Exemple #1
 /** Number the vertices of the forest. */
 void renumber_vertices() {
     size_t id=0;
     for (size_t i=0; i<levels.size(); ++i) {
         for (Vertices::const_iterator vi=levels[i].vertices.begin(); vi!=levels[i].vertices.end(); ++vi)
             (*vi)->id = id++;
Exemple #2
 /** Print the entire forest for debugging output. */
 void print(std::ostream &o) const {
     for (size_t i=0; i<levels.size(); ++i) {
         if (levels[i].vertices.empty()) {
             o <<"partition forest level " <<i <<" is empty.\n";
         } else {
             size_t nsets = levels[i].vertices.size();
             size_t nfuncs = 0;
             for (Vertices::const_iterator vi=levels[i].vertices.begin(); vi!=levels[i].vertices.end(); ++vi)
                 nfuncs += (*vi)->functions.size();
             o <<"partition forest level " <<i
               <<" contains " <<nfuncs <<" function" <<(1==nfuncs?"":"s")
               <<" in " <<nsets <<" set" <<(1==nsets?"":"s") <<"\n";
             o <<"  the following input was used to generate " <<(1==nsets?"this set":"these sets") <<":\n";
             o <<StringUtility::prefixLines(levels[i].inputs.toString(), "    ");
             int setno = 1;
             for (Vertices::const_iterator vi=levels[i].vertices.begin(); vi!=levels[i].vertices.end(); ++vi, ++setno) {
                 Vertex *vertex = *vi;
                 const Functions &functions = vertex->functions;
                 o <<"  set #" <<setno
                   <<" contains " <<vertex->functions.size() <<" function" <<(1==vertex->functions.size()?"":"s") <<":\n";
                 for (Functions::const_iterator fi=functions.begin(); fi!=functions.end(); ++fi) {
                     SgAsmFunction *func = *fi;
                     o <<"    " <<StringUtility::addrToString(func->get_entry_va()) <<" <" <<func->get_name() <<">\n";
                 o <<"    whose output was: {";
                 for (OutputValues::const_iterator oi=vertex->outputs.begin(); oi!=vertex->outputs.end(); ++oi)
                     o <<" " <<*oi;
                 o <<" }\n";
Exemple #3
 /** Dump the output sets to the DBMS. (FIXME: dumping SQL to a file instead; see dump())*/
 void dump_outputsets(std::ostream &dbc) const {
     for (size_t i=0; i<levels.size(); ++i) {
         for (Vertices::const_iterator vi=levels[i].vertices.begin(); vi!=levels[i].vertices.end(); ++vi) {
             dbc <<"insert into outputsets (id) values (" <<(*vi)->id <<");\n";
             for (OutputValues::const_iterator ni=(*vi)->outputs.begin(); ni!=(*vi)->outputs.end(); ++ni)
                 dbc <<"insert into outputvalues (outputset_id, val) values (" <<(*vi)->id <<", " <<*ni <<");\n";
	void printMe() {
		cout << "========================== UKS ==============================" << endl;
		cout << " --- Maxes --- " << endl << "   ";
		for (int k = 0; k < maxes.size(); ++k)
			cout << " " << maxes[k];
		cout << " --- Mins --- " << endl << "   ";
		for (int k = 0; k < mins.size(); ++k)
			cout << " " << mins[k];
		cout << " --- Range size --- " << endl << "   ";
		for (int k = 0; k < range_size.size(); ++k)
			cout << " " << range_size[k];
		cout << endl;
		cout << " ==== STATES ==== " << endl;
		for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); ++i)
			TSStateProperty s = states[i];
			cout << " State: " << s.ID << endl;
			cout << "  - Levels: ";
			for (int k = 0; k < s.levels.size(); ++k)
				cout << " " << s.levels[k];
			cout << endl;
			cout << "  - Transitions: " << endl;
			for (int j = 0; j < s.transitions.size(); ++j)
				TSTransitionProperty tr = s.transitions[j];
				cout << "    " << j << " Target: " << tr.target_ID << " step_size: " << tr.trans_const.step_size << " req_dir: " << tr.trans_const.req_dir << " comp_value: " << tr.trans_const.comp_value << endl;
				cout << "     Targets: ";
				for (int k = 0; k < tr.trans_const.targets.size(); ++k)
					cout << " " << tr.trans_const.targets[k];
				cout << endl;
	inline StateID getID(const Levels & levels) const {
		StateID result = 0;
		size_t factor = 1;

		for (size_t lvl_no = 0; lvl_no < levels.size(); lvl_no++) {
			result += (levels[lvl_no] - mins[lvl_no]) * factor;
			factor *= (range_size[lvl_no]);

		return result;
Exemple #6
 /** Returns the set of all leaf nodes in the forest. */
 Vertices get_leaves() const {
     Vertices retval;
     for (size_t i=0; i<levels.size(); ++i) {
         const Vertices &vertices = vertices_at_level(i);
         for (Vertices::const_iterator vi=vertices.begin(); vi!=vertices.end(); ++vi) {
             if ((*vi)->children.empty())
     return retval;
StateID UnparametrizedStructure::computeID(const Levels & levels) const 
	StateID result = 0;
	size_t factor = 1;

	for (size_t lvl_no = 0; lvl_no < levels.size(); lvl_no++) 
		result += (levels[lvl_no] - get<0>(_bounds)[lvl_no]) * factor;
		factor *= (get<2>(_bounds)[lvl_no]);

	return result;
Exemple #8
 /** Dump inputsets to the DBMS. (FIXME: dumping SQL to a file instead; see dump()) */
 void dump_inputsets(std::ostream &dbc) const {
     for (size_t i=0; i<levels.size(); ++i) {
         dbc <<"insert into inputsets (id) values(" <<i <<");\n";
         const std::vector<uint64_t> &pointers = levels[i].inputs.get_pointers();
         for (size_t j=0; j<pointers.size(); ++j)
             dbc <<"insert into inputvalues (inputset_id, vtype, pos, val)"
                 <<" values (" <<i <<", 'P', " <<j <<", " <<pointers[j] <<");\n";
         const std::vector<uint64_t> &integers = levels[i].inputs.get_integers();
         for (size_t j=0; j<integers.size(); ++j)
             dbc <<"insert into inputvalues (inputset_id, vtype, pos, val)"
                 <<" values (" <<i <<", 'N', " <<j <<", " <<integers[j] <<");\n";
	 * Creates transitions from labelled edges of BA and passes them to the automaton structure.
	void addTransitions(AutomatonStructure & automaton, const StateID ID) const {
		const PropertyAutomaton::Edges & edges = property.getEdges(ID);

		// Transform each edge into transition and pass it to the automaton
		for (const PropertyAutomaton::Edge & edge : edges) {
			// Compute allowed values from string of constrains
			ConstraintParser * parser = new ConstraintParser(maxes.size(), *max_element(maxes.begin(), maxes.end()));
			parser->applyFormula(names, edge.cons.values);
			parser->addBoundaries(maxes, true);
			parser->addBoundaries(mins, false);

			automaton.addTransition(ID, { edge.target_ID, parser, edge.cons.transient, edge.cons.stable });
Exemple #10
 /** Insert a function into a vertex of the forest, or create a new vertex. The (new) vertex into which the function was
  * inserted is either a child of @p parent or a root node. The @p outputs are used to select the vertex into which the
  * function is inserted (all functions of a particular vertex produced the same output when run with the same input). */
 void insert(SgAsmFunction *func, OutputValues outputs, PartitionForest::Vertex *parent) {
     Vertices candidates = parent ? parent->children : vertices_at_level(0);
     assert(!contains(candidates, func));
     for (Vertices::iterator vi=candidates.begin(); vi!=candidates.end(); ++vi) {
         Vertex *vertex = *vi;
         if (outputs.size()==vertex->outputs.size() && std::equal(outputs.begin(), outputs.end(), vertex->outputs.begin())) {
     size_t lno = parent ? parent->get_level() + 1 : 0;
     levels[lno].vertices.insert(new Vertex(parent, func, outputs));
Exemple #11
 /** Return the list of vertices at a given level of the forest. */
 const Vertices& vertices_at_level(size_t level) const {
     return levels[level].vertices;
Exemple #12
 /** Create a new (empty) level.  This is the level into which the next higher level's vertices will be partitioned. The
  * return value is the new level number. */
 size_t new_level(const InputValues &inputs) {
     return levels.size()-1;
Exemple #13
 /** Returns the number of levels in the partition forest.  Levels are numbered starting at zero. The return value is one
  * more than the maximum level that contains a vertex. */
 size_t nlevels() const { return levels.size(); }