ContentCacheInParent::GetCaretRect(uint32_t aOffset,
                                   LayoutDeviceIntRect& aCaretRect) const
  MOZ_LOG(sContentCacheLog, LogLevel::Info,
    ("ContentCacheInParent: 0x%p GetCaretRect(aOffset=%u), "
     "mCaret={ mOffset=%u, mRect=%s, IsValid()=%s }, mTextRectArray={ "
     "mStart=%u, mRects.Length()=%u }, mSelection={ mAnchor=%u, mFocus=%u, "
     "mWritingMode=%s, mAnchorCharRect=%s, mFocusCharRect=%s }, "
     this, aOffset, mCaret.mOffset, GetRectText(mCaret.mRect).get(),
     GetBoolName(mCaret.IsValid()), mTextRectArray.mStart,
     mTextRectArray.mRects.Length(), mSelection.mAnchor, mSelection.mFocus,

  if (mCaret.IsValid() && mCaret.mOffset == aOffset) {
    aCaretRect = mCaret.mRect;
    return true;

  // Guess caret rect from the text rect if it's stored.
  if (!GetTextRect(aOffset, aCaretRect)) {
    // There might be previous character rect in the cache.  If so, we can
    // guess the caret rect with it.
    if (!aOffset || !GetTextRect(aOffset - 1, aCaretRect)) {
      return false;

    if (mSelection.mWritingMode.IsVertical()) {
      aCaretRect.y = aCaretRect.YMost();
    } else {
      // XXX bidi-unaware.
      aCaretRect.x = aCaretRect.XMost();

  // XXX This is not bidi aware because we don't cache each character's
  //     direction.  However, this is usually used by IME, so, assuming the
  //     character is in LRT context must not cause any problem.
  if (mSelection.mWritingMode.IsVertical()) {
    aCaretRect.height = mCaret.IsValid() ? mCaret.mRect.height : 1;
  } else {
    aCaretRect.width = mCaret.IsValid() ? mCaret.mRect.width : 1;
  return true;