static void ShowEigs(const MAT& eigvals)
    double min_eig = eigvals(0) / 1000;
    double var_all = SumElems(eigvals);
    double var10 = 0;
    int neigs = NSIZE(eigvals);
    for (int i = 0; i < MIN(10, neigs); i++)
        var10 += eigvals(i);
    int iprint = 0;
    while (iprint < neigs && eigvals(iprint) > min_eig && iprint < 9)
    if (iprint < neigs + 1) // show first small eig value, for context
    lprintf("%.0f%% percent variance is explained by %s%d shape eigs:",
            100 * var10 / var_all, (iprint < neigs? "the first ": ""), iprint);
    const MAT eigvals_t(eigvals.t());
    for (int i = 0; i < iprint; i++)
        lprintf(" %.0f", 100 * eigvals_t(i) / var_all);
static void GenShapeMod(
    Shape&           meanshape,      // out: n x 2
    VEC&             eigvals,        // out: 2n x 1
    MAT&             eigvecs,        // out: 2n x 2n, inverse of eigs of cov mat
    vec_Shape&       aligned_shapes, // out: shapes aligned to refshape
    const ShapeFile& sh,             // in
    int              irefshape,      // in: index of shape used to align other shapes
    const vec_int&   nused_vec,      // in: vec [nshapes] of int
    const char*      outdir,         // in: output directory (-d flag)
    const char*      modname,        // in: e.g. "yaw00"
    const char*      cmdline,        // in: command line used to invoke tasm
    bool             force_facedet,  // in: facedet the images themselves (ignore shapefile facedets)
    bool             write_detpars)  // in: write the image detpars to facedet.shape
    CopyShapeVec(aligned_shapes, sh.shapes_);

    // after this, mean shape and aligned_shapes will be aligned to ref shape
    AlignTrainingShapes(meanshape, aligned_shapes,

    MAT cov(CalcShapeCov(aligned_shapes, meanshape));
    EigsOfSymMat(eigvecs, eigvals, cov);

    if (eigvals(0) < 0.1) // number is arbitrary
        lprintf("eigen data invalid "
                "(not enough variation in shapes, max eigenvalue is %g)", eigvals(0));

    eigvals *= 1000 / eigvals(0); // normalize so biggest eigval is 1000 (to match old Stasm)

    ZapSmallEigs(eigvals, eigvecs);

    eigvecs = eigvecs.t(); // invert (eigvecs is orthog so transpose is inverse)


    // now align mean shape to the face detector frame
        sh, nused_vec, outdir, modname, cmdline, force_facedet, write_detpars);