Exemple #1
    \fn KmlExport::generate()
void KmlExport::generate()
    //! @todo perform a test here before continuing.
    createDir(QString(m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir));

    ImageCollection selection = m_interface->currentSelection();
    ImageCollection album     = m_interface->currentAlbum();

    // create the document, and it's root
    m_kmlDocument                   = new QDomDocument("");
    QDomImplementation impl;
    QDomProcessingInstruction instr = m_kmlDocument->createProcessingInstruction("xml", "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"");
    QDomElement kmlRoot             = m_kmlDocument->createElementNS("http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2", "kml");
    m_kmlDocument->appendChild( kmlRoot );

    QDomElement kmlAlbum            = addKmlElement(kmlRoot, "Document");
    QDomElement kmlName             = addKmlTextElement(kmlAlbum, "name", album.name());
    QDomElement kmlDescription      = addKmlHtmlElement(kmlAlbum, "description",
                                                        "Created with kmlexport <a href=\"http://www.digikam.org/\">kipi-plugin</a>");

    if (m_GPXtracks)

    KPMetadata meta;
    KUrl::List images = selection.images();
    int defectImage   = 0;
    int pos           = 1;
    int count         = images.count();
    KUrl::List::ConstIterator imagesEnd (images.constEnd());

    for( KUrl::List::ConstIterator selIt = images.constBegin(); selIt != imagesEnd; ++selIt, ++pos)
        double alt, lat, lng;
        KUrl url        = *selIt;
        KPImageInfo info(url);
        bool hasGPSInfo = info.hasGeolocationInfo();

        if (hasGPSInfo)
            lat = info.latitude();
            lng = info.longitude();
            alt = info.altitude();
            hasGPSInfo = meta.getGPSInfo(alt, lat, lng);

        if ( hasGPSInfo )
            // generation de l'image et de l'icone
            generateImagesthumb(url, kmlAlbum);
            logWarning(i18n("No position data for '%1'", info.name()));

        m_progressDialog->progressWidget()->setProgress(pos, count);

    if (defectImage)
        /** @todo if defectImage==count there are no pictures exported, does is it worth to continue? */
                                 i18np("No position data for 1 picture",
                                       "No position data for %1 pictures", defectImage));

    /** @todo change to kml or kmz if compressed */
    QFile file( m_tempDestDir + m_KMLFileName + ".kml");
    /** @todo handle file opening problems */
    file.open( QIODevice::WriteOnly );
    QTextStream stream( &file ); // we will serialize the data into the file
    stream << m_kmlDocument->toString();

    delete m_kmlDocument;
    m_kmlDocument = 0;

    KIO::moveAs(m_tempDestDir, m_baseDestDir, KIO::HideProgressInfo | KIO::Overwrite);
    logInfo(i18n("Move to final directory"));
Exemple #2
\fn KmlExport::generateImagesthumb(const KUrl& imageURL, QDomElement& kmlAlbum )
void KmlExport::generateImagesthumb(const KUrl& imageURL, QDomElement& kmlAlbum )
    KPImageInfo info(imageURL);

    // Load image
    QString path = imageURL.path();
    QFile imageFile(path);

    if (!imageFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
        logWarning(i18n("Could not read image '%1'",path));

    QImageReader reader(&imageFile);
    QString imageFormat = reader.format();

    if (imageFormat.isEmpty())
        logWarning(i18n("Format of image '%1' is unknown",path));


    QByteArray imageData = imageFile.readAll();
    QImage image;

    if (!image.loadFromData(imageData) )
        logWarning(i18n("Error loading image '%1'",path));

    // Process images

    if ( info.orientation() != KPMetadata::ORIENTATION_UNSPECIFIED )
        QMatrix matrix = RotationMatrix::toMatrix(info.orientation());
        image          = image.transformed( matrix );

    image = image.scaled(m_size, m_size, Qt::KeepAspectRatioByExpanding);
    QImage icon;

    if (m_optimize_googlemap)
        icon = generateSquareThumbnail(image,m_googlemapSize);
    //    icon = image.smoothScale(m_iconSize, m_iconSize, QImage::ScaleMax);
        icon = generateBorderedThumbnail(image, m_iconSize);

    // Save images
    /** @todo remove the extension of the file
     * it's appear with digikam but not with gwenview
     * which already seems to strip the extension
    QString baseFileName = webifyFileName(info.name());
    //baseFileName       = mUniqueNameHelper.makeNameUnique(baseFileName);
    QString fullFileName;
    fullFileName         = baseFileName + '.' + imageFormat.toLower();
    QString destPath     = m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir + fullFileName;

    if (!image.save(destPath, imageFormat.toAscii(), 85))
        // if not able to save the image, it's pointless to create a placemark
        logWarning(i18n("Could not save image '%1' to '%2'",path,destPath));
        //logInfo(i18n("Creation of picture '%1'").arg(fullFileName));

        double     alt, lat, lng;
        KPMetadata meta;

        if (info.hasGeolocationInfo())
            lat = info.latitude();
            lng = info.longitude();
            alt = info.altitude();
            meta.getGPSInfo(alt, lat, lng);

        QDomElement kmlPlacemark = addKmlElement(kmlAlbum, "Placemark");
        // location and altitude
        QDomElement kmlGeometry  = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "Point");

        if (alt)
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "coordinates", QString("%1,%2,%3 ")
                .arg(lng, 0, 'f', 8)
                .arg(lat, 0, 'f', 8)
                .arg(alt, 0, 'f', 8));
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "coordinates", QString("%1,%2 ")
                .arg(lng, 0, 'f', 8)
                .arg(lat, 0, 'f', 8));

        if (m_altitudeMode == 2 )
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "absolute");
        else if (m_altitudeMode == 1 )
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "relativeToGround");
            addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "altitudeMode", "clampToGround");

        addKmlTextElement(kmlGeometry, "extrude", "1");

        // we try to load exif value if any otherwise, try the application db
        /** we need to take the DateTimeOriginal
          * if we refer to http://www.exif.org/Exif2-2.PDF
          * (standard)DateTime: is The date and time of image creation. In this standard it is the date and time the file was changed
          * DateTimeOriginal: The date and time when the original image data was generated.
          *                   For a DSC the date and time the picture was taken are recorded.
          * DateTimeDigitized: The date and time when the image was stored as digital data.
          * So for:
          * - a DSC: the right time is the DateTimeDigitized which is also DateTimeOriginal
          *          if the picture has been modified the (standard)DateTime should change.
          * - a scanned picture, the right time is the DateTimeOriginal which should also be the DateTime
          *          the (standard)DateTime should be the same except if the picture is modified
          * - a panorama created from several pictures, the right time is the DateTimeOriginal (average of DateTimeOriginal actually)
          *          The (standard)DateTime is the creation date of the panorama.
          * it's seems the time to take into acccount is the DateTimeOriginal.
          * but the KPMetadata::getImageDateTime() return the (standard)DateTime first
          * KPMetadata seems to take Original dateTime first so it shoul be alright now.
        QDateTime datetime = meta.getImageDateTime();

        if (datetime.isValid())
            QDomElement kmlTimeStamp = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "TimeStamp");
            addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, "when", datetime.toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"));
        else if (m_interface->hasFeature(ImagesHasTime))
            QDomElement kmlTimeStamp = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "TimeStamp");
            addKmlTextElement(kmlTimeStamp, "when", (info.date()).toString("yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ"));

        QString my_description;

        if (m_optimize_googlemap)
            my_description = "<img src=\"" + m_UrlDestDir + m_imageDir + fullFileName + "\">";
            my_description = "<img src=\"" + m_imageDir + fullFileName + "\">";

        if ( m_interface->hasFeature( ImagesHasComments ) )
            my_description += "<br/>" + info.description() ;

        addKmlTextElement(kmlPlacemark, "description", my_description);
        logInfo(i18n("Creation of placemark '%1'", fullFileName));

        // Save icon
        QString iconFileName = "thumb_" + baseFileName + '.' + imageFormat.toLower();
        QString destPath     = m_tempDestDir + m_imageDir + iconFileName;

        if (!icon.save(destPath, imageFormat.toAscii(), 85))
            logWarning(i18n("Could not save icon for image '%1' to '%2'",path,destPath));
            //logInfo(i18n("Creation of icon '%1'").arg(iconFileName));
            // style et icon
            QDomElement kmlStyle     = addKmlElement(kmlPlacemark, "Style");
            QDomElement kmlIconStyle = addKmlElement(kmlStyle,     "IconStyle");
            QDomElement kmlIcon      = addKmlElement(kmlIconStyle, "Icon");

            if (m_optimize_googlemap)
                addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", m_UrlDestDir + m_imageDir + iconFileName);
                addKmlTextElement(kmlIcon, "href", m_imageDir + iconFileName);

            QDomElement kmlBallonStyle = addKmlElement(kmlStyle, "BalloonStyle");
            addKmlTextElement(kmlBallonStyle, "text", "$[description]");