Exemple #1
void HbmLB::ResumeClients(int balancing)
  DEBUGF(("[%d] ResumeClients. \n", CkMyPe()));

  // reset 
  LevelData *lData = levelData[0];

  if (CkMyPe() == 0 && balancing) {
    double end_lb_time = CkWallTimer();
    if (_lb_args.debug())
      CkPrintf("[%s] Load balancing step %d finished at %f duration %f\n",
	        lbName(), step()-1,end_lb_time,end_lb_time - start_lb_time);
  if (balancing && _lb_args.printSummary()) {
      int count = 1;
      LBInfo info(count);
      LDStats *stats = &myStats;
      info.getInfo(stats, count, 0);	// no comm cost
      LBRealType mLoad, mCpuLoad, totalLoad;
      info.getSummary(mLoad, mCpuLoad, totalLoad);
      int nmsgs, nbytes;
      stats->computeNonlocalComm(nmsgs, nbytes);
      CkPrintf("[%d] Load with %d objs: max (with comm): %f max (obj only): %f total: %f on %d processors at step %d useMem: %fKB nonlocal: %d %.2fKB.\n", CkMyPe(), stats->n_objs, mLoad, mCpuLoad, totalLoad, count, step()-1, (1.0*useMem())/1024, nmsgs, nbytes/1024.0);
      thisProxy[0].reportLBQulity(mLoad, mCpuLoad, totalLoad, nmsgs, 1.0*nbytes/1024.0);

  // zero out stats

// objects arrives with only objdata
void HybridBaseLB::ObjsMigrated(CkVec<LDObjData>& datas, int m,
    LDCommData *cdata, int n, int atlevel)
  int i;
  LevelData *lData = levelData[atlevel];
  LDStats *statsData = lData->statsData;

  if (statsData != NULL) {
    CkVec<LDObjData> &oData = statsData->objData;

    for (i=0; i<m; i++)
      // copy into LDStats
      LDObjData &data = datas[i];
      if (data.migratable) statsData->n_migrateobjs++;
      // an incoming object to the root
      // pretend this object belongs to it

    // copy into comm data
    if (n) {
      CkVec<LDCommData> &cData = statsData->commData;
      for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
      statsData->n_comm += n;
  else {        // leaf node, from which proc is unknown at this time
    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
      LDObjData &data = datas[i];
      LDObjKey key;
      key.omID() = data.omID();
      key.objID() = data.objID();
      newObjs.push_back(Location(key, -1));

  if (lData->migrationDone()) {
// assmebly all stats messages from children
void HybridBaseLB::buildStats(int atlevel)
  // build LDStats
  LevelData *lData = levelData[atlevel];
  LDStats *statsData = lData->statsData;
  CLBStatsMsg **statsMsgsList = lData->statsMsgsList;
  int stats_msg_count = lData->stats_msg_count;

  // statsMsgsList
  DEBUGF(("[%d] buildStats for %d nobj:%d\n", CkMyPe(), stats_msg_count, statsData->n_objs));
  statsData->nprocs() = stats_msg_count;
  int nobj = 0;
  int nmigobj = 0;
  int ncom = 0;
  for (int n=0; n<stats_msg_count; n++) {
     int i;
     CLBStatsMsg *msg = statsMsgsList[n];
     int pe = msg->from_pe;
     for (i=0; i<msg->n_objs; i++) {
         // need to map index to relative index
         statsData->from_proc[nobj] = statsData->to_proc[nobj] = NeighborIndex(pe, atlevel);
         statsData->objData[nobj] = msg->objData[i];
         if (msg->objData[i].migratable) nmigobj++;
     for (i=0; i<msg->n_comm; i++) {
         statsData->commData[ncom] = msg->commData[i];
     // free the message
     delete msg;
  if (_lb_args.debug()>1) {
      CmiPrintf("[%d] n_obj:%d migratable:%d ncom:%d at level %d at %f.\n", CkMyPe(), nobj, nmigobj, ncom, atlevel, CkWallTimer());
  CmiAssert(statsData->n_objs == nobj);
  CmiAssert(statsData->n_comm == ncom);
  statsData->n_migrateobjs = nmigobj;
Exemple #4
//  LDStats data sent to parent contains real PE
//  LDStats in parent should contain relative PE
void HbmLB::Loadbalancing(int atlevel)

  CmiAssert(atlevel >= 1);

  LevelData *lData = levelData[atlevel];
  LDStats *statsData = lData->statsData;

  // at this time, all objects processor location is relative, and 
  // all incoming objects from outside group belongs to the fake root proc.

  // clear background load if needed
  if (_lb_args.ignoreBgLoad()) statsData->clearBgLoad();

  currentLevel = atlevel;

  double start_lb_time(CkWallTimer());

  double lload = lData->statsList[0];
  double rload = lData->statsList[1];

  double diff = myabs(lload-rload);
  double maxl = mymax(lload, rload);
  double avg =  (lload+rload)/2.0;
CkPrintf("[%d] lload: %f rload: %f atlevel: %d\n", CkMyPe(), lload, rload, atlevel);
  if (diff/avg > 0.02) {
    // we need to perform load balancing
    int numpes = (int)pow(2.0, atlevel);
    double delta = myabs(lload-rload) / numpes;

    int overloaded = lData->children[0];
    if (lload < rload) {
      overloaded = lData->children[1];
    DEBUGF(("[%d] branch %d is overloaded by %f... \n", CkMyPe(), overloaded, delta));
    thisProxy[overloaded].ReceiveMigrationDelta(delta, atlevel, atlevel);
  else {
// migrate only object LDStat in group
// leaf nodes actually migrate objects
void HybridBaseLB::ReceiveMigration(LBMigrateMsg *msg)

  int atlevel = msg->level - 1;

  DEBUGF(("[%d] ReceiveMigration\n", CkMyPe()));

  LevelData *lData = levelData[atlevel];

  // only non NULL when level > 0
  LDStats *statsData = lData->statsData;

  // do LDStats migration
  const int me = CkMyPe();
  lData->migrates_expected = 0;
  for(int i=0; i < msg->n_moves; i++) {
    MigrateInfo& move = msg->moves[i];
    // incoming
    if (move.from_pe != me && move.to_pe == me) {
      // I can not be the parent node
      DEBUGF(("[%d] expecting LDStats object from %d\n",me,move.from_pe));
      // will receive a ObjData message
      lData->migrates_expected ++;
    else if (move.from_pe == me) {   // outgoing
      if (statsData) {		// this is inner node
        // send objdata
        int obj;
        int found = 0;
        for (obj = 0; obj<statsData->n_objs; obj++) {
          if (move.obj.omID() == statsData->objData[obj].handle.omID() && 
            move.obj.objID() == statsData->objData[obj].handle.objID())
            DEBUGF(("[%d] level: %d sending objData %d to %d. \n", CkMyPe(), atlevel, obj, move.to_pe));
	    found = 1;
            // TODO send comm data
            CkVec<LDCommData> comms;
            collectCommData(obj, comms, atlevel);
	    if (move.to_pe != -1) {
              // this object migrates to another PE of the parent domain
              thisProxy[move.to_pe].ObjMigrated(statsData->objData[obj], comms.getVec(), comms.size(), atlevel);
            lData->outObjs.push_back(MigrationRecord(move.obj, lData->children[statsData->from_proc[obj]], -1));
        CmiAssert(found == 1);
      else {		// this is leave node
        if (move.to_pe == -1) {
          lData->outObjs.push_back(MigrationRecord(move.obj, CkMyPe(), -1));
        else {
          // migrate the object
    }   // end if

  if (lData->migrationDone())
//  LDStats data sent to parent contains real PE
//  LDStats in parent should contain relative PE
void HybridBaseLB::Loadbalancing(int atlevel)
  int i;

  CmiAssert(atlevel >= 1);
  CmiAssert(tree->isroot(CkMyPe(), atlevel));

  LevelData *lData = levelData[atlevel];
  LDStats *statsData = lData->statsData;

  // at this time, all objects processor location is relative, and 
  // all incoming objects from outside group belongs to the fake root proc.

  // clear background load if needed
  if (_lb_args.ignoreBgLoad()) statsData->clearBgLoad();

  currentLevel = atlevel;
  int nclients = lData->nChildren;

  DEBUGF(("[%d] Calling Strategy ... \n", CkMyPe()));
  double start_lb_time, strat_end_time;
  start_lb_time = CkWallTimer();

  if ((statsStrategy == SHRINK || statsStrategy == SHRINK_NULL) && atlevel == tree->numLevels()-1) {
    // no obj and comm data
    LBVectorMigrateMsg* migrateMsg = VectorStrategy(statsData);
    strat_end_time = CkWallTimer();

    // send to children 
    thisProxy.ReceiveVectorMigration(migrateMsg, nclients, lData->children);
  else {
    LBMigrateMsg* migrateMsg = Strategy(statsData);
    strat_end_time = CkWallTimer();

    // send to children 
    //CmiPrintf("[%d] level: %d nclients:%d children: %d %d\n", CkMyPe(), atlevel, nclients, lData->children[0], lData->children[1]);
    if (!group1_created)
      thisProxy.ReceiveMigration(migrateMsg, nclients, lData->children);
    else {
        // send in multicast tree
      thisProxy.ReceiveMigration(migrateMsg, group1);
      //CkSendMsgBranchGroup(CkIndex_HybridBaseLB::ReceiveMigration(NULL),  migrateMsg, thisgroup, group1);
    // CkPrintf("[%d] ReceiveMigration takes %f \n", CkMyPe(), CkWallTimer()-strat_end_time);

  if (_lb_args.debug()>0){
    CkPrintf("[%d] Loadbalancing Level %d (%d children) started at %f, elapsed time %f\n", CkMyPe(), atlevel, lData->nChildren, start_lb_time, strat_end_time-start_lb_time);
    if (atlevel == tree->numLevels()-1) {
    	CkPrintf("[%d] %s memUsage: %.2fKB\n", CkMyPe(), lbName(), (1.0*useMem())/1024);

  // inform new objects that are from outside group
  if (atlevel < tree->numLevels()-1) {
    for (i=0; i<statsData->n_objs; i++) {
      CmiAssert(statsData->from_proc[i] != -1);   // ???
      if (statsData->from_proc[i] == nclients)  {    // from outside
        CmiAssert(statsData->to_proc[i] < nclients);
        int tope = lData->children[statsData->to_proc[i]];
        // comm data
        CkVec<LDCommData> comms;
//        collectCommData(i, comms, atlevel);
        thisProxy[tope].ObjMigrated(statsData->objData[i], comms.getVec(), comms.size(), atlevel-1);
// build a message based on our LDStats for sending to parent
// shrink if neccessary
CLBStatsMsg * HybridBaseLB::buildCombinedLBStatsMessage(int atlevel)
  int i;
  double obj_walltime, obj_nmwalltime;
  double obj_cputime, obj_nmcputime;

  LDStats *statsData = levelData[atlevel]->statsData;

  CLBStatsMsg* cmsg;

  int osz = statsData->n_objs;
  int csz = statsData->n_comm;

  int shrink = 0;
  if ((statsStrategy == SHRINK || statsStrategy == SHRINK_NULL) && atlevel == tree->numLevels()-2) 
    shrink = 1;
    obj_walltime = obj_nmwalltime = 0.0;
    obj_cputime = obj_nmcputime = 0.0;
    for (i=0; i<osz; i++)  {
      if (statsData->objData[i].migratable) {
        obj_walltime += statsData->objData[i].wallTime;
        obj_cputime += statsData->objData[i].cpuTime;
      else {
        obj_nmwalltime += statsData->objData[i].wallTime;
        obj_nmcputime += statsData->objData[i].cpuTime;
      // skip obj and comm data
    osz = csz = 0;

  cmsg = new CLBStatsMsg(osz, csz);
  int mype = CkMyPe();
  cmsg->from_pe = mype;	// real PE

  // Get stats
  cmsg->pe_speed = 0;
  cmsg->total_walltime = 0.0;
  cmsg->idletime = 0.0;
  cmsg->bg_walltime = 0.0;
  cmsg->total_cputime = 0.0;
  cmsg->bg_cputime = 0.0;

  for (int pe=0; pe<statsData->nprocs(); pe++) {
        struct ProcStats &procStat = statsData->procs[pe];
        cmsg->pe_speed += procStat.pe_speed;		// important
        cmsg->total_walltime += procStat.total_walltime;
        cmsg->idletime += procStat.idletime;
        cmsg->bg_walltime += procStat.bg_walltime;
        cmsg->total_cputime += procStat.total_cputime;
        cmsg->bg_cputime += procStat.bg_cputime;
  cmsg->idletime = 0.0;
  cmsg->bg_walltime = 0.0;
  cmsg->bg_cputime = 0.0;

  // copy obj data
  cmsg->n_objs = osz;
  for (i=0; i<osz; i++)  {
     cmsg->objData[i] = statsData->objData[i];
  // copy comm data
  cmsg->n_comm = csz;
  for (i=0; i<csz; i++) {
     LDCommData &commData = statsData->commData[i];
     cmsg->commData[i] = commData;
     // modify processor to be this real pe
     if (commData.from_proc()) cmsg->commData[i].src_proc = mype;
     if (commData.receiver.get_type() == LD_PROC_MSG) cmsg->commData[i].receiver.setProc(mype);

  if (shrink) {
    cmsg->total_walltime = obj_walltime;
    cmsg->bg_walltime += obj_nmwalltime;
    cmsg->total_cputime = obj_cputime;
    cmsg->bg_cputime += obj_nmcputime;

  return cmsg;
  return NULL;