Exemple #1
CircuitView::CircuitView(CircuitDocument *circuitDocument, ViewContainer *viewContainer, uint viewAreaId, const char *name)
        : ICNView(circuitDocument, viewContainer, viewAreaId, name),
        p_circuitDocument(circuitDocument) {
    KActionCollection *ac = actionCollection();

    new KAction("Dump linear equations", Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_D, circuitDocument, SLOT(displayEquations()), ac, "dump_les");

    //BEGIN Item Control Actions
    KRadioAction * ra;
    ra = new KRadioAction(i18n("0 Degrees"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(setOrientation0()), ac, "edit_orientation_0");
    ra = new KRadioAction(i18n("90 Degrees"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(setOrientation90()), ac, "edit_orientation_90");
    ra = new KRadioAction(i18n("180 Degrees"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(setOrientation180()), ac, "edit_orientation_180");
    ra = new KRadioAction(i18n("270 Degrees"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(setOrientation270()), ac, "edit_orientation_270");

    new KAction(i18n("Create Subcircuit"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(createSubcircuit()), ac, "circuit_create_subcircuit");
    new KAction(i18n("Rotate Clockwise"), "rotate_cw", "]", circuitDocument, SLOT(rotateClockwise()), ac, "edit_rotate_cw");
    new KAction(i18n("Rotate Counter-Clockwise"), "rotate_ccw", "[", circuitDocument, SLOT(rotateCounterClockwise()), ac, "edit_rotate_ccw");
    new KAction(i18n("Flip Horizontally"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(flipHorizontally()), ac, "edit_flip_horizontally");
    new KAction(i18n("Flip Vertically"), "", 0, circuitDocument, SLOT(flipVertically()), ac, "edit_flip_vertically");
    //END Item Control Actions

    setXMLFile("ktechlabcircuitui.rc", true);

    QWhatsThis::add(this, i18n(
                        "Construct a circuit by dragging components from the Component selector from the left. Create the connections by dragging a wire from the component connectors.<br><br>"

                        "The simulation is running by default, but can be paused and resumed from the Tools menu.<br><br>"

                        "To delete a wire, select it with a select box, and hit delete.<br><br>"

                        "To edit the attributes of a component, select it (making sure that no components of another type are also selected), and edit in the toolbar. More advanced properties can be edited using the item editor on the right.<br><br>"

                        "Subcircuits can be created by connecting the components with an External Connection, selecting the desired components and clicking on \"Create Subcircuit\" in the right-click menu.")

    m_pViewIface = new CircuitViewIface(this);

    m_statusBar->insertItem("", ViewStatusBar::SimulationState);
    connect(Simulator::self(), SIGNAL(simulatingStateChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateRunningStatus(bool)));
Exemple #2
KonqSidebarHistoryModule::KonqSidebarHistoryModule( KonqSidebarTree * parentTree, const char *name )
    : QObject( 0L, name ), KonqSidebarTreeModule( parentTree ),
      m_dict( 349 ),
      m_topLevelItem( 0L ),
      m_dlg( 0L ),
      m_initialized( false )
    if ( !s_settings ) {
	sd.setObject( s_settings,
                      new KonqSidebarHistorySettings( 0, "history settings" ));
	s_settings->readSettings( true );

    connect( s_settings, SIGNAL( settingsChanged() ), SLOT( slotSettingsChanged() ));

    m_dict.setAutoDelete( true );
    m_currentTime = QDateTime::currentDateTime();

    KConfig *kc = KGlobal::config();
    KConfigGroupSaver cs( kc, "HistorySettings" );
    m_sortsByName = kc->readEntry( "SortHistory", "byDate" ) == "byName";

    KonqHistoryManager *manager = KonqHistoryManager::kself();

    connect( manager, SIGNAL( loadingFinished() ), SLOT( slotCreateItems() ));
    connect( manager, SIGNAL( cleared() ), SLOT( clear() ));

    connect( manager, SIGNAL( entryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry * ) ),
	     SLOT( slotEntryAdded( const KonqHistoryEntry * ) ));
    connect( manager, SIGNAL( entryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *) ),
	     SLOT( slotEntryRemoved( const KonqHistoryEntry *) ));

    connect( parentTree, SIGNAL( expanded( QListViewItem * )),
	     SLOT( slotItemExpanded( QListViewItem * )));

    m_collection = new KActionCollection( this, "history actions" );
    (void) new KAction( i18n("New &Window"), "window_new", 0, this,
 			SLOT( slotNewWindow() ), m_collection, "open_new");
    (void) new KAction( i18n("&Remove Entry"), "editdelete", 0, this,
			SLOT( slotRemoveEntry() ), m_collection, "remove");
    (void) new KAction( i18n("C&lear History"), "history_clear", 0, this,
			SLOT( slotClearHistory() ), m_collection, "clear");
    (void) new KAction( i18n("&Preferences..."), "configure", 0, this,
			SLOT( slotPreferences()), m_collection, "preferences");

    KRadioAction *sort;
    sort = new KRadioAction( i18n("By &Name"), 0, this,
			     SLOT( slotSortByName() ), m_collection, "byName");
    sort->setChecked( m_sortsByName );

    sort = new KRadioAction( i18n("By &Date"), 0, this,
			     SLOT( slotSortByDate() ), m_collection, "byDate");
    sort->setChecked( !m_sortsByName );

    m_folderClosed = SmallIcon( "folder" );
    m_folderOpen = SmallIcon( "folder_open" );

    slotSettingsChanged(); // read the settings
Exemple #3
void JuK::setupActions()

    KStdAction::quit(this, SLOT(slotQuit()), actions());
    KStdAction::undo(this, SLOT(slotUndo()), actions());
    KStdAction::cut(kapp,   SLOT(cut()),   actions());
    KStdAction::copy(kapp,  SLOT(copy()),  actions());
    KStdAction::paste(kapp, SLOT(paste()), actions());
    KStdAction::clear(kapp, SLOT(clear()), actions());
    KStdAction::selectAll(kapp, SLOT(selectAll()), actions());

    new KAction(i18n("Remove From Playlist"), "edit_remove", 0, kapp, SLOT(clear()), actions(), "removeFromPlaylist");

    KActionMenu *actionMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("&Random Play"), "roll", actions(), "actionMenu");

    KRadioAction *ka = new KRadioAction(i18n("&Disable Random Play"), "player_playlist", 0, actions(), "disableRandomPlay");

    m_randomPlayAction = new KRadioAction(i18n("Use &Random Play"), "roll", 0, actions(), "randomPlay");

    ka = new KRadioAction(i18n("Use &Album Random Play"), "roll", 0, actions(), "albumRandomPlay");
    connect(ka, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotCheckAlbumNextAction(bool)));

    new KAction(i18n("&Play"),  "player_play",  0, m_player, SLOT(play()),  actions(), "play");
    new KAction(i18n("P&ause"), "player_pause", 0, m_player, SLOT(pause()), actions(), "pause");
    new KAction(i18n("&Stop"),  "player_stop",  0, m_player, SLOT(stop()),  actions(), "stop");

    new KToolBarPopupAction(i18n("previous track", "Previous"), "player_start", KShortcut(), m_player, SLOT(back()), actions(), "back");
    new KAction(i18n("next track", "&Next"), "player_end", KShortcut(), m_player, SLOT(forward()), actions(), "forward");
    new KToggleAction(i18n("&Loop Playlist"), 0, KShortcut(), actions(), "loopPlaylist");
    KToggleAction *resizeColumnAction =
        new KToggleAction(i18n("&Resize Playlist Columns Manually"),
	                  KShortcut(), actions(), "resizeColumnsManually");
    resizeColumnAction->setCheckedState(i18n("&Resize Column Headers Automatically"));

    // the following are not visible by default

    new KAction(i18n("Mute"),         "mute",        0, m_player, SLOT(mute()),        actions(), "mute");
    new KAction(i18n("Volume Up"),    "volumeUp",    0, m_player, SLOT(volumeUp()),    actions(), "volumeUp");
    new KAction(i18n("Volume Down"),  "volumeDown",  0, m_player, SLOT(volumeDown()),  actions(), "volumeDown");
    new KAction(i18n("Play / Pause"), "playPause",   0, m_player, SLOT(playPause()),   actions(), "playPause");
    new KAction(i18n("Seek Forward"), "seekForward", 0, m_player, SLOT(seekForward()), actions(), "seekForward");
    new KAction(i18n("Seek Back"),    "seekBack",    0, m_player, SLOT(seekBack()),    actions(), "seekBack");

    // settings menu

    m_toggleSplashAction =
	new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Splash Screen on Startup"),
			  KShortcut(), actions(), "showSplashScreen");
    m_toggleSplashAction->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide Splash Screen on Startup"));
    m_toggleSystemTrayAction =
	new KToggleAction(i18n("&Dock in System Tray"),
			  KShortcut(), actions(), "toggleSystemTray");
    m_toggleDockOnCloseAction =
	new KToggleAction(i18n("&Stay in System Tray on Close"),
			  KShortcut(), actions(), "dockOnClose");
    m_togglePopupsAction =
	new KToggleAction(i18n("Popup &Track Announcement"),
			  KShortcut(), this, 0, actions(), "togglePopups");
    new KToggleAction(i18n("Save &Play Queue on Exit"),
                      KShortcut(), this, 0, actions(), "saveUpcomingTracks");

    connect(m_toggleSystemTrayAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)),
	    this, SLOT(slotToggleSystemTray(bool)));

    m_outputSelectAction = PlayerManager::playerSelectAction(actions());


    new KAction(i18n("&Tag Guesser..."), 0, 0, this, SLOT(slotConfigureTagGuesser()),
		actions(), "tagGuesserConfig");

    new KAction(i18n("&File Renamer..."), 0, 0, this, SLOT(slotConfigureFileRenamer()),
		actions(), "fileRenamerConfig");

    KStdAction::keyBindings(this, SLOT(slotEditKeys()), actions());

    // just in the toolbar

    m_sliderAction = new SliderAction(i18n("Track Position"), actions(),
KAction *XMLActionHandler::createAction( KActionCollection *parent )
//    kdDebug(80001) << "Creating Action, type is " << type << endl;
//    kdDebug(80001) << "text=" << text << ", icons=" << icons << endl;
//    kdDebug(80001) << "keys=" << keys << ", name=" << name << endl;

    if ( !parent ) {
	kdWarning() << "Create action called but no parent set" << endl;
	return 0;

    KAction *act=0;

    if ( ad.type.isEmpty() || (ad.type == "KAction") ) {
	act = new KAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() );
    else if ( ad.type == "KToggleAction" ) {
	act = new KToggleAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() );
    else if ( ad.type == "KRadioAction" ) {
	KRadioAction *ra = new KRadioAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() );
	if ( ad.exclusive )
	    ra->setExclusiveGroup( ad.group );

	act = ra;
    else if ( ad.type == "KStdAction" ) {
	for ( int i = KStdAction::ActionNone ; i < KStdAction::ConfigureNotifications ; i++ ) {
	    if ( KStdAction::stdName(static_cast<KStdAction::StdAction>(i)) == ad.name )
		act = KStdAction::create( (KStdAction::StdAction)i, 0, 0, parent );
    else if ( ad.type == "KListAction" ) {
	KListAction *la = new KListAction( ad.text, ad.icons, ad.keys, 0, 0, parent, ad.name.latin1() );
	la->setItems( ad.items );
	act = la;
    else if ( ad.type == "KActionMenu" ) {
	KActionMenu *am = new KActionMenu( ad.text, ad.icons, parent, ad.name.latin1() );

	for ( QStringList::Iterator it = ad.items.begin() ; it != ad.items.end() ; ++it ) {
	    KAction *a = parent->action( (*it).latin1() );
	    if ( a )
		am->insert( a );
	act = am;
    else {
	kdWarning() << "Unknown ActionType " << ad.type << endl;
	return 0;

    if ( !act ) {
	kdWarning() << "Unable to create action" << endl;
	return act;

    if ( !ad.group.isEmpty() )
	act->setGroup( ad.group );

    act->setStatusText( ad.status );
    act->setWhatsThis( ad.whatsthis );

    QObject::connect( actclient, SIGNAL( destroyed() ), act, SLOT( deleteLater() ) );

    return act;