Exemple #1
/* virtual */
nsSVGOuterSVGFrame::ComputeSize(nsRenderingContext *aRenderingContext,
                                WritingMode aWM,
                                const LogicalSize& aCBSize,
                                nscoord aAvailableISize,
                                const LogicalSize& aMargin,
                                const LogicalSize& aBorder,
                                const LogicalSize& aPadding,
                                uint32_t aFlags)
  if (IsRootOfImage() || IsRootOfReplacedElementSubDoc()) {
    // The embedding element has sized itself using the CSS replaced element
    // sizing rules, using our intrinsic dimensions as necessary. The SVG spec
    // says that the width and height of embedded SVG is overridden by the
    // width and height of the embedding element, so we just need to size to
    // the viewport that the embedding element has established for us.
    return aCBSize;

  LogicalSize cbSize = aCBSize;
  IntrinsicSize intrinsicSize = GetIntrinsicSize();

  if (!mContent->GetParent()) {
    // We're the root of the outermost browsing context, so we need to scale
    // cbSize by the full-zoom so that SVGs with percentage width/height zoom:

                 aCBSize.BSize(aWM) != NS_AUTOHEIGHT,
                 "root should not have auto-width/height containing block");
    cbSize.ISize(aWM) *= PresContext()->GetFullZoom();
    cbSize.BSize(aWM) *= PresContext()->GetFullZoom();

    // We also need to honour the width and height attributes' default values
    // of 100% when we're the root of a browsing context.  (GetIntrinsicSize()
    // doesn't report these since there's no such thing as a percentage
    // intrinsic size.  Also note that explicit percentage values are mapped
    // into style, so the following isn't for them.)

    SVGSVGElement* content = static_cast<SVGSVGElement*>(mContent);

    nsSVGLength2 &width =
    if (width.IsPercentage()) {
      NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intrinsicSize.width.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_None,
                        "GetIntrinsicSize should have reported no "
                        "intrinsic width");
      float val = width.GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits() / 100.0f;
      if (val < 0.0f) val = 0.0f;
      intrinsicSize.width.SetCoordValue(val * cbSize.Width(aWM));

    nsSVGLength2 &height =
                 "root should not have auto-height containing block");
    if (height.IsPercentage()) {
      NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intrinsicSize.height.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_None,
                        "GetIntrinsicSize should have reported no "
                        "intrinsic height");
      float val = height.GetAnimValInSpecifiedUnits() / 100.0f;
      if (val < 0.0f) val = 0.0f;
      intrinsicSize.height.SetCoordValue(val * cbSize.Height(aWM));
    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(intrinsicSize.height.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord &&
                      intrinsicSize.width.GetUnit() == eStyleUnit_Coord,
                      "We should have just handled the only situation where"
                      "we lack an intrinsic height or width.");

  return nsLayoutUtils::ComputeSizeWithIntrinsicDimensions(aWM,
                            aRenderingContext, this,
                            intrinsicSize, GetIntrinsicRatio(),
nsTextControlFrame::CalcIntrinsicSize(nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext,
                                      WritingMode aWM,
                                      LogicalSize& aIntrinsicSize,
                                      float aFontSizeInflation)
  // Get leading and the Average/MaxAdvance char width 
  nscoord lineHeight  = 0;
  nscoord charWidth   = 0;
  nscoord charMaxAdvance  = 0;

  nsRefPtr<nsFontMetrics> fontMet;
  nsresult rv =
    nsLayoutUtils::GetFontMetricsForFrame(this, getter_AddRefs(fontMet),

  lineHeight =
    nsHTMLReflowState::CalcLineHeight(GetContent(), StyleContext(),
                                      NS_AUTOHEIGHT, aFontSizeInflation);
  charWidth = fontMet->AveCharWidth();
  charMaxAdvance = fontMet->MaxAdvance();

  // Set the width equal to the width in characters
  int32_t cols = GetCols();
  aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) = cols * charWidth;

  // To better match IE, take the maximum character width(in twips) and remove
  // 4 pixels add this on as additional padding(internalPadding). But only do
  // this if we think we have a fixed-width font.
  if (mozilla::Abs(charWidth - charMaxAdvance) > (unsigned)nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1)) {
    nscoord internalPadding =
      std::max(0, charMaxAdvance - nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(4));
    nscoord t = nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits(1); 
   // Round to a multiple of t
    nscoord rest = internalPadding % t; 
    if (rest < t - rest) {
      internalPadding -= rest;
    } else {
      internalPadding += t - rest;
    // Now add the extra padding on (so that small input sizes work well)
    aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) += internalPadding;
  } else {
    // This is to account for the anonymous <br> having a 1 twip width
    // in Full Standards mode, see BRFrame::Reflow and bug 228752.
    if (PresContext()->CompatibilityMode() == eCompatibility_FullStandards) {
      aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) += 1;

  // Increment width with cols * letter-spacing.
    const nsStyleCoord& lsCoord = StyleText()->mLetterSpacing;
    if (eStyleUnit_Coord == lsCoord.GetUnit()) {
      nscoord letterSpacing = lsCoord.GetCoordValue();
      if (letterSpacing != 0) {
        aIntrinsicSize.ISize(aWM) += cols * letterSpacing;

  // Set the height equal to total number of rows (times the height of each
  // line, of course)
  aIntrinsicSize.BSize(aWM) = lineHeight * GetRows();

  // Add in the size of the scrollbars for textarea
  if (IsTextArea()) {
    nsIFrame* first = GetFirstPrincipalChild();

    nsIScrollableFrame *scrollableFrame = do_QueryFrame(first);
    NS_ASSERTION(scrollableFrame, "Child must be scrollable");

    if (scrollableFrame) {
      nsMargin scrollbarSizes =
      scrollableFrame->GetDesiredScrollbarSizes(PresContext(), aRenderingContext);

      aIntrinsicSize.Width(aWM) += scrollbarSizes.LeftRight();
      aIntrinsicSize.Height(aWM) += scrollbarSizes.TopBottom();

  return NS_OK;