Exemple #1
void become_ascender(Lixxie& l)

    // determine the height to step up. Seek a floor pixel with air above it.
    int swh = 0;
    while (swh < 26 && ! (l.is_solid(0, 2 - swh) && ! l.is_solid(0, 1 - swh)))
    int frame = 5; // this is the last frame
    switch (swh) {
        case 0:  case 1:
        case 2:  case 3:  frame = 5; break;
        case 4:  case 5:  frame = 4; break;
        case 6:  case 7:  frame = 3; break;
        case 8:  case 9:  frame = 2; break;
        case 10: case 11: frame = 1; break;
        default:          frame = 0; break;
    int swh_wanted = 10 - frame * 2;

    // Move up, [check for even cliff,] move down again
    // This was in earlier versions to look good, but the community frowned
    // on it for inconsistency; and sometimes the skipped x-pixels have indeed
    // yielded problems.
    // if (! l.is_solid(2, 0) && ! l.is_solid(2, 1)) l.move_ahead();
Exemple #2
void update_burner(Lixxie& l, const UpdateArgs& ua)
    // Nach unten bewegen, wenn kein Boden da ist und wir die Animation
    // noch nicht zu weit abgeschritten haben
    for (int i = 0; i < 5 - l.get_frame(); ++i)
     if (!l.is_solid()) l.move_down(1);

    update_splatter(l, ua);
Exemple #3
void update_faller(Lixxie& l, const UpdateArgs& ua)
    for (int i = 0; i <= l.get_special_y() && l.get_ac() == LixEn::FALLER;++i){
        // a bit kludgy, we can't do such a thing for flingers etc, since
        // they might be nonconstant.
        if (l.get_foot_encounters() & Lookup::bit_trampoline) {
            // stop falling, so the trampoline can be used
        else if (l.is_solid(0, i+2)) {
            l.set_special_x(l.get_special_x() + i);

            // Schirm in letzter Sekunde?
            if (l.get_special_x() > Lixxie::distance_safe_fall
             && !l.get_floater()) {
                l.play_sound(ua, Sound::SPLAT);
                // Nicht explodieren lassen, das täte er bei 76 :-)
                if (l.get_updates_since_bomb() == 75)
            else if ((l.get_special_x() <= 9 && l.get_frame() < 1)
             ||       l.get_special_x() == 0) {
                if (l.get_runner()) l.set_frame(6);
                else                l.set_frame(8);
            else if (l.get_frame() < 2) {
            else if (l.get_frame() < 3) {
            else {
                // use the regular frame 0

    if (l.get_ac() == LixEn::FALLER) {
        l.set_special_x(l.get_special_x() + l.get_special_y());

        if (l.get_special_y() < 8) l.set_special_y(l.get_special_y() + 1);

        // The last two frames alternate, the first frames are just the
        // initial frames of falling.
        if (l.is_last_frame()) l.set_frame(l.get_frame() - 1);
        else l.next_frame();

        if (l.get_floater()
         && l.get_special_x() >= Lixxie::distance_float) {
            const int sy = l.get_special_y();
Exemple #4
void update_builder(Lixxie& l, const UpdateArgs& ua)
    switch (l.get_frame()) {

    // Bau-Frame
    case 7:
        // don't glitch up through steel, but still get killed by top of
        // screen: first see whether trapped, then make brick. For the magic
        // number 13, see walker.cpp, it's because they can ascend 12 pixels.
        l.set_special_y(l.solid_wall_height(2) >= 13);

        l.set_special_x(l.get_special_x() - 1);
        l.draw_brick   (-2, 0, 9, 1);
        if (l.get_special_x() < 3 && l.get_queue() <= 0)
            l.play_sound_if_trlo(ua, Sound::BRICK);


    // Zwei Fortbewegungs-Frames
    case 11:
        // Kollision mit Landschaft? Dann umdrehen!
        // Kopf und Fuß werden geprüft hierfür.
        // +6|-18 statt +2|-16: Die Lix soll wissen, wo's hin geht.
        // +6|-1 ist die Koordinate über dem Stein, nicht -2, da sonst
        // in seltenen Fällen (Lix in dünner Horizontalen) nicht
        // bis zu dieser Ebene hochgebaut wird.

        // Die zweite Abfrage in der Und-Klammer dient dazu, Treppen
        // auch auf anderen Treppen bauen zu können.
        // Last line is Horus bug prevention.

        // Note that the lix has already moved up and the image has its
        // feet below the regular position, inside the newly placed brick.
        //   XX - the effective coordinate of the checking Lixxie. She has
        //        already moved up from inside the brick, but not yet walked
        //        forward.
        //   11 - numbers denote the checks in the corresp. code line below
        //                   33  22  11
        //               XX
        //           44  44  34  24  11
        //           ()()()()()()()()()()()()
        //           ()()()()()()()()()()()()
        //   [][][][][][][][][][][][]
        //   [][][][][][][][][][][][]
        // lines 1, 2, 3, don't build through walls
        if ((l.is_solid(6, 1) && l.is_solid(6, -2))
         || (l.is_solid(4, 1) && l.is_solid(4, -2))
         || (l.is_solid(2, 1) && l.is_solid(2, -2))
         // line 4, don't allow building through long, 2px-thin horiz. beams
         || (l.is_solid(4, 1) && l.is_solid(2, 1) && l.is_solid(0,  1)
                                                  && l.is_solid(-2, 1))
         // hit head
         ||  l.is_solid(6, -16)
         ||  l.is_solid(4, -16)
        ) {
            // Ueberfluessige Faehigkeitsbenutzngen an den Spieler
            // zurueckgeben, passiert nur bei Option "multiple Builders".
            // Wird von l.assign() erledigt.
            // See top comment for the check of special_y.
            if (l.get_special_y() == 1) l.move_down();

    case 12:
    case 13:

    // Klötze zählen und ggf. zum Shrugger werden.
    case 15:
        if (l.get_special_x() <= 0) {
            if (l.get_queue() <= 0) l.become(LixEn::SHRUGGER);
            else {
                l.set_queue    (l.get_queue()     -  1);
                l.set_special_x(l.get_special_x() + 12);

    if (l.get_ac() == LixEn::BUILDER) l.next_frame();
Exemple #5
void update_jumper(Lixxie& l, const UpdateArgs& ua)
    if (l.get_special_x() % 2 == 1) {
        if (l.get_special_x() > 0) l.set_special_x(l.get_special_x() + 1);
        else                       l.set_special_x(l.get_special_x() - 1);
    const int       sgn = l.get_special_y() >= 0 ? 1 : -1; // sgn(Y-Spd.)
    const unsigned  abs = l.get_special_y() / sgn;         // |Y-Spd.|
    const unsigned& spe = l.get_special_x();               // X-Spd.
    // Das Signum ist auch fuer 0 gleich +1, das macht im Code allerdings
    // nix, weil in dem Fall null Schleifendurchlaeufe passieren oder
    // mit null multipliziert wird.

    // Schrittweise schraeg vorruecken und jedes Mal auf
    // Kollision mit der Landschaft testen.
    // Die groessere Laenge wird pixelweise abgearbeitet.
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < (abs >= spe ? abs : spe); ++i) {
        // 2 * (... / 2) sorgt fuer das Einhalten der geraden X-Zahlen.
        // Es wird jeweils geguckt, ob der Zaehler i weit genug vor-
        // geschritten ist, damit in die kurze Richtung ein
        // Schritt stattfinden kann - wenn nicht, ist das Argument
        // von move_ahead stets 0. In die lange Richtung geht's immer.
        const int old_ex = l.get_ex();
        const int old_ey = l.get_ey();
        const Lookup::LoNr old_enc_foot = l.get_foot_encounters();
        const Lookup::LoNr old_enc_body = l.get_body_encounters();

        if (abs >= spe) {
            l.move_ahead(2 * ((i+1)*spe/2 / abs - i*spe/2 / abs));
        else {
            l.move_down(sgn * ((i+1)*abs/spe - i*abs/spe));
            l.move_ahead(i%2 * 2);

        int coll = jumper_and_tumbler_collision(l);
        if (coll == 0) {
            // nothing hit, proceed with next step for this frame
        else if (coll == 1) {
            // we hit something, but don't have to reset anything. Stop motion.
        else if (coll == 2) {
            // We hit something, reset encounters and check again at position.
            l.set_ey(l.get_ey()); // re-check encounters at current position
        else if (coll == 3) {
            // Like coll == 2, but also reset position.
            // Do this for completely immobilizied tumblers
            if (l.is_solid(0, 0)) l.become(LixEn::STUNNER);
        // end checking return val of collision
    // end of motion

    // Wenn nicht beim Bewegen irgendwo angestossen...
    if (l.get_ac() == LixEn::JUMPER
     || l.get_ac() == LixEn::TUMBLER) {
        const int sp_y = l.get_special_y();
        if      (sp_y <= 12) l.set_special_y(sp_y + 2);
        else if (sp_y <  64) l.set_special_y(sp_y + 1);

        if (l.get_ac() == LixEn::TUMBLER
         && (l.get_foot_encounters() & Lookup::bit_trampoline)
         && l.get_special_y() > 0) {
            // don't use the tumbler frame selection that is used onwards here,
            // but take a nicer frame
            l.set_frame(std::max(0, l.get_frame() - 4));
        else if (l.get_special_y() > 14) {
            if (l.get_floater()) {
                const int sx = l.get_special_x();
                const int sy = l.get_special_y();
            else if (l.get_ac() == LixEn::JUMPER)  {
                l.set_frame(3); // override autoframechoice for 1 frame now
            else { // we're already a tumbler
        else if (l.get_ac() == LixEn::TUMBLER) {
        else {
            // we are a jumper
            if (l.is_last_frame()) {
                if (l.get_runner()) l.set_frame(12);
                else                l.set_frame(l.get_frame() - 1);
            else l.next_frame();

    switch (l.get_ac()) {
        case LixEn::STUNNER:  l.play_sound(ua, Sound::OUCH);  break;
        case LixEn::SPLATTER: l.play_sound(ua, Sound::SPLAT); break;
        case LixEn::CLIMBER:  l.play_sound(ua, Sound::CLIMBER); break;
        default: break;