Exemple #1
uint Block::code_alignment() {
  // Check for Root block
  if( _pre_order == 0 ) return CodeEntryAlignment;
  // Check for Start block
  if( _pre_order == 1 ) return InteriorEntryAlignment;
  // Check for loop alignment
  LoopNode *l = head()->is_Loop();
  if( l && l->is_inner_loop() )  {
    // Pre- and post-loops have low trip count so do not bother with
    // NOPs for align loop head.  The constants are hidden from tuning
    // but only because my "divide by 4" heuristic surely gets nearly
    // all possible gain (a "do not align at all" heuristic has a
    // chance of getting a really tiny gain).
    CountedLoopNode *cl = head()->is_CountedLoop();
    if( cl && (cl->is_pre_loop() || cl->is_post_loop()) )
      return (OptoLoopAlignment > 4) ? (OptoLoopAlignment>>2) : 1;
    // Loops with low backedge frequency should not be aligned.
    MachNode *mach = l->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->in(0)->is_Mach();
    if( mach ) {
      const MachIfNode *miff = mach->is_MachIf();
      if( miff && miff->_prob < 0.01 )
        return 1;             // Loop does not loop, more often than not!
    return OptoLoopAlignment; // Otherwise align loop head
Exemple #2
// Find candidate "if" for unswitching
IfNode* PhaseIdealLoop::find_unswitching_candidate(const IdealLoopTree *loop) const {

  // Find first invariant test that doesn't exit the loop
  LoopNode *head = loop->_head->as_Loop();
  IfNode* unswitch_iff = NULL;
  Node* n = head->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl);
  while (n != head) {
    Node* n_dom = idom(n);
    if (n->is_Region()) {
      if (n_dom->is_If()) {
        IfNode* iff = n_dom->as_If();
        if (iff->in(1)->is_Bool()) {
          BoolNode* bol = iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
          if (bol->in(1)->is_Cmp()) {
            // If condition is invariant and not a loop exit,
            // then found reason to unswitch.
            if (loop->is_invariant(bol) && !loop->is_loop_exit(iff)) {
              unswitch_iff = iff;
    n = n_dom;
  return unswitch_iff;
Exemple #3
LoopNode* PhaseIdealLoop::create_reserve_version_of_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop, CountedLoopReserveKit* lk) {
  Node_List old_new;
  LoopNode* head  = loop->_head->as_Loop();
  bool counted_loop = head->is_CountedLoop();
  Node*     entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
  IdealLoopTree* outer_loop = loop->_parent;

  ConINode* const_1 = _igvn.intcon(1);
  set_ctrl(const_1, C->root());
  IfNode* iff = new IfNode(entry, const_1, PROB_MAX, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  register_node(iff, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  ProjNode* iffast = new IfTrueNode(iff);
  register_node(iffast, outer_loop, iff, dom_depth(iff));
  ProjNode* ifslow = new IfFalseNode(iff);
  register_node(ifslow, outer_loop, iff, dom_depth(iff));

  // Clone the loop body.  The clone becomes the fast loop.  The
  // original pre-header will (illegally) have 3 control users
  // (old & new loops & new if).
  clone_loop(loop, old_new, dom_depth(head), iff);
  assert(old_new[head->_idx]->is_Loop(), "" );

  LoopNode* slow_head = old_new[head->_idx]->as_Loop();

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLoopOpts) {
    tty->print("\t iff = %d, ", iff->_idx); iff->dump();
    tty->print("\t iffast = %d, ", iffast->_idx); iffast->dump();
    tty->print("\t ifslow = %d, ", ifslow->_idx); ifslow->dump();
    tty->print("\t before replace_input_of: head = %d, ", head->_idx); head->dump();
    tty->print("\t before replace_input_of: slow_head = %d, ", slow_head->_idx); slow_head->dump();

  // Fast (true) control
  _igvn.replace_input_of(head, LoopNode::EntryControl, iffast);
  // Slow (false) control
  _igvn.replace_input_of(slow_head, LoopNode::EntryControl, ifslow);



#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLoopOpts ) {
    tty->print("\t after  replace_input_of: head = %d, ", head->_idx); head->dump();
    tty->print("\t after  replace_input_of: slow_head = %d, ", slow_head->_idx); slow_head->dump();

  return slow_head->as_Loop();
void Block::dump_head( const Block_Array *bbs ) const { 
  // Print the basic block
C2OUT->print(": #\t");

  // Print the incoming CFG edges and the outgoing CFG edges
  for( uint i=0; i<_num_succs; i++ ) {
C2OUT->print(" ");
C2OUT->print("<- ");
  if( head()->is_block_start() ) {
    for (uint i=1; i<num_preds(); i++) {
      Node *s = pred(i);
      if (bbs) {
        Block *p = (*bbs)[s->_idx];
        p->dump_pred(bbs, p);
      } else {
        while (!s->is_block_start()) 
          s = s->in(0);
C2OUT->print("N%d ",s->_idx);
  } else 

  // Print loop, if any
  const Block *bhead = this;    // Head of self-loop
  Node *bh = bhead->head();
  if( bbs && bh->is_Loop() && !head()->is_Root() ) {
    LoopNode *loop = bh->as_Loop();
    const Block *bx = (*bbs)[loop->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl)->_idx];
    while (bx->is_connector()) {
      bx = (*bbs)[bx->pred(1)->_idx];
C2OUT->print("\tLoop: B%d-B%d ",bhead->_pre_order,bx->_pre_order);
    // Dump any loop-specific bits, especially for CountedLoops.
C2OUT->print(" Freq: %g",_freq);
  if( Verbose ) {
C2OUT->print(" IDom: %d/#%d",_idom?_idom->_pre_order:0,_dom_depth);
C2OUT->print(" RegPressure: %d",_reg_pressure);
C2OUT->print(" IHRP Index: %d",_ihrp_index);
C2OUT->print(" FRegPressure: %d",_freg_pressure);
C2OUT->print(" FHRP Index: %d",_fhrp_index);
Exemple #5
// Create a slow version of the loop by cloning the loop
// and inserting an if to select fast-slow versions.
// Return control projection of the entry to the fast version.
ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::create_slow_version_of_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop,
                                                      Node_List &old_new,
                                                      int opcode) {
  LoopNode* head  = loop->_head->as_Loop();
  bool counted_loop = head->is_CountedLoop();
  Node*     entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
  IdealLoopTree* outer_loop = loop->_parent;

  Node *cont      = _igvn.intcon(1);
  set_ctrl(cont, C->root());
  Node* opq       = new Opaque1Node(C, cont);
  register_node(opq, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  Node *bol       = new Conv2BNode(opq);
  register_node(bol, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  IfNode* iff = (opcode == Op_RangeCheck) ? new RangeCheckNode(entry, bol, PROB_MAX, COUNT_UNKNOWN) :
    new IfNode(entry, bol, PROB_MAX, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  register_node(iff, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  ProjNode* iffast = new IfTrueNode(iff);
  register_node(iffast, outer_loop, iff, dom_depth(iff));
  ProjNode* ifslow = new IfFalseNode(iff);
  register_node(ifslow, outer_loop, iff, dom_depth(iff));

  // Clone the loop body.  The clone becomes the fast loop.  The
  // original pre-header will (illegally) have 3 control users
  // (old & new loops & new if).
  clone_loop(loop, old_new, dom_depth(head), iff);
  assert(old_new[head->_idx]->is_Loop(), "" );

  // Fast (true) control
  Node* iffast_pred = clone_loop_predicates(entry, iffast, !counted_loop);
  _igvn.replace_input_of(head, LoopNode::EntryControl, iffast_pred);
  set_idom(head, iffast_pred, dom_depth(head));

  // Slow (false) control
  Node* ifslow_pred = clone_loop_predicates(entry, ifslow, !counted_loop);
  LoopNode* slow_head = old_new[head->_idx]->as_Loop();
  _igvn.replace_input_of(slow_head, LoopNode::EntryControl, ifslow_pred);
  set_idom(slow_head, ifslow_pred, dom_depth(slow_head));


  return iffast;
Exemple #6
// Create a slow version of the loop by cloning the loop
// and inserting an if to select fast-slow versions.
// Return control projection of the entry to the fast version.
ProjNode* PhaseIdealLoop::create_slow_version_of_loop(IdealLoopTree *loop,
                                                      Node_List &old_new) {
  LoopNode* head  = loop->_head->as_Loop();
  Node*     entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
  IdealLoopTree* outer_loop = loop->_parent;

  Node *cont      = _igvn.intcon(1);
  set_ctrl(cont, C->root());
  Node* opq       = new (C, 2) Opaque1Node(C, cont);
  register_node(opq, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  Node *bol       = new (C, 2) Conv2BNode(opq);
  register_node(bol, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  IfNode* iff = new (C, 2) IfNode(entry, bol, PROB_MAX, COUNT_UNKNOWN);
  register_node(iff, outer_loop, entry, dom_depth(entry));
  ProjNode* iffast = new (C, 1) IfTrueNode(iff);
  register_node(iffast, outer_loop, iff, dom_depth(iff));
  ProjNode* ifslow = new (C, 1) IfFalseNode(iff);
  register_node(ifslow, outer_loop, iff, dom_depth(iff));

  // Clone the loop body.  The clone becomes the fast loop.  The
  // original pre-header will (illegally) have 2 control users (old & new loops).
  clone_loop(loop, old_new, dom_depth(head), iff);
  assert(old_new[head->_idx]->is_Loop(), "" );

  // Fast (true) control
  head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, iffast);
  set_idom(head, iffast, dom_depth(head));

  // Slow (false) control
  LoopNode* slow_head = old_new[head->_idx]->as_Loop();
  slow_head->set_req(LoopNode::EntryControl, ifslow);
  set_idom(slow_head, ifslow, dom_depth(slow_head));


  return iffast;
Exemple #7
// Clone loop with an invariant test (that does not exit) and
// insert a clone of the test that selects which version to
// execute.
void PhaseIdealLoop::do_unswitching (IdealLoopTree *loop, Node_List &old_new) {

  // Find first invariant test that doesn't exit the loop
  LoopNode *head = loop->_head->as_Loop();

  IfNode* unswitch_iff = find_unswitching_candidate((const IdealLoopTree *)loop);
  assert(unswitch_iff != NULL, "should be at least one");

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLoopOpts) {
    tty->print("Unswitch   %d ", head->unswitch_count()+1);

  // Need to revert back to normal loop
  if (head->is_CountedLoop() && !head->as_CountedLoop()->is_normal_loop()) {

  ProjNode* proj_true = create_slow_version_of_loop(loop, old_new, unswitch_iff->Opcode());

#ifdef ASSERT
  Node* uniqc = proj_true->unique_ctrl_out();
  Node* entry = head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
  Node* predicate = find_predicate(entry);
  if (predicate != NULL && LoopLimitCheck && UseLoopPredicate) {
    // We may have two predicates, find first.
    entry = find_predicate(entry->in(0)->in(0));
    if (entry != NULL) predicate = entry;
  if (predicate != NULL) predicate = predicate->in(0);
  assert(proj_true->is_IfTrue() &&
         (predicate == NULL && uniqc == head ||
          predicate != NULL && uniqc == predicate), "by construction");
  // Increment unswitch count
  LoopNode* head_clone = old_new[head->_idx]->as_Loop();
  int nct = head->unswitch_count() + 1;

  // Add test to new "if" outside of loop
  IfNode* invar_iff   = proj_true->in(0)->as_If();
  Node* invar_iff_c   = invar_iff->in(0);
  BoolNode* bol       = unswitch_iff->in(1)->as_Bool();
  invar_iff->set_req(1, bol);
  invar_iff->_prob    = unswitch_iff->_prob;

  ProjNode* proj_false = invar_iff->proj_out(0)->as_Proj();

  // Hoist invariant casts out of each loop to the appropriate
  // control projection.

  Node_List worklist;

  for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = unswitch_iff->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
    ProjNode* proj= unswitch_iff->fast_out(i)->as_Proj();
    // Copy to a worklist for easier manipulation
    for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = proj->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
      Node* use = proj->fast_out(j);
      if (use->Opcode() == Op_CheckCastPP && loop->is_invariant(use->in(1))) {
    ProjNode* invar_proj = invar_iff->proj_out(proj->_con)->as_Proj();
    while (worklist.size() > 0) {
      Node* use = worklist.pop();
      Node* nuse = use->clone();
      nuse->set_req(0, invar_proj);
      _igvn.replace_input_of(use, 1, nuse);
      register_new_node(nuse, invar_proj);
      // Same for the clone
      Node* use_clone = old_new[use->_idx];
      _igvn.replace_input_of(use_clone, 1, nuse);

  // Hardwire the control paths in the loops into if(true) and if(false)
  short_circuit_if(unswitch_iff, proj_true);

  IfNode* unswitch_iff_clone = old_new[unswitch_iff->_idx]->as_If();
  short_circuit_if(unswitch_iff_clone, proj_false);

  // Reoptimize loops
  for(int i = loop->_body.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
    Node *n = loop->_body[i];
    Node *n_clone = old_new[n->_idx];

#ifndef PRODUCT
  if (TraceLoopUnswitching) {
    tty->print_cr("Loop unswitching orig: %d @ %d  new: %d @ %d",
                  head->_idx,                unswitch_iff->_idx,
                  old_new[head->_idx]->_idx, unswitch_iff_clone->_idx);
