bool LuaIOManagerProxy::ExtractImageStack( LuaClassInstance ds, LuaClassInstance tf1d, uint64_t iLODlevel, const std::string& strTargetFilename, const std::string& strTempDir, bool bAllDirs) const { if (mSS->cexecRet<LuaDatasetProxy::DatasetType>( ds.fqName() + ".getDSType") != LuaDatasetProxy::UVF) { T_ERROR(" only accepts UVF."); return false; } // Convert LuaClassInstance -> LuaDatasetProxy -> UVFdataset LuaDatasetProxy* dsProxy = ds.getRawPointer<LuaDatasetProxy>(mSS); UVFDataset* uvf = dynamic_cast<UVFDataset*>(dsProxy->getDataset()); assert(uvf != NULL); // Now we need to extract the transfer function... LuaTransferFun1DProxy* tfProxy = tf1d.getRawPointer<LuaTransferFun1DProxy>( mSS); TransferFunction1D* pTrans = tfProxy->get1DTransferFunction(); assert(pTrans != NULL); return mIO->ExtractImageStack( uvf, pTrans, iLODlevel, strTargetFilename, strTempDir, bAllDirs); }
void MainWindow::Transfer1DLoad() { QSettings settings; QString strLastDir=""; shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss = m_MasterController.LuaScript(); // First try to grab the directory from the currently-opened file. if(m_pActiveRenderWin) { LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); strLastDir = QString(SysTools::GetPath( ss->cexecRet<string>(ds.fqName() + ".fullpath")).c_str()); } // if that didn't work, fall back on our previously saved path. if(strLastDir == "" || !SysTools::FileExists(strLastDir.toStdString())) { strLastDir = settings.value("Folders/Transfer1DLoad", ".").toString(); } QString selectedFilter; QFileDialog::Options options; #ifdef DETECTED_OS_APPLE options |= QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog; #endif QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Load 1D Transfer function", strLastDir, "1D Transfer function File (*.1dt)",&selectedFilter, options); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { settings.setValue("Folders/Transfer1DLoad", QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteDir().path()); m_1DTransferFunction->QLoadFromFile(fileName); } }
bool MainWindow::ExportGeometry(size_t i, std::string strFilename) { if (!m_pActiveRenderWin) return false; LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); if (!ds.isValid(ss) || (ss->cexecRet<LuaDatasetProxy::DatasetType>(ds.fqName() + ".getDSType") != LuaDatasetProxy::UVF) ) return false; PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Exporting Mesh..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); std::vector<shared_ptr<Mesh>> meshes = ss->cexecRet<std::vector<shared_ptr<Mesh>>>(ds.fqName() + "getMeshes"); return ss->cexecRet<bool>("", meshes[i], strFilename); }
void MainWindow::SaveAspectRatioToUVF() { if (m_pActiveRenderWin) { m_pActiveRenderWin->SetDatasetIsInvalid(true); PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Writing rescale factors to file..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); try { if (!ss->cexecRet<bool>(ds.fqName() + ".saveRescaleFactors")) { if (!m_bScriptMode) { QMessageBox::warning(this, "File Error", "Unable to save rescale factors to file.", QMessageBox::Ok); } } } catch (std::exception& e) { std::string errMsg = "Unable to save scale factors to UVF file."; if (strlen(e.what()) > 0) { errMsg += " Error: "; errMsg += e.what(); } QMessageBox::warning(this, "Scale Factor Save Error", errMsg.c_str(), QMessageBox::Ok); } DOUBLEVECTOR3 vfRescaleFactors = ss->cexecRet<DOUBLEVECTOR3>(ds.fqName() + ".getRescaleFactors"); doubleSpinBox_RescaleX->setValue(vfRescaleFactors.x); doubleSpinBox_RescaleY->setValue(vfRescaleFactors.y); doubleSpinBox_RescaleZ->setValue(vfRescaleFactors.z); pleaseWait.close(); m_pActiveRenderWin->SetDatasetIsInvalid(false); } }
void MainWindow::RemoveGeometry() { if (!m_pActiveRenderWin) return; LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); if (!ds.isValid(ss) || (ss->cexecRet<LuaDatasetProxy::DatasetType>(ds.fqName() + ".getDSType") != LuaDatasetProxy::UVF) ) return; PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Removing Mesh from UVF file..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); int iCurrent = listWidget_DatasetComponents->currentRow(); if (iCurrent < 1 || iCurrent >= listWidget_DatasetComponents->count()) { T_ERROR("No Mesh selected."); return; } m_pActiveRenderWin->SetDatasetIsInvalid(true); if (!ss->cexecRet<bool>(ds.fqName() + ".removeMesh", size_t(iCurrent-1))) { pleaseWait.close(); ShowCriticalDialog("Mesh Removal Failed.", "Could not remove mesh from the UVF file, " "maybe the file is write protected? For details please " "check the debug log ('Help | Debug Window')."); } else { m_pActiveRenderWin->RemoveMeshData(size_t(iCurrent-1)); UpdateExplorerView(true); pleaseWait.close(); } m_pActiveRenderWin->SetDatasetIsInvalid(false); }
bool LuaIOManagerProxy::ExportDataset(LuaClassInstance ds, uint64_t iLODlevel, const string& strTargetFilename, const string& strTempDir) const { if (mSS->cexecRet<LuaDatasetProxy::DatasetType>( ds.fqName() + ".getDSType") != LuaDatasetProxy::UVF) { T_ERROR(" only accepts UVF."); return false; } // Convert LuaClassInstance -> LuaDatasetProxy -> UVFdataset LuaDatasetProxy* dsProxy = ds.getRawPointer<LuaDatasetProxy>(mSS); UVFDataset* uvf = dynamic_cast<UVFDataset*>(dsProxy->getDataset()); assert(uvf != NULL); return mIO->ExportDataset(uvf, iLODlevel, strTargetFilename, strTempDir); }
void MainWindow::Transfer1DSave() { QSettings settings; QString strLastDir=""; std::string defaultFilename; shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss = m_MasterController.LuaScript(); // First try to grab the directory from the currently-opened file... if(m_pActiveRenderWin) { LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); string dsFullpath = ss->cexecRet<string>(ds.fqName() + ".fullpath"); strLastDir = QString(SysTools::GetPath(dsFullpath).c_str()); defaultFilename = SysTools::ChangeExt(dsFullpath, "1dt"); } if(strLastDir == "" || !SysTools::FileExists(strLastDir.toStdString()+".")) { // ...if that didn't work, fall back on our previously saved path. strLastDir = settings.value("Folders/Transfer1DSave", ".").toString(); } else { // if the path exitst propose the default name as save default strLastDir = QString(defaultFilename.c_str()); } QString selectedFilter; QFileDialog::Options options; #ifdef DETECTED_OS_APPLE options |= QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog; #endif QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Save 1D Transfer function", strLastDir, "1D Transfer function File (*.1dt)",&selectedFilter, options); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { fileName = SysTools::CheckExt(string(fileName.toAscii()), "1dt").c_str(); settings.setValue("Folders/Transfer1DSave", QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteDir().path()); m_1DTransferFunction->SaveToFile(fileName); } }
void MainWindow::ExportImageStack() { QFileDialog::Options options; #ifdef DETECTED_OS_APPLE options |= QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog; #endif QString selectedFilter; QSettings settings; QString strLastDir = settings.value("Folders/ExportImageStack", ".").toString(); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); string filterStr = ss->cexecRet<string>("").c_str(); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Export Current Dataset to a Set of Images", strLastDir,filterStr.c_str(),&selectedFilter, options); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { settings.setValue("Folders/ExportImageStack", QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteDir().path()); string targetFileName = string(fileName.toAscii()); string selectedFilterStr = string(selectedFilter.toAscii()); std::string filterExt = ss->cexecRet<string>("", selectedFilterStr); if (SysTools::GetExt(targetFileName).empty()) { if (filterExt.empty()) { ShowCriticalDialog( "Error during image stack export.", "Unable to determine file type from filename."); return; } else { targetFileName += std::string(".") + filterExt; } } shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss = m_MasterController.LuaScript(); LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); int iMaxLODLevel = static_cast<int>( ss->cexecRet<uint64_t>(ds.fqName() + ".getLODLevelCount") ) - 1; int iLODLevel = 0; if (iMaxLODLevel > 0) { int iMinLODLevel = 0; vector<QString> vDesc; for (int i = iMinLODLevel;i<=iMaxLODLevel;i++) { UINTVECTOR3 vLODSize = UINTVECTOR3( ss->cexecRet<UINT64VECTOR3>( ds.fqName() + ".getDomainSize", size_t(i), size_t(0)) ); QString qstrDesc = tr("%1 x %2 x %3").arg(vLODSize.x).arg(vLODSize.y).arg(vLODSize.z); vDesc.push_back(qstrDesc); } LODDlg lodDlg("For which LOD Level do you want to export the image stack?", iMinLODLevel, iMaxLODLevel, vDesc, this); if (lodDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; else iLODLevel = lodDlg.GetLOD(); } bool bAllDirs = QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question(this, "Texture Stack Exporter", "Do you want to export three stacks along all three directions? Otherwise only one stack along the z-axis is created.", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No); if(!ExportImageStack(uint32_t(iLODLevel), targetFileName, bAllDirs)) { ShowCriticalDialog( "Error during image stack export.", "The system was unable to export the current data set, please check the error log for details (Menu -> \"Help\" -> \"Debug Window\")."); return; } } }
void MainWindow::ExportDataset() { if (!m_pActiveRenderWin) return; QFileDialog::Options options; #ifdef DETECTED_OS_APPLE options |= QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog; #endif QString selectedFilter; QSettings settings; QString strLastDir = settings.value("Folders/ExportDataset", ".").toString(); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); QString dialogString = ss->cexecRet<string>("").c_str(); std::string ext; QString fileName; do { fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Export Current Dataset", strLastDir, dialogString, &selectedFilter, options); if(fileName.isEmpty()) { // not an error -- the user might get here if they wanted to cancel the // export. break; } // get it out of a QString && figure out what file type we're dealing with. std::string filter = std::string(selectedFilter.toAscii()); size_t start = filter.find_last_of("*.")+1; size_t end = filter.find_last_of(")"); ext = filter.substr(start, end-start); SysTools::TrimStr(ext); if(ext == "") { QMessageBox noformat; noformat.setText("No file extension: unknown export format"); noformat.setIcon(QMessageBox::Critical); noformat.exec(); } } while(ext == ""); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { settings.setValue("Folders/ExportDataset", QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteDir().path()); string strCompletefileName = SysTools::CheckExt(string(fileName.toAscii()), ext); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss = m_MasterController.LuaScript(); LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); int iMaxLODLevel = static_cast<int>( ss->cexecRet<uint64_t>(ds.fqName() + ".getLODLevelCount")) - 1; int iLODLevel = 0; if (iMaxLODLevel > 0) { int iMinLODLevel = 0; vector<QString> vDesc; for (int i = iMinLODLevel;i<=iMaxLODLevel;i++) { UINTVECTOR3 vLODSize = UINTVECTOR3(ss->cexecRet<UINT64VECTOR3>( ds.fqName() + ".getDomainSize", size_t(i), size_t(0))); QString qstrDesc = tr("%1 x %2 x %3").arg(vLODSize.x).arg(vLODSize.y).arg(vLODSize.z); vDesc.push_back(qstrDesc); } LODDlg lodDlg("Which LOD Level do you want to export?", iMinLODLevel, iMaxLODLevel, vDesc, this); if (lodDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; else iLODLevel = lodDlg.GetLOD(); } PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Exporting, please wait ..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); if (!ExportDataset(iLODLevel, strCompletefileName)) { ShowCriticalDialog( "Error during dataset export.", "The system was unable to export the current data set, please check the error log for details (Menu -> \"Help\" -> \"Debug Window\")."); } else { pleaseWait.hide(); QString msg = tr("The dataset has been exported as %1.").arg(strCompletefileName.c_str()); ShowInformationDialog( tr("Export successful"), msg); } } }
bool MainWindow::LoadDatasetInternal(QStringList files, QString targetFilename, bool bNoUserInteraction) { if(files.empty()) { T_ERROR("No files!"); return false; } PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Loading dataset, please wait ..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); // First check to make sure the list of files we've been given makes sense. for(QStringList::const_iterator fn = files.begin(); fn != files.end(); ++fn) { if(fn->isEmpty()) { T_ERROR("Empty filelist"); return false; } if(!SysTools::FileExists(std::string(fn->toAscii()))) { QString strText = tr("File %1 not found.").arg(*fn); T_ERROR("%s", strText.toStdString().c_str()); if(!bNoUserInteraction) { ShowCriticalDialog( "Load Error", strText); } return false; } } // now determine if we've been given a UVF, and can just open it and be done, // or if we need to convert the files. // If we were given multiple files, we don't need to do any work; we *know* // that needs to be converted. shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); bool needs_conversion = true; if(files.size() == 1) { // check to see if we need to convert this file to a supported format. if(!ss->cexecRet<bool>("",files[0].toStdString())) { needs_conversion = false; // It might also be the case that the checksum is bad && we need to // report an error, but we don't bother with the checksum if they've // asked us not to in the preferences. if(!m_bQuickopen && false == ss->cexecRet<bool>("", files[0].toStdString())) { QString strText = tr("File %1 appears to be a broken UVF file: " "the header looks ok, " "but the checksum does not match.").arg(files[0]); T_ERROR("%s", strText.toStdString().c_str()); if (!bNoUserInteraction) { ShowCriticalDialog("Load Error", strText); } return false; } } } QString filename = files[0]; if(needs_conversion) { if (!bNoUserInteraction && targetFilename.isEmpty()) { targetFilename = GetConvFilename(files[0]); } if (targetFilename.isEmpty()) { T_ERROR("User interaction disabled but no targetFilename given"); return false; } std::list<std::string> stdfiles; for(QStringList::const_iterator fn = files.begin(); fn != files.end(); ++fn) { stdfiles.push_back(std::string(fn->toAscii())); } PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Converting, please wait ..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); try { ss->cexec("", stdfiles, std::string(targetFilename.toAscii()), m_strTempDir, bNoUserInteraction, false); filename = targetFilename; } catch(const tuvok::io::IOException& e) { // create a (hopefully) useful error message std::ostringstream error; error << "Unable to convert "; std::copy(stdfiles.begin(), stdfiles.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(error, ", ")); error << " into " << std::string(targetFilename.toAscii()) << ": " << e.what(); T_ERROR("%s", error.str().c_str()); if(!bNoUserInteraction) { ShowCriticalDialog("Conversion Error", QString(error.str().c_str())); } // now close that dialog and bail. pleaseWait.close(); return false; } pleaseWait.close(); } RenderWindow *renderWin = NULL; try { renderWin = CreateNewRenderWindow(filename); if(renderWin == NULL) { T_ERROR("Renderwindow creation failed. Bailing..."); return false; } renderWin->GetQtWidget()->show(); // calls RenderWindowActive automatically UpdateMenus(); AddFileToMRUList(filename); } catch(tuvok::io::DSBricksOversized&) { WARNING("Bricks are too large. Querying the user to see if we should " "rebrick the dataset."); if(renderWin) { delete renderWin; renderWin = NULL; } if(bNoUserInteraction) { T_ERROR("Dataset needs rebricking but ImageVis3D is not running interactively."); return false; } if(QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question(NULL, "Rebricking required", "The bricking scheme in this dataset is not compatible with " "your current brick size settings. Do you want to convert this " "dataset so that it can be loaded? Note that this operation can " "take as long as originally converting the data took!", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)) { // m_bIgnoreLoadDatasetFailure is an ugly hack, but I can't see any other // *good* options. // // An alternative to m_bIgnoreLoadDatasetFailure is to throw a custom // exception which would include bNoUserInteraction's value, and catch // the exception in MainWindow::LoadDataset(std::string strFilename). // (and MainWindow::LoadDataset(), and MainWindow::OpenRecentFile). // We would perform the rebricking upon catching the exception. // This method seemed equally hacky so I opted for the smallest code // footprint and inserted this boolean flag. // // Also, we can use the flag when the user specifies 'no' on the dialog. // It doesn't make much sense to tell the user that we failed to // load the RenderWindow because they told us to not load it =P. // // The problem: if we reach here, we were in the process of creating // a series of Lua classes to support a render window. Since we are no // longer creating a viable render window (renderWin was deleted, and // RebrickDataset is creating a new render window), lua needs to be // notified and clean up any supporting classes. // // The only way to notify Lua is to do 1 of 2 things: // 1) Return false from this function (behaving as if the requested // dataset failed to load -- which it did). // 2) Or throw an exception and let lua capture and rethrow it. // // I opted for #1. RebrickDataset(filename, targetFilename, bNoUserInteraction); m_bIgnoreLoadDatasetFailure = true; return false; } else { m_bIgnoreLoadDatasetFailure = true; return false; } } if (renderWin) RenderWindowActive(renderWin); if (CheckForMeshCapabilities(bNoUserInteraction, files)) return true; if(renderWin) { LuaClassInstance ds = renderWin->GetRendererDataset(); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss = m_MasterController.LuaScript(); UINT64VECTOR3 dom_sz = ss->cexecRet<UINT64VECTOR3>(ds.fqName() + ".getDomainSize", size_t(0), size_t(0)); // Disable lighting for 2D datasets (images). if(dom_sz[2] == 1) { checkBox_Lighting->setChecked(false); checkBox_Lighting->setEnabled(false); SetLighting(false); } } return true; }
void MainWindow::AddGeometry(std::string filename) { if (!m_pActiveRenderWin) return; if(!m_pActiveRenderWin->SupportsMeshes()) { if(QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question(NULL, "Mesh feature not supported in this renderer", "You can add a mesh to this dataset but you will " "not be able to see it until you switch to a renderer " "that supports this feature e.g. the 3D slice " "based volume renderer. Do you want to switch to " "the 3D slice based volume renderer now?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)) { QString dataset = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetDatasetName(); CloseCurrentView(); MasterController::EVolumeRendererType currentType = m_eVolumeRendererType; m_eVolumeRendererType = MasterController::OPENGL_SBVR; LoadDataset(std::string(dataset.toAscii())); m_eVolumeRendererType = currentType; } } shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss = m_MasterController.LuaScript(); LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); LuaDatasetProxy::DatasetType type = ss->cexecRet<LuaDatasetProxy::DatasetType>(ds.fqName() + ".getDSType"); if (type != LuaDatasetProxy::UVF) { ShowCriticalDialog("Mesh Import Failed.", "Mesh Integration only supported for UVF datasets."); return; } PleaseWaitDialog pleaseWait(this); pleaseWait.SetText("Loading mesh, please wait ..."); pleaseWait.AttachLabel(&m_MasterController); std::shared_ptr<Mesh> m; try { m = ss->cexecRet<std::shared_ptr<Mesh>>("", filename); } catch (const tuvok::io::DSOpenFailed& err) { WARNING("Conversion failed! %s", err.what()); } if (!m) { ShowCriticalDialog("Mesh Import Failed.", "Could not load mesh file. For details please " "check the debug log ('Help | Debug Window')."); return; } // make sure we have at least normals if (m->GetNormalIndices().empty()) { pleaseWait.SetText("Computing normals, please wait ..."); m->RecomputeNormals(); } pleaseWait.SetText("Integrating Mesh into volume file, please wait ..."); m_pActiveRenderWin->SetDatasetIsInvalid(true); shared_ptr<const Mesh> constMeshPtr = m; if (!ss->cexecRet<bool>(ds.fqName() + ".appendMesh", constMeshPtr)) { pleaseWait.close(); ShowCriticalDialog("Mesh Import Failed.", "Could not integrate the mesh into this UVF file. " "For details please check the debug log " "('Help | Debug Window')."); } else { pleaseWait.SetText("Creating render resources, please wait ..."); m_pActiveRenderWin->ScanForNewMeshes(); pleaseWait.close(); UpdateExplorerView(true); } m_pActiveRenderWin->SetDatasetIsInvalid(false); }
void MainWindow::ExportIsosurface() { QFileDialog::Options options; #ifdef DETECTED_OS_APPLE options |= QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog; #endif QString selectedFilter; QSettings settings; QString strLastDir = settings.value("Folders/ExportIso", ".").toString(); shared_ptr<LuaScripting> ss(m_MasterController.LuaScript()); QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Export Current Isosurface to Mesh", strLastDir, ss->cexecRet<string>("").c_str(), &selectedFilter, options); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { settings.setValue("Folders/ExportIso", QFileInfo(fileName).absoluteDir().path()); string targetFileName = string(fileName.toAscii()); // still a valid filename ext ? if (!ss->cexecRet<bool>("", SysTools::ToLowerCase(SysTools::GetExt( string(fileName.toAscii()))), true,false)) { ShowCriticalDialog("Extension Error", "Unable to determine the file type " "from the file extension."); return; } LuaClassInstance ds = m_pActiveRenderWin->GetRendererDataset(); int iMaxLODLevel = int(ss->cexecRet<uint64_t>(ds.fqName() + ".getLODLevelCount"))-1; int iLODLevel = 0; if (iMaxLODLevel > 0) { int iMinLODLevel = 0; vector<QString> vDesc; for (int i = iMinLODLevel;i<=iMaxLODLevel;i++) { UINTVECTOR3 vLODSize = UINTVECTOR3( ss->cexecRet<UINT64VECTOR3>(ds.fqName() + ".getDomainSize", static_cast<size_t>(i), static_cast<size_t>(0))); QString qstrDesc = tr("%1 x %2 x %3").arg(vLODSize.x).arg(vLODSize.y).arg(vLODSize.z); vDesc.push_back(qstrDesc); } LODDlg lodDlg("For which LOD Level do you want to compute the mesh?", iMinLODLevel, iMaxLODLevel, vDesc, this); if (lodDlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return; else iLODLevel = lodDlg.GetLOD(); } if(!ExportIsosurface(uint32_t(iLODLevel), targetFileName)) { ShowCriticalDialog( "Error during mesh export.", "The system was unable to export the current data set, please check the error log for details (Menu -> \"Help\" -> \"Debug Window\")."); return; } // if the choosen format supports import then ask the users if they want to re-import the mesh bool hasConverter = ss->cexecRet<bool>("", SysTools::GetExt(targetFileName), false,true); if (hasConverter) { if(QMessageBox::Yes == QMessageBox::question(this, "Add Mesh to Project", "Do you want to load the surface a part of this project?", QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No)) { AddGeometry(targetFileName); } } } }