Exemple #1
MerchantData MerchantLoader::loadMerchant(const std::string& merchantID) const
	lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();

	MerchantData merchantData;

	std::string filename = MERCHANT_FOLDER + "ME_" + merchantID + ".lua";

	if (luaL_dofile(L, filename.c_str()) != 0)
		g_logger->logError("MerchantLoader", "Cannot read lua script: " + filename);
		return merchantData;

	lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);

	LuaRef multiplier = getGlobal(L, "multiplier");
	if (multiplier.isNumber())
		float mult = multiplier.cast<float>();
		if (mult < 1.f)
			g_logger->logWarning("MerchantLoader", "Merchant multiplier is smaller than 1, this is not allowed, the default (1.5f) is taken instead.");
			merchantData.multiplier = mult;

	LuaRef fraction = getGlobal(L, "fraction");
	if (fraction.isString())
		merchantData.fraction = resolveFractionID(fraction.cast<std::string>());

	LuaRef wares = getGlobal(L, "wares");
	if (wares.isTable())
		int i = 1; // in lua, the first element is 1, not 0. Like Eiffel haha.
		LuaRef element = wares[i];
		while (!element.isNil())
			LuaRef name = element[1];
			LuaRef amount = element[2];
			if (!name.isString() || !amount.isNumber())
				g_logger->logError("MerchantLoader", "File [" + filename + "]: wares table not resolved, no name or amount or of wrong type.");
				return merchantData;
			merchantData.wares.insert({ name.cast<std::string>(), amount.cast<int>() });
			element = wares[i];

	return merchantData;
Exemple #2
QuestData QuestLoader::loadQuest(const std::string& questID) const
	lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();

	QuestData questData;
	questData.id = "";

	std::string filename = QUEST_FOLDER + questID + ".lua";

	if (luaL_dofile(L, filename.c_str()) != 0)
		g_logger->logError("QuestLoader", "Cannot read lua script: " + filename);
		return questData;

	lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);

	LuaRef title = getGlobal(L, "title");
	LuaRef description = getGlobal(L, "description");
	if (!title.isString() || !description.isString())
		g_logger->logError("QuestLoader", "Quest [" + filename + "] has no title or description tag or of wrong type.");
		return questData;

	questData.title = title.cast<std::string>();
	questData.description = description.cast<std::string>();

	LuaRef targets = getGlobal(L, "targets");
	if (targets.isTable())
		int i = 1; // in lua, the first element is 1, not 0. Like Eiffel haha.
		LuaRef element = targets[i];
		while (!element.isNil())
			LuaRef name = element[1];
			LuaRef amount = element[2];
			if (!name.isString() || !amount.isNumber())
				g_logger->logError("QuestLoader", "Quest [" + filename + "]: target table not resolved, no name or amount or of wrong type.");
				return questData;
			questData.targets.insert({name.cast<std::string>(), amount.cast<int>()});
			element = targets[i];

	LuaRef collectibles = getGlobal(L, "collectibles");
	if (collectibles.isTable())
		int i = 1;
		LuaRef element = collectibles[i];
		while (!element.isNil())
			LuaRef id = element[1];
			LuaRef amount = element[2];
			if (!id.isString() || !amount.isNumber())
				g_logger->logError("QuestLoader", "Quest [" + filename + "]: collectibles table not resolved, no id or amount or of wrong type.");
				return questData;
			questData.collectibles.insert({ id.cast<std::string>(), amount.cast<int>() });
			element = collectibles[i];

	LuaRef conditions = getGlobal(L, "conditions");
	if (conditions.isTable())
		int i = 1;
		LuaRef element = conditions[i];
		while (element.isString())
			element = targets[i];

	questData.id = questID;
	return questData;
CutsceneData CutsceneLoader::loadCutscene(const std::string& cutsceneID) {
	lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();

	CutsceneData cutsceneData;
	cutsceneData.id = "";

	std::string foldername = CUTSCENE_FOLDER + cutsceneID + "/";
	std::string filename = foldername + cutsceneID + ".lua";

	if (luaL_dofile(L, filename.c_str()) != 0) {
		g_logger->logError("CutsceneLoader", "Cannot read lua script: " + filename);
		return cutsceneData;

	lua_pcall(L, 0, 0, 0);

	LuaRef steps = getGlobal(L, "steps");
	if (steps.isTable()) {
		int i = 1; // in lua, the first element is 1, not 0. Like Eiffel haha.
		LuaRef step = steps[i];
		while (!step.isNil()) {
			LuaRef texts = step[1];
			LuaRef images = step[2];
			if (!texts.isTable() || !images.isTable()) {
				g_logger->logError("CutsceneLoader", "Cutscene [" + filename + "]: step table not resolved, there must be one table for texts and one for images.");
				return cutsceneData;

			CutsceneStep cutsceneStep;

			// resolve texts
			int j = 1;
			LuaRef text = texts[j];
			while (!text.isNil()) {
				LuaRef textString = text[1];
				LuaRef textTime = text[2];

				if (!textString.isString() || !textTime.isNumber()) {
					g_logger->logError("CutsceneLoader", "Cutscene [" + filename + "]: text table not resolved, text string must be of type string and text time of type number.");
					return cutsceneData;

				CutsceneText cutsceneText;
				cutsceneText.text = textString.cast<std::string>();
				cutsceneText.time = sf::seconds(static_cast<float>(textTime.cast<int>()));


				text = texts[j];

			// resolve images
			j = 1;
			LuaRef image = images[j];
			while (!image.isNil()) {
				LuaRef imagePath = image[1];
				LuaRef velocity = image[2];
				LuaRef angle = image[3];

				if (!imagePath.isString() || !velocity.isNumber() || !angle.isNumber()) {
					g_logger->logError("CutsceneLoader", "Cutscene [" + filename + "]: image table not resolved, image path must be of type string and velocity and angle of type number.");
					return cutsceneData;

				float phi = degToRad(static_cast<float>(angle.cast<int>() - 90));
				float speed = static_cast<float>(velocity.cast<int>());

				CutsceneImage cutsceneImage;
				cutsceneImage.imagePath = foldername + imagePath.cast<std::string>();
				cutsceneImage.velocity.x = std::round(speed * std::cos(phi));
				cutsceneImage.velocity.y = std::round(speed * std::sin(phi));


				image = images[j];

			step = steps[i];

	cutsceneData.id = cutsceneID;
	return cutsceneData;