d origin = Vector3d::Zero();
  auto body_pose = r->forwardKinNew(origin,body_index,0,2,0);
  Vector3d body_xyz = body_pose.value().head<3>();
  Vector3d body_xyz_task = T_world_to_task * body_xyz.colwise().homogeneous();
  Vector4d body_quat = body_pose.value().tail<4>();
  std::vector<int> v_indices;
  auto J_geometric = r->geometricJacobian<double>(0,body_index,body_index,0,true,&v_indices);
  VectorXd v_compact(v_indices.size());
  for(size_t i = 0;i<v_indices.size();i++)
    v_compact(i) = robot_state.qd(v_indices[i]);
  Vector6d body_twist = J_geometric.value() * v_compact;
  Matrix3d R_body_to_world = quat2rotmat(body_quat);
  Matrix3d R_world_to_body = R_body_to_world.transpose();
  Matrix3d R_body_to_task = T_world_to_task.linear() * R_body_to_world;
  Vector3d body_angular_vel = R_body_to_world * body_twist.head<3>();// body_angular velocity in world frame
  Vector3d body_xyzdot = R_body_to_world * body_twist.tail<3>();// body_xyzdot in world frame
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_task = T_world_to_task.linear() * body_angular_vel;
  Vector3d body_xyzdot_task = T_world_to_task.linear() * body_xyzdot;

  Vector3d body_xyz_des = body_pose_des.translation();
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_des = body_v_des.tail<3>();
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_dot_des = body_vdot_des.tail<3>();

  Vector3d xyz_err_task = body_xyz_des-body_xyz_task;

  Matrix3d R_des = body_pose_des.linear();
  Matrix3d R_err_task = R_des * R_body_to_task.transpose();
  Vector4d angleAxis_err_task = rotmat2axis(R_err_task); 
  Vector3d angular_err_task = angleAxis_err_task.head<3>() * angleAxis_err_task(3);

  Vector3d xyzdot_err_task = body_v_des.head<3>() - body_xyzdot_task;
  Vector3d angular_vel_err_task = body_angular_vel_des - body_angular_vel_task;

  Vector3d Kp_xyz = Kp.head<3>();
  Vector3d Kd_xyz = Kd.head<3>();
  Vector3d Kp_angular = Kp.tail<3>();
  Vector3d Kd_angular = Kd.tail<3>();
  Vector3d body_xyzddot_task = (Kp_xyz.array() * xyz_err_task.array()).matrix() + (Kd_xyz.array() * xyzdot_err_task.array()).matrix() + body_vdot_des.head<3>();
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_dot_task = (Kp_angular.array() * angular_err_task.array()).matrix() + (Kd_angular.array() * angular_vel_err_task.array()).matrix() + body_angular_vel_dot_des;
  Vector6d twist_dot = Vector6d::Zero();
  Vector3d body_xyzddot = T_task_to_world.linear() * body_xyzddot_task;
  Vector3d body_angular_vel_dot = T_task_to_world.linear() * body_angular_vel_dot_task;
  twist_dot.head<3>() = R_world_to_body * body_angular_vel_dot;
  twist_dot.tail<3>() = R_world_to_body * body_xyzddot - body_twist.head<3>().cross(body_twist.tail<3>());
  return twist_dot;
 Vector6d toVectorET(const Isometry3d& t) {
   Vector6d v;
   v.block<3,1>(0,0) = t.translation();
   return v;
 Isometry3d fromVectorMQT(const Vector6d& v){
   Isometry3d t;
   t = fromCompactQuaternion(v.block<3,1>(3,0));
   t.translation() = v.block<3,1>(0,0);
   return t;
 Isometry3d fromVectorET(const Vector6d& v) {
   Isometry3d t;
   t = fromEuler(v.block<3,1>(3,0));
   t.translation() = v.block<3,1>(0,0);
   return t;
Exemple #25
void evaluateXYZExpmapCubicSpline(double t,
                                  const PiecewisePolynomial<double> &spline,
                                  Isometry3d &body_pose_des,
                                  Vector6d &xyzdot_angular_vel,
                                  Vector6d &xyzddot_angular_accel) {
  Vector6d xyzexp = spline.value(t);
  auto derivative = spline.derivative();
  Vector6d xyzexpdot = derivative.value(t);
  Vector6d xyzexpddot = derivative.derivative().value(t);

  // translational part
  body_pose_des.translation() = xyzexp.head<3>();
  xyzdot_angular_vel.head<3>() = xyzexpdot.head<3>();
  xyzddot_angular_accel.head<3>() = xyzexpddot.head<3>();

  // rotational part
  auto expmap = xyzexp.tail<3>();
  auto expmap_dot = xyzexpdot.tail<3>();
  auto expmap_ddot = xyzexpddot.tail<3>();

  // construct autodiff version of expmap
  // autodiff derivatives represent first and second derivative w.r.t. time
  // TODO(tkoolen): should use 1 instead of dynamic, but causes issues
  // with eigen on MSVC 32 bit; should be fixed in 3.3
  typedef AutoDiffScalar<Matrix<double, Dynamic, 1>> ADScalar;
  // TODO(tkoolen): should use 1 instead of dynamic, but causes issues
  // with eigen on MSVC 32 bit; should be fixed in 3.3
  typedef AutoDiffScalar<Matrix<ADScalar, Dynamic, 1>> ADScalarSecondDeriv;
  Matrix<ADScalarSecondDeriv, 3, 1> expmap_autodiff;
  for (int i = 0; i < expmap_autodiff.size(); i++) {
    expmap_autodiff(i).value() = expmap(i);
    expmap_autodiff(i).derivatives()(0) = expmap_dot(i);
    expmap_autodiff(i).derivatives()(0).derivatives()(0) = expmap_ddot(i);

  auto quat_autodiff = expmap2quat(expmap_autodiff);
  Vector4d quat = autoDiffToValueMatrix(autoDiffToValueMatrix(quat_autodiff));
  body_pose_des.linear() = quat2rotmat(quat);

  // angular velocity and acceleration are computed from quaternion derivative
  // meaning of derivative vectors remains the same: first and second
  // derivatives w.r.t. time
  decltype(quat_autodiff) quat_dot_autodiff;
  for (int i = 0; i < quat_dot_autodiff.size(); i++) {
    quat_dot_autodiff(i).value() = quat_autodiff(i).derivatives()(0).value();
    quat_dot_autodiff(i).derivatives()(0).value() =
    quat_dot_autodiff(i).derivatives()(0).derivatives()(0) =
        std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();  // we're not interested in
                                                   // second deriv of angular
                                                   // velocity

  auto omega_autodiff =
      (quatdot2angularvelMatrix(quat_autodiff) * quat_dot_autodiff).eval();
  auto omega = xyzdot_angular_vel.tail<3>();
  auto omega_dot = xyzddot_angular_accel.tail<3>();
  for (int i = 0; i < omega_autodiff.size(); i++) {
    omega(i) = omega_autodiff(i).value().value();
    omega_dot(i) = omega_autodiff(i).derivatives()(0).value();
Exemple #26
// Based on a paper by Samuel R. Buss and Jin-Su Kim // TODO: Cite the paper properly
rk_result_t Robot::selectivelyDampedLeastSquaresIK_chain(const vector<size_t> &jointIndices, VectorXd &jointValues,
                                              const Isometry3d &target, const Isometry3d &finalTF)
    // FIXME: Make this work

    // Arbitrary constant for maximum angle change in one step
    gammaMax = M_PI/4; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can change it at a whim

    vector<Linkage::Joint*> joints;
    // FIXME: Add in safety checks
    for(int i=0; i<joints.size(); i++)
        joints[i] = joints_[jointIndices[i]];

    // ~~ Declarations ~~
    MatrixXd J;
    JacobiSVD<MatrixXd> svd;
    Isometry3d pose;
    AngleAxisd aagoal;
    AngleAxisd aastate;
    Vector6d goal;
    Vector6d state;
    Vector6d err;
    Vector6d alpha;
    Vector6d N;
    Vector6d M;
    Vector6d gamma;
    VectorXd delta(jointValues.size());
    VectorXd tempPhi(jointValues.size());
    // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

//    cout << "\n\n" << endl;

    tolerance = 1*M_PI/180; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily
    maxIterations = 1000; // TODO: Put this in the constructor so the user can set it arbitrarily

    size_t iterations = 0;
    do {

        values(jointIndices, jointValues);

        jacobian(J, joints, joints.back()->respectToRobot().translation()+finalTF.translation(), this);

        svd.compute(J, ComputeFullU | ComputeThinV);

    //    cout <<  "\n\n" << svd.matrixU() << "\n\n\n" << svd.singularValues().transpose() << "\n\n\n" << svd.matrixV() << endl;

    //    for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixU().cols(); i++)
    //        cout << "u" << i << " : " << svd.matrixU().col(i).transpose() << endl;

    //    std::cout << "Joint name: " << joint(jointIndices.back()).name()
    //              << "\t Number: " << jointIndices.back() << std::endl;
        pose = joint(jointIndices.back()).respectToRobot()*finalTF;

    //    std::cout << "Pose: " << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << pose.matrix() << std::endl;

    //    AngleAxisd aagoal(target.rotation());
        aagoal = target.rotation();
        goal << target.translation(), aagoal.axis()*aagoal.angle();

        aastate = pose.rotation();
        state << pose.translation(), aastate.axis()*aastate.angle();

        err = goal-state;

    //    std::cout << "state: " << state.transpose() << std::endl;
    //    std::cout << "err: " << err.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
            alpha[i] = svd.matrixU().col(i).dot(err);

    //    std::cout << "Alpha: " << alpha.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<6; i++)
            N[i] = svd.matrixU().block(0,i,3,1).norm();
            N[i] += svd.matrixU().block(3,i,3,1).norm();

    //    std::cout << "N: " << N.transpose() << std::endl;

        double tempMik = 0;
        for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixV().cols(); i++)
            M[i] = 0;
            for(int k=0; k<svd.matrixU().cols(); k++)
                tempMik = 0;
                for(int j=0; j<svd.matrixV().cols(); j++)
                    tempMik += fabs(svd.matrixV()(j,i))*J(k,j);
                M[i] += 1/svd.singularValues()[i]*tempMik;

    //    std::cout << "M: " << M.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixV().cols(); i++)
            gamma[i] = minimum(1, N[i]/M[i])*gammaMax;

    //    std::cout << "Gamma: " << gamma.transpose() << std::endl;

        for(int i=0; i<svd.matrixV().cols(); i++)
    //        std::cout << "1/sigma: " << 1/svd.singularValues()[i] << std::endl;
            tempPhi = 1/svd.singularValues()[i]*alpha[i]*svd.matrixV().col(i);
    //        std::cout << "Phi: " << tempPhi.transpose() << std::endl;
            clampMaxAbs(tempPhi, gamma[i]);
            delta += tempPhi;
    //        std::cout << "delta " << i << ": " << delta.transpose() << std::endl;

        clampMaxAbs(delta, gammaMax);

        jointValues += delta;

        std::cout << iterations << " | Norm:" << delta.norm() << "\tdelta: "
                  << delta.transpose() << "\tJoints:" << jointValues.transpose() << std::endl;

    } while(delta.norm() > tolerance && iterations < maxIterations);