Exemple #1
HighPassTransform::HighPassTransform (double fc,
                                      LayoutBase& digital,
                                      LayoutBase const& analog)
  digital.reset ();

  // prewarp
  f = 1. / tan (doublePi * fc);

  const int numPoles = analog.getNumPoles ();
  const int pairs = numPoles / 2;
  for (int i = 0; i < pairs; ++i)
    const PoleZeroPair& pair = analog[i];
    digital.addPoleZeroConjugatePairs (transform (pair.poles.first),
                                       transform (pair.zeros.first));
  if (numPoles & 1)
    const PoleZeroPair& pair = analog[pairs];
    digital.add (transform (pair.poles.first),
                 transform (pair.zeros.first));

  digital.setNormal (doublePi - analog.getNormalW(),
Exemple #2
BandStopTransform::BandStopTransform (double fc,
                                      double fw,
                                      LayoutBase& digital,
                                      LayoutBase const& analog)
  digital.reset ();

  const double ww = 2 * doublePi * fw;

  wc2 = 2 * doublePi * fc - (ww / 2);
  wc  = wc2 + ww;

  // this is crap
  if (wc2 < 1e-8)
      wc2 = 1e-8;
  if (wc  > doublePi-1e-8)
      wc  = doublePi-1e-8;

  a = cos ((wc + wc2) * .5) /
      cos ((wc - wc2) * .5);
  b = tan ((wc - wc2) * .5);
  a2 = a * a;
  b2 = b * b;

  const int numPoles = analog.getNumPoles ();
  const int pairs = numPoles / 2;
  for (int i = 0; i < pairs; ++i)
    const PoleZeroPair& pair = analog[i];
    ComplexPair p  = transform (pair.poles.first);
    ComplexPair z  = transform (pair.zeros.first);

    // Optimize out the calculations for conjugates for Release builds
#ifdef NDEBUG
    // trick to get the conjugate
    if (z.second == z.first)
      z.second = std::conj (z.first);

    // Do the full calculation to verify correctness
    ComplexPair pc = transform (analog[i].poles.second);
    ComplexPair zc = transform (analog[i].zeros.second);

    // get the conjugates into pc and zc
    if (zc.first == z.first)
      std::swap (zc.first, zc.second);

    assert (pc.first  == std::conj (p.first));
    assert (pc.second == std::conj (p.second));
    assert (zc.first  == std::conj (z.first));
    assert (zc.second == std::conj (z.second));


    digital.addPoleZeroConjugatePairs (p.first, z.first);
    digital.addPoleZeroConjugatePairs (p.second, z.second);

  if (numPoles & 1)
    ComplexPair poles = transform (analog[pairs].poles.first);
    ComplexPair zeros = transform (analog[pairs].zeros.first);

    digital.add (poles, zeros);

  if (fc < 0.25)
    digital.setNormal (doublePi, analog.getNormalGain());
    digital.setNormal (0, analog.getNormalGain());
Exemple #3
BandPassTransform::BandPassTransform (double fc,
                                      double fw,
                                      LayoutBase& digital,
                                      LayoutBase const& analog)
  // handle degenerate cases efficiently
  // THIS DOESNT WORK because the cascade states won't match
#if 0
  const double fw_2 = fw / 2;
  if (fc - fw_2 < 0)
    LowPassTransform::transform (fc + fw_2, digital, analog);
  else if (fc + fw_2 >= 0.5)
    HighPassTransform::transform (fc - fw_2, digital, analog);

  digital.reset ();

  const double ww = 2 * doublePi * fw;

  // pre-calcs
  wc2 = 2 * doublePi * fc - (ww / 2);
  wc  = wc2 + ww;

  // what is this crap?
  if (wc2 < 1e-8)
      wc2 = 1e-8;
  if (wc  > doublePi-1e-8)
      wc  = doublePi-1e-8;

  a =     cos ((wc + wc2) * 0.5) /
          cos ((wc - wc2) * 0.5);
  b = 1 / tan ((wc - wc2) * 0.5);
  a2 = a * a;
  b2 = b * b;
  ab = a * b;
  ab_2 = 2 * ab;

  const int numPoles = analog.getNumPoles ();
  const int pairs = numPoles / 2;
  for (int i = 0; i < pairs; ++i)
    const PoleZeroPair& pair = analog[i];
    ComplexPair p1 = transform (pair.poles.first);
    ComplexPair z1 = transform (pair.zeros.first);

    // Optimize out the calculations for conjugates for Release builds
#ifndef NDEBUG
    ComplexPair p2 = transform (pair.poles.second);
    ComplexPair z2 = transform (pair.zeros.second);
    assert (p2.first == std::conj (p1.first));
    assert (p2.second == std::conj (p1.second));

    digital.addPoleZeroConjugatePairs (p1.first, z1.first);
    digital.addPoleZeroConjugatePairs (p1.second, z1.second);

  if (numPoles & 1)
    ComplexPair poles = transform (analog[pairs].poles.first);
    ComplexPair zeros = transform (analog[pairs].zeros.first);

    digital.add (poles, zeros);

  double wn = analog.getNormalW();
  digital.setNormal (2 * atan (sqrt (tan ((wc + wn)* 0.5) * tan((wc2 + wn)* 0.5))),