Exemple #1
// ECMA-262 5.1,
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL errorProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    // 1. Let O be the this value.
    JSValue thisValue = exec->thisValue();

    // 2. If Type(O) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception.
    if (!thisValue.isObject())
        return throwVMTypeError(exec, scope);
    JSObject* thisObj = asObject(thisValue);

    // Guard against recursion!
    StringRecursionChecker checker(exec, thisObj);
    ASSERT(!scope.exception() || checker.earlyReturnValue());
    if (JSValue earlyReturnValue = checker.earlyReturnValue())
        return JSValue::encode(earlyReturnValue);

    // 3. Let name be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of O with argument "name".
    JSValue name = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().name);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());

    // 4. If name is undefined, then let name be "Error"; else let name be ToString(name).
    String nameString;
    if (name.isUndefined())
        nameString = ASCIILiteral("Error");
    else {
        nameString = name.toWTFString(exec);
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());

    // 5. Let msg be the result of calling the [[Get]] internal method of O with argument "message".
    JSValue message = thisObj->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().message);
    RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());

    // (sic)
    // 6. If msg is undefined, then let msg be the empty String; else let msg be ToString(msg).
    // 7. If msg is undefined, then let msg be the empty String; else let msg be ToString(msg).
    String messageString;
    if (message.isUndefined())
        messageString = String();
    else {
        messageString = message.toWTFString(exec);
        RETURN_IF_EXCEPTION(scope, encodedJSValue());

    // 8. If name is the empty String, return msg.
    if (!nameString.length())
        return JSValue::encode(message.isString() ? message : jsString(exec, messageString));

    // 9. If msg is the empty String, return name.
    if (!messageString.length())
        return JSValue::encode(name.isString() ? name : jsString(exec, nameString));

    // 10. Return the result of concatenating name, ":", a single space character, and msg.
    return JSValue::encode(jsMakeNontrivialString(exec, nameString, ": ", messageString));
static std::error_code getDomainList(ExecState& exec, const JSObject* arrayObject, Vector<String>& vector)
    VM& vm = exec.vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    if (!arrayObject || !isJSArray(arrayObject))
        return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidDomainList;
    const JSArray* array = jsCast<const JSArray*>(arrayObject);
    unsigned length = array->length();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        const JSValue value = array->getIndex(&exec, i);
        if (scope.exception() || !value.isString())
            return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidDomainList;
        // Domains should be punycode encoded lower case.
        const String& domain = jsCast<JSString*>(value)->value(&exec);
        if (domain.isEmpty())
            return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidDomainList;
        if (!containsOnlyASCIIWithNoUppercase(domain))
            return ContentExtensionError::JSONDomainNotLowerCaseASCII;
    return { };
RuntimeType runtimeTypeForValue(JSValue value)
    if (UNLIKELY(!value))
        return TypeNothing;

    if (value.isUndefined())
        return TypeUndefined;
    if (value.isNull())
        return TypeNull;
    if (value.isAnyInt())
        return TypeAnyInt;
    if (value.isNumber())
        return TypeNumber;
    if (value.isString())
        return TypeString;
    if (value.isBoolean())
        return TypeBoolean;
    if (value.isObject())
        return TypeObject;
    if (value.isFunction())
        return TypeFunction;
    if (value.isSymbol())
        return TypeSymbol;

    return TypeNothing;
Exemple #4
RuntimeType TypeSet::getRuntimeTypeForValue(JSValue v)
    RuntimeType ret;
    if (v.isFunction())
        ret = TypeFunction;
    else if (v.isUndefined())
        ret = TypeUndefined;
    else if (v.isNull())
        ret = TypeNull;
    else if (v.isBoolean())
        ret = TypeBoolean;
    else if (v.isMachineInt())
        ret = TypeMachineInt;
    else if (v.isNumber())
        ret = TypeNumber;
    else if (v.isString())
        ret = TypeString;
    else if (v.isPrimitive())
        ret = TypePrimitive;
    else if (v.isObject())
        ret = TypeObject;

    return ret;
Exemple #5
EncodedJSValue JIT_OPERATION operationGetByValCell(ExecState* exec, JSCell* base, EncodedJSValue encodedProperty)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    NativeCallFrameTracer tracer(&vm, exec);
    JSValue property = JSValue::decode(encodedProperty);

    if (property.isUInt32())
        return getByVal(exec, base, property.asUInt32());
    if (property.isDouble()) {
        double propertyAsDouble = property.asDouble();
        uint32_t propertyAsUInt32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(propertyAsDouble);
        if (propertyAsUInt32 == propertyAsDouble)
            return getByVal(exec, base, propertyAsUInt32);
    } else if (property.isString()) {
        Structure& structure = *base->structure(vm);
        if (JSCell::canUseFastGetOwnProperty(structure)) {
            if (AtomicStringImpl* existingAtomicString = asString(property)->toExistingAtomicString(exec)) {
                if (JSValue result = base->fastGetOwnProperty(vm, structure, existingAtomicString))
                    return JSValue::encode(result);

    PropertyName propertyName = property.toPropertyKey(exec);
    return JSValue::encode(JSValue(base).get(exec, propertyName));
Exemple #6
EncodedJSValue DFG_OPERATION operationGetByVal(ExecState* exec, EncodedJSValue encodedBase, EncodedJSValue encodedProperty)
    JSGlobalData* globalData = &exec->globalData();
    NativeCallFrameTracer tracer(globalData, exec);
    JSValue baseValue = JSValue::decode(encodedBase);
    JSValue property = JSValue::decode(encodedProperty);

    if (LIKELY(baseValue.isCell())) {
        JSCell* base = baseValue.asCell();

        if (property.isUInt32()) {
            return getByVal(exec, base, property.asUInt32());
        } else if (property.isDouble()) {
            double propertyAsDouble = property.asDouble();
            uint32_t propertyAsUInt32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(propertyAsDouble);
            if (propertyAsUInt32 == propertyAsDouble)
                return getByVal(exec, base, propertyAsUInt32);
        } else if (property.isString()) {
            if (JSValue result = base->fastGetOwnProperty(exec, asString(property)->value(exec)))
                return JSValue::encode(result);

    Identifier ident(exec, property.toString(exec)->value(exec));
    return JSValue::encode(baseValue.get(exec, ident));
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL objectProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    JSValue thisValue = exec->thisValue().toThis(exec, StrictMode);
    if (thisValue.isUndefinedOrNull())
        return JSValue::encode(thisValue.isUndefined() ? vm.smallStrings.undefinedObjectString() : vm.smallStrings.nullObjectString());
    JSObject* thisObject = thisValue.toObject(exec);

    JSValue stringTag = thisObject->get(exec, exec->propertyNames().toStringTagSymbol);
    if (stringTag.isString()) {
        JSRopeString::RopeBuilder<RecordOverflow> ropeBuilder(vm);
            return JSValue::encode(throwOutOfMemoryError(exec));

        return JSValue::encode(ropeBuilder.release());

    JSString* result = thisObject->structure(vm)->objectToStringValue();
    if (!result) {
        RefPtr<StringImpl> newString = WTF::tryMakeString("[object ", thisObject->methodTable(exec->vm())->className(thisObject), "]");
        if (!newString)
            return JSValue::encode(throwOutOfMemoryError(exec));

        result = jsNontrivialString(&vm, newString.release());
        thisObject->structure(vm)->setObjectToStringValue(vm, result);
    return JSValue::encode(result);
Exemple #8
// ECMA 15.9.3
JSObject* constructDate(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue newTarget, const ArgList& args)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    int numArgs = args.size();

    double value;

    if (numArgs == 0) // new Date() ECMA
        value = NORMAL_OR_DETERMINISTIC_FUNCTION(jsCurrentTime(), deterministicCurrentTime(globalObject));
    else if (numArgs == 1) {
        if (args.at(0).inherits(DateInstance::info()))
            value = asDateInstance(args.at(0))->internalNumber();
        else {
            JSValue primitive = args.at(0).toPrimitive(exec);
            if (primitive.isString())
                value = parseDate(vm, primitive.getString(exec));
                value = primitive.toNumber(exec);
    } else
        value = millisecondsFromComponents(exec, args, WTF::LocalTime);

    Structure* dateStructure = InternalFunction::createSubclassStructure(exec, newTarget, globalObject->dateStructure());

    return DateInstance::create(vm, dateStructure, value);
static bool extractSourceInformationFromException(JSC::ExecState* exec, JSObject* exceptionObject, int* lineNumber, int* columnNumber, String* sourceURL)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_CATCH_SCOPE(vm);

    // FIXME: <http://webkit.org/b/115087> Web Inspector: Should not need to evaluate JavaScript handling exceptions
    JSValue lineValue = exceptionObject->getDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(exec, "line"));
    JSValue columnValue = exceptionObject->getDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(exec, "column"));
    JSValue sourceURLValue = exceptionObject->getDirect(vm, Identifier::fromString(exec, "sourceURL"));
    bool result = false;
    if (lineValue && lineValue.isNumber()
        && sourceURLValue && sourceURLValue.isString()) {
        *lineNumber = int(lineValue.toNumber(exec));
        *columnNumber = columnValue && columnValue.isNumber() ? int(columnValue.toNumber(exec)) : 0;
        *sourceURL = sourceURLValue.toWTFString(exec);
        result = true;
    } else if (ErrorInstance* error = jsDynamicCast<ErrorInstance*>(vm, exceptionObject)) {
        unsigned unsignedLine;
        unsigned unsignedColumn;
        result = getLineColumnAndSource(error->stackTrace(), unsignedLine, unsignedColumn, *sourceURL);
        *lineNumber = static_cast<int>(unsignedLine);
        *columnNumber = static_cast<int>(unsignedColumn);
    if (sourceURL->isEmpty())
        *sourceURL = "undefined"_s;
    return result;
JSValue JSInjectedScriptHost::type(ExecState* exec)
    if (exec->argumentCount() < 1)
        return jsUndefined();

    JSValue value = exec->argument(0);
    if (value.isString())
        return jsString(exec, String("string"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSArray::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("array"));
    if (value.isBoolean())
        return jsString(exec, String("boolean"));
    if (value.isNumber())
        return jsString(exec, String("number"));
    if (value.inherits(&DateInstance::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("date"));
    if (value.inherits(&RegExpObject::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("regexp"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSNode::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("node"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSNodeList::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("array"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSHTMLCollection::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("array"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSInt8Array::s_info) || value.inherits(&JSInt16Array::s_info) || value.inherits(&JSInt32Array::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("array"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSUint8Array::s_info) || value.inherits(&JSUint16Array::s_info) || value.inherits(&JSUint32Array::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("array"));
    if (value.inherits(&JSFloat32Array::s_info) || value.inherits(&JSFloat64Array::s_info))
        return jsString(exec, String("array"));
    return jsUndefined();
Exemple #11
JSValue jsTypeStringForValue(VM& vm, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, JSValue v)
    if (v.isUndefined())
        return vm.smallStrings.undefinedString();
    if (v.isBoolean())
        return vm.smallStrings.booleanString();
    if (v.isNumber())
        return vm.smallStrings.numberString();
    if (v.isString())
        return vm.smallStrings.stringString();
    if (v.isSymbol())
        return vm.smallStrings.symbolString();
    if (v.isObject()) {
        JSObject* object = asObject(v);
        // Return "undefined" for objects that should be treated
        // as null when doing comparisons.
        if (object->structure(vm)->masqueradesAsUndefined(globalObject))
            return vm.smallStrings.undefinedString();
        if (object->type() == JSFunctionType)
            return vm.smallStrings.functionString();
        if (object->inlineTypeFlags() & TypeOfShouldCallGetCallData) {
            CallData callData;
            JSObject* object = asObject(v);
            if (object->methodTable(vm)->getCallData(object, callData) != CallTypeNone)
                return vm.smallStrings.functionString();
    return vm.smallStrings.objectString();
static void populateContextMenuItems(ExecState* exec, JSArray* array, ContextMenu& menu)
    for (size_t i = 0; i < array->length(); ++i) {
        JSObject* item = asObject(array->getIndex(exec, i));
        JSValue label = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "label"));
        JSValue type = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "type"));
        JSValue id = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "id"));
        JSValue enabled = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "enabled"));
        JSValue checked = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "checked"));
        JSValue subItems = item->get(exec, Identifier::fromString(exec, "subItems"));
        if (!type.isString())

        String typeString = type.toWTFString(exec);
        if (typeString == "separator") {
            ContextMenuItem item(SeparatorType, ContextMenuItemTagNoAction, String());
        } else if (typeString == "subMenu" && subItems.inherits(JSArray::info())) {
            ContextMenu subMenu;
            JSArray* subItemsArray = asArray(subItems);
            populateContextMenuItems(exec, subItemsArray, subMenu);
            ContextMenuItem item(SubmenuType, ContextMenuItemTagNoAction, label.toWTFString(exec), &subMenu);
        } else {
            ContextMenuAction typedId = static_cast<ContextMenuAction>(ContextMenuItemBaseCustomTag + id.toInt32(exec));
            ContextMenuItem menuItem((typeString == "checkbox" ? CheckableActionType : ActionType), typedId, label.toWTFString(exec));
            if (!enabled.isUndefined())
            if (!checked.isUndefined())
JSValue JSInjectedScriptHost::subtype(ExecState* exec)
    if (exec->argumentCount() < 1)
        return jsUndefined();

    JSValue value = exec->uncheckedArgument(0);
    if (value.isString())
        return exec->vm().smallStrings.stringString();
    if (value.isBoolean())
        return exec->vm().smallStrings.booleanString();
    if (value.isNumber())
        return exec->vm().smallStrings.numberString();
    if (value.isSymbol())
        return exec->vm().smallStrings.symbolString();

    JSObject* object = asObject(value);
    if (object) {
        if (object->isErrorInstance())
            return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("error"));

        // Consider class constructor functions class objects.
        JSFunction* function = jsDynamicCast<JSFunction*>(value);
        if (function && function->isClassConstructorFunction())
            return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("class"));

    if (value.inherits(JSArray::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("array"));
    if (value.inherits(DirectArguments::info()) || value.inherits(ScopedArguments::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("array"));

    if (value.inherits(DateInstance::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("date"));
    if (value.inherits(RegExpObject::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("regexp"));

    if (value.inherits(JSMap::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("map"));
    if (value.inherits(JSSet::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("set"));
    if (value.inherits(JSWeakMap::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("weakmap"));
    if (value.inherits(JSWeakSet::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("weakset"));

    if (value.inherits(JSArrayIterator::info())
        || value.inherits(JSMapIterator::info())
        || value.inherits(JSSetIterator::info())
        || value.inherits(JSStringIterator::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("iterator"));

    if (value.inherits(JSInt8Array::info()) || value.inherits(JSInt16Array::info()) || value.inherits(JSInt32Array::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("array"));
    if (value.inherits(JSUint8Array::info()) || value.inherits(JSUint16Array::info()) || value.inherits(JSUint32Array::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("array"));
    if (value.inherits(JSFloat32Array::info()) || value.inherits(JSFloat64Array::info()))
        return jsNontrivialString(exec, ASCIILiteral("array"));

    return impl().subtype(exec, value);
Exemple #14
EncodedJSValue JSC_HOST_CALL jsHTMLDocumentPrototypeFunctionWrite(ExecState* exec)
    JSValue thisValue = exec->hostThisValue();
    if (!thisValue.inherits(&JSHTMLDocument::s_info))
        return throwVMTypeError(exec);
    JSHTMLDocument* castedThis = static_cast<JSHTMLDocument*>(asObject(thisValue));
if we comment out the following code segement and move the detection to bindings/js/JSHTMLDocumentCustom.cpp
one of the test case like below cannot be detected anymore. need to investigate the reason behind.

the guess is the following code does not cover the primitive string.
    JSValue s = exec->argument(0);
    if (s.isString() && s.isTainted()) {
        HTMLDocument* d1 = static_cast<HTMLDocument*>(castedThis->impl());

	TaintedStructure trace_struct;
	trace_struct.taintedno = s.isTainted();
	trace_struct.internalfunc = "jsHTMLDocumentPrototypeFunctionWrite";
	trace_struct.jsfunc = "document.write";
	trace_struct.action = "sink";

	char msg[20];
	stringstream msgss;
	snprintf(msg, 20, "%s", s.toString(exec).utf8(true).data());
	msgss << msg;
	msgss >> trace_struct.value;

	TaintedTrace* trace = TaintedTrace::getInstance();
PassRefPtr<ScriptCallStack> createScriptCallStackFromException(JSC::ExecState* exec, JSC::JSValue& exception, size_t maxStackSize)
    Vector<ScriptCallFrame> frames;
    RefCountedArray<StackFrame> stackTrace = exec->vm().exceptionStack();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < stackTrace.size() && i < maxStackSize; i++) {
        if (!stackTrace[i].callee && frames.size())

        String functionName = stackTrace[i].friendlyFunctionName(exec);
        unsigned line;
        unsigned column;
        stackTrace[i].computeLineAndColumn(line, column);
        frames.append(ScriptCallFrame(functionName, stackTrace[i].sourceURL, line, column));

    // FIXME: <http://webkit.org/b/115087> Web Inspector: WebCore::reportException should not evaluate JavaScript handling exceptions
    // Fallback to getting at least the line and sourceURL from the exception if it has values and the exceptionStack doesn't.
    if (frames.size() > 0) {
        const ScriptCallFrame& firstCallFrame = frames.first();
        JSObject* exceptionObject = exception.toObject(exec);
        if (exception.isObject() && firstCallFrame.sourceURL().isEmpty()) {
            JSValue lineValue = exceptionObject->getDirect(exec->vm(), Identifier(exec, "line"));
            int lineNumber = lineValue && lineValue.isNumber() ? int(lineValue.toNumber(exec)) : 0;
            JSValue sourceURLValue = exceptionObject->getDirect(exec->vm(), Identifier(exec, "sourceURL"));
            String exceptionSourceURL = sourceURLValue && sourceURLValue.isString() ? sourceURLValue.toString(exec)->value(exec) : ASCIILiteral("undefined");
            frames[0] = ScriptCallFrame(firstCallFrame.functionName(), exceptionSourceURL, lineNumber, 0);

    return ScriptCallStack::create(frames);
Exemple #16
static void appendSourceToError(CallFrame* callFrame, ErrorInstance* exception, unsigned bytecodeOffset)
    ErrorInstance::SourceAppender appender = exception->sourceAppender();
    RuntimeType type = exception->runtimeTypeForCause();

    if (!callFrame->codeBlock()->hasExpressionInfo())
    int startOffset = 0;
    int endOffset = 0;
    int divotPoint = 0;
    unsigned line = 0;
    unsigned column = 0;

    CodeBlock* codeBlock;
    CodeOrigin codeOrigin = callFrame->codeOrigin();
    if (codeOrigin && codeOrigin.inlineCallFrame)
        codeBlock = baselineCodeBlockForInlineCallFrame(codeOrigin.inlineCallFrame);
        codeBlock = callFrame->codeBlock();

    codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset, line, column);
    int expressionStart = divotPoint - startOffset;
    int expressionStop = divotPoint + endOffset;

    StringView sourceString = codeBlock->source()->source();
    if (!expressionStop || expressionStart > static_cast<int>(sourceString.length()))
    VM* vm = &callFrame->vm();
    JSValue jsMessage = exception->getDirect(*vm, vm->propertyNames->message);
    if (!jsMessage || !jsMessage.isString())
    String message = asString(jsMessage)->value(callFrame);
    if (expressionStart < expressionStop)
        message = appender(message, codeBlock->source()->getRange(expressionStart, expressionStop).toString(), type, ErrorInstance::FoundExactSource);
    else {
        // No range information, so give a few characters of context.
        int dataLength = sourceString.length();
        int start = expressionStart;
        int stop = expressionStart;
        // Get up to 20 characters of context to the left and right of the divot, clamping to the line.
        // Then strip whitespace.
        while (start > 0 && (expressionStart - start < 20) && sourceString[start - 1] != '\n')
        while (start < (expressionStart - 1) && isStrWhiteSpace(sourceString[start]))
        while (stop < dataLength && (stop - expressionStart < 20) && sourceString[stop] != '\n')
        while (stop > expressionStart && isStrWhiteSpace(sourceString[stop - 1]))
        message = appender(message, codeBlock->source()->getRange(start, stop).toString(), type, ErrorInstance::FoundApproximateSource);
    exception->putDirect(*vm, vm->propertyNames->message, jsString(vm, message));

Exemple #17
bool JSValueIsString(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value)
    ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    APIEntryShim entryShim(exec);

    JSValue jsValue = toJS(exec, value);
    return jsValue.isString();
bool JSValueIsString(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value)
    ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    JSLock lock(exec);

    JSValue jsValue = toJS(exec, value);
    return jsValue.isString();
void JSCanvasRenderingContext2D::setFillStyle(ExecState* exec, JSValue value)
    CanvasRenderingContext2D* context = static_cast<CanvasRenderingContext2D*>(impl());
    if (value.isString()) {
    context->setFillStyle(toHTMLCanvasStyle(exec, value));
static RefPtr<InspectorValue> jsToInspectorValue(ExecState* scriptState, JSValue value, int maxDepth)
    if (!value) {
        return nullptr;

    if (!maxDepth)
        return nullptr;


    if (value.isNull() || value.isUndefined())
        return InspectorValue::null();
    if (value.isBoolean())
        return InspectorValue::create(value.asBoolean());
    if (value.isNumber() && value.isDouble())
        return InspectorValue::create(value.asNumber());
    if (value.isNumber() && value.isMachineInt())
        return InspectorValue::create(static_cast<int>(value.asMachineInt()));
    if (value.isString())
        return InspectorValue::create(value.getString(scriptState));

    if (value.isObject()) {
        if (isJSArray(value)) {
            Ref<InspectorArray> inspectorArray = InspectorArray::create();
            JSArray* array = asArray(value);
            unsigned length = array->length();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                JSValue element = array->getIndex(scriptState, i);
                RefPtr<InspectorValue> elementValue = jsToInspectorValue(scriptState, element, maxDepth);
                if (!elementValue)
                    return nullptr;
            return WTFMove(inspectorArray);
        Ref<InspectorObject> inspectorObject = InspectorObject::create();
        JSObject* object = value.getObject();
        PropertyNameArray propertyNames(scriptState, PropertyNameMode::Strings);
        object->methodTable()->getOwnPropertyNames(object, scriptState, propertyNames, EnumerationMode());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < propertyNames.size(); i++) {
            const Identifier& name = propertyNames[i];
            JSValue propertyValue = object->get(scriptState, name);
            RefPtr<InspectorValue> inspectorValue = jsToInspectorValue(scriptState, propertyValue, maxDepth);
            if (!inspectorValue)
                return nullptr;
            inspectorObject->setValue(name.string(), WTFMove(inspectorValue));
        return WTFMove(inspectorObject);

    return nullptr;
// ECMA 15.9.3
JSObject* constructDate(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, const ArgList& args)
    VM& vm = exec->vm();
    int numArgs = args.size();

    double value;

    if (numArgs == 0) // new Date() ECMA
        value = jsCurrentTime();
    else if (numArgs == 1) {
        if (args.at(0).inherits(DateInstance::info()))
            value = asDateInstance(args.at(0))->internalNumber();
        else {
            JSValue primitive = args.at(0).toPrimitive(exec);
            if (primitive.isString())
                value = parseDate(vm, primitive.getString(exec));
                value = primitive.toNumber(exec);
    } else {
        double doubleArguments[7] = {
        if (!std::isfinite(doubleArguments[0])
            || !std::isfinite(doubleArguments[1])
            || (numArgs >= 3 && !std::isfinite(doubleArguments[2]))
            || (numArgs >= 4 && !std::isfinite(doubleArguments[3]))
            || (numArgs >= 5 && !std::isfinite(doubleArguments[4]))
            || (numArgs >= 6 && !std::isfinite(doubleArguments[5]))
            || (numArgs >= 7 && !std::isfinite(doubleArguments[6])))
            value = QNaN;
        else {
            GregorianDateTime t;
            int year = JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[0]);
            t.setYear((year >= 0 && year <= 99) ? (year + 1900) : year);
            t.setMonthDay((numArgs >= 3) ? JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[2]) : 1);
            double ms = (numArgs >= 7) ? doubleArguments[6] : 0;
            value = gregorianDateTimeToMS(vm, t, ms, false);

    return DateInstance::create(vm, globalObject->dateStructure(), value);
static std::error_code loadAction(ExecState& exec, const JSObject& ruleObject, Action& action, bool& validSelector)
    VM& vm = exec.vm();
    auto scope = DECLARE_THROW_SCOPE(vm);

    validSelector = true;
    const JSValue actionObject = ruleObject.get(&exec, Identifier::fromString(&exec, "action"));
    if (!actionObject || scope.exception() || !actionObject.isObject())
        return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidAction;

    const JSValue typeObject = actionObject.get(&exec, Identifier::fromString(&exec, "type"));
    if (!typeObject || scope.exception() || !typeObject.isString())
        return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidActionType;

    String actionType = typeObject.toWTFString(&exec);

    if (actionType == "block")
        action = ActionType::BlockLoad;
    else if (actionType == "ignore-previous-rules")
        action = ActionType::IgnorePreviousRules;
    else if (actionType == "block-cookies")
        action = ActionType::BlockCookies;
    else if (actionType == "css-display-none") {
        JSValue selector = actionObject.get(&exec, Identifier::fromString(&exec, "selector"));
        if (!selector || scope.exception() || !selector.isString())
            return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidCSSDisplayNoneActionType;

        String s = selector.toWTFString(&exec);
        if (!isValidSelector(s)) {
            // Skip rules with invalid selectors to be backwards-compatible.
            validSelector = false;
            return { };
        action = Action(ActionType::CSSDisplayNoneSelector, s);
    } else if (actionType == "make-https") {
        action = ActionType::MakeHTTPS;
    } else
        return ContentExtensionError::JSONInvalidActionType;

    return { };
JSValue JSC_HOST_CALL stringProtoFuncToString(ExecState* exec, JSObject*, JSValue thisValue, const ArgList&)
    // Also used for valueOf.

    if (thisValue.isString())
        return thisValue;

    if (thisValue.isObject(&StringObject::info))
        return asStringObject(thisValue)->internalValue();

    return throwError(exec, TypeError);
Exemple #24
static void appendSourceToError(CallFrame* callFrame, ErrorInstance* exception, unsigned bytecodeOffset)

    if (!callFrame->codeBlock()->hasExpressionInfo())

    int startOffset = 0;
    int endOffset = 0;
    int divotPoint = 0;
    unsigned line = 0;
    unsigned column = 0;

    CodeBlock* codeBlock = callFrame->codeBlock();
    codeBlock->expressionRangeForBytecodeOffset(bytecodeOffset, divotPoint, startOffset, endOffset, line, column);

    int expressionStart = divotPoint - startOffset;
    int expressionStop = divotPoint + endOffset;

    const String& sourceString = codeBlock->source()->source();
    if (!expressionStop || expressionStart > static_cast<int>(sourceString.length()))

    VM* vm = &callFrame->vm();
    JSValue jsMessage = exception->getDirect(*vm, vm->propertyNames->message);
    if (!jsMessage || !jsMessage.isString())

    String message = asString(jsMessage)->value(callFrame);

    if (expressionStart < expressionStop)
        message =  makeString(message, " (evaluating '", codeBlock->source()->getRange(expressionStart, expressionStop), "')");
    else {
        // No range information, so give a few characters of context.
        const StringImpl* data = sourceString.impl();
        int dataLength = sourceString.length();
        int start = expressionStart;
        int stop = expressionStart;
        // Get up to 20 characters of context to the left and right of the divot, clamping to the line.
        // Then strip whitespace.
        while (start > 0 && (expressionStart - start < 20) && (*data)[start - 1] != '\n')
        while (start < (expressionStart - 1) && isStrWhiteSpace((*data)[start]))
        while (stop < dataLength && (stop - expressionStart < 20) && (*data)[stop] != '\n')
        while (stop > expressionStart && isStrWhiteSpace((*data)[stop - 1]))
        message = makeString(message, " (near '...", codeBlock->source()->getRange(start, stop), "...')");

    exception->putDirect(*vm, vm->propertyNames->message, jsString(vm, message));
JSValue RegExpConstructor::getLastParen(ExecState* exec)
    JSArray* array = m_cachedResult.lastResult(exec, this);
    unsigned length = array->length();
    if (length > 1) {
        JSValue result = JSValue(array).get(exec, length - 1);
        ASSERT(result.isString() || result.isUndefined());
        if (!result.isUndefined())
            return result;
    return jsEmptyString(exec);
JSValue RegExpConstructor::getBackref(ExecState* exec, unsigned i)
    JSArray* array = m_cachedResult.lastResult(exec, this);

    if (i < array->length()) {
        JSValue result = JSValue(array).get(exec, i);
        ASSERT(result.isString() || result.isUndefined());
        if (!result.isUndefined())
            return result;
    return jsEmptyString(exec);
static PassRefPtr<InspectorValue> jsToInspectorValue(ScriptState* scriptState, JSValue value, int maxDepth)
    if (!value) {
        return 0;

    if (!maxDepth)
        return 0;

    if (value.isNull() || value.isUndefined())
        return InspectorValue::null();
    if (value.isBoolean())
        return InspectorBasicValue::create(value.asBoolean());
    if (value.isNumber())
        return InspectorBasicValue::create(value.asNumber());
    if (value.isString()) {
        String s = value.getString(scriptState);
        return InspectorString::create(String(s.characters(), s.length()));
    if (value.isObject()) {
        if (isJSArray(value)) {
            RefPtr<InspectorArray> inspectorArray = InspectorArray::create();
            JSArray* array = asArray(value);
            unsigned length = array->length();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                // FIXME: What if the array is in sparse mode? https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=95610
                JSValue element = array->getIndexQuickly(i);
                RefPtr<InspectorValue> elementValue = jsToInspectorValue(scriptState, element, maxDepth);
                if (!elementValue)
                    return 0;
            return inspectorArray;
        RefPtr<InspectorObject> inspectorObject = InspectorObject::create();
        JSObject* object = value.getObject();
        PropertyNameArray propertyNames(scriptState);
        object->methodTable()->getOwnPropertyNames(object, scriptState, propertyNames, ExcludeDontEnumProperties);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < propertyNames.size(); i++) {
            const Identifier& name =  propertyNames[i];
            JSValue propertyValue = object->get(scriptState, name);
            RefPtr<InspectorValue> inspectorValue = jsToInspectorValue(scriptState, propertyValue, maxDepth);
            if (!inspectorValue)
                return 0;
            inspectorObject->setValue(String(name.characters(), name.length()), inspectorValue);
        return inspectorObject;
    return 0;
Exemple #28
static TriState equalToStringImpl(JSValue value, StringImpl* stringImpl)
    if (!value.isString())
        return FalseTriState;
    JSString* jsString = asString(value);
    const StringImpl* string = jsString->tryGetValueImpl();
    if (!string)
        return MixedTriState;
    return triState(WTF::equal(stringImpl, string));
Exemple #29
bool JSValueIsString(JSContextRef ctx, JSValueRef value)
    if (!ctx) {
        return false;
    ExecState* exec = toJS(ctx);
    JSLockHolder locker(exec);

    JSValue jsValue = toJS(exec, value);
    return jsValue.isString();
// ECMA 15.9.3
JSObject* constructDate(ExecState* exec, JSGlobalObject* globalObject, const ArgList& args)
    int numArgs = args.size();

    double value;

    if (numArgs == 0) // new Date() ECMA
        value = jsCurrentTime();
    else if (numArgs == 1) {
        if (args.at(0).inherits(&DateInstance::s_info))
            value = asDateInstance(args.at(0))->internalNumber();
        else {
            JSValue primitive = args.at(0).toPrimitive(exec);
            if (primitive.isString())
                value = parseDate(exec, primitive.getString(exec));
                value = primitive.toNumber(exec);
    } else {
        double doubleArguments[7] = {
        if (isnan(doubleArguments[0])
                || isnan(doubleArguments[1])
                || (numArgs >= 3 && isnan(doubleArguments[2]))
                || (numArgs >= 4 && isnan(doubleArguments[3]))
                || (numArgs >= 5 && isnan(doubleArguments[4]))
                || (numArgs >= 6 && isnan(doubleArguments[5]))
                || (numArgs >= 7 && isnan(doubleArguments[6])))
            value = NaN;
        else {
            GregorianDateTime t;
            int year = JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[0]);
            t.year = (year >= 0 && year <= 99) ? year : year - 1900;
            t.month = JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[1]);
            t.monthDay = (numArgs >= 3) ? JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[2]) : 1;
            t.hour = JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[3]);
            t.minute = JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[4]);
            t.second = JSC::toInt32(doubleArguments[5]);
            t.isDST = -1;
            double ms = (numArgs >= 7) ? doubleArguments[6] : 0;
            value = gregorianDateTimeToMS(exec, t, ms, false);

    return new (exec) DateInstance(exec, globalObject->dateStructure(), value);