PointListPtr  PointList::FromDelStr (const KKStr&  _s)
  PointListPtr  result = new PointList (true);

  KKStr  s (_s);
  s.TrimLeft ();

  while  (s.Len () > 0)
    char nextCh = s.FirstChar ();
    char endPairChar = 0;
    if  (nextCh == '[')
      endPairChar = ']';

    else if  (nextCh == '(')
      endPairChar = ')';

      // Not Bracketed.
      endPairChar = 0;
      kkint16  row = (kkint16)s.ExtractTokenInt (",\t\n\t");
      kkint16  col = (kkint16)s.ExtractTokenInt (",\t\n\t");
      result->PushOnBack (new Point (row, col));

    if  (endPairChar != 0)
      KKStr pairStr = "";
      auto  idx = s.Find (endPairChar);
      if  (idx)
        pairStr = s.SubStrSeg (0, idx);
        s = s.SubStrPart (idx + 1);
        pairStr = s;
        s = "";

      kkint16  row = (kkint16)pairStr.ExtractTokenInt (",");
      kkint16  col = (kkint16)pairStr.ExtractTokenInt (",");
      result->PushOnBack (new Point (row, col));
      nextCh = s.FirstChar ();
      if  ((nextCh == ',')  ||  (nextCh == '\n')  ||  (nextCh == '\r')  || (nextCh == '\t'))
        s.ChopFirstChar ();
    s.TrimLeft ();

  return  result;
}  /* FromDelStr */
Exemple #2
XmlTag::XmlTag (istream&  i)
  tagType = tagNULL;

  if  (i.peek () == '<')
    i.get ();

  KKStr tagStr (100);
  ReadWholeTag (i, tagStr);

  if  (tagStr.FirstChar () == '/')
    tagStr.ChopFirstChar ();
    tagType = tagEnd;

  if  (tagStr.EndsWith ("/>"))
    tagType = tagEmpty;
    tagStr.ChopLastChar ();
    tagStr.ChopLastChar ();

  else if  (tagStr.LastChar () != '>')
    tagType = tagStart;

    if  (tagType == tagNULL)
      tagType = tagStart;
    tagStr.ChopLastChar ();

  name.TrimLeft ();
  name.TrimRight ();

  name = tagStr.ExtractToken2 (" \n\r\t");
  KKStr attributeName (20);
  KKStr attributeValue (20);

  while  (!tagStr.Empty ())
    ExtractAttribute (tagStr, attributeName, attributeValue);
    if  (!attributeName.Empty ())
      attributes.push_back (XmlAttribute (attributeName, attributeValue));
Exemple #3
void  Configuration::LoadFile (RunLog&  log)
  log.Level (10) << "Configuration::LoadFile: " << fileName << endl;

  kkint32  lastLineNum = 0;

  if  (fileName == "")
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***   File-Name is blank"  << endl
                   << endl;
    FormatGood (false);

  FILE*  inFile = osFOPEN (fileName.Str (), "r");

  if  (!inFile)
    log.Level (-1) << endl
                   << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***    Opening File: " << fileName << endl
                   << endl;

    FormatGood (false);

  char  buff[10240];
  kkint32 lineCount = 0;

  curSectionName = "";
  ConfSectionPtr  curSection = NULL;

  while  (fgets (buff, sizeof (buff), inFile))
    KKStr  line (buff);
    line.TrimRight ();
    line.TrimLeft ();

    StripOutAnyComments (line);

    log.Level (70) << line << endl;
    StripOutAnyComments (line);

    if  (line.Empty ())            
      // If we have a blank line, we do nothing.

    else if  (line.FirstChar () == '[')
      // Looks like definition of new section. 

      if  (line.LastChar () == ']')
        curSectionName = line.SubStrPart (1, line.Len () - 2);
        curSectionName.TrimLeft ();
        curSectionName.TrimRight ();
        curSectionName.Upper ();

        curSection = new ConfSection (curSectionName, lastLineNum);
        sections->AddConfSection (curSection);
        log.Level (30) << "LoadFile   SectionName[" << curSectionName << "]." << endl;
        log.Level (-1) << endl
                       << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***    LineNumber[" << lastLineNum << "]  Improper Section Name[" << line << "]." << endl
                       << endl;
        formatGood = false;

      if  (!curSection)
        log.Level (-1) << endl
                       << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***  Format Error LineNumber[" << lastLineNum << "]" << endl
                       << "                            No Section Defined."  << endl 
                       << endl;
        formatGood = false;

        curSectionName = "GLOBAL";
        curSection = new ConfSection (curSectionName, lastLineNum);
        sections->AddConfSection (curSection);

      kkint32  equalIdx = line.LocateCharacter ('=');

      if  (equalIdx < 0)
        // We have a improperly formated line.
        log.Level (-1) << endl
                       << "Configuration::LoadFile   ***ERROR***   LineNumber[" << lastLineNum << "] Improperly Formated Line[" << line << "]." 
                       << endl;
        formatGood = false;

        KKStr  settingName (line.SubStrPart (0, equalIdx - 1));
        settingName.TrimLeft ();
        settingName.TrimRight ();
        settingName.Upper ();

        KKStr  settingValue (line.SubStrPart (equalIdx + 1));
        settingValue.TrimLeft ();
        settingValue.TrimRight ();

        log.Level (30) << "LoadFile   SectionName[" << curSectionName << "], "
                       << "Setting[" << settingName << "], Value[" << settingValue   << "]."
                       << endl;

        curSection->AddSetting (settingName, settingValue, lastLineNum);


  fclose (inFile);
}  /* LoadFile */