Exemple #1
/* |callee| requires a usage string provided by JS_DefineFunctionsWithHelp. */
js::ReportUsageErrorASCII(JSContext* cx, HandleObject callee, const char* msg)
    const char* usageStr = "usage";
    PropertyName* usageAtom = Atomize(cx, usageStr, strlen(usageStr))->asPropertyName();
    RootedId id(cx, NameToId(usageAtom));
    DebugOnly<Shape*> shape = static_cast<Shape*>(callee->as<JSFunction>().lookup(cx, id));

    RootedValue usage(cx);
    if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, callee, "usage", &usage))

    if (!usage.isString()) {
        JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "%s", msg);
    } else {
        RootedString usageStr(cx, usage.toString());
        JSAutoByteString str;
        if (!str.encodeUtf8(cx, usageStr))
        JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "%s. Usage: %s", msg, str.ptr());
Exemple #2
static bool
ProcessLine(AutoJSAPI& jsapi, const char* buffer, int startline)
    JSContext* cx = jsapi.cx();
    JS::RootedScript script(cx);
    JS::RootedValue result(cx);
    JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
    options.setFileAndLine("typein", startline)
    if (!JS_CompileScript(cx, buffer, strlen(buffer), options, &script))
        return false;
    if (compileOnly)
        return true;
    if (!JS_ExecuteScript(cx, script, &result))
        return false;

    if (result.isUndefined())
        return true;
    RootedString str(cx);
    if (!(str = ToString(cx, result)))
        return false;
    JSAutoByteString bytes;
    if (!bytes.encodeLatin1(cx, str))
        return false;

    fprintf(gOutFile, "%s\n", bytes.ptr());
    return true;
static JSBool
DumpHeapComplete(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
    const char *fileName = NULL;
    JSAutoByteString fileNameBytes;
    if (argc > 0) {
        Value v = JS_ARGV(cx, vp)[0];
        if (v.isString()) {
            JSString *str = v.toString();
            if (!fileNameBytes.encodeLatin1(cx, str))
                return false;
            fileName = fileNameBytes.ptr();

    FILE *dumpFile;
    if (!fileName) {
        dumpFile = stdout;
    } else {
        dumpFile = fopen(fileName, "w");
        if (!dumpFile) {
            JS_ReportError(cx, "can't open %s", fileName);
            return false;

    js::DumpHeapComplete(JS_GetRuntime(cx), dumpFile);


    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
    return true;
static inline void
ReportInvalidTrapResult(JSContext* cx, JSObject* proxy, JSAtom* atom)
    RootedValue v(cx, ObjectOrNullValue(proxy));
    JSAutoByteString bytes;
    if (!AtomToPrintableString(cx, atom, &bytes))
                      nullptr, bytes.ptr());
static bool
DumpHeapComplete(JSContext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *vp)
    CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);

    DumpHeapNurseryBehaviour nurseryBehaviour = js::IgnoreNurseryObjects;
    FILE *dumpFile = nullptr;

    unsigned i = 0;
    if (argc > i) {
        Value v = args[i];
        if (v.isString()) {
            JSString *str = v.toString();
            bool same = false;
            if (!JS_StringEqualsAscii(cx, str, "collectNurseryBeforeDump", &same))
                return false;
            if (same) {
                nurseryBehaviour = js::CollectNurseryBeforeDump;

    if (argc > i) {
        Value v = args[i];
        if (v.isString()) {
            if (!fuzzingSafe) {
                JSString *str = v.toString();
                JSAutoByteString fileNameBytes;
                if (!fileNameBytes.encodeLatin1(cx, str))
                    return false;
                const char *fileName = fileNameBytes.ptr();
                dumpFile = fopen(fileName, "w");
                if (!dumpFile) {
                    JS_ReportError(cx, "can't open %s", fileName);
                    return false;

    if (i != argc) {
        JS_ReportError(cx, "bad arguments passed to dumpHeapComplete");
        return false;

    js::DumpHeapComplete(JS_GetRuntime(cx), dumpFile ? dumpFile : stdout, nurseryBehaviour);

    if (dumpFile)

    JS_SET_RVAL(cx, vp, JSVAL_VOID);
    return true;
ModuleBuilder::appendLocalExportEntry(HandleExportEntryObject exp)
    if (!module_->initialEnvironment().lookup(cx_, AtomToId(exp->localName()))) {
        JSAutoByteString str;
        str.encodeLatin1(cx_, exp->localName());
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx_, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_MISSING_EXPORT, str.ptr());
        return false;

    return localExportEntries_.append(exp);
Exemple #7
xpc_DumpEvalInJSStackFrame(JSContext* cx, JSUint32 frameno, const char* text)
    JSStackFrame* fp;
    JSStackFrame* iter = nsnull;
    JSUint32 num = 0;

    if(!cx || !text)
        puts("invalid params passed to xpc_DumpEvalInJSStackFrame!");
        return JS_FALSE;

    printf("js[%d]> %s\n", frameno, text);

    while(nsnull != (fp = JS_FrameIterator(cx, &iter)))
        if(num == frameno)

        puts("invalid frame number!");
        return JS_FALSE;

    JSAutoRequest ar(cx);

    JSExceptionState* exceptionState = JS_SaveExceptionState(cx);
    JSErrorReporter older = JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, xpcDumpEvalErrorReporter);

    jsval rval;
    JSString* str;
    JSAutoByteString bytes;
    if(JS_EvaluateInStackFrame(cx, fp, text, strlen(text), "eval", 1, &rval) &&
       nsnull != (str = JS_ValueToString(cx, rval)) &&
       bytes.encode(cx, str))
        printf("%s\n", bytes.ptr());
        puts("eval failed!");
    JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, older);
    JS_RestoreExceptionState(cx, exceptionState);
    return JS_TRUE;
xpc_DumpEvalInJSStackFrame(JSContext* cx, uint32_t frameno, const char* text)
    if (!cx || !text) {
        DebugDump("%s", "invalid params passed to xpc_DumpEvalInJSStackFrame!\n");
        return false;

    DebugDump("js[%d]> %s\n", frameno, text);

    uint32_t num = 0;

    JSAbstractFramePtr frame = JSNullFramePtr();

    JSBrokenFrameIterator iter(cx);
    while (!iter.done()) {
        if (num == frameno) {
            frame = iter.abstractFramePtr();

    if (!frame) {
        DebugDump("%s", "invalid frame number!\n");
        return false;

    JSAutoRequest ar(cx);

    JSExceptionState* exceptionState = JS_SaveExceptionState(cx);
    JSErrorReporter older = JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, xpcDumpEvalErrorReporter);

    jsval rval;
    JSString* str;
    JSAutoByteString bytes;
    if (frame.evaluateInStackFrame(cx, text, strlen(text), "eval", 1, &rval) &&
        nullptr != (str = JS_ValueToString(cx, rval)) &&
        bytes.encode(cx, str)) {
        DebugDump("%s\n", bytes.ptr());
    } else
        DebugDump("%s", "eval failed!\n");
    JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, older);
    JS_RestoreExceptionState(cx, exceptionState);
    return true;
Exemple #9
/* |callee| requires a usage string provided by JS_DefineFunctionsWithHelp. */
js::ReportUsageErrorASCII(JSContext* cx, HandleObject callee, const char* msg)
    RootedValue usage(cx);
    if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, callee, "usage", &usage))

    if (!usage.isString()) {
        JS_ReportErrorASCII(cx, "%s", msg);
    } else {
        RootedString usageStr(cx, usage.toString());
        JSAutoByteString str;
        if (!str.encodeUtf8(cx, usageStr))
        JS_ReportErrorUTF8(cx, "%s. Usage: %s", msg, str.ptr());
Exemple #10
js::ErrorObject::getOrCreateErrorReport(JSContext* cx)
    if (JSErrorReport* r = getErrorReport())
        return r;

    // We build an error report on the stack and then use CopyErrorReport to do
    // the nitty-gritty malloc stuff.
    JSErrorReport report;

    // Type.
    JSExnType type_ = type();
    report.exnType = type_;

    // Filename.
    JSAutoByteString filenameStr;
    if (!filenameStr.encodeLatin1(cx, fileName(cx)))
        return nullptr;
    report.filename = filenameStr.ptr();

    // Coordinates.
    report.lineno = lineNumber();
    report.column = columnNumber();

    // Message. Note that |new Error()| will result in an undefined |message|
    // slot, so we need to explicitly substitute the empty string in that case.
    RootedString message(cx, getMessage());
    if (!message)
        message = cx->runtime()->emptyString;
    if (!message->ensureFlat(cx))
        return nullptr;

    UniquePtr<char[], JS::FreePolicy> utf8 = StringToNewUTF8CharsZ(cx, *message);
    if (!utf8)
        return nullptr;

    // Cache and return.
    JSErrorReport* copy = CopyErrorReport(cx, &report);
    if (!copy)
        return nullptr;
    setReservedSlot(ERROR_REPORT_SLOT, PrivateValue(copy));
    return copy;
Exemple #11
// {{{ Conversions
bool JSGlobal::JS_btoa(JSContext *cx, JS::CallArgs &args)
    if (args[0].isString()) {

        JSAutoByteString cdata;
        JS::RootedString str(cx, args[0].toString());
        cdata.encodeUtf8(cx, str);

        char *ret = Utils::B64Encode(
            reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(cdata.ptr()), cdata.length());

        args.rval().setString(JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, ret));


    } else {
        JS_ReportWarning(cx, "btoa() non-string given");

    return true;
Exemple #12
static bool
DefaultCalendar(JSContext* cx, const JSAutoByteString& locale, MutableHandleValue rval)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UCalendar* cal = ucal_open(nullptr, 0, locale.ptr(), UCAL_DEFAULT, &status);

    // This correctly handles nullptr |cal| when opening failed.
    ScopedICUObject<UCalendar, ucal_close> closeCalendar(cal);

    const char* calendar = ucal_getType(cal, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return false;

    // ICU returns old-style keyword values; map them to BCP 47 equivalents
    JSString* str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, uloc_toUnicodeLocaleType("ca", calendar));
    if (!str)
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #13
XPCShellEnvironment::ProcessFile(JSContext *cx,
                                 JS::Handle<JSObject*> obj,
                                 const char *filename,
                                 FILE *file,
                                 bool forceTTY)
    XPCShellEnvironment* env = this;

    JS::Rooted<JS::Value> result(cx);
    int lineno, startline;
    bool ok, hitEOF;
    char *bufp, buffer[4096];
    JSString *str;

    if (forceTTY) {
        file = stdin;
    else if (!isatty(fileno(file)))
         * It's not interactive - just execute it.
         * Support the UNIX #! shell hack; gobble the first line if it starts
         * with '#'.  TODO - this isn't quite compatible with sharp variables,
         * as a legal js program (using sharp variables) might start with '#'.
         * But that would require multi-character lookahead.
        int ch = fgetc(file);
        if (ch == '#') {
            while((ch = fgetc(file)) != EOF) {
                if(ch == '\n' || ch == '\r')
        ungetc(ch, file);

        JSAutoRequest ar(cx);
        JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, obj);

        JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
               .setFileAndLine(filename, 1);
        JS::Rooted<JSScript*> script(cx, JS::Compile(cx, obj, options, file));
        if (script)
            (void)JS_ExecuteScript(cx, obj, script, result.address());


    /* It's an interactive filehandle; drop into read-eval-print loop. */
    lineno = 1;
    hitEOF = false;
    do {
        bufp = buffer;
        *bufp = '\0';

        JSAutoRequest ar(cx);
        JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, obj);

         * Accumulate lines until we get a 'compilable unit' - one that either
         * generates an error (before running out of source) or that compiles
         * cleanly.  This should be whenever we get a complete statement that
         * coincides with the end of a line.
        startline = lineno;
        do {
            if (!GetLine(bufp, file, startline == lineno ? "js> " : "")) {
                hitEOF = true;
            bufp += strlen(bufp);
        } while (!JS_BufferIsCompilableUnit(cx, obj, buffer, strlen(buffer)));

        /* Clear any pending exception from previous failed compiles.  */
        JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
        options.setFileAndLine("typein", startline);
        JS::Rooted<JSScript*> script(cx,
                                     JS_CompileScript(cx, obj, buffer, strlen(buffer), options));
        if (script) {
            JSErrorReporter older;

            ok = JS_ExecuteScript(cx, obj, script, result.address());
            if (ok && result != JSVAL_VOID) {
                /* Suppress error reports from JS::ToString(). */
                older = JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, nullptr);
                str = JS::ToString(cx, result);
                JSAutoByteString bytes;
                if (str)
                    bytes.encodeLatin1(cx, str);
                JS_SetErrorReporter(cx, older);

                if (!!bytes)
                    fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", bytes.ptr());
                    ok = false;
    } while (!hitEOF && !env->IsQuitting());

    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
Exemple #14
stubs::DefFun(VMFrame &f, JSFunction *fun_)
     * A top-level function defined in Global or Eval code (see ECMA-262
     * Ed. 3), or else a SpiderMonkey extension: a named function statement in
     * a compound statement (not at the top statement level of global code, or
     * at the top level of a function body).
    JSContext *cx = f.cx;
    StackFrame *fp = f.fp();
    RootedFunction fun(f.cx, fun_);

     * If static link is not current scope, clone fun's object to link to the
     * current scope via parent. We do this to enable sharing of compiled
     * functions among multiple equivalent scopes, amortizing the cost of
     * compilation over a number of executions.  Examples include XUL scripts
     * and event handlers shared among Firefox or other Mozilla app chrome
     * windows, and user-defined JS functions precompiled and then shared among
     * requests in server-side JS.
    HandleObject scopeChain = f.fp()->scopeChain();
    if (fun->environment() != scopeChain) {
        fun = CloneFunctionObjectIfNotSingleton(cx, fun, scopeChain);
        if (!fun)
    } else {
        JS_ASSERT(f.fp()->isGlobalFrame() || f.fp()->isEvalInFunction());

     * ECMA requires functions defined when entering Eval code to be
     * impermanent.
    unsigned attrs = fp->isEvalFrame()
                  ? JSPROP_ENUMERATE

     * We define the function as a property of the variable object and not the
     * current scope chain even for the case of function expression statements
     * and functions defined by eval inside let or with blocks.
    JSObject *parent = &fp->varObj();

    /* ES5 10.5 (NB: with subsequent errata). */
    PropertyName *name = fun->atom->asPropertyName();
    JSProperty *prop = NULL;
    JSObject *pobj;
    if (!parent->lookupProperty(cx, name, &pobj, &prop))

    Value rval = ObjectValue(*fun);

    do {
        /* Steps 5d, 5f. */
        if (!prop || pobj != parent) {
            if (!parent->defineProperty(cx, name, rval,
                                        JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, attrs))

        /* Step 5e. */
        Shape *shape = reinterpret_cast<Shape *>(prop);
        if (parent->isGlobal()) {
            if (shape->configurable()) {
                if (!parent->defineProperty(cx, name, rval,
                                            JS_PropertyStub, JS_StrictPropertyStub, attrs))

            if (shape->isAccessorDescriptor() || !shape->writable() || !shape->enumerable()) {
                JSAutoByteString bytes;
                if (js_AtomToPrintableString(cx, name, &bytes)) {
                    JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
                                         JSMSG_CANT_REDEFINE_PROP, bytes.ptr());

         * Non-global properties, and global properties which we aren't simply
         * redefining, must be set.  First, this preserves their attributes.
         * Second, this will produce warnings and/or errors as necessary if the
         * specified Call object property is not writable (const).

        /* Step 5f. */
        if (!parent->setProperty(cx, name, &rval, strict))
    } while (false);
Exemple #15
js_ReportUncaughtException(JSContext *cx)
    jsval exn;
    JSObject *exnObject;
    jsval roots[5];
    JSErrorReport *reportp, report;
    JSString *str;
    const char *bytes;

    if (!JS_IsExceptionPending(cx))
        return true;

    if (!JS_GetPendingException(cx, &exn))
        return false;

    AutoArrayRooter tvr(cx, JS_ARRAY_LENGTH(roots), Valueify(roots));

     * Because js_ValueToString below could error and an exception object
     * could become unrooted, we must root exnObject.  Later, if exnObject is
     * non-null, we need to root other intermediates, so allocate an operand
     * stack segment to protect all of these values.
    if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(exn)) {
        exnObject = NULL;
    } else {
        exnObject = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(exn);
        roots[0] = exn;

    reportp = js_ErrorFromException(cx, exn);

    /* XXX L10N angels cry once again (see also jsemit.c, /L10N gaffes/) */
    str = js_ValueToString(cx, Valueify(exn));
    JSAutoByteString bytesStorage;
    if (!str) {
        bytes = "unknown (can't convert to string)";
    } else {
        roots[1] = STRING_TO_JSVAL(str);
        if (!bytesStorage.encode(cx, str))
            return false;
        bytes = bytesStorage.ptr();

    JSAutoByteString filename;
    if (!reportp && exnObject && exnObject->getClass() == &js_ErrorClass) {
        if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, exnObject, js_message_str, &roots[2]))
            return false;
        if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(roots[2])) {
            if (!bytesStorage.encode(cx, str))
                return false;
            bytes = bytesStorage.ptr();

        if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, exnObject, js_fileName_str, &roots[3]))
            return false;
        str = js_ValueToString(cx, Valueify(roots[3]));
        if (!str || !filename.encode(cx, str))
            return false;

        if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, exnObject, js_lineNumber_str, &roots[4]))
            return false;
        uint32_t lineno;
        if (!ValueToECMAUint32(cx, Valueify(roots[4]), &lineno))
            return false;

        reportp = &report;
        report.filename = filename.ptr();
        report.lineno = (uintN) lineno;
        if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(roots[2])) {
            JSFixedString *fixed = JSVAL_TO_STRING(roots[2])->ensureFixed(cx);
            if (!fixed)
                return false;
            report.ucmessage = fixed->chars();

    if (!reportp) {
        JS_ReportErrorNumber(cx, js_GetErrorMessage, NULL,
                             JSMSG_UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION, bytes);
    } else {
        /* Flag the error as an exception. */
        reportp->flags |= JSREPORT_EXCEPTION;

        /* Pass the exception object. */
        JS_SetPendingException(cx, exn);
        js_ReportErrorAgain(cx, bytes, reportp);

    return true;
Exemple #16
RilConsumer::Send(JSContext* aCx, const CallArgs& aArgs)
  if (NS_WARN_IF(!mSocket) ||
      NS_WARN_IF(mSocket->GetConnectionStatus() == SOCKET_DISCONNECTED)) {
    // Probably shutting down.
    return NS_OK;

  UniquePtr<UnixSocketRawData> raw;

  Value v = aArgs[1];

  if (v.isString()) {
    JSAutoByteString abs;
    Rooted<JSString*> str(aCx, v.toString());
    if (!abs.encodeUtf8(aCx, str)) {
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    raw = MakeUnique<UnixSocketRawData>(abs.ptr(), abs.length());
  } else if (!v.isPrimitive()) {
    JSObject* obj = v.toObjectOrNull();
    if (!JS_IsTypedArrayObject(obj)) {
      JS_ReportError(aCx, "Object passed in wasn't a typed array");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    uint32_t type = JS_GetArrayBufferViewType(obj);
    if (type != js::Scalar::Int8 &&
        type != js::Scalar::Uint8 &&
        type != js::Scalar::Uint8Clamped) {
      JS_ReportError(aCx, "Typed array data is not octets");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    size_t size = JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength(obj);
    bool isShared;
    void* data;
      AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
      data = JS_GetArrayBufferViewData(obj, &isShared, nogc);
    if (isShared) {
        aCx, "Incorrect argument.  Shared memory not supported");
      return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
    raw = MakeUnique<UnixSocketRawData>(data, size);
  } else {
      aCx, "Incorrect argument. Expecting a string or a typed array");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

  if (!raw) {
    JS_ReportError(aCx, "Unable to post to RIL");
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;


  return NS_OK;
Exemple #17
static char* FormatJSFrame(JSContext* cx, JSStackFrame* fp,
                           char* buf, int num,
                           JSBool showArgs, JSBool showLocals, JSBool showThisProps)
    JSPropertyDescArray callProps = {0, nsnull};
    JSPropertyDescArray thisProps = {0, nsnull};
    JSBool gotThisVal = JS_FALSE;
    jsval thisVal;
    JSObject* callObj = nsnull;
    JSString* funname = nsnull;
    JSAutoByteString funbytes;
    const char* filename = nsnull;
    PRInt32 lineno = 0;
    JSFunction* fun = nsnull;
    uint32 namedArgCount = 0;
    jsval val;
    JSBool isString;

    // get the info for this stack frame

    JSScript* script = JS_GetFrameScript(cx, fp);
    jsbytecode* pc = JS_GetFramePC(cx, fp);

    JSAutoRequest ar(cx);
    JSAutoEnterCompartment ac;
    if(!ac.enter(cx, JS_GetFrameScopeChain(cx, fp)))
        return buf;

    if(script && pc)
        filename = JS_GetScriptFilename(cx, script);
        lineno =  (PRInt32) JS_PCToLineNumber(cx, script, pc);
        fun = JS_GetFrameFunction(cx, fp);
            funname = JS_GetFunctionId(fun);

        if(showArgs || showLocals)
            callObj = JS_GetFrameCallObject(cx, fp);
                if(!JS_GetPropertyDescArray(cx, callObj, &callProps))
                    callProps.array = nsnull;  // just to be sure

        gotThisVal = JS_GetFrameThis(cx, fp, &thisVal);
        if (!gotThisVal ||
            !showThisProps ||
            JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(thisVal) ||
            !JS_GetPropertyDescArray(cx, JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(thisVal),
            thisProps.array = nsnull;  // just to be sure

    // print the frame number and function name

        buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, "%d %s(", num, funbytes.encode(cx, funname));
    else if(fun)
        buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, "%d anonymous(", num);
        buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, "%d <TOP LEVEL>", num);
    if(!buf) goto out;

    // print the function arguments

    if(showArgs && callObj)
        for(uint32 i = 0; i < callProps.length; i++)
            JSPropertyDesc* desc = &callProps.array[i];
            if(desc->flags & JSPD_ARGUMENT)
                JSAutoByteString nameBytes;
                const char* name = JSVAL2String(cx, desc->id, &isString, &nameBytes);
                    name = nsnull;
                JSAutoByteString valueBytes;
                const char* value = JSVAL2String(cx, desc->value, &isString, &valueBytes);
                buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, "%s%s%s%s%s%s",
                                        namedArgCount ? ", " : "",
                                        name ? name :"",
                                        name ? " = " : "",
                                        isString ? "\"" : "",
                                        value ? value : "?unknown?",
                                        isString ? "\"" : "");
                if(!buf) goto out;

        // print any unnamed trailing args (found in 'arguments' object)

        if(JS_GetProperty(cx, callObj, "arguments", &val) &&
            uint32 argCount;
            JSObject* argsObj = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(val);
            if(JS_GetProperty(cx, argsObj, "length", &val) &&
               JS_ValueToECMAUint32(cx, val, &argCount) &&
               argCount > namedArgCount)
                for(uint32 k = namedArgCount; k < argCount; k++)
                    char number[8];
                    JS_snprintf(number, 8, "%d", (int) k);

                    if(JS_GetProperty(cx, argsObj, number, &val))
                        JSAutoByteString valueBytes;
                        const char *value = JSVAL2String(cx, val, &isString, &valueBytes);
                        buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, "%s%s%s%s",
                                        k ? ", " : "",
                                        isString ? "\"" : "",
                                        value ? value : "?unknown?",
                                        isString ? "\"" : "");
                        if(!buf) goto out;

    // print filename and line number

    buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, "%s [\"%s\":%d]\n",
                            fun ? ")" : "",
                            filename ? filename : "<unknown>",
    if(!buf) goto out;

    // print local variables

    if(showLocals && callProps.array)
        for(uint32 i = 0; i < callProps.length; i++)
            JSPropertyDesc* desc = &callProps.array[i];
            if(desc->flags & JSPD_VARIABLE)
                JSAutoByteString nameBytes;
                JSAutoByteString valueBytes;
                const char *name = JSVAL2String(cx, desc->id, nsnull, &nameBytes);
                const char *value = JSVAL2String(cx, desc->value, &isString, &valueBytes);

                if(name && value)
                    buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, TAB "%s = %s%s%s\n",
                                            isString ? "\"" : "",
                                            isString ? "\"" : "");
                    if(!buf) goto out;

    // print the value of 'this'

            JSString* thisValStr;
            JSAutoByteString thisValBytes;

            if(nsnull != (thisValStr = JS_ValueToString(cx, thisVal)) &&
               thisValBytes.encode(cx, thisValStr))
                buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, TAB "this = %s\n", thisValBytes.ptr());
                if(!buf) goto out;
            buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, TAB "<failed to get 'this' value>\n");

    // print the properties of 'this', if it is an object

    if(showThisProps && thisProps.array)

        for(uint32 i = 0; i < thisProps.length; i++)
            JSPropertyDesc* desc = &thisProps.array[i];
            if(desc->flags & JSPD_ENUMERATE)
                JSAutoByteString nameBytes;
                JSAutoByteString valueBytes;
                const char *name = JSVAL2String(cx, desc->id, nsnull, &nameBytes);
                const char *value = JSVAL2String(cx, desc->value, &isString, &valueBytes);
                if(name && value)
                    buf = JS_sprintf_append(buf, TAB "this.%s = %s%s%s\n",
                                            isString ? "\"" : "",
                                            isString ? "\"" : "");
                    if(!buf) goto out;

        JS_PutPropertyDescArray(cx, &callProps);
        JS_PutPropertyDescArray(cx, &thisProps);
    return buf;
static bool
DefinePropertyIfFound(XPCCallContext& ccx,
                      HandleObject obj,
                      HandleId idArg,
                      XPCNativeSet* set,
                      XPCNativeInterface* ifaceArg,
                      XPCNativeMember* member,
                      XPCWrappedNativeScope* scope,
                      bool reflectToStringAndToSource,
                      XPCWrappedNative* wrapperToReflectInterfaceNames,
                      XPCWrappedNative* wrapperToReflectDoubleWrap,
                      XPCNativeScriptableInfo* scriptableInfo,
                      unsigned propFlags,
                      bool* resolved)
    RootedId id(ccx, idArg);
    RefPtr<XPCNativeInterface> iface = ifaceArg;
    XPCJSContext* xpccx = ccx.GetContext();
    bool found;
    const char* name;

    propFlags |= JSPROP_RESOLVING;

    if (set) {
        if (iface)
            found = true;
            found = set->FindMember(id, &member, &iface);
    } else
        found = (nullptr != (member = iface->FindMember(id)));

    if (!found) {
        if (reflectToStringAndToSource) {
            JSNative call;
            uint32_t flags = 0;

            if (scriptableInfo) {
                nsCOMPtr<nsIClassInfo> classInfo = do_QueryInterface(

                if (classInfo) {
                    nsresult rv = classInfo->GetFlags(&flags);
                    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
                        return Throw(rv, ccx);

            bool overwriteToString = !(flags & nsIClassInfo::DOM_OBJECT)
                || Preferences::GetBool("dom.XPCToStringForDOMClasses", false);

            if(id == xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_TO_STRING)
                && overwriteToString)
                call = XPC_WN_Shared_ToString;
                name = xpccx->GetStringName(XPCJSContext::IDX_TO_STRING);
            } else if (id == xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_TO_SOURCE)) {
                call = XPC_WN_Shared_ToSource;
                name = xpccx->GetStringName(XPCJSContext::IDX_TO_SOURCE);
            } else if (id == SYMBOL_TO_JSID(
                               JS::GetWellKnownSymbol(ccx, JS::SymbolCode::toPrimitive)))
                call = XPC_WN_Shared_toPrimitive;
                name = "[Symbol.toPrimitive]";
            } else {
                call = nullptr;

            if (call) {
                RootedFunction fun(ccx, JS_NewFunction(ccx, call, 0, 0, name));
                if (!fun) {
                    return false;

                AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
                if (resolved)
                    *resolved = true;
                RootedObject value(ccx, JS_GetFunctionObject(fun));
                return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, value,
                                             propFlags & ~JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
        // This *might* be a tearoff name that is not yet part of our
        // set. Let's lookup the name and see if it is the name of an
        // interface. Then we'll see if the object actually *does* this
        // interface and add a tearoff as necessary.

        if (wrapperToReflectInterfaceNames) {
            JSAutoByteString name;
            RefPtr<XPCNativeInterface> iface2;
            XPCWrappedNativeTearOff* to;
            RootedObject jso(ccx);
            nsresult rv = NS_OK;

            if (JSID_IS_STRING(id) &&
                name.encodeLatin1(ccx, JSID_TO_STRING(id)) &&
                (iface2 = XPCNativeInterface::GetNewOrUsed(name.ptr()), iface2) &&
                nullptr != (to = wrapperToReflectInterfaceNames->
                           FindTearOff(iface2, true, &rv)) &&
                nullptr != (jso = to->GetJSObject()))

                AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
                if (resolved)
                    *resolved = true;
                return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, jso,
                                             propFlags & ~JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
            } else if (NS_FAILED(rv) && rv != NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE) {
                return Throw(rv, ccx);

        // This *might* be a double wrapped JSObject
        if (wrapperToReflectDoubleWrap &&
            id == xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_WRAPPED_JSOBJECT) &&
            GetDoubleWrappedJSObject(ccx, wrapperToReflectDoubleWrap)) {
            // We build and add a getter function.
            // A security check is done on a per-get basis.

            JSFunction* fun;

            id = xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_WRAPPED_JSOBJECT);
            name = xpccx->GetStringName(XPCJSContext::IDX_WRAPPED_JSOBJECT);

            fun = JS_NewFunction(ccx, XPC_WN_DoubleWrappedGetter,
                                 0, 0, name);

            if (!fun)
                return false;

            RootedObject funobj(ccx, JS_GetFunctionObject(fun));
            if (!funobj)
                return false;

            propFlags |= JSPROP_GETTER | JSPROP_SHARED;
            propFlags &= ~JSPROP_ENUMERATE;

            AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
            if (resolved)
                *resolved = true;
            return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, UndefinedHandleValue, propFlags,
                                         JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(JSNative, funobj.get()),

        if (resolved)
            *resolved = false;
        return true;

    if (!member) {
        if (wrapperToReflectInterfaceNames) {
            XPCWrappedNativeTearOff* to =
              wrapperToReflectInterfaceNames->FindTearOff(iface, true);

            if (!to)
                return false;
            RootedObject jso(ccx, to->GetJSObject());
            if (!jso)
                return false;

            AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
            if (resolved)
                *resolved = true;
            return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, jso,
                                         propFlags & ~JSPROP_ENUMERATE);
        if (resolved)
            *resolved = false;
        return true;

    if (member->IsConstant()) {
        RootedValue val(ccx);
        AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
        if (resolved)
            *resolved = true;
        return member->GetConstantValue(ccx, iface, val.address()) &&
               JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, val, propFlags);

    if (scope->HasInterposition()) {
        Rooted<PropertyDescriptor> desc(ccx);
        if (!xpc::InterposeProperty(ccx, obj, iface->GetIID(), id, &desc))
            return false;

        if (desc.object()) {
            AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
            if (resolved)
                *resolved = true;
            desc.attributesRef() |= JSPROP_RESOLVING;
            return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, desc);

    if (id == xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_TO_STRING) ||
        id == xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_TO_SOURCE) ||
        (scriptableInfo &&
         scriptableInfo->GetFlags().DontEnumQueryInterface() &&
         id == xpccx->GetStringID(XPCJSContext::IDX_QUERY_INTERFACE)))
        propFlags &= ~JSPROP_ENUMERATE;

    RootedValue funval(ccx);
    if (!member->NewFunctionObject(ccx, iface, obj, funval.address()))
        return false;

    if (member->IsMethod()) {
        AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
        if (resolved)
            *resolved = true;
        return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, funval, propFlags);

    // else...

    MOZ_ASSERT(member->IsAttribute(), "way broken!");

    propFlags &= ~JSPROP_READONLY;
    JSObject* funobj = funval.toObjectOrNull();
    JSNative getter = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(JSNative, funobj);
    JSNative setter;
    if (member->IsWritableAttribute()) {
        propFlags |= JSPROP_SETTER;
        setter = JS_DATA_TO_FUNC_PTR(JSNative, funobj);
    } else {
        setter = nullptr;

    AutoResolveName arn(ccx, id);
    if (resolved)
        *resolved = true;

    return JS_DefinePropertyById(ccx, obj, id, UndefinedHandleValue, propFlags, getter, setter);