Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    le_int32 failures = 0;

    for (le_int32 test = 0; test < testCount; test += 1) {
        LEErrorCode fontStatus = LE_NO_ERROR;

        printf("Test %d, font = %s... ", test, testInputs[test].fontName);

        PortableFontInstance fontInstance(testInputs[test].fontName, 12, fontStatus);

        if (LE_FAILURE(fontStatus)) {
            printf("could not open font.\n");

        LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;
        LayoutEngine *engine = LayoutEngine::layoutEngineFactory(&fontInstance, testInputs[test].scriptCode, -1, success);
        le_int32 textLength = testInputs[test].textLength;
        le_bool result;
        TestResult actual;

        if (LE_FAILURE(success)) {
            // would be nice to print the script name here, but
            // don't want to maintain a table, and don't want to
            // require ICU just for the script name...
            printf("could not create a LayoutEngine.\n");

        actual.glyphCount = engine->layoutChars(testInputs[test].text, 0, textLength, textLength, testInputs[test].rightToLeft, 0, 0, success);

        actual.glyphs    = new LEGlyphID[actual.glyphCount];
        actual.indices   = new le_int32[actual.glyphCount];
        actual.positions = new float[actual.glyphCount * 2 + 2];

        engine->getGlyphs(actual.glyphs, success);
        engine->getCharIndices(actual.indices, success);
        engine->getGlyphPositions(actual.positions, success);

        result = compareResults(test, &testResults[test], &actual);

        if (result) {
        } else {
            failures += 1;

        delete[] actual.positions;
        delete[] actual.indices;
        delete[] actual.glyphs;
        delete   engine;

    return failures;
 * Class:     sun_font_SunLayoutEngine
 * Method:    nativeLayout
 * Signature: (Lsun/font/FontStrike;[CIIIIZLjava/awt/geom/Point2D$Float;Lsun/font/GlyphLayout$GVData;)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_font_SunLayoutEngine_nativeLayout
   (JNIEnv *env, jclass cls, jobject font2d, jobject strike, jfloatArray matrix, jint gmask,
   jint baseIndex, jcharArray text, jint start, jint limit, jint min, jint max,
   jint script, jint lang, jint typo_flags, jobject pt, jobject gvdata,
   jlong upem, jlong layoutTables)
    //  fprintf(stderr, "nl font: %x strike: %x script: %d\n", font2d, strike, script); fflush(stderr);
  float mat[4];
  env->GetFloatArrayRegion(matrix, 0, 4, mat);
  FontInstanceAdapter fia(env, font2d, strike, mat, 72, 72, (le_int32) upem, (TTLayoutTableCache *) layoutTables);
  LEErrorCode success = LE_NO_ERROR;
  LayoutEngine *engine = LayoutEngine::layoutEngineFactory(&fia, script, lang, typo_flags & TYPO_MASK, success);

  if (min < 0) min = 0; if (max < min) max = min; /* defensive coding */
  // have to copy, yuck, since code does upcalls now.  this will be soooo slow
  jint len = max - min;
  jchar buffer[256];
  jchar* chars = buffer;
  if (len > 256) {
    size_t size = len * sizeof(jchar);
    if (size / sizeof(jchar) != len) {
    chars = (jchar*)malloc(size);
    if (chars == 0) {
  //  fprintf(stderr, "nl chars: %x text: %x min %d len %d typo %x\n", chars, text, min, len, typo_flags); fflush(stderr);

  env->GetCharArrayRegion(text, min, len, chars);

  jfloat x, y;
  getFloat(env, pt, x, y);
  jboolean rtl = (typo_flags & TYPO_RTL) != 0;
  int glyphCount = engine->layoutChars(chars, start - min, limit - start, len, rtl, x, y, success);
  //   fprintf(stderr, "sle nl len %d -> gc: %d\n", len, glyphCount); fflush(stderr);

  engine->getGlyphPosition(glyphCount, x, y, success);

  //  fprintf(stderr, "layout glyphs: %d x: %g y: %g\n", glyphCount, x, y); fflush(stderr);

  if (putGV(env, gmask, baseIndex, gvdata, engine, glyphCount)) {
    // !!! hmmm, could use current value in positions array of GVData...
    putFloat(env, pt, x, y);

  if (chars != buffer) {

  delete engine;
