Exemple #1
void testRayIntersect() {
    KDTree<Triangle> tree;

    Array<int> index;
    Array<Point3> vertex;
    printf(" (load model, ");
    ArticulatedModel::Ref model = ArticulatedModel::fromFile(System::findDataFile("cow.ifs"));
    extractTriangles(model, vertex, index);
    for (int i = 0; i < index.size(); i += 3) {
        int i0 = index[i];
        int i1 = index[i + 1];
        int i2 = index[i + 2];
        tree.insert(Triangle(vertex[i0], vertex[i1], vertex[i2]));
    printf("balance tree, ");

    Vector3 origin = Vector3(0, 5, 0);
    IntersectCallback intersectCallback;
    printf("raytrace, ");
    for (int i = 0; i < 4000; ++i) {
        // Cast towards a random point near the cow surface
        Vector3 target = vertex.randomElement() + Vector3::random() * 0.0001f;
        Ray ray = Ray::fromOriginAndDirection(origin, (target - origin).direction());

        // Exhaustively test against each triangle
        float exhaustiveDistance = inf();
            const KDTree<Triangle>::Iterator& end = tree.end();
            KDTree<Triangle>::Iterator it = tree.begin();

            while (it != end) {
                const Triangle& tri = *it;
                float d = ray.intersectionTime(tri);
                if (d > 0 && d < exhaustiveDistance) {
                    exhaustiveDistance = d;

        // Test using the ray iterator
        float treeDistance = inf();
        tree.intersectRay(ray, intersectCallback, treeDistance, true);

        float treeDistance2 = inf();
        tree.intersectRay(ray, intersectCallback, treeDistance2, false);

        debugAssertM(fuzzyEq(treeDistance, exhaustiveDistance),
                     format("KDTree::intersectRay found a point at %f, "
                            "exhaustive ray intersection found %f.",
                            treeDistance, exhaustiveDistance));

        debugAssertM(fuzzyEq(treeDistance2, exhaustiveDistance),
                     format("KDTree::intersectRay found a point at %f, "
                            "exhaustive ray intersection found %f.",
                            treeDistance2, exhaustiveDistance));
    printf("done) ");