Exemple #1
QPointF MapWidget::latLonToPoint(LatLon latlon)
    qreal x = (latlon.lon() + 180.0) / 360.0;
    qreal y = (M_PI - log(tan(M_PI / 4 + latlon.lat() * (M_PI / 180.0) / 2))) / (2 * M_PI);
    qreal z = static_cast<qreal>(1 << m_zoom);
    return QPointF(x * z * 256, y * z * 256);
Exemple #2
void GPSDisplay::debugPositionUpdate()
    if (! visible)

    QTime now = QTime::currentTime();
    float offset = now.msecsSinceStartOfDay() / (float)(10 * 1000);
    float accuracy = 12 + 7 * qSin(2 + offset);
    float altitude = 400 + 10 * qSin(1 + 0.1f * offset);

    MapCoordF coord(30 * qSin(0.5f * offset), 30 * qCos(0.53f * offset));
    emit mapPositionUpdated(coord, accuracy);

    if (georeferencing.isValid() && ! georeferencing.isLocal())
        bool ok;
        LatLon latLon = georeferencing.toGeographicCoords(coord, &ok);
        if (ok)
            emit latLonUpdated(latLon.latitude(), latLon.longitude(), altitude, accuracy);

    gps_updated = true;
    tracking_lost = false;
    has_valid_position = true;
    latest_gps_coord = coord;
    latest_gps_coord_accuracy = accuracy;
Coordinate ProjectionImplementationProj4::latlon2coord(const LatLon &ll) const
    if ( _pjBase == 0 || _pjLatlon == 0) {
        int *err = pj_get_errno_ref();
        if (*err != 0){
            QString error(pj_strerrno(*err));
            error = "projection error:" + error;
        return Coordinate();

    double x = ll.lon().radians();
    double y = ll.lat().radians();
    int err = pj_transform(_pjLatlon, _pjBase, 1, 1, &x, &y, NULL );
    if ( err != 0) {
        QString error(pj_strerrno(err));
        error = "projection error:" + error;
        return Coordinate();

    if ( _outputIsLatLon) {
        //return Coordinate(Degrees(y,false).degrees(),Degrees(x, false).degrees());
        return Coordinate(x * RAD_TO_DEG, y * RAD_TO_DEG);
    return Coordinate(x,y);
Exemple #4
QPointF TilesMap::tileForCoordinate(LatLon coord)
    qreal zn = static_cast<qreal>(1 << m_zoom);
    qreal tx = (coord.lon() + 180.0) / 360.0;
    qreal ty = (1.0 - log(tan(coord.lat() * M_PI / 180.0)
                          + 1.0 / cos(coord.lat() * M_PI / 180.0)) / M_PI) / 2.0;
    return QPointF(tx * zn, ty * zn);
LatLon ConventionalCoordinateSystem::coord2latlon(const Coordinate &crdSource) const
    LatLon pl = _projection->coord2latlon(crdSource);
    if (!pl.isValid())
        return llUNDEF;
    if (abs(pl.lon()) > 90)
        return llUNDEF;
    return pl;
Coordinate ConventionalCoordinateSystem::coord2coord(const ICoordinateSystem &sourceCs, const Coordinate &crdSource) const
    if (sourceCs->isEqual(*this))
        return crdSource;
    LatLon ll = sourceCs->coord2latlon(crdSource);
    if ( ll.isValid()) {
        return latlon2coord(ll);
    return Coordinate();
Coordinate ConventionalCoordinateSystem::coord2coord(const ICoordinateSystem &sourceCs, const Coordinate &crdSource) const
    //TODO isLatLon guard doesn't consider latlon cs other than WGS84!
    if (sourceCs->id() == id()) //  the 'real'isEqual test is too expensive here, as this method can be called 100000's of times (resample)
        return crdSource;
    LatLon ll = sourceCs->isLatLon() ? LatLon(crdSource.y,crdSource.x) : sourceCs->coord2latlon(crdSource);
    if ( ll.isValid()) {
        return isLatLon() ? ll : latlon2coord(ll);
    return Coordinate();
Pixel Camera::translateLatLon(LatLon latlon)
    CvMat* latlonHomogeneous = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);
    cvmSet(latlonHomogeneous, 0, 0, latlon.getLat());
    cvmSet(latlonHomogeneous, 1, 0, latlon.getLon());
    cvmSet(latlonHomogeneous, 2, 0, 1.0);

    CvMat* pixelHomogeneous = cvCreateMat(3, 1, CV_32FC1);

    cvMatMul(inverse, latlonHomogeneous, pixelHomogeneous);

    int x = (int)(cvmGet(pixelHomogeneous, 0, 0) / cvmGet(pixelHomogeneous, 2, 0));
    int y = (int)(cvmGet(pixelHomogeneous, 1, 0) / cvmGet(pixelHomogeneous, 2, 0));
    Pixel pixel(x, y);
    return pixel;
LatLon ProjectionImplementationInternal::coord2latlon(const Ilwis::Coordinate &crdSource) const
    if (_coordinateSystem->projection().isValid() && crdSource != crdUNDEF) {
        Coordinate xy((crdSource.x - _easting) / _maxis, (crdSource.y - _northing) / _maxis);

        LatLon pl = crd2ll(xy);
        if (!pl.isValid())
            return llUNDEF;
        if (abs(pl.lat()) > 90)
            return llUNDEF;
        pl.lon( pl.lon() + _centralMeridian);
        return pl;
        return llUNDEF;

// slot
void GeoreferencingDialog::projectionChanged()
	ScopedMultiSignalsBlocker block(
	            lat_edit, lon_edit
	if (georef->getState() == Georeferencing::Normal)
		const std::vector< QString >& parameters = georef->getProjectedCRSParameters();
		auto temp = CRSTemplateRegistry().find(georef->getProjectedCRSId());
		if (!temp || temp->parameters().size() != parameters.size())
			// The CRS id is not there anymore or the number of parameters has changed.
			// Enter as custom spec.
			crs_selector->setCurrentCRS(CRSTemplateRegistry().find("PROJ.4"), { georef->getProjectedCRSSpec() });
			crs_selector->setCurrentCRS(temp, parameters);
	LatLon latlon = georef->getGeographicRefPoint();
	double latitude  = latlon.latitude();
	double longitude = latlon.longitude();
	QString osm_link =
	QString worldofo_link =
	  tr("<a href=\"%1\">OpenStreetMap</a> | <a href=\"%2\">World of O Maps</a>").
	QString error = georef->getErrorText();
	if (error.length() == 0)
		status_field->setText(QString("<b style=\"color:red\">") % error % "</b>");
Coordinate ConventionalCoordinateSystem::coord2coord(const ICoordinateSystem &sourceCs, const Coordinate &crdSource) const
    //TODO isLatLon guard doesn't consider latlon cs other than WGS84!
    if (sourceCs->id() == id()) //  the 'real'isEqual test is too expensive here, as this method can be called 100000's of times (resample)
        return crdSource;
    LatLon ll = sourceCs->isLatLon() ? LatLon(crdSource.y,crdSource.x) : sourceCs->coord2latlon(crdSource);
    if (ll.isValid()) {
        if (hasType(sourceCs->ilwisType(), itCONVENTIONALCOORDSYSTEM)) {
            const IConventionalCoordinateSystem & srcCs = sourceCs.as<ConventionalCoordinateSystem>();
            if (srcCs->datum().get() && datum().get() && !srcCs->datum()->equal(*datum().get())) { // different datums given, datum shift needed
                ll = srcCs->datum()->llToWGS84(ll, *srcCs->ellipsoid().ptr());
                ll = datum()->llFromWGS84(ll, *ellipsoid().ptr());
        return isLatLon() ? ll : latlon2coord(ll);

    return Coordinate();
Exemple #12
void MapWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event)
    if (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton) {
        m_pressPos = m_movePos = event->pos();
    else if (event->button() == Qt::RightButton) {
        QPoint delta = event->pos() - QPoint(width() / 2, height() / 2);
        LatLon coord = pointToLatLon(latLonToPoint(m_center) + delta);

        QLineEdit *edit;
        edit = m_pointDialog->findChild<QLineEdit *>("latitudeEdit");
        edit->setText(QString().setNum(coord.lat(), 'f', 6));
        edit = m_pointDialog->findChild<QLineEdit *>("longitudeEdit");
        edit->setText(QString().setNum(coord.lon(), 'f', 6));
        edit = m_pointDialog->findChild<QLineEdit *>("nameEdit");

        m_pointDialog->setWindowTitle("Add Point");
Coordinate ProjectionImplementationInternal::latlon2coord(const LatLon &ll) const
    if (_coordinateSystem->projection().isValid() && ll.isValid()) {
        LatLon pl(ll);
        if (pl.lat() > M_PI_2)
            pl.lat(Angle(M_PI_2, true));
        else if (pl.lat() < -M_PI_2)
            pl.lat(Angle(-M_PI_2, true));
        pl.lon( pl.lon()-_centralMeridian);
        Coordinate xy = ll2crd(pl);
        if (xy != crdUNDEF)
            return crdUNDEF;
        Coordinate crd;
        crd.x = xy.x * _maxis  + _easting;
        crd.y = xy.y * _maxis  + _northing;
        return crd;
        return crdUNDEF;

Exemple #14
Vector3 Utilities::latLonToECEF(LatLon latLon)
    scene::LatLonAlt lla(latLon.getLat(), latLon.getLon());
    return latLonToECEF(lla);
Coordinate PlateCaree::ll2crd(const LatLon &ll) const
    return Coordinate(ll.lon(), ll.lat());
void SubGridLayer::calcEnvelope(Coordinate& cmin, Coordinate& cmax) const {
    cmin = layerManager()->rootLayer()->zoomEnvelope().min_corner();
    cmax = layerManager()->rootLayer()->zoomEnvelope().max_corner();
    if (!cmin.isValid() || !cmax.isValid())

    ICoordinateSystem screenCsy = layerManager()->rootLayer()->screenCsy();
    if (!screenCsy.isValid())

    if (screenCsy->isUnknown()) // cant do any extra calcs with unknown

    bool isLatLon = screenCsy->isLatLon();
    if (isLatLon) {
        if (cmin.y <= -89)
            cmin.y = -89;
        if (cmin.x < -180)
            cmin.x = -180;
        if (cmax.y >= 89)
            cmax.y = 89;
        if (cmax.x > 180)
            cmax.x = 180;
    else {
        LatLon llmin = screenCsy->coord2latlon(cmin);
        LatLon llmax = screenCsy->coord2latlon(cmax);
        if (llmin.isValid() && llmax.isValid()) {
            if (llmin.Lat() <= -85)
                cmin.y = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(-85, llmin.Lon())).y;
            if (llmin.Lon() < -180)
                cmin.x = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(llmin.Lat(), -180)).x;
            if (llmax.Lat() > 85)
                cmax.y = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(85, llmax.Lon())).y;
            if (llmax.Lon() > 180)
                cmax.x = screenCsy->latlon2coord(LatLon(llmax.Lat(), 180)).x;