Exemple #1
size_t Services_GetAlertCount (LPSERVICE lpService)
    return Alert_GetCount (lpService->GetIdentifier());
Exemple #2
BOOL SERVER::RefreshServices (BOOL fNotify, ULONG *pStatus)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   DWORD status = 0;

   if (m_fServicesOutOfDate)
      m_fServicesOutOfDate = FALSE;

      if (fIsMonitored())
         if (fNotify)
            NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshServicesBegin, GetIdentifier());

         // First thing is to forget about what services we think we have now.
         LPENUM pEnum;
         for (pEnum = m_lServices->FindLast(); pEnum; pEnum = pEnum->FindPrevious())
            LPSERVICE lpService = (LPSERVICE)(pEnum->GetObject());
            m_lServices->Remove (lpService);
            Delete (lpService);

         // Next, the harder part: look through the server to find a list
         // of services.
         PVOID hCell;
         PVOID hBOS;
         if ((hBOS = OpenBosObject (&hCell, &status)) == NULL)
            rc = FALSE;
            WORKERPACKET wpBegin;
            wpBegin.wpBosProcessNameGetBegin.hServer = hBOS;
            if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskBosProcessNameGetBegin, &wpBegin, &status))
               rc = FALSE;
               LPSERVICE lpService = New2 (SERVICE,(this, TEXT("BOS")));
               m_lServices->Add (lpService);
               NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtCreate, lpService->GetIdentifier());

               for (;;)
                  TCHAR szServiceName[ cchNAME ];

                  WORKERPACKET wpNext;
                  wpNext.wpBosProcessNameGetNext.hEnum = wpBegin.wpBosProcessNameGetBegin.hEnum;
                  wpNext.wpBosProcessNameGetNext.pszService = szServiceName;

                  if (!Worker_DoTask (wtaskBosProcessNameGetNext, &wpNext, &status))
                     if (status == ADMITERATORDONE)
                        status = 0;
                        rc = FALSE;

                  lpService = New2 (SERVICE,(this, wpNext.wpBosProcessNameGetNext.pszService));
                  m_lServices->Add (lpService);
                  NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtCreate, lpService->GetIdentifier());

               WORKERPACKET wpDone;
               wpDone.wpBosProcessNameGetDone.hEnum = wpBegin.wpBosProcessNameGetBegin.hEnum;
               Worker_DoTask (wtaskBosProcessNameGetDone, &wpDone);


         if (fNotify)
            NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshServicesEnd, GetIdentifier(), ((rc) ? 0 : status));

   if (pStatus && !rc)
      *pStatus = status;
   return TRUE;
Exemple #3
BOOL Alert_Scout_CheckServer (LPSERVER lpServer)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;

   if ((lpsp = (LPSERVER_PREF)lpServer->GetUserParam()) != NULL)
      if ((lpoa = Alert_GetObjectAlerts (lpServer->GetIdentifier())) != NULL)
         PostNotification (evtScoutBegin, lpServer->GetIdentifier());

         BOOL fChangedServerAlerts = FALSE;

         DWORD dwTickNextTestWhenStarted = lpoa->dwTickNextTest;

         // First look through the server's aggregates and filesets, to
         // find any which have usages over their warning threshholds.
         HENUM heAggregate;
         for (LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate = lpServer->AggregateFindFirst (&heAggregate); lpAggregate; lpAggregate = lpServer->AggregateFindNext (&heAggregate))
            BOOL fChangedAggregateAlerts = FALSE;
            LPIDENT lpiAggregate = lpAggregate->GetIdentifier();

            LPOBJECTALERTS lpoaAggregate;
            if ((lpoaAggregate = Alert_GetObjectAlerts (lpAggregate->GetIdentifier())) != NULL)
               for (size_t iAlert = 0; iAlert < lpoaAggregate->nAlerts; )
                  if ( (lpoaAggregate->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertFULL) ||
                       (lpoaAggregate->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertOVERALLOC) ||
                       (lpoaAggregate->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertNO_SVRENT) )
                     fChangedAggregateAlerts = TRUE;
                     fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;
                     Alert_Remove (lpAggregate->GetIdentifier(), iAlert);

               LPAGGREGATE_PREF lpap;
               if ((lpap = (LPAGGREGATE_PREF)lpAggregate->GetUserParam()) != NULL)
                  short wGhost = lpAggregate->GetGhostStatus();
                  if (lpsp->fWarnAggNoServ && !(wGhost & GHOST_HAS_SERVER_ENTRY))
                     ALERTINFO ai;
                     ai.alert = alertNO_SVRENT;
                     Alert_AddPrimary (lpAggregate->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                     fChangedAggregateAlerts = TRUE;
                     fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

                  if (lpsp->fWarnAggAlloc && lpap->fWarnAggAlloc)
                     AGGREGATESTATUS as;
                     if (lpAggregate->GetStatus (&as, TRUE))
                        if (as.ckStorageAllocated > as.ckStorageTotal)
                           ALERTINFO ai;
                           ai.alert = alertOVERALLOC;
                           ai.aiOVERALLOC.ckAllocated = as.ckStorageAllocated;
                           ai.aiOVERALLOC.ckCapacity = as.ckStorageTotal;
                           Alert_AddPrimary (lpAggregate->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                           fChangedAggregateAlerts = TRUE;
                           fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

                  short perWarnAggFull = lpap->perWarnAggFull;
                  if (perWarnAggFull == -1)
                     perWarnAggFull = lpsp->perWarnAggFull;
                  if (perWarnAggFull != 0)
                     AGGREGATESTATUS as;
                     if (lpAggregate->GetStatus (&as, TRUE))
                        if (as.ckStorageTotal != 0)
                           short perNow = (short)( (double)(as.ckStorageTotal - as.ckStorageFree) * 100.0 / (double)(as.ckStorageTotal) );

                           if (perNow > perWarnAggFull)
                              ALERTINFO ai;
                              ai.alert = alertFULL;
                              ai.aiFULL.perWarning = perWarnAggFull;
                              ai.aiFULL.ckWarning = (ULONG)( (double)perWarnAggFull * (double)(as.ckStorageTotal) / 100.0 );
                              Alert_AddPrimary (lpAggregate->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                              fChangedAggregateAlerts = TRUE;
                              fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

            HENUM heFileset;
            for (LPFILESET lpFileset = lpAggregate->FilesetFindFirst (&heFileset); lpFileset; lpFileset = lpAggregate->FilesetFindNext (&heFileset))
               BOOL fChangedFilesetAlerts = FALSE;
               LPIDENT lpiFileset = lpFileset->GetIdentifier();

               LPOBJECTALERTS lpoaFileset;
               if ((lpoaFileset = Alert_GetObjectAlerts (lpFileset->GetIdentifier())) != NULL)
                  for (size_t iAlert = 0; iAlert < lpoaFileset->nAlerts; )
                     if ( (lpoaFileset->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertFULL) ||
                          (lpoaFileset->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertSTATE_NO_VNODE) ||
                          (lpoaFileset->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertSTATE_NO_SERVICE) ||
                          (lpoaFileset->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertSTATE_OFFLINE) ||
                          (lpoaFileset->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertNO_VLDBENT) ||
                          (lpoaFileset->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertNO_SVRENT) )
                        fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                        fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;
                        Alert_Remove (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), iAlert);

               LPFILESET_PREF lpfp;
               if ((lpfp = (LPFILESET_PREF)lpFileset->GetUserParam()) != NULL)
                  FILESETSTATUS fs;
                  if (lpFileset->GetStatus (&fs, TRUE))
                     if (fs.State & fsNO_VNODE)
                        ALERTINFO ai;
                        ai.alert = alertSTATE_NO_VNODE;
                        ai.aiSTATE.State = fs.State;
                        Alert_AddPrimary (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                        fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                        fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;
                     else if (fs.State & fsNO_SERVICE)
                        ALERTINFO ai;
                        ai.alert = alertSTATE_NO_SERVICE;
                        ai.aiSTATE.State = fs.State;
                        Alert_AddPrimary (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                        fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                        fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;
                     else if (fs.State & fsOFFLINE)
                        ALERTINFO ai;
                        ai.alert = alertSTATE_OFFLINE;
                        ai.aiSTATE.State = fs.State;
                        Alert_AddPrimary (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                        fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                        fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

                     short perWarnSetFull = lpfp->perWarnSetFull;
                     if (perWarnSetFull == -1)
                        perWarnSetFull = lpsp->perWarnSetFull;
                     if (perWarnSetFull != 0)
                        if (fs.Type == ftREADWRITE)
                           if (fs.ckQuota != 0)
                              short perNow = (short)( (double)(fs.ckUsed) * 100.0 / (double)(fs.ckQuota) );

                              if (perNow > perWarnSetFull)
                                 ALERTINFO ai;
                                 ai.alert = alertFULL;
                                 ai.aiFULL.perWarning = perWarnSetFull;
                                 ai.aiFULL.ckWarning = (ULONG)( (double)perWarnSetFull * (double)(fs.ckQuota) / 100.0 );
                                 Alert_AddPrimary (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                                 fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                                 fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

                  short wGhost = lpFileset->GetGhostStatus();
                  if (lpsp->fWarnSetNoVLDB && !(wGhost & GHOST_HAS_VLDB_ENTRY))
                     ALERTINFO ai;
                     ai.alert = alertNO_VLDBENT;
                     Alert_AddPrimary (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                     fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                     fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;
                  if (lpsp->fWarnSetNoServ && !(wGhost & GHOST_HAS_SERVER_ENTRY) && !(fs.Type == ftREPLICA))
                     ALERTINFO ai;
                     ai.alert = alertNO_SVRENT;
                     Alert_AddPrimary (lpFileset->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                     fChangedFilesetAlerts = TRUE;
                     fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

               if (fChangedFilesetAlerts)
                  PostNotification (evtAlertsChanged, lpiFileset);

            if (fChangedAggregateAlerts)
               PostNotification (evtAlertsChanged, lpiAggregate);

         // Next look through the server's servces to find any
         // which have stopped.
         HENUM heService;
         for (LPSERVICE lpService = lpServer->ServiceFindFirst (&heService); lpService; lpService = lpServer->ServiceFindNext (&heService))
            BOOL fChangedServiceAlerts = FALSE;
            LPIDENT lpiService = lpService->GetIdentifier();

            LPOBJECTALERTS lpoaService;
            if ((lpoaService = Alert_GetObjectAlerts (lpService->GetIdentifier())) != NULL)
               for (size_t iAlert = 0; iAlert < lpoaService->nAlerts; )
                  if (lpoaService->aAlerts[ iAlert ].alert == alertSTOPPED)
                     fChangedServiceAlerts = TRUE;
                     fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;
                     Alert_Remove (lpService->GetIdentifier(), iAlert);

               LPSERVICE_PREF lpcp;
               if ((lpcp = (LPSERVICE_PREF)lpService->GetUserParam()) != NULL)
                  if (lpcp->fWarnSvcStop && lpsp->fWarnSvcStop)
                     SERVICESTATUS ss;
                     if (lpService->GetStatus (&ss, TRUE))
                        if (ss.state != SERVICESTATE_RUNNING)
                           ALERTINFO ai;
                           ai.alert = alertSTOPPED;
                           memcpy (&ai.aiSTOPPED.stStopped,   &ss.timeLastStop, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
                           memcpy (&ai.aiSTOPPED.stLastError, &ss.timeLastFail, sizeof(SYSTEMTIME));
                           ai.aiSTOPPED.errLastError = ss.dwErrLast;
                           Alert_AddPrimary (lpService->GetIdentifier(), &ai);
                           fChangedServiceAlerts = TRUE;
                           fChangedServerAlerts = TRUE;

            if (fChangedServiceAlerts)
               PostNotification (evtAlertsChanged, lpiService);

         if (rc && (dwTickNextTestWhenStarted == lpoa->dwTickNextTest))
            Alert_Scout_SetUpToDate (lpoa);

         if (fChangedServerAlerts)
            PostNotification (evtAlertsChanged, lpServer->GetIdentifier());

         PostNotification (evtScoutEnd, lpServer->GetIdentifier());

   return rc;
Exemple #4
BOOL SERVER::RefreshAll (ULONG *pStatus, double dInit, double dFactor)
   BOOL rc = TRUE;
   ULONG status = 0;

   if (m_fAggregatesOutOfDate || m_fServicesOutOfDate)
      if ((++cRefreshAllReq) == 1)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshAllBegin, GetIdentifier(), 0);

      double perAGGREGATES = 65.0; // % of time spent finding aggs & sets
      double perSERVICES   = 25.0; // % of time spent finding services
      double perVLDB       = 10.0; // % of time spent finding VLDB info

      if (cRefreshAllReq >= 2) // being called as part of a cell-wide op?
         perAGGREGATES = 80.0; // % of time spent finding aggs & sets
         perSERVICES   = 20.0; // % of time spent finding services
         perVLDB       = 0.0;  // we won't query VLDB stuff ourself.

      NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusBegin, GetIdentifier());

      if (!CanTalkToServer (&status))  // Determines fCanGetAggregates, fCanGetServices
         if (m_fMonitor)
            SetMonitor (FALSE);
         rc = FALSE;
         if (!m_fCanGetAggregates)
            m_fAggregatesOutOfDate = FALSE;
            size_t nAggregates = 0;
            size_t iAggregate = 0;
            HENUM hEnum;
            LPAGGREGATE lpAggregate;
            for (lpAggregate = AggregateFindFirst (&hEnum); lpAggregate; lpAggregate = AggregateFindNext (&hEnum))

            if (nAggregates)
               for (lpAggregate = AggregateFindFirst (&hEnum); lpAggregate; lpAggregate = AggregateFindNext (&hEnum))
                  ULONG perComplete = (ULONG)( ((double)perAGGREGATES / 100.0) * ((double)iAggregate * 100.0 / nAggregates) );
                  NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshAllUpdate, lpAggregate->GetIdentifier(), NULL, NULL, NULL, (ULONG)( 100.0 * dInit + dFactor * (double)perComplete ), 0);

                  lpAggregate->RefreshFilesets (TRUE);


         if (!m_fCanGetServices)
            m_fServicesOutOfDate = FALSE;
            size_t nServices = 0;
            size_t iService = 0;
            HENUM hEnum;
            LPSERVICE lpService;
            for (lpService = ServiceFindFirst (&hEnum); lpService; lpService = ServiceFindNext (&hEnum))

            if (nServices)
               for (lpService = ServiceFindFirst (&hEnum); lpService; lpService = ServiceFindNext (&hEnum))
                  ULONG perComplete = (ULONG)( (double)perAGGREGATES + ((double)perSERVICES / 100.0) * ((double)iService * 100.0 / nServices) );
                  NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshAllUpdate, lpService->GetIdentifier(), NULL, NULL, NULL, (ULONG)( 100.0 * dInit + dFactor * (double)perComplete ), 0);

                  lpService->RefreshStatus (TRUE);


         if (cRefreshAllReq == 1) // not being called as part of a cell-wide op?
            LPCELL lpCell;
            if ((lpCell = OpenCell()) != NULL)
               lpCell->RefreshVLDB (GetIdentifier(), TRUE, NULL);

      NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshStatusEnd, GetIdentifier(), m_lastStatus);

      if ((--cRefreshAllReq) == 0)
         NOTIFYCALLBACK::SendNotificationToAll (evtRefreshAllEnd, GetIdentifier(), NULL, NULL, NULL, 100, m_lastStatus);

   if (rc && m_lastStatus)
      rc = FALSE;
   if (!rc && pStatus)
      *pStatus = status;
   return rc;