Exemple #1
TEST(type, version)
	try {
		KeySet config;
				KEY_VALUE, "3",
		TypeChecker tc(config);
		succeed_if (false, "version should not match");
	catch (const char *text)
		succeed_if (true, "version should not match");
		succeed_if (!strcmp(text, "Required Version does not match 2"),
			"failed version text does not match");

	try {
		KeySet config;
				KEY_VALUE, "2",
		TypeChecker tc(config);
		succeed_if (true, "version should match");
	catch (const char *text)
		succeed_if (false, "version should match");
kdb::Key mountBackend (int iteration)
	using namespace kdb;
	using namespace kdb::tools;

	Key mp = getMountpointForIteration<VARIANT> (iteration);
	std::string cf = "benchmark_" + plugin_variant_names[VARIANT] + "_" + std::to_string (iteration) + ".ecf";
	unlink (cf.c_str ());

	KDB kdb;
	KeySet mountConfig;
	kdb.get (mountConfig, "system/elektra/mountpoints");

	MountBackendBuilder b;
	b.setMountpoint (mp, KeySet (0, KS_END));
	b.addPlugin (PluginSpec ("resolver"));
	b.useConfigFile (cf);

	b.addPlugin (PluginSpec ("dump"));
		KeySet pluginConfig;
		pluginConfig.append (Key ("user/encrypt/key", KEY_VALUE, GPG_TEST_KEY_ID, KEY_END));
		pluginConfig.append (Key ("user/gpg/unit_test", KEY_VALUE, "1", KEY_END));
		b.addPlugin (PluginSpec (plugin_variant_names[VARIANT], pluginConfig));

	b.validated ();
	b.serialize (mountConfig);
	kdb.set (mountConfig, "system/elektra/mountpoints");
	kdb.close ();
	return mp;
Exemple #3
int CpCommand::execute (Cmdline const & cl)
	if (cl.arguments.size () != 2)
		throw invalid_argument ("wrong number of arguments, 2 needed");

	KeySet conf;
	Key sourceKey = cl.createKey (0);
	if (!sourceKey.isValid ())
		throw invalid_argument ("Source given is not a valid keyname");

	Key destKey = cl.createKey (1);
	if (!destKey.isValid ())
		throw invalid_argument ("Destination given is not a valid keyname");
	string newDirName = destKey.getName ();

	kdb.get (conf, sourceKey);
	kdb.get (conf, destKey);
	KeySet tmpConf = conf;
	KeySet oldConf;

	oldConf.append (tmpConf.cut (sourceKey));

	KeySet newConf;

	oldConf.rewind ();
	std::string sourceName = sourceKey.getName ();
	if (cl.verbose) cout << "common name: " << sourceName << endl;
	if (cl.recursive)
		// copy all keys with new name
		Key k;
		while ((k = oldConf.next ()))
			Key rk = rename_key (k, sourceName, newDirName, cl.verbose);
			copySingleKey (cl, rk, tmpConf, newConf);
		// just copy one key
		Key k = oldConf.next ();
		Key rk = rename_key (k, sourceName, newDirName, cl.verbose);
		copySingleKey (cl, rk, tmpConf, newConf);

	newConf.append (tmpConf); // these are unrelated keys
	newConf.append (oldConf); // these are the original keys

	newConf.rewind ();
	kdb.set (newConf, destKey);

	return 0;
Exemple #4
int FstabCommand::execute (Cmdline const & cl)
	int argc = cl.arguments.size ();
	if (argc != 5 && argc != 6 && argc != 7)
		throw invalid_argument ("number of arguments not correct, need 5, 6 or 7");

	KeySet conf;
	Key parentKey = cl.createKey (0);
	kdb.get (conf, parentKey);
	printWarnings (cerr, parentKey);
	Key k = conf.lookup (parentKey);

	if (!k)
		k = cl.createKey (0);
		conf.append (k);

	std::string keyname = k.getName ();

	string dumpfreq = "0";
	if (argc >= 6)
		dumpfreq = cl.arguments[5].c_str ();

	string passno = "0";
	if (argc >= 7)
		passno = cl.arguments[6].c_str ();

	kdb::KeySet config (20, *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName", KEY_END),
			    *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName/device", KEY_VALUE, cl.arguments[1].c_str (), KEY_END),
			    *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName/mpoint", KEY_VALUE, cl.arguments[2].c_str (), KEY_END),
			    *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName/type", KEY_VALUE, cl.arguments[3].c_str (), KEY_END),
			    *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName/options", KEY_VALUE, cl.arguments[4].c_str (), KEY_END),
			    *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName/dumpfreq", KEY_VALUE, dumpfreq.c_str (), KEY_END),
			    *kdb::Key (keyname + "/ZZZNewFstabName/passno", KEY_VALUE, passno.c_str (), KEY_END), KS_END);

	conf.append (config);

	if (cl.verbose)
		cout << conf;

	kdb.set (conf, parentKey);
	printWarnings (cerr, parentKey);

	return 0;
 * @brief Allows for updating of a database entry.
 * Will renew the entry and all its subkeys (configuration).
 * @param entry A custom Entry object holding current information.
 * @return true if the entry was updated, false if not
 * @throw kdbrest::exception::EntryNotFoundException in case the entry
 * to update does not exist.
bool StorageEngine::updateEntry (model::Entry & entry)
    using namespace kdb;

    // register exclusive access
    boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock (m_mutex_entryCache);

    bool found = false;
    std::vector<model::Entry> & entries = this->m_entryCache;
    unsigned int i = 0;
    while (i < entries.size ())
        if (entries[i].getName ().compare (entry.getName ()) == 0)
            found = true;

    if (!found)
        throw exception::EntryNotFoundException ();

    KDB kdb;
    KeySet ks;
    kdb.get (ks, entry.getName ());

    Key k = ks.lookup (entry.getName ());
    if (!k)
        throw kdbrest::exception::EntryNotFoundException ();

    ks.cut (entry);
    ks.append (entry);
    ks.append (entry.getSubkeys ());

    if (kdb.set (ks, entry.getName ()) >= 1)
        entries.erase (entries.begin () + i);
        entries.push_back (entry);
        return true;
        return false;
TEST (test_contextual_policy, root)
	using namespace kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	ks.append (Key ("user/available", KEY_VALUE, "12", KEY_END));
	Context c;
	// clang-format off
	ContextualValue<int, GetPolicyIs<MyDynamicGetPolicy>> cv
		(ks, c, Key("/",
			KEY_META, "default", "88",
			KEY_META, "override/#0", "user/available",
	// clang-format on

	EXPECT_EQ (cv, 12);
	EXPECT_EQ (cv, cv);
	cv = 40;
	EXPECT_EQ (cv, 40);
	c.activate<RootLayer> ();
	EXPECT_EQ (cv, 40);

	ContextualValue<int, GetPolicyIs<MyDynamicGetPolicy>> cv2 (cv);
	EXPECT_EQ (cv, cv2);
int main ()
	using namespace kdb;

	std::vector<Key> vc;
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/key3/1", KEY_META, "order", "2", KEY_END));
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/begin", KEY_META, "order", "1", KEY_END));
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/key3/4", KEY_META, "order", "3", KEY_END));
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/key3/dup", KEY_META, "order", "4", KEY_END));
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/key3/dup", KEY_END));
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/unordered", KEY_END));
	vc.push_back (Key ("user/end", KEY_META, "order", "5", KEY_END));

	std::sort (vc.begin (), vc.end (), keyOrder);

	KeySet ks (20, KS_END);
	std::cout << "Our Vector with special ordering:" << std::endl;
	for (auto k : vc)

		std::cout << k.getName () << std::endl;
		ks.append (k);
	// now we have a keyset (of course again with KeySet ordering and
	// duplicates removed.
	std::cout << "\nNow KeySet:" << std::endl;
	for (auto && ks_i : ks)
		Key k (ks_i);
		std::cout << k.getName () << std::endl;
TEST_F (Simple, SetSystemGetAppend2)
	using namespace kdb;
	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	Key parentKey (testRoot, KEY_END);
	ks.append (Key ("system" + testRoot + "key", KEY_VALUE, "value1", KEY_END));
	kdb.get (ks, parentKey);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 1) << "got keys from freshly mounted backends";
	ks.rewind ();
	ks.next ();
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "system/tests/kdb/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getString (), "value1") << "string of element in keyset wrong";
	kdb.set (ks, parentKey);
	kdb.close (parentKey);

	KeySet ks2;
	ks2.append (Key ("system" + testRoot + "key2", KEY_VALUE, "value2", KEY_END));
	kdb.open (parentKey);
	kdb.get (ks2, parentKey);
	ks2.rewind ();
	ks2.next ();
	ASSERT_EQ (ks2.size (), 1) << "wrong size";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks2.current ().getName (), "system/tests/kdb/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks2.current ().getString (), "value1") << "string of element in keyset wrong";
void SpecMountpointReader::processKey (Key const & ck)
	Key k (ck);
	k.rewindMeta ();
	Key m;
	while ((m = k.nextMeta ()))
		std::string const & cn = "config/needs";
		if (startsWith (m.getName (), cn))
			Key bKey = m.dup ();
			bKey.setName ("user" + bKey.getName ().substr (cn.length ()));
			backendConfig.append (bKey);
		else if (m.getName () == "infos/plugins")
			bb.addPlugins (parseArguments (m.getString ()));
		else if (m.getName () == "infos/needs")
			bb.needPlugin (m.getString ());
		else if (m.getName () == "infos/recommends")
			bb.recommendPlugin (m.getString ());
		else if (isToBeIgnored (m.getName ()))
			bb.needMetadata (m.getName ());
TEST_F (Simple, TriggerError)
	using namespace kdb;
	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	EXPECT_EQ (kdb.get (ks, testRoot), 0) << "nothing to do in get";
	ks.append (Key ("system" + testRoot + "a", KEY_END));
	ks.append (Key ("system" + testRoot + "k", KEY_META, "trigger/error", "10", KEY_END));
	ks.append (Key ("system" + testRoot + "z", KEY_END));
	struct stat buf;
	ASSERT_EQ (stat (mp->systemConfigFile.c_str (), &buf), -1) << "found wrong file";
	EXPECT_THROW (kdb.set (ks, testRoot), kdb::KDBException) << "could not trigger error";
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 3) << "key suddenly missing";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "system" + testRoot + "k") << "ks should point to error key";
	ASSERT_EQ (stat (mp->systemConfigFile.c_str (), &buf), -1) << "created file even though error triggered";
TEST_F (Simple, GetSystem)
	using namespace kdb;
	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	Key parentKey ("system" + testRoot, KEY_END);
	ks.append (Key (parentKey.getName () + "/key", KEY_END));
	EXPECT_NE (kdb.get (ks, parentKey), -1);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 1) << "no key stayed" << ks;
	ks.rewind ();
	ks.next ();
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "system/tests/kdb/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getString (), "") << "string of element in keyset wrong";

	ASSERT_NE (kdb.set (ks, parentKey), -1);
	ks.rewind ();
	ks.next ();
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "system/tests/kdb/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getString (), "") << "string of element in keyset wrong";
	kdb.close (parentKey);

	KeySet ks2;
	kdb.open (parentKey);
	kdb.get (ks2, parentKey);
	ks.rewind ();
	ks.next ();
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "system/tests/kdb/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getString (), "") << "string of element in keyset wrong";
Exemple #12
 * @brief This function converts the given YAML file to keys and adds the
 *        result to `keySet`.
 * @param keySet The function adds the converted keys to this variable.
 * @param parent The function uses this parent key of `keySet` to emit error
 *               information.
 * @param filename This parameter stores the path of the YAML file this
 *                 function converts.
 * @retval -1 if there was an error converting the YAML file
 * @retval  0 if parsing was successful and the function did not change the
 *            given keyset
 * @retval  1 if parsing was successful and the function did change `keySet`
int addToKeySet (KeySet & keySet, Key & parent, string const & filename)
	using std::runtime_error;
	using tao::TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::analyze;
	using tao::TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::file_input;
	using tao::TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::normal;
	using tao::TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_error;
	using tao::TAO_PEGTL_NAMESPACE::parse_tree::parse;

	State state;

	// Check grammar for problematic code
	if (analyze<yaml> () != 0)
		throw runtime_error ("PEGTLs analyze function found problems while checking the top level grammar rule `yaml`!");
		return -1;

	file_input<> input{ filename };
	/* For detailed debugging information, please use the control class `tracer` instead of `normal`. */
	auto root = parse<yaml, selector, action, normal> (input, state);

	Listener listener{ parent };
	walk (listener, *root);
	auto keys = listener.getKeySet ();

	int status = (keys.size () <= 0) ? 0 : 1;

	keySet.append (keys);

	return status;
Exemple #13
void TestCommand::doBasicTest ()
		KDB kdb;
		Key t = root.dup ();
		t.addBaseName ("basic");
		t.setString ("BasicString");
		KeySet basic;
		basic.append (t);

		KeySet test;
		kdb.get (test, root);
		kdb.set (basic, root);

		KDB kdb;
		Key t = root.dup ();
		t.addBaseName ("basic");
		t.setString ("BasicString");

		KeySet test;
		kdb.get (test, root);

		if (!test.lookup (t))
			cerr << "Basic test failed" << endl;
TEST_F (Simple, RemoveFile)
	using namespace kdb;
	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	kdb.get (ks, testRoot);
	ks.append (Key ("system" + testRoot + "remove", KEY_END));
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 1) << "could not append key\n" << ks;
	kdb.set (ks, testRoot);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 1) << "key gone after kdb.set?\n" << ks;

	struct stat buf;
	ASSERT_EQ (stat (mp->systemConfigFile.c_str (), &buf), 0) << "found no file";

	Key parentKey;
	kdb.close (parentKey);
	kdb.open (parentKey);

	kdb.get (ks, testRoot);
	ks.clear ();
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 0) << "keyset should be empty after clearing it\n" << ks;
	kdb.set (ks, testRoot);

	ASSERT_EQ (stat (mp->systemConfigFile.c_str (), &buf), -1) << "found wrong file";
Exemple #15
void SetPlugins::serialise (Key & baseKey, KeySet & ret)
	ret.append (*Key (baseKey.getName () + "/setplugins", KEY_COMMENT, "List of plugins to use", KEY_END));

	for (int i = 0; i < NR_OF_PLUGINS; ++i)
		if (plugins[i] == nullptr) continue;
		bool fr = plugins[i]->firstRef;

		std::ostringstream pluginNumber;
		pluginNumber << i;
		std::string name = baseKey.getName () + "/setplugins/#" + pluginNumber.str () + plugins[i]->refname ();
		ret.append (*Key (name, KEY_COMMENT, "A plugin", KEY_END));
		if (fr) serializeConfig (name, plugins[i]->getConfig (), ret);
Exemple #16
void SpecReader::readSpecification (KeySet const & cks)
	KeySet ks;
	Key mp;

	// only accept keys in 'spec' namespace
	for (Key k : cks)
		if (k.isSpec ())
			ks.append (k);

	ks.rewind (); // we need old fashioned loop, because it can handle ks.cut during iteration
	for (Key k = ks.next (); k; k = ks.next ())
		// search for mountpoint
		Key m = k.getMeta<const Key> ("mountpoint");
		if (m)
			SpecMountpointReader smr (backends, bbi);
			backends[k] = smr.readMountpointSpecification (ks.cut (k));
TEST_F (Simple, GetAppendMeta)
	using namespace kdb;
	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	ks.append (Key ("meta/key", KEY_META_NAME, KEY_END));
	Key parentKey (testRoot, KEY_END);
	kdb.get (ks, parentKey);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 1) << "no key stayed";
	ks.rewind ();
	ks.next ();
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "meta/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getString (), "") << "string of element in keyset wrong";
	kdb.set (ks, parentKey);
	ks.rewind ();
	ks.next ();
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getName (), "meta/key") << "name of element in keyset wrong";
	EXPECT_EQ (ks.current ().getString (), "") << "string of element in keyset wrong";
	kdb.close (parentKey);

	KeySet ks2;
	kdb.open (parentKey);
	kdb.get (ks2, parentKey);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks2.size (), 0) << "got keys from freshly mounted backends";
Exemple #18
void TestCommand::doStringTest ()
	vector<string> teststrings;
	teststrings.push_back ("");
	teststrings.push_back ("value");
	teststrings.push_back ("value with spaces");
	teststrings.push_back (" a very long value with many spaces and basically very very long, but only text ... ");
	for (int i = 1; i < 256; ++i)
		teststrings.back () += " very very long, but only text ... ";

	for (auto & teststring : teststrings)
			KDB kdb;
			Key t = root.dup ();
			t.addBaseName ("string");
			t.setString (teststring);

			KeySet basic;
			basic.append (t);

			KeySet test;
			kdb.get (test, root);
			kdb.set (basic, root);

			KDB kdb;

			KeySet test;
			kdb.get (test, root);

			Key t = root.dup ();
			t.addBaseName ("string");

			Key res = test.lookup (t);

			if (!res)
				cerr << "String test failed (key not found)" << t.getName () << endl;

			if (res.getString () != teststring)
				cerr << "String test failed (value is not equal)" << endl;
				cerr << "We got: \"" << res.getString () << "\"" << endl;
				cerr << "We wanted: \"" << teststring << "\"" << endl;
TEST (MergeResult, CountsEqualKeysCorrectly)
	Key mergedKey1 = Key ("user/test/config/key1", KEY_END);
	Key mergedKey2 = Key ("user/test/config/key2", KEY_END);
	Key mergedKey3 = Key ("user/test/config/key3", KEY_END);
	Key conflictKey1 = Key ("user/test/config/key4", KEY_END);
	KeySet conflicts;
	conflicts.append (conflictKey1);
	KeySet merged;
	merged.append (mergedKey1);
	merged.append (mergedKey2);
	MergeResult result (conflicts, merged);
	EXPECT_EQ (2, result.getNumberOfEqualKeys ()) << "Initially merged keys not counted";
	result.resolveConflict (conflictKey1);
	result.addMergeKey (conflictKey1);
	EXPECT_EQ (2, result.getNumberOfEqualKeys ()) << "Resolved key is counted as equal key";
	result.addMergeKey (mergedKey3);
	EXPECT_EQ (3, result.getNumberOfEqualKeys ()) << "Merged key is not counted as equal key";
Exemple #20
void PluginVariantDatabase::addKeysBelowKeyToConf (Key const & below, KeySet const & conf, Key const & newbase, KeySet & targetconf) const
	KeySet confCp (conf);
	KeySet ksVariantSysConf = confCp.cut (below);
	for (auto kVariantCurrent : ksVariantSysConf)
		if (!kVariantCurrent.isBelow (below)) continue;
		targetconf.append (helper::rebaseKey (kVariantCurrent, below, newbase));
TEST (MergeResult, IsConflictWorks)
	Key conflictKey = Key ("user/test/config/key1", KEY_END);
	KeySet conflicts;
	conflicts.append (conflictKey);
	KeySet merged;
	MergeResult result (conflicts, merged);
	EXPECT_TRUE (result.isConflict (conflictKey));
	EXPECT_FALSE (result.isConflict (Key ("user/test/config/key2", KEY_END)));
Exemple #22
int MetaSetCommand::execute (Cmdline const & cl)
	if (cl.arguments.size () < 2 || cl.arguments.size () > 3)
		throw invalid_argument ("Need 2 or 3 arguments");
	string metaname = cl.arguments[1];

	Key parentKey = cl.createKey (0);
	string keyname = parentKey.getName ();
	if (keyname[0] == '/')
		// fix name for lookup
		keyname = "spec" + keyname;
		if (!cl.quiet) std::cout << "Using keyname " << keyname << std::endl;

		// fix k for kdb.set later
		parentKey.setName (keyname);

	KeySet conf;
	kdb.get (conf, parentKey);
	Key k = conf.lookup (parentKey);

	if (!k)
		k = Key (keyname, KEY_END);
		// k.setBinary(0, 0); // conceptually maybe better, but would have confusing "binary" metadata
		conf.append (k);
		if (cl.verbose) cout << "Creating key " << keyname << endl;
	if (!k.isValid ())
		cerr << "Could not create key " << keyname << endl;
		return 1;

	if (cl.arguments.size () == 2)
		if (!cl.quiet) cout << "Only two arguments, thus deleting metaname " << metaname << endl;
		k.delMeta (metaname);
		std::string metavalue = cl.arguments[2];
		if (metaname == "atime" || metaname == "mtime" || metaname == "ctime")
			stringstream str (metavalue);
			time_t t;
			str >> t;
			if (!str.good ()) throw "conversion failure";
			k.setMeta<time_t> (metaname, t);
TEST_F (Simple, InvalidKeysInSet)
	using namespace kdb;
	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	Key parent (testRoot, KEY_END);
	kdb.get (ks, parent);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 0) << "got keys from freshly mounted backend" << ks;

	ks.append (Key (testRoot + "wrong_cascading_key", KEY_END));
	ks.append (Key ("meta" + testRoot + "wrong_meta_key", KEY_META_NAME, KEY_END));

	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 2) << "keys not inserted:\n" << ks;
	kdb.set (ks, parent);
	printError (std::cout, parent);
	printWarnings (std::cout, parent);
	ASSERT_EQ (ks.size (), 2) << "got wrong keys:\n" << ks;
	struct stat buf;
	ASSERT_EQ (stat (mp->systemConfigFile.c_str (), &buf), -1) << "did find config file";
TEST (MergeResult, ResolveConflictRemovesKeyFromConflicts)
	Key conflictKey = Key ("user/test/config/key1", KEY_VALUE, "testvalue", KEY_END);
	KeySet conflicts;
	conflicts.append (conflictKey);
	KeySet merged;
	MergeResult result (conflicts, merged);

	result.resolveConflict (conflictKey);

	EXPECT_EQ (0, result.getConflictSet ().size ());
Exemple #25
 * Add a plugin that can be loaded, meets all
 * constraints.
 * @note that this does not mean that the backend
 * validates after it is added. It only means that
 * the situation is not getting worse.
 * @throw PluginCheckException or its subclasses if it was not possible
 * to load the plugin
 * For validation @see validated().
void Backend::addPlugin (PluginSpec const & plugin)
	KeySet fullPluginConfig = plugin.getConfig ();
	fullPluginConfig.append (plugin.getConfig ()); // add previous configs
	tryPlugin (plugin);
	errorplugins.addPlugin (*plugins.back ());
	getplugins.addPlugin (*plugins.back ());
	setplugins.addPlugin (*plugins.back ());

	KeySet toAdd = plugins.back ()->getNeededConfig ();
	config.append (toAdd);
TEST (MergeResult, HasConflictsWorks)
	Key conflictKey = Key ("user/test/config/key1", KEY_END);
	KeySet conflicts;
	conflicts.append (conflictKey);
	KeySet merged;
	MergeResult result (conflicts, merged);
	EXPECT_TRUE (result.hasConflicts ());
	conflicts = KeySet ();
	result = MergeResult (merged, conflicts);
	EXPECT_FALSE (result.hasConflicts ());
 * @brief Can be used to create an entry in the database.
 * Will add the entry and all subkeys to the database (configuration).
 * @param entry A custom Entry object holding information to store.
 * @return true if the entry was stored, false if something went wrong
 * @throws kdbrest::exception::EntryAlreadyExistsException in case an
 * entry with the given name does already exist in the key database.
bool StorageEngine::createEntry (model::Entry & entry)
    using namespace kdb;

    // register exclusive access
    boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock (m_mutex_entryCache);

    std::vector<model::Entry> & entries = this->m_entryCache;
    for (auto & elem : entries)
        if (elem.getName ().compare (entry.getName ()) == 0)
            throw exception::EntryAlreadyExistsException ();

    KDB kdb;
    KeySet ks;
    kdb.get (ks, entry.getName ());

    Key k = ks.lookup (entry.getName ());
    if (k)
        throw kdbrest::exception::EntryAlreadyExistsException ();

    ks.append (entry);
    ks.append (entry.getSubkeys ());

    if (kdb.set (ks, entry.getName ()) >= 1)
        entries.push_back (entry);
        return true;
        return false;
 * @brief Can be used to create an user entry in the database.
 * Will add the user and all subkeys to the database (additional information).
 * @param user A custom User object holding information to store.
 * @return true if the user was stored, false if something went wrong
 * @throws kdbrest::exception::UserAlreadyExistsException in case an
 * user with the given name does already exist in the key database.
bool StorageEngine::createUser (model::User & user)
    using namespace kdb;

    // register exclusive access
    boost::unique_lock<boost::shared_mutex> lock (m_mutex_userCache);

    std::vector<model::User> & users = this->m_userCache;
    for (auto & elem : users)
        if (elem.getName ().compare (user.getName ()) == 0)
            throw exception::UserAlreadyExistsException ();

    KDB kdb;
    KeySet ks;
    kdb.get (ks, user.getName ());

    Key k = ks.lookup (user.getName ());
    if (k)
        throw exception::UserAlreadyExistsException ();

    ks.append (user);
    ks.append (user.getSubkeys ());

    if (kdb.set (ks, user.getName ()) >= 1)
        users.push_back (user);
        return true;
        return false;
TEST (MergeResult, CountsResolvedKeysCorrectly)
	Key conflictKey1 = Key ("user/test/config/key1", KEY_END);
	Key conflictKey2 = Key ("user/test/config/key2", KEY_END);
	KeySet conflicts;
	conflicts.append (conflictKey1);
	conflicts.append (conflictKey2);
	KeySet merged;
	MergeResult result (conflicts, merged);
	EXPECT_EQ (0, result.getNumberOfResolvedKeys ());
	result.resolveConflict (conflictKey1);
	result.resolveConflict (conflictKey2);
	EXPECT_EQ (2, result.getNumberOfResolvedKeys ());
int main()
	using namespace kdb;

	KDB kdb;
	KeySet ks;
	Context c;
	// some predefined values (for convenience):
	KeySet ks2;
	kdb.get(ks2, "/myapp");
	// overwrite them if something is available in config files:

	Parameters par(ks,c);

	std::cout << par.myapp.shortcut.quitMyapp << std::endl;

	return 0;