Exemple #1
writePackageDatFile(const char *outFilename, const char *outComment, const char *sourcePath, const char *addList, Package *pkg, char outType) {
    LocalPointer<Package> ownedPkg;
    LocalPointer<Package> addListPkg;

    if (pkg == NULL) {
        ownedPkg.adoptInstead(new Package);
        if(ownedPkg.isNull()) {
            fprintf(stderr, "icupkg: not enough memory\n");
            return U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
        pkg = ownedPkg.getAlias();

        addListPkg.adoptInstead(readList(sourcePath, addList, TRUE, NULL));
        if(addListPkg.isValid()) {
        } else {
            return U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;

    pkg->writePackage(outFilename, outType, outComment);
    return 0;
Exemple #2
/* Process a file */
processFile(const char *filename, const char *cp,
            const char *inputDir, const char *outputDir, const char *packageName,
            SRBRoot *newPoolBundle,
            UBool omitBinaryCollation, UErrorCode &status) {
    LocalPointer<SRBRoot> data;
    UCHARBUF       *ucbuf        = NULL;
    char           *rbname       = NULL;
    char           *openFileName = NULL;
    char           *inputDirBuf  = NULL;

    char           outputFileName[256];

    int32_t dirlen  = 0;
    int32_t filelen = 0;

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        filelen = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(filename);

    if(inputDir == NULL) {
        const char *filenameBegin = uprv_strrchr(filename, U_FILE_SEP_CHAR);
        openFileName = (char *) uprv_malloc(dirlen + filelen + 2);
        openFileName[0] = '\0';
        if (filenameBegin != NULL) {
             * When a filename ../../../data/root.txt is specified,
             * we presume that the input directory is ../../../data
             * This is very important when the resource file includes
             * another file, like UCARules.txt or thaidict.brk.
            int32_t filenameSize = (int32_t)(filenameBegin - filename + 1);
            inputDirBuf = uprv_strncpy((char *)uprv_malloc(filenameSize), filename, filenameSize);

            /* test for NULL */
            if(inputDirBuf == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                goto finish;

            inputDirBuf[filenameSize - 1] = 0;
            inputDir = inputDirBuf;
            dirlen  = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(inputDir);
        dirlen  = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(inputDir);

        if(inputDir[dirlen-1] != U_FILE_SEP_CHAR) {
            openFileName = (char *) uprv_malloc(dirlen + filelen + 2);

            /* test for NULL */
            if(openFileName == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                goto finish;

            openFileName[0] = '\0';
             * append the input dir to openFileName if the first char in
             * filename is not file seperation char and the last char input directory is  not '.'.
             * This is to support :
             * genrb -s. /home/icu/data
             * genrb -s. icu/data
             * The user cannot mix notations like
             * genrb -s. /icu/data --- the absolute path specified. -s redundant
             * user should use
             * genrb -s. icu/data  --- start from CWD and look in icu/data dir
            if( (filename[0] != U_FILE_SEP_CHAR) && (inputDir[dirlen-1] !='.')){
                uprv_strcpy(openFileName, inputDir);
                openFileName[dirlen]     = U_FILE_SEP_CHAR;
            openFileName[dirlen + 1] = '\0';
        } else {
            openFileName = (char *) uprv_malloc(dirlen + filelen + 1);

            /* test for NULL */
            if(openFileName == NULL) {
                status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
                goto finish;

            uprv_strcpy(openFileName, inputDir);


    uprv_strcat(openFileName, filename);

    ucbuf = ucbuf_open(openFileName, &cp,getShowWarning(),TRUE, &status);
    if(status == U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR) {

        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't open file %s\n", openFileName == NULL ? filename : openFileName);
        goto finish;
    if (ucbuf == NULL || U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "An error occured processing file %s. Error: %s\n",
                openFileName == NULL ? filename : openFileName, u_errorName(status));
        goto finish;
    /* auto detected popular encodings? */
    if (cp!=NULL && isVerbose()) {
        printf("autodetected encoding %s\n", cp);
    /* Parse the data into an SRBRoot */
    data.adoptInstead(parse(ucbuf, inputDir, outputDir, filename,
            !omitBinaryCollation, options[NO_COLLATION_RULES].doesOccur, &status));

    if (data.isNull() || U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't parse the file %s. Error:%s\n", filename, u_errorName(status));
        goto finish;
    if(options[WRITE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) {
        data->fWritePoolBundle = newPoolBundle;
        int32_t newKeysLength;
        const char *newKeys = data->getKeyBytes(&newKeysLength);
        newPoolBundle->addKeyBytes(newKeys, newKeysLength, status);
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "bundle_compactKeys(%s) or bundle_getKeyBytes() failed: %s\n",
                    filename, u_errorName(status));
            goto finish;
        /* count the number of just-added key strings */
        for(const char *newKeysLimit = newKeys + newKeysLength; newKeys < newKeysLimit; ++newKeys) {
            if(*newKeys == 0) {

    if(options[USE_POOL_BUNDLE].doesOccur) {
        data->fUsePoolBundle = &poolBundle;

    /* Determine the target rb filename */
    rbname = make_res_filename(filename, outputDir, packageName, status);
    if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't make the res fileName for  bundle %s. Error:%s\n",
                filename, u_errorName(status));
        goto finish;
    if(write_java== TRUE){
        bundle_write_java(data.getAlias(), outputDir, outputEnc,
                          outputFileName, sizeof(outputFileName),
                          options[JAVA_PACKAGE].value, options[BUNDLE_NAME].value, &status);
    }else if(write_xliff ==TRUE){
        bundle_write_xml(data.getAlias(), outputDir, outputEnc,
                         filename, outputFileName, sizeof(outputFileName),
                         language, xliffOutputFileName, &status);
        /* Write the data to the file */
        data->write(outputDir, packageName, outputFileName, sizeof(outputFileName), status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "couldn't write bundle %s. Error:%s\n", outputFileName, u_errorName(status));


    if (inputDirBuf != NULL) {

    if (openFileName != NULL) {

    if(ucbuf) {

    if (rbname) {
NumberFormat::makeInstance(const Locale& desiredLocale,
                           UNumberFormatStyle style,
                           UBool mustBeDecimalFormat,
                           UErrorCode& status) {
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) return NULL;

    if (style < 0 || style >= UNUM_FORMAT_STYLE_COUNT) {
        status = U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    // Some styles are not supported. This is a result of merging
    // the @draft ICU 4.2 NumberFormat::EStyles into the long-existing UNumberFormatStyle.
    // Ticket #8503 is for reviewing/fixing/merging the two relevant implementations:
    // this one and unum_open().
    // The UNUM_PATTERN_ styles are not supported here
    // because this method does not take a pattern string.
    if (!isStyleSupported(style)) {
        status = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    if (!mustBeDecimalFormat) {
        char buffer[8];
        int32_t count = desiredLocale.getKeywordValue("compat", buffer, sizeof(buffer), status);

        // if the locale has "@compat=host", create a host-specific NumberFormat
        if (U_SUCCESS(status) && count > 0 && uprv_strcmp(buffer, "host") == 0) {
            Win32NumberFormat *f = NULL;
            UBool curr = TRUE;

            switch (style) {
            case UNUM_DECIMAL:
                curr = FALSE;
                // fall-through

            case UNUM_CURRENCY:
            case UNUM_CURRENCY_ISO: // do not support plural formatting here
            case UNUM_CURRENCY_PLURAL:
                f = new Win32NumberFormat(desiredLocale, curr, status);

                if (U_SUCCESS(status)) {
                    return f;

                delete f;
    // Use numbering system cache hashtable
    umtx_initOnce(gNSCacheInitOnce, &nscacheInit);

    // Get cached numbering system
    LocalPointer<NumberingSystem> ownedNs;
    NumberingSystem *ns = NULL;
    if (NumberingSystem_cache != NULL) {
        // TODO: Bad hash key usage, see ticket #8504.
        int32_t hashKey = desiredLocale.hashCode();

        Mutex lock(&nscacheMutex);
        ns = (NumberingSystem *)uhash_iget(NumberingSystem_cache, hashKey);
        if (ns == NULL) {
            ns = NumberingSystem::createInstance(desiredLocale,status);
            uhash_iput(NumberingSystem_cache, hashKey, (void*)ns, &status);
    } else {
        ns = ownedNs.getAlias();

    // check results of getting a numbering system
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;

    if (mustBeDecimalFormat && ns->isAlgorithmic()) {
        status = U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR;
        return NULL;

    LocalPointer<DecimalFormatSymbols> symbolsToAdopt;
    UnicodeString pattern;
    LocalUResourceBundlePointer ownedResource(ures_open(NULL, desiredLocale.getName(), &status));
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        // We don't appear to have resource data available -- use the last-resort data
        status = U_USING_FALLBACK_WARNING;
        // When the data is unavailable, and locale isn't passed in, last resort data is used.
        symbolsToAdopt.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatSymbols(status));
        if (symbolsToAdopt.isNull()) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;

        // Creates a DecimalFormat instance with the last resort number patterns.
        pattern.setTo(TRUE, gLastResortNumberPatterns[style], -1);
    else {
        // Loads the decimal symbols of the desired locale.
        symbolsToAdopt.adoptInstead(new DecimalFormatSymbols(desiredLocale, status));
        if (symbolsToAdopt.isNull()) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;

        UResourceBundle *resource = ownedResource.orphan();
        UResourceBundle *numElements = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(resource, gNumberElements, NULL, &status);
        resource = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(numElements, ns->getName(), resource, &status);
        resource = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(resource, gPatterns, resource, &status);

        int32_t patLen = 0;
        const UChar *patResStr = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(resource, gFormatKeys[style], &patLen, &status);

        // Didn't find a pattern specific to the numbering system, so fall back to "latn"
        if ( status == U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR && uprv_strcmp(gLatn,ns->getName())) {
            status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
            resource = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(numElements, gLatn, resource, &status);
            resource = ures_getByKeyWithFallback(resource, gPatterns, resource, &status);
            patResStr = ures_getStringByKeyWithFallback(resource, gFormatKeys[style], &patLen, &status);


        // Creates the specified decimal format style of the desired locale.
        pattern.setTo(TRUE, patResStr, patLen);
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        return NULL;
    if(style==UNUM_CURRENCY || style == UNUM_CURRENCY_ISO){
        const UChar* currPattern = symbolsToAdopt->getCurrencyPattern();
            pattern.setTo(currPattern, u_strlen(currPattern));

    NumberFormat *f;
    if (ns->isAlgorithmic()) {
        UnicodeString nsDesc;
        UnicodeString nsRuleSetGroup;
        UnicodeString nsRuleSetName;
        Locale nsLoc;
        URBNFRuleSetTag desiredRulesType = URBNF_NUMBERING_SYSTEM;

        int32_t firstSlash = nsDesc.indexOf(gSlash);
        int32_t lastSlash = nsDesc.lastIndexOf(gSlash);
        if ( lastSlash > firstSlash ) {
            CharString nsLocID;

            nsLocID.appendInvariantChars(nsDesc.tempSubString(0, firstSlash), status);

            nsLoc = Locale::createFromName(nsLocID.data());

            UnicodeString SpelloutRules = UNICODE_STRING_SIMPLE("SpelloutRules");
            if ( nsRuleSetGroup.compare(SpelloutRules) == 0 ) {
                desiredRulesType = URBNF_SPELLOUT;
        } else {
            nsLoc = desiredLocale;

        RuleBasedNumberFormat *r = new RuleBasedNumberFormat(desiredRulesType,nsLoc,status);
        if (r == NULL) {
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;
        f = r;
    } else {
        // replace single currency sign in the pattern with double currency sign
        // if the style is UNUM_CURRENCY_ISO
        if (style == UNUM_CURRENCY_ISO) {
            pattern.findAndReplace(UnicodeString(TRUE, gSingleCurrencySign, 1),
                                   UnicodeString(TRUE, gDoubleCurrencySign, 2));

        // "new DecimalFormat()" does not adopt the symbols if its memory allocation fails.
        DecimalFormatSymbols *syms = symbolsToAdopt.orphan();
        f = new DecimalFormat(pattern, syms, style, status);
        if (f == NULL) {
            delete syms;
            status = U_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR;
            return NULL;

    f->setLocaleIDs(ures_getLocaleByType(ownedResource.getAlias(), ULOC_VALID_LOCALE, &status),
                    ures_getLocaleByType(ownedResource.getAlias(), ULOC_ACTUAL_LOCALE, &status));
    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        delete f;
        return NULL;
    return f;
int32_t ULISentenceBreakIterator::next() {
  int32_t n = fDelegate->next();
  if(n == UBRK_DONE || // at end  or
     fBackwardsTrie.isNull()) { // .. no backwards table loaded == no exceptions
    return n;
  // OK, do we need to break here?
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
  // refresh text
  fText.adoptInstead(fDelegate->getUText(fText.orphan(), status));
  //if(debug2) u_printf("str, native len=%d\n", utext_nativeLength(fText.getAlias()));
  do { // outer loop runs once per underlying break (from fDelegate).
    // loops while 'n' points to an exception.
    utext_setNativeIndex(fText.getAlias(), n); // from n..
    UChar32 uch;
    //if(debug2) u_printf(" n@ %d\n", n);
    // Assume a space is following the '.'  (so we handle the case:  "Mr. /Brown")
    if((uch=utext_previous32(fText.getAlias()))==(UChar32)0x0020) {  // TODO: skip a class of chars here??
      // TODO only do this the 1st time?
      //if(debug2) u_printf("skipping prev: |%C| \n", (UChar)uch);
    } else {
      //if(debug2) u_printf("not skipping prev: |%C| \n", (UChar)uch);
      uch = utext_next32(fText.getAlias());
      //if(debug2) u_printf(" -> : |%C| \n", (UChar)uch);

    int32_t bestPosn = -1;
    int32_t bestValue = -1;

    while((uch=utext_previous32(fText.getAlias()))!=U_SENTINEL  &&   // more to consume backwards and..
          USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(r=fBackwardsTrie->nextForCodePoint(uch))) {// more in the trie
      if(USTRINGTRIE_HAS_VALUE(r)) { // remember the best match so far
        bestPosn = utext_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias());
        bestValue = fBackwardsTrie->getValue();
      //if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ cont?%d @%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, utext_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias()));

    if(USTRINGTRIE_MATCHES(r)) { // exact match?
      //if(debug2) u_printf("rev<?/%C/?end of seq.. r=%d, bestPosn=%d, bestValue=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestPosn, bestValue);
      bestValue = fBackwardsTrie->getValue();
      bestPosn = utext_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias());
      //if(debug2) u_printf("rev<+/%C/+end of seq.. r=%d, bestPosn=%d, bestValue=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestPosn, bestValue);

    if(bestPosn>=0) {
      //if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ end of seq.. r=%d, bestPosn=%d, bestValue=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestPosn, bestValue);

      //if(USTRINGTRIE_MATCHES(r)) {  // matched - so, now what?
      //int32_t bestValue = fBackwardsTrie->getValue();
      ////if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ matched, skip..%d  bestValue=%d\n", (UChar)uch, r, bestValue);

      if(bestValue == kMATCH) { // exact match!
        //if(debug2) u_printf(" exact backward match\n");
        n = fDelegate->next(); // skip this one. Find the next lowerlevel break.
        if(n==UBRK_DONE) return n;
        continue; // See if the next is another exception.
      } else if(bestValue == kPARTIAL
                && fForwardsPartialTrie.isValid()) { // make sure there's a forward trie
        //if(debug2) u_printf(" partial backward match\n");
        // We matched the "Ph." in "Ph.D." - now we need to run everything through the forwards trie
        // to see if it matches something going forward.
        UStringTrieResult rfwd = USTRINGTRIE_INTERMEDIATE_VALUE;
        utext_setNativeIndex(fText.getAlias(), bestPosn); // hope that's close ..
        //if(debug2) u_printf("Retrying at %d\n", bestPosn);
        while((uch=utext_next32(fText.getAlias()))!=U_SENTINEL &&
              USTRINGTRIE_HAS_NEXT(rfwd=fForwardsPartialTrie->nextForCodePoint(uch))) {
          //if(debug2) u_printf("fwd> /%C/ cont?%d @%d\n", (UChar)uch, rfwd, utext_getNativeIndex(fText.getAlias()));
        if(USTRINGTRIE_MATCHES(rfwd)) {
          //if(debug2) u_printf("fwd> /%C/ == forward match!\n", (UChar)uch);
          // only full matches here, nothing to check
          // skip the next:
          n = fDelegate->next();
          if(n==UBRK_DONE) return n;
        } else {
          //if(debug2) u_printf("fwd> /%C/ no match.\n", (UChar)uch);
          // no match (no exception) -return the 'underlying' break
          return n;
      } else {
        return n; // internal error and/or no forwards trie
    } else {
      //if(debug2) u_printf("rev< /%C/ .. no match..%d\n", (UChar)uch, r);  // no best match
      return n; // No match - so exit. Not an exception.
  } while(n != UBRK_DONE);
  return n;