void KisToolFreehandHelper::paint(KoPointerEvent *event)
    KisPaintInformation info =
    info.setCanvasRotation( m_d->canvasRotation );
    info.setCanvasHorizontalMirrorState( m_d->canvasMirroredH );


     * Smooth the coordinates out using the history and the
     * distance. This is a heavily modified version of an algo used in
     * Gimp and described in https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=281267 and
     * http://www24.atwiki.jp/sigetch_2007/pages/17.html.  The main
     * differences are:
     * 1) It uses 'distance' instead of 'velocity', since time
     *    measurements are too unstable in realworld environment
     * 2) There is no 'Quality' parameter, since the number of samples
     *    is calculated automatically
     * 3) 'Tail Aggressiveness' is used for controling the end of the
     *    stroke
     * 4) The formila is a little bit different: 'Distance' parameter
     *    stands for $3 \Sigma$
    if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::WEIGHTED_SMOOTHING
            && m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothnessDistance() > 0.0) {

        {   // initialize current distance
            QPointF prevPos;

            if (!m_d->history.isEmpty()) {
                const KisPaintInformation &prevPi = m_d->history.last();
                prevPos = prevPi.pos();
            } else {
                prevPos = m_d->previousPaintInformation.pos();

            qreal currentDistance = QVector2D(info.pos() - prevPos).length();


        qreal x = 0.0;
        qreal y = 0.0;

        if (m_d->history.size() > 3) {
            const qreal sigma = m_d->effectiveSmoothnessDistance() / 3.0; // '3.0' for (3 * sigma) range

            qreal gaussianWeight = 1 / (sqrt(2 * M_PI) * sigma);
            qreal gaussianWeight2 = sigma * sigma;
            qreal distanceSum = 0.0;
            qreal scaleSum = 0.0;
            qreal pressure = 0.0;
            qreal baseRate = 0.0;

            Q_ASSERT(m_d->history.size() == m_d->distanceHistory.size());

            for (int i = m_d->history.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                qreal rate = 0.0;

                const KisPaintInformation nextInfo = m_d->history.at(i);
                double distance = m_d->distanceHistory.at(i);
                Q_ASSERT(distance >= 0.0);

                qreal pressureGrad = 0.0;
                if (i < m_d->history.size() - 1) {
                    pressureGrad = nextInfo.pressure() - m_d->history.at(i + 1).pressure();

                    const qreal tailAgressiveness = 40.0 * m_d->smoothingOptions->tailAggressiveness();

                    if (pressureGrad > 0.0 ) {
                        pressureGrad *= tailAgressiveness * (1.0 - nextInfo.pressure());
                        distance += pressureGrad * 3.0 * sigma; // (3 * sigma) --- holds > 90% of the region

                if (gaussianWeight2 != 0.0) {
                    distanceSum += distance;
                    rate = gaussianWeight * exp(-distanceSum * distanceSum / (2 * gaussianWeight2));

                if (m_d->history.size() - i == 1) {
                    baseRate = rate;
                } else if (baseRate / rate > 100) {

                scaleSum += rate;
                x += rate * nextInfo.pos().x();
                y += rate * nextInfo.pos().y();

                if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothPressure()) {
                    pressure += rate * nextInfo.pressure();

            if (scaleSum != 0.0) {
                x /= scaleSum;
                y /= scaleSum;

                if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothPressure()) {
                    pressure /= scaleSum;

            if ((x != 0.0 && y != 0.0) || (x == info.pos().x() && y == info.pos().y())) {
                info.setPos(QPointF(x, y));
                if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothPressure()) {
                m_d->history.last() = info;

    if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::SIMPLE_SMOOTHING
            || m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::WEIGHTED_SMOOTHING)
        // Now paint between the coordinates, using the bezier curve interpolation
        if (!m_d->haveTangent) {
            m_d->haveTangent = true;
            m_d->previousTangent =
                (info.pos() - m_d->previousPaintInformation.pos()) /
                qMax(qreal(1.0), info.currentTime() - m_d->previousPaintInformation.currentTime());
        } else {
            QPointF newTangent = (info.pos() - m_d->olderPaintInformation.pos()) /
                                 qMax(qreal(1.0), info.currentTime() - m_d->olderPaintInformation.currentTime());

            paintBezierSegment(m_d->olderPaintInformation, m_d->previousPaintInformation,
                               m_d->previousTangent, newTangent);

            m_d->previousTangent = newTangent;
        m_d->olderPaintInformation = m_d->previousPaintInformation;
    else if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::NO_SMOOTHING) {
        paintLine(m_d->previousPaintInformation, info);

    if (m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::STABILIZER) {
    } else {
        m_d->previousPaintInformation = info;

    if(m_d->airbrushingTimer.isActive()) {
QPainterPath KisToolFreehandHelper::paintOpOutline(const QPointF &savedCursorPos,
        const KoPointerEvent *event,
        const KisPaintOpSettingsSP globalSettings,
        KisPaintOpSettings::OutlineMode mode) const
    KisPaintOpSettingsSP settings = globalSettings;
    KisPaintInformation info = m_d->infoBuilder->hover(savedCursorPos, event);
    info.setCanvasHorizontalMirrorState( m_d->canvasMirroredH );
    KisDistanceInformation distanceInfo(m_d->lastOutlinePos.pushThroughHistory(savedCursorPos), 0);

    if (!m_d->painterInfos.isEmpty()) {
        settings = m_d->resources->currentPaintOpPreset()->settings();
        if (m_d->stabilizerDelayedPaintHelper.running() &&
                m_d->stabilizerDelayedPaintHelper.hasLastPaintInformation()) {
            info = m_d->stabilizerDelayedPaintHelper.lastPaintInformation();
        } else {
            info = m_d->previousPaintInformation;

         * When LoD mode is active it may happen that the helper has
         * already started a stroke, but it painted noting, because
         * all the work is being calculated by the scaled-down LodN
         * stroke. So at first we try to fetch the data from the lodN
         * stroke ("buddy") and then check if there is at least
         * something has been painted with this distance information
         * object.
        KisDistanceInformation *buddyDistance =

        if (buddyDistance) {
             * Tiny hack alert: here we fetch the distance information
             * directly from the LodN stroke. Ideally, we should
             * upscale its data, but here we just override it with our
             * local copy of the coordinates.
            distanceInfo = *buddyDistance;
            distanceInfo.overrideLastValues(m_d->lastOutlinePos.pushThroughHistory(savedCursorPos), 0);

        } else if (m_d->painterInfos.first()->dragDistance->isStarted()) {
            distanceInfo = *m_d->painterInfos.first()->dragDistance;

    KisPaintInformation::DistanceInformationRegistrar registrar =

    QPainterPath outline = settings->brushOutline(info, mode);

    if (m_d->resources &&
            m_d->smoothingOptions->smoothingType() == KisSmoothingOptions::STABILIZER &&
            m_d->smoothingOptions->useDelayDistance()) {

        const qreal R = m_d->smoothingOptions->delayDistance() /

        outline.addEllipse(info.pos(), R, R);

    return outline;