Notification::Notification(const KURL& url, ScriptExecutionContext* context, ExceptionCode& ec, PassRefPtr<NotificationCenter> provider) : ActiveDOMObject(context, this) , m_isHTML(true) , m_state(Idle) , m_notificationCenter(provider) { if (m_notificationCenter->checkPermission() != NotificationClient::PermissionAllowed) { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return; } if (url.isEmpty() || !url.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return; } m_notificationURL = url; }
void ChromeClient::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& hit, unsigned modifierFlags) { // check if the element is a link... bool isLink = hit.isLiveLink(); if (isLink) { KURL url = hit.absoluteLinkURL(); if (!url.isEmpty() && url != m_hoveredLinkURL) { TextDirection dir; CString titleString = hit.title(dir).utf8(); CString urlString = url.prettyURL().utf8(); g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link",,; m_hoveredLinkURL = url; } } else if (!isLink && !m_hoveredLinkURL.isEmpty()) { g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", 0, 0); m_hoveredLinkURL = KURL(); } }
KURL::List CopyTo::copy(const KURL::List& sourceList, const KURL& destination ) { m_listCopy = true; m_destList.clear(); KURL targetDirURL = KURL(); if ( destination.isEmpty() ) { targetDirURL = m_InitialDirUrl; } else { targetDirURL = destination; } bool doCopy = true; if (!QExtFileInfo::exists(targetDirURL, false, 0L)) { doCopy = QExtFileInfo::createDir(targetDirURL, 0L); } KIO::UDSEntry entry; if (doCopy) { QString path; for (uint i = 0; i < sourceList.count(); i++) { KURL srcURL = sourceList[i]; KIO::NetAccess::stat(srcURL, entry, 0); KFileItem item(entry, srcURL, false, true); KURL u = targetDirURL; u.setPath(targetDirURL.path(1) + srcURL.fileName()); if (item.isDir()) u.adjustPath(1); path = u.path(); if (path != "." && path != "..") m_destList.append(u); } KIO::CopyJob *job = KIO::copy(sourceList, targetDirURL, true); connect( job, SIGNAL(result( KIO::Job *)), SLOT (slotResult( KIO::Job *))); } return m_destList; }
void subversionCore::blame( const KURL &url, UrlMode mode, int revstart, QString revKindStart, int revend, QString revKindEnd ) { KURL servURL = m_part->baseURL(); if ( servURL.isEmpty() ) servURL="kdevsvn+svn://blah/"; if ( ! servURL.protocol().startsWith( "kdevsvn+" ) ) { servURL.setProtocol( "kdevsvn+" + servURL.protocol() ); //make sure it starts with "svn" } kdDebug(9036) << "servURL : " << servURL.prettyURL() << endl; QByteArray parms; QDataStream s( parms, IO_WriteOnly ); // prepare arguments int cmd = 14; s << cmd << url << (int)mode ; s << revstart << revKindStart << revend << revKindEnd ; SimpleJob * job = KIO::special(servURL, parms, false); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, SLOT( slotBlameResult( KIO::Job * ) ) ); initProcessDlg( (KIO::Job*)job, url.prettyURL() , i18n("Subversion Blame") ); }
void subversionCore::resolve( const KURL::List& list ) { KURL servURL = m_part->baseURL(); if ( servURL.isEmpty() ) servURL="kdevsvn+svn://blah/"; if ( ! servURL.protocol().startsWith( "kdevsvn+" ) ) { servURL.setProtocol( "kdevsvn+" + servURL.protocol() ); //make sure it starts with "svn" } kdDebug(9036) << "servURL : " << servURL.prettyURL() << endl; for ( QValueListConstIterator<KURL> it = list.begin(); it != list.end() ; ++it ) { kdDebug(9036) << "resolving: " << (*it).prettyURL() << endl; QByteArray parms; QDataStream s( parms, IO_WriteOnly ); int cmd = 11; bool recurse = true; s << cmd << *it << recurse; SimpleJob * job = KIO::special(servURL, parms, true); job->setWindow( m_part->mainWindow()->main() ); connect( job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ), this, SLOT( slotResult( KIO::Job * ) ) ); } }
void HTMLPreloadScanner::scan(HTMLResourcePreloader* preloader, const KURL& startingBaseElementURL) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); // HTMLTokenizer::updateStateFor only works on the main thread. // When we start scanning, our best prediction of the baseElementURL is the real one! if (!startingBaseElementURL.isEmpty()) m_scanner.setPredictedBaseElementURL(startingBaseElementURL); PreloadRequestStream requests; while (m_tokenizer->nextToken(m_source, m_token)) { if (m_token.type() == HTMLToken::StartTag) m_tokenizer->updateStateFor(AtomicString(; m_scanner.scan(m_token, requests); m_token.clear(); } preloader->takeAndPreload(requests); }
void k2send::importPlaylist() { KURL url = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName (QString::null,"*.m3u",this, i18n("Import M3u playlist")); if (!url.isEmpty()){ QFile file( url.path() ); if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream( &file ); QString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine(); if (line[0] != '#') m_view->slotAddFile(line); kdDebug(200010) << "k2send::importPlaylist " << line << endl; } file.close(); } } }
Frame* createWindow(const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, const WindowFeatures& windowFeatures, DOMWindow* activeWindow, Frame* firstFrame, Frame* openerFrame, DOMWindow::PrepareDialogFunction function, void* functionContext) { Frame* activeFrame = activeWindow->frame(); KURL completedURL = urlString.isEmpty() ? KURL(ParsedURLString, emptyString()) : firstFrame->document()->completeURL(urlString); if (!completedURL.isEmpty() && !completedURL.isValid()) { // Don't expose client code to invalid URLs. activeWindow->printErrorMessage("Unable to open a window with invalid URL '" + completedURL.string() + "'.\n"); return 0; } // For whatever reason, Firefox uses the first frame to determine the outgoingReferrer. We replicate that behavior here. String referrer = SecurityPolicy::generateReferrerHeader(firstFrame->document()->referrerPolicy(), completedURL, firstFrame->loader()->outgoingReferrer()); ResourceRequest request(completedURL, referrer); FrameLoader::addHTTPOriginIfNeeded(request, firstFrame->loader()->outgoingOrigin()); FrameLoadRequest frameRequest(activeWindow->document()->securityOrigin(), request, frameName); // We pass the opener frame for the lookupFrame in case the active frame is different from // the opener frame, and the name references a frame relative to the opener frame. bool created; Frame* newFrame = createWindow(activeFrame, openerFrame, frameRequest, windowFeatures, created); if (!newFrame) return 0; newFrame->loader()->setOpener(openerFrame); newFrame->page()->setOpenedByDOM(); if (newFrame->domWindow()->isInsecureScriptAccess(activeWindow, completedURL)) return newFrame; if (function) function(newFrame->domWindow(), functionContext); if (created) { FrameLoadRequest request(activeWindow->document()->securityOrigin(), ResourceRequest(completedURL, referrer)); newFrame->loader()->load(request); } else if (!urlString.isEmpty()) { newFrame->navigationScheduler()->scheduleLocationChange(activeWindow->document()->securityOrigin(), completedURL.string(), referrer, false); } return newFrame; }
void RKWorkplace::openHelpWindow (const KURL &url, bool only_once) { RK_TRACE (APP); RKHelpWindow *hw = new RKHelpWindow (view ()); if (!url.isEmpty ()) { if (only_once) { RKWorkplaceObjectList help_windows = getObjectList (RKMDIWindow::HelpWindow, RKMDIWindow::AnyState); for (RKWorkplaceObjectList::const_iterator it = help_windows.constBegin (); it != help_windows.constEnd (); ++it) { if (static_cast<RKHelpWindow *> (*it)->url ().equals (url, true)) { (*it)->activate (); return; } } } hw->openURL (url); } addWindow (hw); }
void KonqSidebarTree::slotExecuted( QListViewItem *item ) { kdDebug(1201) << "KonqSidebarTree::slotExecuted " << item << endl; if ( !item ) return; if ( !static_cast<KonqSidebarTreeItem*>(item)->isClickable() ) return; KonqSidebarTreeItem *dItem = static_cast<KonqSidebarTreeItem *>( item ); KParts::URLArgs args; args.serviceType = dItem->externalMimeType(); args.trustedSource = true; KURL externalURL = dItem->externalURL(); if ( !externalURL.isEmpty() ) openURLRequest( externalURL, args ); }
void HTMLVideoElement::setDisplayMode(DisplayMode mode) { DisplayMode oldMode = getDisplayMode(); KURL poster = posterImageURL(); if (!poster.isEmpty()) { // We have a poster path, but only show it until the user triggers display by playing or seeking and the // media engine has something to display. // Don't show the poster if there is a seek operation or // the video has restarted because of loop attribute if (mode == Video && oldMode == Poster && !hasAvailableVideoFrame()) return; } HTMLMediaElement::setDisplayMode(mode); if (layoutObject() && getDisplayMode() != oldMode) layoutObject()->updateFromElement(); }
static bool writeURL(WCDataObject *data, const KURL& url, String title, bool withPlainText, bool withHTML) { ASSERT(data); if (url.isEmpty()) return false; if (title.isEmpty()) { title = url.lastPathComponent(); if (title.isEmpty()) title =; } STGMEDIUM medium = {0}; medium.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL; medium.hGlobal = createGlobalData(url, title); bool success = false; if (medium.hGlobal && FAILED(data->SetData(urlWFormat(), &medium, TRUE))) ::GlobalFree(medium.hGlobal); else success = true; if (withHTML) { Vector<char> cfhtmlData; markupToCF_HTML(urlToMarkup(url, title), "", cfhtmlData); medium.hGlobal = createGlobalData(cfhtmlData); if (medium.hGlobal && FAILED(data->SetData(htmlFormat(), &medium, TRUE))) ::GlobalFree(medium.hGlobal); else success = true; } if (withPlainText) { medium.hGlobal = createGlobalData(url.string()); if (medium.hGlobal && FAILED(data->SetData(plainTextWFormat(), &medium, TRUE))) ::GlobalFree(medium.hGlobal); else success = true; } return success; }
WebKitNotification::WebKitNotification(const String& title, const String& body, const String& iconUrl, ExecutionContext* context, ExceptionState& es, PassRefPtr<NotificationCenter> provider) : NotificationBase(title, context, provider->client()) { ScriptWrappable::init(this); if (provider->checkPermission() != NotificationClient::PermissionAllowed) { es.throwSecurityError("Notification permission has not been granted."); return; } KURL icon = iconUrl.isEmpty() ? KURL() : executionContext()->completeURL(iconUrl); if (!icon.isEmpty() && !icon.isValid()) { es.throwDOMException(SyntaxError, "'" + iconUrl + "' is not a valid icon URL."); return; } setBody(body); setIconUrl(icon); }
void KJumpingCube::openGame() { bool fileOk=true; KURL url; do { url = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( gameURL.url(), "*.kjc", this, 0 ); if( url.isEmpty() ) return; if(!KIO::NetAccess::exists(url,true,this)) { QString mes=i18n("The file %1 does not exist!").arg(url.url()); KMessageBox::sorry(this,mes); fileOk=false; } } while(!fileOk); QString tempFile; if( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, tempFile, this ) ) { KSimpleConfig config(tempFile,true); config.setGroup("KJumpingCube"); if(!config.hasKey("Version")) { QString mes=i18n("The file %1 isn't a KJumpingCube gamefile!") .arg(url.url()); KMessageBox::sorry(this,mes); return; } gameURL=url; config.setGroup("Game"); view->restoreGame(&config); undoAction->setEnabled(false); KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( tempFile ); } else KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("There was an error loading file\n%1").arg( url.url() )); }
static void logCanCachePageDecision(Page* page) { // Only bother logging for main frames that have actually loaded and have content. if (page->mainFrame()->loader()->creatingInitialEmptyDocument()) return; KURL currentURL = page->mainFrame()->loader()->documentLoader() ? page->mainFrame()->loader()->documentLoader()->url() : KURL(); if (currentURL.isEmpty()) return; int indentLevel = 0; PCLOG("--------\n Determining if page can be cached:"); bool cannotCache = !logCanCacheFrameDecision(page->mainFrame(), 1); FrameLoadType loadType = page->mainFrame()->loader()->loadType(); if (!page->backForwardList()->enabled()) { PCLOG(" -The back/forward list is disabled"); cannotCache = true; } if (!(page->backForwardList()->capacity() > 0)) { PCLOG(" -The back/forward list has a 0 capacity"); cannotCache = true; } if (!page->settings()->usesPageCache()) { PCLOG(" -Page settings says b/f cache disabled"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeReload) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Reload"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeReloadFromOrigin) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Reload from origin"); cannotCache = true; } if (loadType == FrameLoadTypeSame) { PCLOG(" -Load type is: Same"); cannotCache = true; } PCLOG(cannotCache ? " Page CANNOT be cached\n--------" : " Page CAN be cached\n--------"); }
void LinkLoader::preloadIfNeeded(const LinkRelAttribute& relAttribute, const KURL& href, Document& document, const String& as) { if (relAttribute.isLinkPreload()) { ASSERT(RuntimeEnabledFeatures::linkPreloadEnabled()); if (!href.isValid() || href.isEmpty()) { document.addConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage::create(OtherMessageSource, WarningMessageLevel, String("<link rel=preload> has an invalid `href` value"))); return; } Resource::Type type; if (!getTypeFromAsAttribute(as, type)) { document.addConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage::create(OtherMessageSource, WarningMessageLevel, String("<link rel=preload> must have a valid `as` value"))); return; } FetchRequest linkRequest(ResourceRequest(document.completeURL(href)), FetchInitiatorTypeNames::link); Settings* settings = document.settings(); if (settings && settings->logPreload()) document.addConsoleMessage(ConsoleMessage::create(OtherMessageSource, DebugMessageLevel, String("Preload triggered for " + + href.path()))); setResource(document.fetcher()->fetchLinkPreloadResource(type, linkRequest)); } }
void Editor::loadBoard() { if ( !testSave() ) return; KURL url = KFileDialog::getOpenURL( NULL, i18n("*.layout|Board Layout (*.layout)\n" "*|All Files"), this, i18n("Open Board Layout" )); if ( url.isEmpty() ) return; theBoard.loadBoardLayout( url.path() ); repaint(false); }
bool InProcessWorkerBase::initialize(ExecutionContext* context, const String& url, ExceptionState& exceptionState) { suspendIfNeeded(); KURL scriptURL = resolveURL(url, exceptionState); if (scriptURL.isEmpty()) return false; m_scriptLoader = WorkerScriptLoader::create(); m_scriptLoader->loadAsynchronously( *context, scriptURL, DenyCrossOriginRequests, bind(&InProcessWorkerBase::onResponse, this), bind(&InProcessWorkerBase::onFinished, this)); m_contextProxy = createWorkerGlobalScopeProxy(context); return true; }
Notification::Notification(const NotificationContents& contents, ScriptExecutionContext* context, ExceptionCode& ec, NotificationPresenter* provider) : ActiveDOMObject(context, this) , m_isHTML(false) , m_contents(contents) , m_isShowing(false) , m_presenter(provider) { ASSERT(m_presenter); Document* document = context->isDocument() ? static_cast<Document*>(context) : 0; if (m_presenter->checkPermission(context->url(), document) != NotificationPresenter::PermissionAllowed) { ec = SECURITY_ERR; return; } KURL icon = context->completeURL(contents.icon()); if (!icon.isEmpty() && !icon.isValid()) { ec = SYNTAX_ERR; return; } }
bool SubframeLoader::requestFrame(HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement, const String& urlString, const AtomicString& frameName, bool lockHistory, bool lockBackForwardList) { // Support for <frame src="javascript:string"> KURL scriptURL; KURL url; if (protocolIsJavaScript(urlString)) { scriptURL = completeURL(urlString); // completeURL() encodes the URL. url = blankURL(); } else url = completeURL(urlString); Frame* frame = loadOrRedirectSubframe(ownerElement, url, frameName, lockHistory, lockBackForwardList); if (!frame) return false; if (!scriptURL.isEmpty()) frame->script()->executeIfJavaScriptURL(scriptURL); return true; }
KURL CopyTo::copy(const KURL& urlToCopy, const KURL& destination) { m_destList.clear(); KURL targetDirURL = KURL(); if ( destination.isEmpty() ) { targetDirURL = m_InitialDirUrl; } else { targetDirURL = destination; } targetDirURL.adjustPath(1); bool doCopy = true; if (!QExtFileInfo::exists(targetDirURL, false, 0L)) { doCopy = QExtFileInfo::createDir(targetDirURL, 0L); } KURL destURL; if (doCopy) { KIO::UDSEntry entry; KIO::NetAccess::stat(urlToCopy, entry, 0); KFileItem item(entry, urlToCopy, false, true); destURL = targetDirURL; destURL.setPath(destURL.path(1) + urlToCopy.fileName(false)); if (item.isDir()) destURL.adjustPath(1); KIO::CopyJob *job = KIO::copy(urlToCopy, destURL, true); connect( job, SIGNAL(result( KIO::Job *)), SLOT (slotResult( KIO::Job *))); QString path = destURL.path(); if (path != "." && path != "..") m_destList.append(destURL); } return destURL; }
PassRefPtr<Worker> Worker::create(const String& url, ScriptExecutionContext* context, ExceptionCode& ec) { RefPtr<Worker> worker = adoptRef(new Worker(context)); KURL scriptURL = worker->resolveURL(url, ec); if (scriptURL.isEmpty()) return 0; worker->m_scriptLoader = adoptPtr(new WorkerScriptLoader(ResourceRequestBase::TargetIsWorker)); worker->m_scriptLoader->loadAsynchronously(context, scriptURL, DenyCrossOriginRequests, worker.get()); // The worker context does not exist while loading, so we must ensure that the worker object is not collected, nor are its event listeners. worker->setPendingActivity(worker.get()); #if ENABLE(INSPECTOR) if (InspectorController* inspector = context->inspectorController()) inspector->didCreateWorker(worker->asID(), scriptURL.string(), false); #endif return worker.release(); }
void Pasteboard::writeURL(const KURL& url, const String& label, Frame* frame) { if (url.isEmpty()) return; GtkClipboard* clipboard = PasteboardHelper::clipboardForFrame(frame); ASSERT(clipboard); DataObjectGtk* dataObject = DataObjectGtk::forClipboard(clipboard); ASSERT(dataObject); String actualLabel(label); if (actualLabel.isEmpty()) actualLabel = url; Vector<KURL> uriList; uriList.append(url); dataObject->setURIList(uriList); dataObject->setText(actualLabel); PasteboardHelper::helper()->writeClipboardContents(clipboard); }
void IconLoader::finishLoading(const KURL& iconURL, PassRefPtr<SharedBuffer> data) { // When an icon load results in a 404 we commit it to the database here and clear the loading state. // But the SubresourceLoader continues pulling in data in the background for the 404 page if the server sends one. // Once that data finishes loading or if the load is cancelled while that data is being read, finishLoading ends up being called a second time. // We need to change SubresourceLoader to have a mode where it will stop itself after receiving a 404 so this won't happen - // in the meantime, we'll only commit this data to the IconDatabase if it's the first time ::finishLoading() is called // <rdar://problem/5463392> tracks that enhancement if (!iconURL.isEmpty() && m_loadIsInProgress) { LOG(IconDatabase, "IconLoader::finishLoading() - Committing iconURL %s to database", iconURL.string().ascii().data()); m_frame->loader()->commitIconURLToIconDatabase(iconURL); // Setting the icon data only after committing to the database ensures that the data is // kept in memory (so it does not have to be read from the database asynchronously), since // there is a page URL referencing it. iconDatabase().setIconDataForIconURL(data, iconURL.string()); m_frame->loader()->client()->dispatchDidReceiveIcon(); } clearLoadingState(); }
PassRefPtr<SharedWorker> SharedWorker::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& url, const String& name, ExceptionCode& ec) { RefPtr<SharedWorker> worker = adoptRef(new SharedWorker(context)); RefPtr<MessageChannel> channel = MessageChannel::create(context); worker->m_port = channel->port1(); OwnPtr<MessagePortChannel> remotePort = channel->port2()->disentangle(ec); ASSERT(remotePort); worker->suspendIfNeeded(); KURL scriptURL = worker->resolveURL(url, ec); if (scriptURL.isEmpty()) return 0; SharedWorkerRepository::connect(worker.get(), remotePort.release(), scriptURL, name, ec); InspectorInstrumentation::didCreateWorker(context, worker->asID(), scriptURL.string(), true); return worker.release(); }
PassRefPtr<Notification> Notification::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& title, const Dictionary& options) { RefPtr<Notification> notification(adoptRef(new Notification(context, title))); String argument; if (options.get("body", argument)) notification->setBody(argument); if (options.get("tag", argument)) notification->setTag(argument); if (options.get("lang", argument)) notification->setLang(argument); if (options.get("dir", argument)) notification->setDir(argument); if (options.get("icon", argument)) { KURL iconURI = argument.isEmpty() ? KURL() : context->completeURL(argument); if (!iconURI.isEmpty() && iconURI.isValid()) notification->setIconURL(iconURI); } notification->suspendIfNeeded(); return notification.release(); }
PassRefPtr<Worker> Worker::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& url, ExceptionState& es) { ASSERT(isMainThread()); UseCounter::count(toDocument(context)->domWindow(), UseCounter::WorkerStart); RefPtr<Worker> worker = adoptRef(new Worker(context)); worker->suspendIfNeeded(); KURL scriptURL = worker->resolveURL(url, es); if (scriptURL.isEmpty()) return 0; // The worker context does not exist while loading, so we must ensure that the worker object is not collected, nor are its event listeners. worker->setPendingActivity(worker.get()); worker->m_scriptLoader = WorkerScriptLoader::create(); worker->m_scriptLoader->loadAsynchronously(context, scriptURL, DenyCrossOriginRequests, worker.get()); return worker.release(); }
PassRefPtr<Worker> Worker::create(ScriptExecutionContext* context, const String& url, ExceptionCode& ec) { RefPtr<Worker> worker = adoptRef(new Worker(context)); KURL scriptURL = worker->resolveURL(url, ec); if (scriptURL.isEmpty()) return 0; // The worker context does not exist while loading, so we must ensure that the worker object is not collected, nor are its event listeners. worker->setPendingActivity(worker.get()); worker->m_scriptLoader = WorkerScriptLoader::create(); #if PLATFORM(CHROMIUM) worker->m_scriptLoader->setTargetType(ResourceRequest::TargetIsWorker); #endif worker->m_scriptLoader->loadAsynchronously(context, scriptURL, DenyCrossOriginRequests, worker.get()); InspectorInstrumentation::didCreateWorker(context, worker->asID(), scriptURL.string(), false); return worker.release(); }
bool HTMLTrackElement::canLoadUrl(const KURL& url) { HTMLMediaElement* parent = mediaElement(); if (!parent) return false; // Sourcing out-of-band text tracks // 4. Download: If URL is not the empty string, perform a potentially CORS-enabled fetch of URL, with the // mode being the state of the media element's crossorigin content attribute, the origin being the // origin of the media element's Document, and the default origin behaviour set to fail. if (url.isEmpty()) return false; if (!document().contentSecurityPolicy()->allowMediaFromSource(url)) { WTF_LOG(Media, "HTMLTrackElement::canLoadUrl(%s) -> rejected by Content Security Policy", urlForLoggingTrack(url).utf8().data()); return false; } return true; }
void ChromeClientEfl::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& hit, unsigned modifierFlags) { // FIXME, compare with old link, look at Qt impl. bool isLink = hit.isLiveLink(); if (isLink) { KURL url = hit.absoluteLinkURL(); if (!url.isEmpty() && url != m_hoveredLinkURL) { const char* link[2]; TextDirection dir; CString urlStr = url.string().utf8(); CString titleStr = hit.title(dir).utf8(); link[0] =; link[1] =; ewk_view_mouse_link_hover_in(m_view, link); m_hoveredLinkURL = url; } } else if (!isLink && !m_hoveredLinkURL.isEmpty()) { ewk_view_mouse_link_hover_out(m_view); m_hoveredLinkURL = KURL(); } }