bool PseudoTopAnalyser::passesEventSelection( const MCParticlePointer pseudoLepton, const ParticlePointer pseudoNeutrino, const JetCollection pseudoJets, const MCParticleCollection pseudoBs, const ParticleCollection allPseudoLeptons, const ParticlePointer pseudoMET ) {

	// Event selection taken from here :
	unsigned int numberGoodLeptons = 0;
	unsigned int numberVetoLeptons = 0;
	ParticlePointer leadingLepton;
	for ( unsigned int leptonIndex = 0; leptonIndex < allPseudoLeptons.size(); ++ leptonIndex ) {
		const ParticlePointer lepton =;

		// Check if this is a good signal type lepton
		if ( lepton->pt() > minLeptonPt_ && fabs(lepton->eta()) < maxLeptonAbsEta_ ) {
			if ( leadingLepton == 0 ) leadingLepton = lepton;
		// Check if this is a veto lepton
		if ( lepton->pt() > minVetoLeptonPt_ && fabs(lepton->eta()) < maxVetoLeptonAbsEta_ ) {

	// Neutrino pt sum
	bool passesNeutrinoSumPt = false;
	if ( pseudoMET != 0 ) {
		if ( pseudoMET->pt() > minNeutrinoSumPt_ ) passesNeutrinoSumPt = true;

	// W MT
	bool passesWMT = false;
	if ( leadingLepton != 0 && pseudoMET != 0 ) {
		double genMT = sqrt( 2 * leadingLepton->pt() * pseudoMET->pt() * ( 1 - cos(leadingLepton->phi() - pseudoMET->phi() ) ) );
		if (genMT > minWMt_) passesWMT = true;

	// Jets
	unsigned int numberGoodJets = 0;
	unsigned int numberGoodBJets = 0;

	for ( unsigned int jetIndex = 0; jetIndex < pseudoJets.size(); ++ jetIndex ) {
		const JetPointer jet =;

		// Check if this is a good jet
		if ( jet->pt() > minJetPt_ && fabs(jet->eta()) < maxJetAbsEta_ ) {

			// Check if this is also a good b jet
			if ( fabs( jet->partonFlavour() ) == 5 ) {
	if ( numberGoodLeptons == 1 && numberVetoLeptons <= 1 && passesNeutrinoSumPt && passesWMT && numberGoodJets >= minNJets_ && numberGoodBJets >= minNBJets_ ) {
		return true;
	else return false;

void BTagEff::analyse(const EventPtr event) {

	int NJets = 0;
	const JetCollection allJets = event->Jets();

	for (unsigned int jetIndex = 0; jetIndex < allJets.size(); ++jetIndex) {
		const JetPointer jet(;

		bool isLoose = false;
		bool isMedium = false;
		bool isTight = false;

		double jetPt = jet->pt();
		double jetEta = jet->eta();

		if (jetPt < 25 || abs(jetEta) > 2.4) continue;
		// double jetCSV = jet->getBTagDiscriminator(BtagAlgorithm::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2, BtagAlgorithm::MEDIUM);
		double jetCSV = jet->getBTagDiscriminator(BAT::BtagAlgorithm::value::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2);

		if (jetCSV > 0.605) isLoose = true;
		if (jetCSV > 0.890) isMedium = true;
		if (jetCSV > 0.970) isTight = true;

		unsigned int partonFlavour = abs(jet->partonFlavour());
		// const bool isBTagged = jet->isBJet(BtagAlgorithm::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2, BtagAlgorithm::MEDIUM);
		// cout << jet->isBJet(BtagAlgorithm::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2, BtagAlgorithm::MEDIUM) << endl;
		treeMan_->Fill("pt", jetPt);
		treeMan_->Fill("eta", jetEta);
		treeMan_->Fill("CSV", jetCSV);
		treeMan_->Fill("partonFlavour", partonFlavour);
		treeMan_->Fill("isLoose", isLoose);
		treeMan_->Fill("isMedium", isMedium);
		treeMan_->Fill("isTight", isTight);

	treeMan_->Fill("NJets", NJets);
Exemple #3
void BTagEff::analyse(const EventPtr event) {

	int NJets = 0;
	int NBJets = 0; // How many medium b jets
	const JetCollection cleanedJets = event->CleanedJets();

	int selectionCriteria = -1;
	if ( event->PassesElectronTriggerAndSelectionNoB() ) selectionCriteria = SelectionCriteria::ElectronPlusJetsReference;
	else if ( event->PassesMuonTriggerAndSelectionNoB() ) selectionCriteria = SelectionCriteria::MuonPlusJetsReference;
	const LeptonPointer signalLepton = event->getSignalLepton( selectionCriteria );

	// unsigned int nParton = 0;
	for (unsigned int jetIndex = 0; jetIndex < cleanedJets.size(); ++jetIndex) {
		const JetPointer jet(;

		bool isLoose = false;
		bool isMedium = false;
		bool isTight = false;

		double jetPt = jet->pt();
		double jetEta = jet->eta();

		if (jetPt < 25 || fabs(jetEta) > 2.4) continue;

		double jetCSV = jet->getBTagDiscriminator(BAT::BtagAlgorithm::value::CombinedSecondaryVertexV2);

		if (jetCSV > 0.460) {
			isLoose = true;
		if (jetCSV > 0.800) {
			isMedium = true;
		if (jetCSV > 0.935) {
			isTight = true;

		unsigned int partonFlavour = abs(jet->partonFlavour());
		unsigned int hadronFlavour = abs(jet->hadronFlavour());

		treeMan_->Fill("pt", jetPt);
		treeMan_->Fill("eta", jetEta);
		treeMan_->Fill("CSV", jetCSV);
		treeMan_->Fill("partonFlavour", partonFlavour);
		treeMan_->Fill("hadronFlavour", hadronFlavour);
		treeMan_->Fill("isLoose", isLoose);
		treeMan_->Fill("isMedium", isMedium);
		treeMan_->Fill("isTight", isTight);

	treeMan_->Fill("NJets", NJets);
	treeMan_->Fill("NBJets", NBJets);
	treeMan_->Fill("EventWeight", event->weight());
	treeMan_->Fill("PUWeight", event->PileUpWeight());

	if ( selectionCriteria == SelectionCriteria::ElectronPlusJetsReference ) {
		double electronEfficiencyCorrection = 1;
		if ( !event->isRealData() ) {
			const ElectronPointer signalElectron(boost::static_pointer_cast<Electron>(signalLepton));
			electronEfficiencyCorrection = signalElectron->getEfficiencyCorrection( 0 );
	else if ( selectionCriteria == SelectionCriteria::MuonPlusJetsReference ) {
		double muonEfficiencyCorrection = 1;
		if ( !event->isRealData() ) {
			const MuonPointer signalMuon(boost::static_pointer_cast<Muon>(signalLepton));
			muonEfficiencyCorrection = signalMuon->getEfficiencyCorrection( 0 );
double BTagWeight::weight(const JetCollection jets, const int systematic) const {
	float bTaggedMCJet = 1.0;
	float nonBTaggedMCJet = 1.0;
	float bTaggedDataJet = 1.0;
	float nonBTaggedDataJet = 1.0;

	for (unsigned int index = 0; index < jets.size(); ++index) {
		// Info on this jet
		const JetPointer jet(;

		double jetPt = jet->pt();
		if ( jetPt < 25 ) continue;

		// If the pt of the jet is outside the pt range of the SFs,
		// use the pt at the upper/lower edge and double the uncertainty.
		bool ptOutOfRange = false;
		if ( jetPt <= 30 || jet->pt() >= 670 ) {
			ptOutOfRange = true;

		const unsigned int partonFlavour = abs( jet->partonFlavour() );
		const bool isBTagged = jet->isBJet();

		// Get scale factor for this jet
		const double sf = jet->getBTagSF( 0 );
		double sf_up = jet->getBTagSF( 1 );
		double sf_down = jet->getBTagSF( -1 );

		if ( ptOutOfRange ) {
			sf_up = sf + 2 * ( sf_up - sf );
			sf_down = sf - 2 * ( sf - sf_down );

			if ( sf_up < 0 ) sf_up = 0;
			if ( sf_down < 0 ) sf_down = 0;

		// Get efficiency for this jet
		const double eff = getEfficiency( partonFlavour, jet );
		double sfToUse = sf;
		if ( systematic == 1 ) {
			sfToUse = sf_up;
		else if ( systematic == -1 ) {
			sfToUse = sf_down;

		if ( isBTagged ) {
			bTaggedMCJet *= eff;
			if ( eff*sfToUse > 1 ) {
				bTaggedDataJet *= 1;
			else if ( eff*sfToUse < 0 ) {
				bTaggedDataJet *= 0;
			else {
				bTaggedDataJet *= eff*sfToUse;
		else {
			nonBTaggedMCJet *= ( 1 - eff );

			if ( eff*sfToUse > 1 ) {
				nonBTaggedDataJet *= 0;
			else if ( eff*sfToUse < 0 ) {
				nonBTaggedDataJet *= 1;
			else {
				bTaggedDataJet *= ( 1 - eff*sfToUse );
		// if ( nonBTaggedMCJet < 0 || nonBTaggedDataJet < 0 ) {
		// 	cout << nonBTaggedMCJet << " " << nonBTaggedDataJet << endl;
		// 	cout << eff << " " << sfToUse << endl;
		// }

	double bTagWeight = (nonBTaggedDataJet * bTaggedDataJet) / (nonBTaggedMCJet * bTaggedMCJet);

	return bTagWeight;