QString copyfile(const QString &filename)
    kdDebug(500) << "Copying file " << filename << endl;
    QString result;
    QFile f(filename);
        KTempFile temp;
        QFile *tf = temp.file();
            char buffer[0xFFFF];
            int b = 0;
            while((b = f.readBlock(buffer, 0xFFFF)) > 0)
                if(tf->writeBlock(buffer, b) != b)
            if(b > 0)
                kdDebug(500) << "File copied to " << temp.name() << endl;
                result = temp.name();
    return result;
void BaseTreeView::slotCreateFile()
  bool ok;
  QString fileName = KInputDialog::getText(i18n("Create New File"), i18n("File name:"), "", &ok, this);
  if (ok)
    KURL url = currentURL();
    if (currentKFileTreeViewItem()->isDir())
      url.setPath(url.path() + "/" + fileName);
      url.setPath(url.directory() + "/" + fileName);
    if (QExtFileInfo::exists(url, false, this))
      KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("<qt>Cannot create file, because a file named <b>%1</b> already exists.</qt>").arg(fileName), i18n("Error Creating File"));
    KTempFile *tempFile = new KTempFile(tmpDir);
    if (QuantaNetAccess::copy(KURL::fromPathOrURL(tempFile->name()), url, this))
      emit openFile(url);
    delete tempFile;
Exemple #3
void KJumpingCube::saveGame(bool saveAs)
   if(saveAs || gameURL.isEmpty())
      int result=0;
      KURL url;

         url = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(gameURL.url(),"*.kjc",this,0);


         // check filename
         QRegExp pattern("*.kjc",true,true);
            url.setFileName( url.filename()+".kjc" );

            QString mes=i18n("The file %1 exists.\n"
               "Do you want to overwrite it?").arg(url.url());
            result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mes, QString::null, i18n("Overwrite"));


   KTempFile tempFile;
   KSimpleConfig config(tempFile.name());


   if(KIO::NetAccess::upload( tempFile.name(),gameURL,this ))
      QString s=i18n("game saved as %1");
      KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("There was an error in saving file\n%1").arg(gameURL.url()));
Exemple #4
void KOrganizerPlugin::processDropEvent( QDropEvent *event )
  QString text;

  KABC::VCardConverter converter;
  if ( KVCardDrag::canDecode( event ) && KVCardDrag::decode( event, text ) ) {
    KABC::Addressee::List contacts = converter.parseVCards( text );
    KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it;

    QStringList attendees;
    for ( it = contacts.begin(); it != contacts.end(); ++it ) {
      QString email = (*it).fullEmail();
      if ( email.isEmpty() )
        attendees.append( (*it).realName() + "<>" );
        attendees.append( email );

    interface()->openEventEditor( i18n( "Meeting" ), QString::null, QString::null,
                                  attendees );

  if ( QTextDrag::decode( event, text ) ) {
    kdDebug(5602) << "DROP:" << text << endl;
    interface()->openEventEditor( text );

  KPIM::MailList mails;
  if ( KPIM::MailListDrag::decode( event, mails ) ) {
    if ( mails.count() != 1 ) {
      KMessageBox::sorry( core(),
                          i18n("Drops of multiple mails are not supported." ) );
    } else {
      KPIM::MailSummary mail = mails.first();
      QString txt = i18n("From: %1\nTo: %2\nSubject: %3").arg( mail.from() )
                    .arg( mail.to() ).arg( mail.subject() );

      KTempFile tf;
      tf.setAutoDelete( true );
      QString uri = QString::fromLatin1("kmail:") + QString::number( mail.serialNumber() );
      tf.file()->writeBlock( event->encodedData( "message/rfc822" ) );
      interface()->openEventEditor( i18n("Mail: %1").arg( mail.subject() ), txt,
                                    uri, tf.name(), QStringList(), "message/rfc822" );

  KMessageBox::sorry( core(), i18n("Cannot handle drop events of type '%1'.")
                              .arg( event->format() ) );
Exemple #5
bool VCardXXPort::doExport( const KURL &url, const QString &data )
  KTempFile tmpFile;
  tmpFile.setAutoDelete( true );

  QTextStream stream( tmpFile.file() );
  stream.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );

  stream << data;

  return KIO::NetAccess::upload( tmpFile.name(), url, parentWidget() );
Exemple #6
KIO_EXPORT void KIO::pasteData(const KURL &u, const QByteArray &_data)
    KURL new_url = getNewFileName(u, QString::null);
    // We could use KIO::put here, but that would require a class
    // for the slotData call. With NetAccess, we can do a synchronous call.


    KTempFile tempFile;
    tempFile.dataStream()->writeRawBytes(_data.data(), _data.size());

    (void)KIO::NetAccess::upload(tempFile.name(), new_url, 0);
bool KSnapshot::save( const KURL& url )
    if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( url, false, this ) ) {
        const QString title = i18n( "File Exists" );
        const QString text = i18n( "<qt>Do you really want to overwrite <b>%1</b>?</qt>" ).arg(url.prettyURL());
        if (KMessageBox::Continue != KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, text, title, i18n("Overwrite") ) ) 
            return false;

    QString type( KImageIO::type(url.path()) );
    if ( type.isNull() )
	type = "PNG";

    bool ok = false;

    if ( url.isLocalFile() ) {
	KSaveFile saveFile( url.path() );
	if ( saveFile.status() == 0 ) {
	    if ( snapshot.save( saveFile.file(), type.latin1() ) )
		ok = saveFile.close();
    else {
	KTempFile tmpFile;
        tmpFile.setAutoDelete( true );
	if ( tmpFile.status() == 0 ) {
	    if ( snapshot.save( tmpFile.file(), type.latin1() ) ) {
		if ( tmpFile.close() )
		    ok = KIO::NetAccess::upload( tmpFile.name(), url, this );

    if ( !ok ) {
	kdWarning() << "KSnapshot was unable to save the snapshot" << endl;

	QString caption = i18n("Unable to save image");
	QString text = i18n("KSnapshot was unable to save the image to\n%1.")
	KMessageBox::error(this, text, caption);

    return ok;
Exemple #8
bool KSnapshot::save( const KURL& url )
    QString type( KImageIO::type(url.path()) );
    if ( type.isNull() )
        type = "PNG";

    bool ok = false;

    if ( url.isLocalFile() ) {
        KSaveFile saveFile( url.path() );
        if ( saveFile.status() == 0 ) {
            if ( snapshot.save( saveFile.file(), type.latin1() ) )
                ok = saveFile.close();
    else {
        KTempFile tmpFile;
        tmpFile.setAutoDelete( true );
        if ( tmpFile.status() == 0 ) {
            if ( snapshot.save( tmpFile.file(), type.latin1() ) ) {
                if ( tmpFile.close() )
                    ok = KIO::NetAccess::upload( tmpFile.name(), url, this );

    if ( !ok ) {
        kdWarning() << "KSnapshot was unable to save the snapshot" << endl;

        QString caption = i18n("Unable to Save Image");
        QString text = i18n("KSnapshot was unable to save the image to\n%1.")
        KMessageBox::error(this, text, caption);

    return ok;
bool Q3DGraph::save(const KURL& url)
	if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( url, false, this ) ) //The file already exist
		return false;

	QString type(KImageIO::type(url.path()));
	if (type.isNull())
		type = "PNG";

	bool ok = false;

	if(url.isLocalFile()) {
		KSaveFile saveFile(url.path());
		if ( saveFile.status() == 0 ) {
			if (toPixmap().save( saveFile.file(), type.latin1() ) )
				ok = saveFile.close();
	} else {
		KTempFile tmpFile;
		if(tmpFile.status()==0) {
			if(toPixmap().save( tmpFile.file(), type.latin1())) {
					ok = KIO::NetAccess::upload( tmpFile.name(), url, this );
//	QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor();
	if (!ok) {
		qDebug("Was unable to save it");

	return ok;
Exemple #10
void EventArchiver::archiveIncidences( Calendar* calendar, const QDate& /*limitDate*/, QWidget* widget, const Incidence::List& incidences, bool /*withGUI*/)
  FileStorage storage( calendar );

  // Save current calendar to disk
  KTempFile tmpFile;
  storage.setFileName( tmpFile.name() );
  if ( !storage.save() ) {
    kdDebug(5850) << "EventArchiver::archiveEvents(): Can't save calendar to temp file" << endl;

  // Duplicate current calendar by loading in new calendar object
  CalendarLocal archiveCalendar( KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId );

  FileStorage archiveStore( &archiveCalendar );
  archiveStore.setFileName( tmpFile.name() );
  if (!archiveStore.load()) {
    kdDebug(5850) << "EventArchiver::archiveEvents(): Can't load calendar from temp file" << endl;

  // Strip active events from calendar so that only events to be archived
  // remain. This is not really efficient, but there is no other easy way.
  QStringList uids;
  Incidence::List allIncidences = archiveCalendar.rawIncidences();
  Incidence::List::ConstIterator it;
  for( it = incidences.begin(); it != incidences.end(); ++it ) {
    uids << (*it)->uid();
  for( it = allIncidences.begin(); it != allIncidences.end(); ++it ) {
    if ( !uids.contains( (*it)->uid() ) ) {
      archiveCalendar.deleteIncidence( *it );

  // Get or create the archive file
  KURL archiveURL( KOPrefs::instance()->mArchiveFile );
  QString archiveFile;

  if ( KIO::NetAccess::exists( archiveURL, true, widget ) ) {
    if( !KIO::NetAccess::download( archiveURL, archiveFile, widget ) ) {
      kdDebug(5850) << "EventArchiver::archiveEvents(): Can't download archive file" << endl;
    // Merge with events to be archived.
    archiveStore.setFileName( archiveFile );
    if ( !archiveStore.load() ) {
      kdDebug(5850) << "EventArchiver::archiveEvents(): Can't merge with archive file" << endl;
  } else {
    archiveFile = tmpFile.name();

  // Save archive calendar
  if ( !archiveStore.save() ) {
    KMessageBox::error(widget,i18n("Cannot write archive file %1.").arg( archiveStore.fileName() ));

  // Upload if necessary
  KURL srcUrl;
  if (srcUrl != archiveURL) {
    if ( !KIO::NetAccess::upload( archiveFile, archiveURL, widget ) ) {
      KMessageBox::error(widget,i18n("Cannot write archive to final destination."));


  // Delete archived events from calendar
  for( it = incidences.begin(); it != incidences.end(); ++it ) {
    calendar->deleteIncidence( *it );
  emit eventsDeleted();
Exemple #11
void KSANEOCR::startOCRAD( )
    ocradDialog *ocrDia = static_cast<ocradDialog*>(m_ocrProcessDia);

    m_ocrResultImage = ocrDia->orfUrl();
    const QString cmd = ocrDia->getOCRCmd();

    // if( m_ocrResultImage.isEmpty() )
	/* The url is empty. Start the program to fill up a temp file */
	m_ocrResultImage = ImgSaver::tempSaveImage( m_img, "BMP", 8 ); // m_tmpFile->name();
	kdDebug(28000) << "The new image name is <" << m_ocrResultImage << ">" << endl;

    m_ocrImagePBM = ImgSaver::tempSaveImage( m_img, "PBM", 1 );

    /* temporar file for orf result */
    KTempFile *tmpOrf = new KTempFile( QString(), ".orf" );
    tmpOrf->setAutoDelete( false );
    m_tmpOrfName = QFile::encodeName(tmpOrf->name());

    if( daemon )
	delete( daemon );
	daemon = 0;

    daemon = new KProcess;

    *daemon << cmd;
    *daemon << QString("-x");
    *daemon <<  m_tmpOrfName;                   // the orf result file
    *daemon << QFile::encodeName( m_ocrImagePBM );      // The name of the image
    *daemon << QString("-l");
    *daemon << QString::number( ocrDia->layoutDetectionMode());

    KConfig *konf = KGlobal::config ();
    KConfigGroupSaver( konf, CFG_GROUP_OCRAD );

    QString format = konf->readEntry( CFG_OCRAD_FORMAT, "utf8");
    *daemon << QString("-F");
    *daemon << format;

    QString charset = konf->readEntry( CFG_OCRAD_CHARSET, "iso-8859-15");
    *daemon << QString("-c");
    *daemon << charset;

    QString addArgs = konf->readEntry( CFG_OCRAD_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS, QString() );

    if( !addArgs.isEmpty() )
	kdDebug(28000) << "Setting additional args from config for ocrad: " << addArgs << endl;
	*daemon << addArgs;

    m_ocrResultText = "";

    connect(daemon, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess *)),
	    this,   SLOT(  ocradExited(KProcess*)));
    connect(daemon, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess *, char*, int)),
	    this,   SLOT(  ocradStdIn(KProcess*, char*, int)));
    connect(daemon, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess *, char*, int)),
	    this,   SLOT(  ocradStdErr(KProcess*, char*, int)));

    if (!daemon->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::All))
	kdDebug(28000) <<  "Error starting ocrad-daemon!" << endl;
	kdDebug(28000) << "Start OK" << endl;

    delete tmpOrf;
Exemple #12
KDE_EXPORT void kimgio_eps_read(QImageIO *image)
    kdDebug(399) << "kimgio EPS: starting..." << endl;

    FILE *ghostfd;
    int x1, y1, x2, y2;
    // QTime dt;
    // dt.start();

    QString cmdBuf;
    QString tmp;

    QIODevice *io = image->ioDevice();
    Q_UINT32 ps_offset, ps_size;

    // find start of PostScript code
    if(!seekToCodeStart(io, ps_offset, ps_size))

    // find bounding box
    if(!bbox(io, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2))
        kdError(399) << "kimgio EPS: no bounding box found!" << endl;

    KTempFile tmpFile;

    if(tmpFile.status() != 0)
        kdError(399) << "kimgio EPS: no temp file!" << endl;
    tmpFile.close(); // Close the file, we just want the filename

    // x1, y1 -> translation
    // x2, y2 -> new size

    x2 -= x1;
    y2 -= y1;
    // kdDebug(399) << "origin point: " << x1 << "," << y1 << "  size:" << x2 << "," << y2 << endl;
    double xScale = 1.0;
    double yScale = 1.0;
    bool needsScaling = false;
    int wantedWidth = x2;
    int wantedHeight = y2;

        // Size forced by the caller
        QStringList params = QStringList::split(':', image->parameters());
        if(params.count() >= 2 && x2 != 0.0 && y2 != 0.0)
            wantedWidth = params[0].toInt();
            xScale = (double)wantedWidth / (double)x2;
            wantedHeight = params[1].toInt();
            yScale = (double)wantedHeight / (double)y2;
            // kdDebug(399) << "wanted size:" << wantedWidth << "x" << wantedHeight << endl;
            // kdDebug(399) << "scaling:" << xScale << "," << yScale << endl;
            needsScaling = true;

    // create GS command line

    cmdBuf = "gs -sOutputFile=";
    cmdBuf += tmpFile.name();
    cmdBuf += " -q -g";
    cmdBuf += tmp;
    cmdBuf += "x";
    cmdBuf += tmp;
    cmdBuf +=
        "0 0 moveto "
        "1000 0 lineto "
        "1000 1000 lineto "
        "0 1000 lineto "
        "1 1 254 255 div setrgbcolor fill "
        "0 0 0 setrgbcolor - -c showpage quit";

    // run ghostview

    ghostfd = popen(QFile::encodeName(cmdBuf), "w");

    if(ghostfd == 0)
        kdError(399) << "kimgio EPS: no GhostScript?" << endl;

    fprintf(ghostfd, "\n%d %d translate\n", -qRound(x1 * xScale), -qRound(y1 * yScale));
        fprintf(ghostfd, "%g %g scale\n", xScale, yScale);

    // write image to gs

    io->reset();       // Go back to start of file to give all the file to GhostScript
    if(ps_offset > 0L) // We have an offset
    QByteArray buffer(io->readAll());

    // If we have no MS-DOS EPS file or if the size seems wrong, then choose the buffer size
    if(ps_size <= 0L || ps_size > buffer.size())
        ps_size = buffer.size();

    fwrite(buffer.data(), sizeof(char), ps_size, ghostfd);


    // load image
    QImage myimage;
        kdDebug(399) << "kimgio EPS: success!" << endl;
        kdError(399) << "kimgio EPS: no image!" << endl;

    // kdDebug(399) << "Loading EPS took " << (float)(dt.elapsed()) / 1000 << " seconds" << endl;
    Crash::crashHandler( int /*signal*/ )
        // we need to fork to be able to get a
        // semi-decent bt - I dunno why
        const pid_t pid = ::fork();

        if( pid < 0 )
            std::cout << "forking crash reporter failed\n";
            // continuing now can't do no good
            _exit( 1 );
        else if ( pid == 0 )
            // we are the child process (the result of the fork)
            std::cout << "Pana is crashing...sorry this will be a minute...\n";

            QString subject = APP_VERSION " ";
            QString body = i18n(
                    "Pana has crashed.\n\n"
                    "Please help us fix it by clicking send on the crash report, "
                    "If you have time please add a brief description of what was happening just before the crash.\n\n"
                    "Thank you very much.\n\n" );
            body += i18n( "\n\n\n\n\n\n"
                    "The information below is to help identify the problem.\n\n\n ");

            body += "=== Debug information ===\n"
                    "Version:    " APP_VERSION "\n"
                    "Engine:     %1\n"
                    "Build date: " __DATE__ "\n"
                    "CC version: " __VERSION__ "\n"
                    "KDElibs:    " KDE_VERSION_STRING "\n"
                    "Qt:         %2\n"
                    "TagLib:     %3.%4.%5\n"
                    "CPU count:  %6\n";

            QString cpucount = "unknown";
#ifdef __linux__
            QString line;
            uint cpuCount = 0;
            QFile cpuinfo( "/proc/cpuinfo" );
            if ( cpuinfo.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
                while ( cpuinfo.readLine( line, 20000 ) != -1 ) {
                    if ( line.startsWith( "processor" ) ) {
            cpucount = QString::number( cpuCount );

            body = body.arg( PanaConfig::soundSystem() )
                    .arg( qVersion() )
                    .arg( TAGLIB_MAJOR_VERSION )
                    .arg( TAGLIB_MINOR_VERSION )
                    .arg( TAGLIB_PATCH_VERSION )
                    .arg( cpucount );

            #ifdef NDEBUG
            body += "NDEBUG:     true";
            body += '\n';

            /// obtain the backtrace with gdb

            KTempFile temp;
            temp.setAutoDelete( true );

            const int handle = temp.handle();

//             QCString gdb_command_string =
//                     "file panaapp\n"
//                     "attach " + QCString().setNum( ::getppid() ) + "\n"
//                     "bt\n" "echo \\n\n"
//                     "thread apply all bt\n";

            const QCString gdb_batch =
                    "echo \\n\\n\n"
                    "bt full\n"
                    "echo \\n\\n\n"
                    "echo ==== (gdb) thread apply all bt ====\\n\n"
                    "thread apply all bt\n";

            ::write( handle, gdb_batch, gdb_batch.length() );
            ::fsync( handle );

            // so we can read stderr too
            ::dup2( fileno( stdout ), fileno( stderr ) );

            QCString gdb;
            gdb  = "gdb --nw -n --batch -x ";
            gdb += temp.name().latin1();
            gdb += " panaapp ";
            gdb += QCString().setNum( ::getppid() );

            QString bt = runCommand( gdb );

            /// clean up
            bt.remove( "(no debugging symbols found)..." );
            bt.remove( "(no debugging symbols found)\n" );
            bt.replace( QRegExp("\n{2,}"), "\n" ); //clean up multiple \n characters

            /// analyze usefulness
            bool useful = true;
            const QString fileCommandOutput = runCommand( "file `which panaapp`" );

            if( fileCommandOutput.find( "not stripped", false ) == -1 )
                subject += "[___stripped]"; //same length as below
                subject += "[NOTstripped]";

            if( !bt.isEmpty() ) {
                const int invalidFrames = bt.contains( QRegExp("\n#[0-9]+\\s+0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ in \\?\\?") );
                const int validFrames = bt.contains( QRegExp("\n#[0-9]+\\s+0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+ in [^?]") );
                const int totalFrames = invalidFrames + validFrames;

                if( totalFrames > 0 ) {
                    const double validity = double(validFrames) / totalFrames;
                    subject += QString("[validity: %1]").arg( validity, 0, 'f', 2 );
                    if( validity <= 0.5 ) useful = false;
                subject += QString("[frames: %1]").arg( totalFrames, 3 /*padding*/ );

                if( bt.find( QRegExp(" at \\w*\\.cpp:\\d+\n") ) >= 0 )
                    subject += "[line numbers]";
                useful = false;

            subject += QString("[%1]").arg( PanaConfig::soundSystem().remove( QRegExp("-?engine") ) );

            std::cout << subject.latin1() << std::endl;

            //TODO -fomit-frame-pointer buggers up the backtrace, so detect it
            //TODO -O optimization can rearrange execution and stuff so show a warning for the developer
            //TODO pass the CXXFLAGS used with the email

            if( useful ) {
                body += "==== file `which panaapp` =======\n";
                body += fileCommandOutput + "\n\n";
                body += "==== (gdb) bt =====================\n";
                body += bt + "\n\n";
                body += "==== kdBacktrace() ================\n";
                body += kdBacktrace();

                //TODO startup notification
                        /*to*/          "*****@*****.**",
                        /*cc*/          QString(),
                        /*bcc*/         QString(),
                        /*subject*/     subject,
                        /*body*/        body,
                        /*messageFile*/ QString(),
                        /*attachURLs*/  QStringList(),
                        /*startup_id*/  "" );
            else {
                std::cout << i18n( "\nPana has crashed.\n\n"
                                   "Perhaps an upgrade is already available "
                                   "which fixes the problem. Please check your distribution's software repository.\n" ).local8Bit();

            //_exit() exits immediately, otherwise this
            //function is called repeatedly ad finitum
            ::_exit( 255 );

        else {
            // we are the process that crashed

            ::alarm( 0 );

            // wait for child to exit
            ::waitpid( pid, NULL, 0 );
            ::_exit( 253 );
void BaseTreeView::slotCreateSiteTemplate()
   QString startDir;
   if (Project::ref()->hasProject())
     startDir = Project::ref()->templateURL().url();
   } else
     startDir = locateLocal("data", resourceDir + "templates/");
   KURL targetURL;
   bool valid;
   do {
     valid = false;
     targetURL = KFileDialog::getSaveURL(startDir, "*.tgz", this, i18n("Create Site Template File"));
     if (targetURL.isEmpty())
     if (targetURL.url().startsWith(KURL::fromPathOrURL(locateLocal("data", resourceDir + "templates/")).url()))
       valid = true;
    if (Project::ref()->hasProject() && targetURL.url().startsWith(Project::ref()->templateURL().url()))
      valid = true;
    if (!valid)
      KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("Templates should be saved to the local or project template folder."));
   }while (!valid);

   KURL url = currentURL();
   //TODO: Implement creation from remote folders as well. Requires downloading of the files to a
   //temporary directory
   if (url.protocol() != "file")
       KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Currently you can create site templates only from local folders."), i18n("Unsupported Feature"));

   KTempFile *tempFile = new KTempFile(tmpDir);
   KTar tar(tempFile->name(), "application/x-gzip");
   bool error = false;
   if (tar.open(IO_WriteOnly))
      KURL::List fileList = QExtFileInfo::allFiles(url, "*", this);
      for (KURL::List::Iterator it = fileList.begin(); it != fileList.end(); ++it)
         if (!(*it).path().endsWith("/"))
           QFile f((*it).path());
           if (f.open(IO_ReadOnly))
              QByteArray buffer(f.readAll());
              if (!tar.writeFile((*it).path().remove(url.path()), "user", "group", buffer.size(), buffer.data()))
                  error = true;
           } else
             error = true;
   } else
      error = true;
   if (!QuantaNetAccess::copy(KURL::fromPathOrURL(tempFile->name()), targetURL, m_parent, false))
     error = true;

   if (error)
     KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("<qt>There was an error while creating the site template tarball.<br>Check that you can read the files from <i>%1</i>, you have write access to <i>%2</i> and that you have enough free space in your temporary folder.</qt>").arg(url.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)).arg(targetURL.prettyURL(0, KURL::StripFileProtocol)), i18n("Template Creation Error"));
   delete tempFile;
Exemple #15
// Helper method for scaleWithGhostScript. Returns 1 on success, 0 on error, -1 if nothing generated
// (in which case another 'output device' can be tried)
int KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript(QImage &image, const QSize& size, const int resolutionx, const int resolutiony, const char* device )
// Based on the code of the file kdelibs/kimgio/eps.cpp
    kdDebug(30003) << "Sampling with GhostScript, using device \"" << device << "\" (in KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript)" << endl;

    KTempFile tmpFile;

    if ( tmpFile.status() )
        kdError(30003) << "No KTempFile! (in KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript)" << endl;
        return 0; // error

    const int wantedWidth = size.width();
    const int wantedHeight = size.height();
    const double xScale = double(size.width()) / double(m_boundingBox.width());
    const double yScale = double(size.height()) / double(m_boundingBox.height());

    // create GS command line

    QString cmdBuf ( "gs -sOutputFile=" );
    cmdBuf += KProcess::quote(tmpFile.name());
    cmdBuf += " -q -g";
    cmdBuf += QString::number( wantedWidth );
    cmdBuf += "x";
    cmdBuf += QString::number( wantedHeight );

    if ( ( resolutionx > 0) && ( resolutiony > 0) )
#if 0
        // Do not play with resolution for now.
        // It brings more problems at print than solutions
        cmdBuf += " -r";
        cmdBuf += QString::number( resolutionx );
        cmdBuf += "x";
        cmdBuf += QString::number( resolutiony );

    cmdBuf += device;
    //cmdBuf += " -c 255 255 255 setrgbcolor fill 0 0 0 setrgbcolor";
    cmdBuf += " -";
    cmdBuf += " -c showpage quit";

    // run ghostview

    FILE* ghostfd = popen (QFile::encodeName(cmdBuf), "w");

    if ( ghostfd == 0 )
        kdError(30003) << "No connection to GhostScript (in KoPictureEps::tryScaleWithGhostScript)" << endl;
        return 0; // error

    // The translation is needed as GhostScript (7.07) cannot handle negative values in the bounding box otherwise.
    fprintf (ghostfd, "\n%d %d translate\n", -qRound(m_boundingBox.left()*xScale), -qRound(m_boundingBox.top()*yScale));
    fprintf (ghostfd, "%g %g scale\n", xScale, yScale);

    // write image to gs

    fwrite( m_rawData.data() + m_psStreamStart, sizeof(char), m_psStreamLength, ghostfd);

    pclose ( ghostfd );

    // load image
    if( !image.load (tmpFile.name()) )
        // It failed - maybe the device isn't supported by gs
        return -1;
    if ( image.size() != size ) // this can happen due to rounding problems
        //kdDebug(30003) << "fixing size to " << size.width() << "x" << size.height()
        //          << " (was " << image.width() << "x" << image.height() << ")" << endl;
        image = image.scale( size ); // hmm, smoothScale instead?
    kdDebug(30003) << "Image parameters: " << image.width() << "x" << image.height() << "x" << image.depth() << endl;
    return 1; // success
void subversionCore::diff( const KURL::List& list, const QString& where){
	kdDebug(9036) << "diff " << list << endl;
	KURL servURL = "kdevsvn+svn://this_is_a_fake_URL_and_this_is_normal/";
	for ( QValueListConstIterator<KURL> it = list.begin(); it != list.end() ; ++it ) {
		QByteArray parms;
		QDataStream s( parms, IO_WriteOnly );
		int cmd = 13;
		kdDebug(9036) << "diffing : " << (*it).prettyURL() << endl;
		int rev1=-1;
		int rev2=-1;
		QString revkind1 = where;
		QString revkind2 = "WORKING";
		s << cmd << *it << *it << rev1 << revkind1 << rev2 << revkind2 << true ;
		KIO::SimpleJob * job = KIO::special(servURL, parms, true);
		connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, SLOT( slotResult( KIO::Job * ) ) );
		KIO::NetAccess::synchronousRun( job, 0 );
		if ( diffresult.count() > 0 ) {
			//check kompare is available
			if ( !KStandardDirs::findExe( "kompare" ).isNull() ) {
				if (!KStandardDirs::findExe("patch").isNull()){
					// we have patch - so can merge
					KTempDir tmpDir = KTempDir(diffTmpDir->name());
					KTempFile tmpPatch = KTempFile(tmpDir.name());

					// write the patch
					QTextStream *stream = tmpPatch.textStream();
					stream->setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( "utf8" ) );
					for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = diffresult.begin();it2 != diffresult.end() ; ++it2 ) {
						( *stream ) << ( *it2 ) << "\n";

					QString ourCopy = tmpDir.name()+(*it).fileName();

					KProcess copy;
					copy << "cp" << (*it).prettyURL(0,KURL::StripFileProtocol) <<  tmpDir.name();

					KProcess patch;
					patch << "patch" << "-R" << ourCopy << tmpPatch.name();
					patch.start(KProcess::Block, KProcess::All);

					KProcess *p = new KProcess;
					*p << "kompare" << ourCopy << (*it).prettyURL();
					// only diff
					KTempFile *tmp = new KTempFile;
					QTextStream *stream = tmp->textStream();
					stream->setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName( "utf8" ) );
					for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = diffresult.begin();it2 != diffresult.end() ; ++it2 ) {
						( *stream ) << ( *it2 ) << "\n";
					KProcess *p = new KProcess;
					*p << "kompare" << "-n" << "-o" << tmp->name();
			} else { //else do it with message box
				Subversion_Diff df;
				for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = diffresult.begin();it2 != diffresult.end() ; ++it2 ) {
					df.text->append( *it2 );
				QFont f = df.font();
				f.setFixedPitch( true );
				df.text->setFont( f );
			QString diffTo = i18n("the local disk checked out copy.");
			if ( where=="HEAD"){
				diffTo=i18n("the current svn HEAD version.");
			KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("No differences between the file and %1").arg(diffTo), i18n("No difference") );