Exemple #1
// Convert an index iterator value (i.e., an encoded BlockHandle)
// into an iterator over the contents of the corresponding block.
Iterator* Table::BlockReader(void* arg,
                             const ReadOptions& options,
                             const Slice& index_value) {
  Table* table = reinterpret_cast<Table*>(arg);
  Cache* block_cache = table->rep_->options.block_cache;
  Block* block = NULL;
  Cache::Handle* cache_handle = NULL;

  BlockHandle handle;
  Slice input = index_value;
  Status s = handle.DecodeFrom(&input);
  // We intentionally allow extra stuff in index_value so that we
  // can add more features in the future.

  if (s.ok()) {
    BlockContents contents;
    if (block_cache != NULL) {
      char cache_key_buffer[16];
      EncodeFixed64(cache_key_buffer, table->rep_->cache_id);
      EncodeFixed64(cache_key_buffer+8, handle.offset());
      Slice key(cache_key_buffer, sizeof(cache_key_buffer));
      cache_handle = block_cache->Lookup(key);
      if (cache_handle != NULL) {
        block = reinterpret_cast<Block*>(block_cache->Value(cache_handle));
      } else {
        s = ReadBlock(table->rep_->file, options, handle, &contents);
        if (s.ok()) {
          block = new Block(contents);
          if (contents.cachable && options.fill_cache) {
            cache_handle = block_cache->Insert(
                key, block, block->size(), &DeleteCachedBlock);
    } else {
      s = ReadBlock(table->rep_->file, options, handle, &contents);
      if (s.ok()) {
        block = new Block(contents);

  Iterator* iter;
  if (block != NULL) {
    iter = block->NewIterator(table->rep_->options.comparator);
    if (cache_handle == NULL) {
      iter->RegisterCleanup(&DeleteBlock, block, NULL);
    } else {
      iter->RegisterCleanup(&ReleaseBlock, block_cache, cache_handle);
  } else {
    iter = NewErrorIterator(s);
  return iter;