void BGDialog::setWallpaper(const QString &s) { KComboBox *comboWallpaper = m_urlWallpaperBox; int i = comboWallpaper->count(); if (i == 0) return; comboWallpaper->blockSignals(true); if (m_wallpaper.find(s) == m_wallpaper.end()) { QString imageCaption; int slash = s.lastIndexOf('/') + 1; int endDot = s.lastIndexOf('.'); // strip the extension if it exists if (endDot != -1 && endDot > slash) imageCaption = s.mid(slash, endDot - slash); else imageCaption = s.mid(slash); if (comboWallpaper->itemText(i - 1) == imageCaption) { i--; comboWallpaper->removeItem(i); } comboWallpaper->addItem(imageCaption); m_wallpaper[s] = i; comboWallpaper->setCurrentIndex(i); } else { comboWallpaper->setCurrentIndex(m_wallpaper[s]); } comboWallpaper->blockSignals(false); }
void KOTodoPriorityDelegate::setEditorData( QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index ) const { KComboBox *combo = static_cast<KComboBox *>( editor ); combo->setCurrentIndex( index.data( Qt::EditRole ).toInt() ); }
bool Widgets::comboBox(QWidget *parent, const QString& title, const QString& text, const QStringList& args, const QString& defaultEntry, QString &result) { KDialog dlg( parent ); kapp->setTopWidget( &dlg ); dlg.setCaption( title ); dlg.setButtons( KDialog::Ok|KDialog::Cancel ); dlg.setModal( true ); dlg.setDefaultButton( KDialog::Ok ); KVBox* vbox = new KVBox( &dlg ); dlg.setMainWidget( vbox ); QLabel label (vbox); label.setText (text); KComboBox combo (vbox); combo.insertItems (0, args); combo.setCurrentIndex( combo.findText( defaultEntry ) ); handleXGeometry(&dlg); bool retcode = (dlg.exec() == QDialog::Accepted); if (retcode) result = combo.currentText(); return retcode; }
void KisInputModeDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { KComboBox *combo = qobject_cast<KComboBox *>(editor); Q_ASSERT(combo); int i = combo->findText(d->action->shortcutIndexes().key(index.data(Qt::EditRole).toUInt())); combo->setCurrentIndex(i); }
void TracksDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { KComboBox *comboBox = qobject_cast<KComboBox *>(editor); if (!comboBox) return; const int pos = comboBox->findText(index.model()->data(index).toString(), Qt::MatchExactly); comboBox->setCurrentIndex(pos); }
void HolidayRegionSelector::Private::initItem( QTreeWidgetItem *listItem, HolidayRegion *region ) { m_ui.regionTreeWidget->blockSignals( true ); QString languageName = KGlobal::locale()->languageCodeToName( region->languageCode() ); listItem->setCheckState( Private::SelectColumn, Qt::Unchecked ); QString text = i18n( "<p>Select to use Holiday Region</p>" ); listItem->setToolTip( Private::SelectColumn, text ); listItem->setToolTip( Private::ComboColumn, text ); text = i18n( "<p>Select to use Holiday Region</p>" ); listItem->setToolTip( Private::SelectColumn, text ); listItem->setToolTip( Private::ComboColumn, text ); listItem->setText( Private::RegionColumn, region->name() ); QString toolTip = i18n( "<p><b>Region:</b> %1<br/>" "<b>Language:</b> %2<br/>" "<b>Description:</b> %3</p>", region->name(), languageName, region->description() ); listItem->setToolTip( Private::RegionColumn, toolTip ); listItem->setData( Private::RegionColumn, Qt::UserRole, region->regionCode() ); listItem->setText( Private::LanguageColumn, languageName ); listItem->setData( Private::LanguageColumn, Qt::UserRole, region->languageCode() ); listItem->setText( Private::DescriptionColumn, region->description() ); listItem->setToolTip( Private::DescriptionColumn, region->description() ); KComboBox *combo = new KComboBox(); combo->setAutoFillBackground( true ); QString comboText = i18n( "<p>You can choose to display the Holiday Region for information only, " "or to use the Holiday Region when displaying or calculating days off " "such as Public Holidays. If you choose to use the Holiday Region for " "Days Off, then only those Holiday Events marked in the Holiday Region " "as Days Off will be used for non-work days, Holiday Events that are " "not marked in the Holiday Region as Days Off will continue to be " "work days.</p>" ); combo->setToolTip( comboText ); comboText = i18nc( "Combobox label, Holiday Region not used", "Not Used" ); combo->addItem( comboText, QVariant( NotUsed ) ); comboText = i18nc( "Combobox label, use Holiday Region for information only", "Information" ); combo->addItem( comboText, QVariant( UseInformationOnly ) ); comboText = i18nc( "Combobox label, use Holiday Region for days off", "Days Off" ); combo->addItem( comboText, QVariant( UseDaysOff ) ); combo->setCurrentIndex( 0 ); listItem->setData( Private::ComboColumn, Qt::UserRole, NotUsed ); m_ui.regionTreeWidget->setItemWidget( listItem, ComboColumn, combo ); connect( combo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), q, SLOT(itemChanged(int)) ); m_ui.regionTreeWidget->blockSignals( false ); }
void RuleDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex &index) const { const QString rule = index.data(Qt::EditRole).toString(); if (rule.isEmpty()) { return; } KLineEdit *ruleLineEdit = static_cast<KLineEdit*>(editor->layout()->itemAt(0)->widget()); ruleLineEdit->setText(rule.mid(rule.indexOf('+', 3) + 1)); KComboBox *matchComboBox = static_cast<KComboBox*>(editor->layout()->itemAt(1)->widget()); matchComboBox->setCurrentIndex(rule.mid(2, (rule.indexOf('+', 3) - 2)).toInt()); QCheckBox *requiredCheckBox = static_cast<QCheckBox*>(editor->layout()->itemAt(2)->widget()); requiredCheckBox->setChecked(rule.at(0) == '1'); }
void MetaQueryWidget::makeFormatComboSelection() { KComboBox* combo = new KComboBox( this ); combo->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Ignored, QSizePolicy::Preferred ); QStringList filetypes = Amarok::FileTypeSupport::possibleFileTypes(); for (int listpos=0;listpos<filetypes.size();listpos++) { combo->addItem(filetypes.at(listpos),listpos); } int index = m_fieldSelection->findData( (int)m_filter.numValue ); combo->setCurrentIndex( index == -1 ? 0 : index ); connect( combo, SIGNAL( currentIndexChanged(int) ), SLOT( numValueFormatChanged(int) ) ); m_valueSelection1 = combo; }
void CharactersViewDelegate::setEditorData(QWidget* editor, const QModelIndex& index) const { switch (index.column()) { case 0: case 1: { KLineEdit* lineEdit = static_cast<KLineEdit*>(editor); lineEdit->setText(index.data(Qt::EditRole).toString()); break; } case 2: { KComboBox* comboBox = static_cast<KComboBox*>(editor); comboBox->setCurrentIndex(index.data(Qt::EditRole).toInt()); break; } default: QStyledItemDelegate::setEditorData(editor, index); } }
void ConditionalDialog::init(KCConditional const & tmp, int numCondition) { kDebug() << "Adding" << numCondition; KComboBox * cb = 0; KComboBox * sb = 0; KLineEdit * kl1 = 0; KLineEdit * kl2 = 0; QString value; KCMap *const map = m_selection->activeSheet()->map(); KCValueConverter *const converter = map->converter(); switch (numCondition) { case 0: cb = m_dlg->m_condition_1; sb = m_dlg->m_style_1; kl1 = m_dlg->m_firstValue_1; kl2 = m_dlg->m_secondValue_1; break; case 1: cb = m_dlg->m_condition_2; sb = m_dlg->m_style_2; kl1 = m_dlg->m_firstValue_2; kl2 = m_dlg->m_secondValue_2; break; case 2: cb = m_dlg->m_condition_3; sb = m_dlg->m_style_3; kl1 = m_dlg->m_firstValue_3; kl2 = m_dlg->m_secondValue_3; break; default: return; } if (!tmp.styleName.isEmpty()) { sb->setCurrentIndex(sb->findText(tmp.styleName)); sb->setEnabled(true); } switch (tmp.cond) { case KCConditional::None : case KCConditional::IsTrueFormula: // was unhandled break; case KCConditional::Equal : cb->setCurrentIndex(1); break; case KCConditional::Superior : cb->setCurrentIndex(2); break; case KCConditional::Inferior : cb->setCurrentIndex(3); break; case KCConditional::SuperiorEqual : cb->setCurrentIndex(4); break; case KCConditional::InferiorEqual : cb->setCurrentIndex(5); break; case KCConditional::Between : cb->setCurrentIndex(6); kl2->setText(converter->asString(tmp.value2).asString()); break; case KCConditional::Different : cb->setCurrentIndex(7); kl2->setText(converter->asString(tmp.value2).asString()); break; case KCConditional::DifferentTo : cb->setCurrentIndex(8); break; } if (tmp.cond != KCConditional::None) { kl1->setEnabled(true); kl1->setText(converter->asString(tmp.value1).asString()); } }
/** * Fills the list box with the objects associations. */ void AssocTab::fillListBox() { m_List.clear(); m_pAssocTW->clear(); setupCols(); m_pAssocTW->setRowCount(0); m_pView->getWidgetAssocs(m_pObject, m_List); int i = 0; foreach( AssociationWidget* assocwidget, m_List ) { if( assocwidget->associationType() != Uml::at_Anchor) { m_pAssocTW->setRowCount(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()+1); QTableWidgetItem* nameWidget = new QTableWidgetItem(""); nameWidget->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEditable|Qt::ItemIsEnabled|Qt::ItemIsSelectable); nameWidget->setText(assocwidget->getName()); m_pAssocTW->setItem(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,0,nameWidget); /*QTableWidgetItem* newItem = new QTableWidgetItem(assocwidget->toString()); m_pAssocTW->setItem(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,1,newItem);*/ KComboBox *typeCB = new KComboBox(this); m_pAssocTW->setCellWidget(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,3,typeCB); Uml::Association_Type currentType = assocwidget->associationType(); int found=-1; QStringList assocTypeStrings; QList<Uml::Association_Type> assocType; // dynamically load all allowed associations for ( int i = Uml::at_Generalization; i<= Uml::at_Relationship ; ++i ) { // we don't need to check for current type if ( ( Uml::Association_Type )i == currentType ) continue; if ( AssocRules::allowAssociation( ( Uml::Association_Type )i, assocwidget->getWidget( Uml::A ), assocwidget->getWidget( Uml::B )) ) { assocType << (Uml::Association_Type)i; assocTypeStrings << UMLAssociation::toString((Uml::Association_Type)i); if ((Uml::Association_Type)i == currentType) found=true; } } if (found == -1) { assocType.insert(0, currentType); assocTypeStrings.insert(0,UMLAssociation::toString(currentType)); } else { typeCB->setCurrentIndex(found); } typeCB->addItems(assocTypeStrings); QTableWidgetItem* newItem2 = new QTableWidgetItem(assocwidget->getWidget(Uml::A)->name()); m_pAssocTW->setItem(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,1,newItem2); QTableWidgetItem* newItem3 = new QTableWidgetItem(assocwidget->getWidget(Uml::B)->name()); m_pAssocTW->setItem(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,2,newItem3); QPushButton* morePb = new QPushButton(this); morePb->setText("Doc"); m_pAssocTW->setCellWidget(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,4,morePb); QPushButton* docPb = new QPushButton(this); docPb->setText("Doc"); m_pAssocTW->setCellWidget(m_pAssocTW->rowCount()-1,5,docPb); i++; } } }