Exemple #1
static EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL constructAudio(ExecState* exec)
    JSAudioConstructor* jsConstructor = static_cast<JSAudioConstructor*>(exec->callee());

    Document* document = jsConstructor->document();
    if (!document)
        return throwVMError(exec, createReferenceError(exec, "Audio constructor associated document is unavailable"));

    // Calling toJS on the document causes the JS document wrapper to be
    // added to the window object. This is done to ensure that JSDocument::visitChildren
    // will be called, which will cause the audio element to be marked if necessary.
    toJS(exec, jsConstructor->globalObject(), document);

    // FIXME: This converts an undefined argument to the string "undefined", but possibly we
    // should treat it as if no argument was passed instead, by checking the value of exec->argument
    // rather than looking at exec->argumentCount.
    String src;
    if (exec->argumentCount() > 0)
        src = ustringToString(exec->argument(0).toString(exec));
    return JSValue::encode(asObject(toJS(exec, jsConstructor->globalObject(),
        HTMLAudioElement::createForJSConstructor(document, src))));
static JSObject* constructAudio(ExecState* exec, JSObject* constructor, const ArgList& args)
    JSAudioConstructor* jsAudio = static_cast<JSAudioConstructor*>(constructor);
    // FIXME: Why doesn't this need the call toJS on the document like JSImageConstructor?
    Document* document = jsAudio->document();
    if (!document)
        return throwError(exec, ReferenceError, "Audio constructor associated document is unavailable");

    RefPtr<HTMLAudioElement> audio = new HTMLAudioElement(HTMLNames::audioTag, document);
    if (args.size() > 0) {
    return asObject(toJS(exec, jsAudio->globalObject(), audio.release()));