MStatus iffPpm::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MString componentName; if (args.length () < 2 || args.length () > 3) { displayError ("Syntax: iffPpm ifffile ppmfile [-depth]"); return MS::kFailure; } args.get (0, fileName); args.get (1, ppmFile); if (args.length () == 3) { MString lastArg; args.get (2, lastArg); if (lastArg != MString ("-depth")) { displayError ("Syntax: iffPpm ifffile ppmfile [-depth]"); return MS::kFailure; } useDepth = true; } else useDepth = false; return redoIt(); }
MStatus apiMeshData::readVerticesASCII( const MArgList& argList, unsigned& index ) { MStatus result; MString geomStr; MPoint vertex; int vertexCount = 0; result = argList.get( index, geomStr ); if ( result && (geomStr == kVertexKeyword) ) { result = argList.get( ++index, vertexCount ); for ( int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++ ) { if ( argList.get( ++index, vertex ) ) { fGeometry->vertices.append( vertex ); } else { result = MS::kFailure; } } } return result; }
MStatus apiMeshData::readNormalsASCII( const MArgList& argList, unsigned& index ) { MStatus result; MString geomStr; MPoint normal; int normalCount = 0; result = argList.get( index, geomStr ); if ( result && (geomStr == kNormalKeyword) ) { result = argList.get( ++index, normalCount ); for ( int i=0; i<normalCount; i++ ) { if ( argList.get( ++index, normal ) ) { fGeometry->normals.append( normal ); } else { result = MS::kFailure; } } } return result; }
MStatus apiMeshData::readFacesASCII( const MArgList& argList, unsigned& index ) { MStatus result = MS::kSuccess; MString geomStr; int faceCount = 0; int vid; while( argList.get(index,geomStr) && (geomStr == kFaceKeyword) ) { result = argList.get( ++index, faceCount ); fGeometry->face_counts.append( faceCount ); for ( int i=0; i<faceCount; i++ ) { if ( argList.get( ++index, vid ) ) { fGeometry->face_connects.append( vid ); } else { result = MS::kFailure; } } index++; } fGeometry->faceCount = fGeometry->face_counts.length(); return result; }
MStatus createClip::parseArgs( const MArgList& args ) // // No arguments to parse. // { MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MString arg; MSelectionList list; bool charNameUsed = 0; MString charName; const MString charFlag ("-c"); const MString charFlagLong ("-char"); // Parse the arguments. for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { arg = args.asString( i, &stat ); if (!stat) continue; if ( arg == charFlag || arg == charFlagLong ) { // get the char name // if (i == args.length()-1) { arg += ": must specify a character name"; displayError(arg); return MS::kFailure; } i++; args.get(i, charName); list.add(charName); charNameUsed = 1; } else { arg += ": unknown argument"; displayError(arg); return MS::kFailure; } } if (charNameUsed) { // get the character corresponding to the node name // MItSelectionList iter (list); for ( /* nothing */ ; !iter.isDone(); ) { MObject node; iter.getDependNode(node); if (node.apiType() == MFn::kCharacter) { fCharacter = node; break; } } if (fCharacter.isNull()) { MString errMsg("Character flag must specify a character node."); displayError(errMsg); return MS::kFailure; } } return stat; }
// parseArgs // MStatus viewCallbackTest::parseArgs(const MArgList& args) { MStatus status; MArgDatabase argData(syntax(), args); // Buffer operation argument variables mBufferOperation = kInvertColorBuffer; MString operationString; MString arg; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { arg = args.asString( i, &status ); if (!status) continue; if ( arg == MString(bufferOperationShortName) || arg == MString(bufferOperationLongName) ) { if (i == args.length()-1) { arg += ": must specify a buffer operation."; displayError(arg); return MS::kFailure; } i++; args.get(i, operationString ); bool validOperation = false; for (unsigned int k=0; k<_NUMBER_BUFFER_OPERATIONS_; k++) { if (bufferOperationStrings[i] == operationString) { mBufferOperation = bufferOperations[k]; validOperation = true; } } if (!validOperation) status.perror("Invalid operation specified. Using invert by default."); } } // Read off the panel name status = argData.getCommandArgument(0, mPanelName); if (!status) { status.perror("No panel name specified as command argument"); return status; } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus dagPoseInfo::parseArgs( const MArgList& args ) // // There is one mandatory flag: -f/-file <filename> // { MStatus stat; MString arg; MString fileName; const MString fileFlag ("-f"); const MString fileFlagLong ("-file"); // Parse the arguments. for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { arg = args.asString( i, &stat ); if (!stat) continue; if ( arg == fileFlag || arg == fileFlagLong ) { // get the file name // if (i == args.length()-1) { arg += ": must specify a file name"; displayError(arg); return MS::kFailure; } i++; args.get(i, fileName); } else { arg += ": unknown argument"; displayError(arg); return MS::kFailure; } } file = fopen(fileName.asChar(),"wb"); if (!file) { MString openError("Could not open: "); openError += fileName; displayError(openError); stat = MS::kFailure; } return stat; }
MStatus apiMeshData::readUVASCII( const MArgList &argList, unsigned &index ) { MStatus result = MS::kSuccess; MString uvStr; double u, v; int fvi; int faceVertexListCount = 0; int uvCount; fGeometry->uvcoords.reset(); if ( argList.get(index,uvStr) && (uvStr == kUVKeyword) ) { result = argList.get( ++index, uvCount ); if ( result ) { result = argList.get( ++index, faceVertexListCount ); } int i; for ( i = 0; i < uvCount && result; i ++ ) { if ( argList.get( ++index, u ) && argList.get( ++index, v ) ) { fGeometry->uvcoords.append_uv( (float)u, (float)v ); } else { result = MS::kFailure; } } for ( i = 0; i < faceVertexListCount && result; i++ ) { if ( argList.get( ++index, fvi ) ) { fGeometry->uvcoords.faceVertexIndex.append( fvi ); } else { result = MS::kFailure; } } } return result; }
MStatus intersectCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args) // Description: // Determine if the ray from the spotlight intersects the mesh. // If it does, display the intersection points. { MStatus stat = MStatus::kSuccess; if (args.length() != 2) { MGlobal::displayError("Need 2 items!"); return MStatus::kFailure; } MSelectionList activeList; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++) { MString strCurrSelection; stat = args.get(i, strCurrSelection); if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat) activeList.add(strCurrSelection); } MItSelectionList iter(activeList); MFnSpotLight fnLight; MFnMesh fnMesh; MFnDagNode dagNod; MFnDependencyNode fnDN; float fX = 0; float fY = 0; float fZ = 0; for ( ; !iter.isDone(); ) { MObject tempObjectParent, tempObjectChild; iter.getDependNode(tempObjectParent); if (tempObjectParent.apiType() == MFn::kTransform) { dagNod.setObject(tempObjectParent); tempObjectChild = dagNod.child(0, &stat); } // check what type of object is selected if (tempObjectChild.apiType() == MFn::kSpotLight) { MDagPath pathToLight; MERR_CHK(MDagPath::getAPathTo(tempObjectParent, pathToLight), "Couldn't get a path to the spotlight"); MERR_CHK(fnLight.setObject(pathToLight), "Failure on assigning light"); stat = fnDN.setObject(tempObjectParent); MPlug pTempPlug = fnDN.findPlug("translateX", &stat); if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat) { pTempPlug.getValue(fX); } pTempPlug = fnDN.findPlug("translateY", &stat); if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat) { pTempPlug.getValue(fY); } pTempPlug = fnDN.findPlug("translateZ", &stat); if (MStatus::kSuccess == stat) { pTempPlug.getValue(fZ); } } else if (tempObjectChild.apiType() == MFn::kMesh) { MDagPath pathToMesh; MERR_CHK(MDagPath::getAPathTo(tempObjectChild, pathToMesh), "Couldn't get a path to the spotlight"); MERR_CHK(fnMesh.setObject(pathToMesh), "Failure on assigning light"); } else { MGlobal::displayError("Need a spotlight and a mesh"); return MStatus::kFailure; } } MFloatPoint fpSource(fX, fY, fZ); MFloatVector fvRayDir = fnLight.lightDirection(0, MSpace::kWorld, &stat); MFloatPoint hitPoint; MMeshIsectAccelParams mmAccelParams = fnMesh.autoUniformGridParams(); float fHitRayParam, fHitBary1, fHitBary2; int nHitFace, nHitTriangle; // a large positive number is used here for the maxParam parameter bool bAnyIntersection = fnMesh.anyIntersection(fpSource, fvRayDir, NULL, NULL, false, MSpace::kWorld, (float)9999, false, &mmAccelParams, hitPoint, &fHitRayParam, &nHitFace, &nHitTriangle, &fHitBary1, &fHitBary2, (float)1e-6, &stat); if (! bAnyIntersection) { MGlobal::displayInfo("There were no intersection points detected"); return stat; } MFloatPointArray hitPoints; MFloatArray faHitRayParams; MIntArray iaHitFaces; MIntArray iaHitTriangles; MFloatArray faHitBary1; MFloatArray faHitBary2; bool bAllIntersections = fnMesh.allIntersections(fpSource, fvRayDir, NULL, NULL, false, MSpace::kWorld, 9999, false, NULL, false, hitPoints, &faHitRayParams, &iaHitFaces, &iaHitTriangles, &faHitBary1, &faHitBary2, 0.000001f, &stat); if (! bAllIntersections) { MGlobal::displayInfo("Error getting all intersections"); return stat; } // check how many intersections are found unsigned int nNumberHitPoints = hitPoints.length(); if (! nNumberHitPoints) { MGlobal::displayInfo("No hit points detected"); return MStatus::kSuccess; } // Intersection exists; display intersections as spheres MString strCommandString = "string $strBall[] = `polySphere -r 0.5`;"; strCommandString += "$strBallName = $strBall[0];"; float x = 0; float y = 0; float z = 0; for (i = 0; i < (int)nNumberHitPoints; i++) { // get the points x = hitPoints[i][0]; y = hitPoints[i][1]; z = hitPoints[i][2]; // execute some MEL to create a small sphere strCommandString += "setAttr ($strBallName + \".tx\") "; strCommandString += x; strCommandString += ";"; strCommandString += "setAttr ($strBallName + \".ty\") "; strCommandString += y; strCommandString += ";"; strCommandString += "setAttr ($strBallName + \".tz\") "; strCommandString += z; strCommandString += ";"; MGlobal::executeCommand(strCommandString); } return stat; }
MStatus vixo_hairCacheExport::doIt(const MArgList& args) { MString vixoHairNode; int startFrame,endFrame; unsigned index; index=args.flagIndex("vhn","vixoHairNode"); if(MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex!=index) { args.get(index+1,vixoHairNode); } index=args.flagIndex("sf","startFrame"); if(MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex!=index) { args.get(index+1,startFrame); } index=args.flagIndex("ef","endFrame"); if(MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex!=index) { args.get(index+1,endFrame); } //get hairCacheFileName MSelectionList slist; MGlobal::getSelectionListByName(vixoHairNode,slist); MDagPath vixoHairNodeDag; slist.getDagPath(0,vixoHairNodeDag); vixoHairNodeDag.extendToShape(); MFnDagNode fnVixoHair(vixoHairNodeDag); MPlug plugCacheFileName=fnVixoHair.findPlug("hairCacheFileName"); MString cacheFileName=plugCacheFileName.asString(); //~get hairCacheFileName //get staticMesh MPlug plugStaticMesh=fnVixoHair.findPlug("staticInMesh"); MObject staticMeshObj=MFnMeshData(plugStaticMesh.asMObject()).object(); //~get staticMesh //build out dataBase MFnMesh fnStaticMesh(staticMeshObj); map<int,set<outInVertexRelationInfo>> outVertexDataBase; map<int,vector<outVIDCtrlInfo>> outVertexControlData; for(int i=0;i<fnStaticMesh.numVertices();i++) { set<outInVertexRelationInfo> temp; temp.clear(); outVertexDataBase.insert(pair<int,set<outInVertexRelationInfo>>(i,temp)); } //build out dataBase //get inCurveVID map<int,int> plugMapVID; map<int,int> VIDMapPlug; map<int,inVertexBasicInfo> inVIDMapInVertexDataBase; MPlug plugAllInCurve=fnVixoHair.findPlug("inCtrlCurveData"); MIntArray existIndex; plugAllInCurve.getExistingArrayAttributeIndices(existIndex); for(int i=0;i<existIndex.length();i++) { MPlugArray arr; plugAllInCurve.elementByLogicalIndex(existIndex[i]).connectedTo(arr,true,false); MFnDependencyNode fnHairSystem(arr[0].node()); MPlug inputHairs=fnHairSystem.findPlug("inputHair"); arr.clear(); inputHairs.elementByLogicalIndex(existIndex[i]).connectedTo(arr,true,false); MFnDependencyNode fnFolli(arr[0].node()); int vid=fnFolli.findPlug("vertexID").asInt(); plugMapVID.insert(pair<int,int>(existIndex[i],vid)); VIDMapPlug.insert(pair<int,int>(vid,existIndex[i])); initBasicStepInfo(vid,staticMeshObj,inVIDMapInVertexDataBase); } //~get inCurveVID //build in out relation map<int,inVertexBasicInfo>::iterator inDBIter; for(inDBIter=inVIDMapInVertexDataBase.begin();inDBIter!=inVIDMapInVertexDataBase.end();inDBIter++) { buileRelationBetweenInOut(inDBIter->first,inVIDMapInVertexDataBase,outVertexDataBase); } map<int,set<outInVertexRelationInfo>>::iterator outDBIter; for(outDBIter=outVertexDataBase.begin();outDBIter!=outVertexDataBase.end();outDBIter++) { sortControlOrder(outDBIter->first,outVertexDataBase,outVertexControlData); } //~build in out relation for(int i=startFrame;i<=endFrame;i++) { MString currentTime; currentTime.set(i); MGlobal::executeCommand("currentTime "+currentTime); MGlobal::executeCommand("dgeval "+vixoHairNode+".hiddenOutput"); //get dynamic mesh MPlug plugDynamicMesh=fnVixoHair.findPlug("dynamicInMesh"); MObject dynamicMeshObj=MFnMeshData(plugDynamicMesh.asMObject()).object(); //~get dynamic mesh //export cache //faceid triid vid position normal tangent vector<forExportHairCache> exportData; exportBasicData(dynamicMeshObj,exportData); //curve tangent //get in curve infos map<int,MVectorArray> inCurveShape; getInCurveInfo(plugMapVID,vixoHairNode,inCurveShape); //~get in curve infos vector<vec3> outCurveCacheData; vec3 init; init.x=0; init.y=0; init.z=0; outCurveCacheData.resize(fnStaticMesh.numVertices()*inCurveShape.begin()->second.length(),init); buildCache(inCurveShape.begin()->second.length(),dynamicMeshObj,outCurveCacheData,inCurveShape,outVertexControlData); //~export cache //write to file MString fileName=getFileName(cacheFileName,i); fstream fout(fileName.asChar(),ios_base::out|ios_base::binary); int triNumvertexNum[3]; triNumvertexNum[0]=exportData.size(); triNumvertexNum[1]=fnStaticMesh.numVertices(); triNumvertexNum[2]=inCurveShape.begin()->second.length(); fout.write((char*)triNumvertexNum,sizeof(int)*3); fout.write((char*)&exportData[0],sizeof(forExportHairCache)*exportData.size()); fout.write((char*)&outCurveCacheData[0],sizeof(vec3)*outCurveCacheData.size()); fout.flush(); fout.close(); /* MString fileNameDebug=fileName+".dbg";,ios_base::out); for(int i=0;i<outCurveCacheData.size();i++) { fout<<outCurveCacheData[i].x<<" "<<outCurveCacheData[i].y<<" "<<outCurveCacheData[i].z<<endl; } fout.flush(); fout.close(); */ //~write to file } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus viewCapture::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus status = MS::kSuccess; if ( args.length() != 1 ) { // Need the file name argument // return MS::kFailure; } MString fileName; args.get( 0, fileName ); // Get the active 3D view // M3dView view = M3dView::active3dView(); // Capture the current view // view.refresh(); view.beginGL(); // Set the target for our pixel read to be the front buffer. First, the // current state is saved using the glPushAttrib call. It is important // to leave the OpenGL in the same state that we found it. // glPushAttrib( GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT ); int width = view.portWidth(); int height = view.portHeight(); // Allocate buffers for the pixel data // GLfloat * red = new GLfloat[width*height]; GLfloat * green = new GLfloat[width*height]; GLfloat * blue = new GLfloat[width*height]; // Read the values from the OpenGL frame buffer // glReadBuffer( GL_FRONT ); glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT, red ); glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL_GREEN, GL_FLOAT, green ); glReadPixels( 0, 0, width, height, GL_BLUE, GL_FLOAT, blue ); // Put the gl read target back // glPopAttrib(); view.endGL(); // Write file as a PPM // Pic_Pixel * line = PixelAlloc( width ); int idx; Pic * file = PicOpen( fileName.asChar(), (short) width, (short) height ); if ( NULL != file ) { for ( int row = height - 1; row >= 0; row-- ) { // Covert the row of pixels into PPM format // for ( int col = 0; col < width; col++ ) { // Find the array elements for this pixel // idx = ( row * width ) + ( col ); line[col].r = (Pic_byte)( red[idx] * 255.0 ); line[col].g = (Pic_byte)( green[idx] * 255.0 ); line[col].b = (Pic_byte)( blue[idx] * 255.0 ); } // Write the line // if ( !PicWriteLine( file, line ) ) { status = MS::kFailure; return MS::kFailure; } } PicClose( file ); } delete []red; delete []green; delete []blue; PixelFree( line ); return status; }
MStatus iffPixel::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MString componentName; if (args.length () < 3 || args.length () > 4) { displayError ("Syntax: iffPixel file x y [-depth]"); return MS::kFailure; } int x,y; MString fileName; args.get (0, fileName); args.get (1, x); args.get (2, y); if (args.length () == 4) { MString lastArg; args.get (3, lastArg); if (lastArg != MString ("-depth")) { displayError ("Syntax: iffPixel file x y [-depth]"); return MS::kFailure; } useDepth = true; } else useDepth = false; IFFimageReader reader; MStatus stat; stat = (fileName); IFFCHECKERR (stat, open); int w,h; stat = reader.getSize (w,h); IFFCHECKERR (stat, getSize); if (x < 0 || x > w || y < 0 || y > h) { MString message ("Co-ordinates out of range. Size of image is "); message += itoa (w); message += "+"; message += itoa (h); displayError (message); return MS::kFailure; } stat = reader.readImage (); IFFCHECKERR (stat, readImage); if (useDepth) { if (!reader.hasDepthMap ()) { displayError ("Image has no depth map"); return MS::kFailure; } stat = reader.getDepth (x,y,&d); } else { if (!reader.isRGB () && !reader.isGrayscale ()) { displayError ("Image has no RGB data"); return MS::kFailure; } stat = reader.getPixel (x,y,&r,&g,&b,&a); } IFFCHECKERR (stat, getPixel); stat = reader.close (); IFFCHECKERR (stat, close); return redoIt(); }
MStatus ribGenCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args) { /*=========================================* * the parameters of command * =========================================*/ MString ribPath, shaderPath; unsigned index; index = args.flagIndex("p", "ribPath"); if(MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex != index) args.get(index+1, ribPath); index = args.flagIndex("sp", "shaderPath"); if(MArgList::kInvalidArgIndex != index) args.get(index+1, shaderPath); /*=========================================* * shaderPath & ribPath *=========================================*/ RtToken shader= new char[50] , path=new char[50]; strcpy(shader, shaderPath.asChar()); strcpy(path, ribPath.asChar()); char *curve[] = {"curves"}; RtMatrix identityMatrix = { { 1, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 }}; RtInt ustep, vstep; ustep = vstep =1; /*=====================================* * Begenning of writting out the .rib file. *=====================================*/ RiBegin(path); RiAttributeBegin(); RiTransformBegin(); //RiSurface(shader); RiTransformEnd(); //RiAttribute("identifier", "name", curve); RiConcatTransform(identityMatrix); RiShadingInterpolation(RI_SMOOTH); RiBasis(RiBezierBasis, ustep, RiBezierBasis, vstep); int nodeId = 0, knotNum = 0; float baseWidth = 0.0f, tipWidth = 0.0f; MObject surface, node; /*=========================================* * get the informations of selected Objects in scene. *=========================================*/ MSelectionList selection; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList(selection); MItSelectionList iter(selection, MFn::kNurbsSurface ); for(; !iter.isDone(); { RtInt numCurves = 0; RtInt numVertexs = 0; /*======================================* * get the drawHairNode from selected NurbsSurface. *======================================*/ iter.getDependNode(surface); MFnDependencyNode surfaceFn(surface); MStatus state; MPlug plug = surfaceFn.findPlug("worldSpace",false, &state); plug = plug.elementByLogicalIndex(0); MPlugArray desPlugs; plug.connectedTo(desPlugs,false,true); plug = desPlugs[0]; node = plug.node(); //drawHairNode has found here!! /*=====================================* * get the attributes of drawHairNode. *=====================================*/ MFnDependencyNode hairNodeFn(node); plug = hairNodeFn.findPlug("nodeId"); plug.getValue(nodeId); MGlobal::displayInfo(MString(" nodeId: ")+nodeId); plug = hairNodeFn.findPlug("number"); plug.getValue(numCurves); plug= hairNodeFn.findPlug("smooth"); plug.getValue(knotNum); plug = hairNodeFn.findPlug("baseWidth"); plug.getValue(baseWidth); plug = hairNodeFn.findPlug("tipWidth"); plug.getValue(tipWidth); /*=====================================* * caculate the linear interpolate of the width of the curve. *=====================================*/ numVertexs = numCurves * knotNum; int widthNum = numCurves * (knotNum -2 ); float *curveWidth = new float[widthNum]; float widthStep = 0.0f; for(int c=0; c<widthNum; ++c){ widthStep = ((c%(knotNum-2)) / (float)(knotNum-3)) *(tipWidth - baseWidth); if(widthStep < epslion) widthStep = 0.0f; curveWidth[c] = baseWidth + widthStep; } RtInt *nvertices = new RtInt[numCurves]; //the numbers of vertices on each curve. RtPoint *vertexs = new RtPoint[numVertexs]; //the total vertexs. /*=====================================* * nvertices[] assignment. *=====================================*/ for(int j=0; j<numCurves ; ++j){ nvertices[j] = knotNum; } /*=====================================* * get the hair's datas from the static member * named "nodeManager" of the drawHairNode class. *=====================================*/ nodeMap::iterator iter = drawHairNode::nodeManager.find(nodeId); vector<MPointArray> helixVec = iter->second; /*=====================================* * vertexs[] assignment. *=====================================*/ float x=0, y=0, z=0; int countVT=0; for(vector<MPointArray>::iterator it=helixVec.begin(); it != helixVec.end(); ++it){ MPointArray helixCurve = (MPointArray)(*it); for(int k=0; k < helixCurve.length() ; ++k){ x = helixCurve[k].x; if(fabs(x) < epslion) vertexs[countVT][0] = 0; else vertexs[countVT][0] = helixCurve[k].x; y = helixCurve[k].y; if(fabs(y) < epslion) vertexs[countVT][1] = 0; else vertexs[countVT][1] = helixCurve[k].y; z = helixCurve[k].z; if(fabs(z) < epslion) vertexs[countVT++][2] = 0; else vertexs[countVT++][2] = helixCurve[k].z; } } RiCurves( RI_CUBIC, numCurves, nvertices, RI_NONPERIODIC, RI_P, vertexs, RI_WIDTH, curveWidth, RI_NULL); } RiAttributeEnd(); RiEnd(); return redoIt(); }
MStatus findFileTextures::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MSelectionList list; MStatus status; if ( args.length() > 0 ) { // Arg list is > 0 so use objects that were passes in // MString argStr; unsigned last = args.length(); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < last; i++ ) { // Attempt to find all of the objects matched // by the string and add them to the list // args.get( i, argStr ); list.add( argStr ); } } else { // Get arguments from Maya's selection list. MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( list ); } MObject node; MFnDependencyNode nodeFn,dgNodeFnSet; MItDependencyGraph* dgIt; MObject currentNode; MObject thisNode; MObjectArray nodePath; for ( MItSelectionList iter( list ); !iter.isDone(); ) { iter.getDependNode( node ); // // The following code shows how to navigate the DG manually without // using an iterator. First, find the attribute that you are // interested. Then connect a plug to it and see where the plug // connected to. Once you get all the connections, you can choose // which route you want to go. // // In here, we wanted to get to the nodes that instObjGroups connected // to since we know that the shadingEngine connects to the instObjGroup // attribute. // nodeFn.setObject( node ); MObject iogAttr = nodeFn.attribute( "instObjGroups", &status); if ( !status ) { cerr << << ": is not a renderable object, skipping\n"; continue; } MPlug iogPlug( node, iogAttr ); MPlugArray iogConnections; // // instObjGroups is a multi attribute. In this example, just the // first connection will be tried. // iogPlug.elementByLogicalIndex(0).connectedTo( iogConnections, false, true, &status ); if ( !status ) { cerr << << ": is not in a shading group, skipping\n"; continue; } // // Now we would like to traverse the DG starting from the shadingEngine // since most likely all file texture nodes will be found. Note the // filter used to initialize the DG iterator. There are lots of filter // type available in MF::Type that you can choose to suite your needs. // bool foundATexture = false; for ( unsigned int i=0; i<iogConnections.length(); i++ ) { currentNode = iogConnections[i].node(); // // Note that upon initilization, the current pointer of the // iterator already points to the first valid node. // dgIt = new MItDependencyGraph( currentNode, MFn::kFileTexture, MItDependencyGraph::kUpstream, MItDependencyGraph::kBreadthFirst, MItDependencyGraph::kNodeLevel, &status ); if ( !status ) { delete dgIt; continue; } dgIt->disablePruningOnFilter(); for ( ; ! dgIt->isDone(); dgIt->next() ) { thisNode = dgIt->thisNode(); dgNodeFnSet.setObject( thisNode ); status = dgIt->getNodePath( nodePath ); if ( !status ) { status.perror("getNodePath"); continue; } // // append the starting node. // nodePath.append(node); dumpInfo( thisNode, dgNodeFnSet, nodePath ); foundATexture = true; } delete dgIt; } if ( !foundATexture ) { cerr << << ": is not connected to a file texture\n"; } } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus getAttrAffects::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MStatus stat; MSelectionList list; if ( args.length() > 0 ) { // Arg list is > 0 so use objects that were passes in // MString argStr; unsigned last = args.length(); for ( unsigned i = 0; i < last; i++ ) { // Attempt to find all of the objects matched // by the string and add them to the list // args.get( i, argStr ); list.add( argStr ); } } else { // Get the geometry list from what is currently selected in the // model // MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList( list ); } MItSelectionList iter( list ); // Iterate over all selected dependency nodes // for ( ; !iter.isDone(); ) { MObject object; stat = iter.getDependNode( object ); if ( !stat ) { stat.perror("getDependNode"); continue; } // Create a function set for the dependency node // MFnDependencyNode node( object ); cout << << ":\n"; unsigned i, numAttributes = node.attributeCount(); for (i = 0; i < numAttributes; ++i) { MObject attrObject = node.attribute(i); MFnAttribute attr; unsigned j, affectedLen, affectedByLen; attr.setObject (attrObject); // Get all attributes that this one affects MObjectArray affectedAttributes; node.getAffectedAttributes( attrObject, affectedAttributes ); affectedLen = affectedAttributes.length(); // Get all attributes that affect this one MObjectArray affectedByAttributes; node.getAffectedByAttributes( attrObject, affectedByAttributes ); affectedByLen = affectedByAttributes.length(); if ( affectedLen > 0 || affectedByLen > 0 ) { cout << " " << << ":\n"; // List all attributes that are affected by the current one if ( affectedLen > 0 ) { cout << " Affects(" << affectedLen << "):"; for (j = 0; j < affectedLen; ++j ) { attr.setObject ( affectedAttributes[j] ); cout << " " <<; } cout << endl; } // List all attributes that affect the current one if ( affectedByLen > 0 ) { cout << " AffectedBy(" << affectedByLen << "):"; for (j = 0; j < affectedByLen; ++j ) { attr.setObject ( affectedByAttributes[j] ); cout << " " <<; } cout << endl; } } } } return MS::kSuccess; }
MStatus cvPos::doIt( const MArgList& args ) { MString componentName; MSpace::Space transformSpace = MSpace::kWorld; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length (); i++) { MString argStr; args.get (i, argStr); if (MString ("-l") == argStr || MString ("-local") == argStr) transformSpace = MSpace::kObject; else if (MString ("-w") == args.asString (i) || MString ("-world") == argStr) transformSpace = MSpace::kWorld; else componentName = argStr; } MObject component; MDagPath dagPath; if (!componentName.length ()) { MSelectionList activeList; MGlobal::getActiveSelectionList (activeList); MItSelectionList iter (activeList, MFn::kComponent); if (iter.isDone ()) { displayError ("No components selected"); return MS::kFailure; } else { iter.getDagPath (dagPath, component); (); if (!iter.isDone ()) { displayError ("More than one component is selected"); return MS::kFailure; } } } else { MSelectionList list; if (! list.add( componentName ) ) { componentName += ": no such component"; displayError(componentName); return MS::kFailure; // no such component } MItSelectionList iter( list ); iter.getDagPath( dagPath, component ); } if (component.isNull()) { displayError("not a component"); return MS::kFailure; } switch (component.apiType()) { case MFn::kCurveCVComponent: { MItCurveCV curveCVIter( dagPath, component ); point = curveCVIter.position(transformSpace );; if (!curveCVIter.isDone()) { displayError ("More than one component is selected"); return MS::kFailure; } break; } case MFn::kSurfaceCVComponent: { MItSurfaceCV surfCVIter( dagPath, component, true ); point = surfCVIter.position(transformSpace );; if (!surfCVIter.isDone()) { displayError ("More than one component is selected"); return MS::kFailure; } break; } case MFn::kMeshVertComponent: { MItMeshVertex vertexIter( dagPath, component ); point = vertexIter.position(transformSpace );; if (!vertexIter.isDone()) { displayError ("More than one component is selected"); return MS::kFailure; } break; } default: cerr << "Selected unsupported type: (" << component.apiType() << "): " << component.apiTypeStr() << endl; } return redoIt(); }
MStatus CBPoseSpaceCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args ) { _operation = tCreate; _cacheName = ""; _poseName = ""; _bindName = ""; // Parse the arguments. MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess; MString arg; const MString createCacheFlag ("-cc"); const MString createCacheFlagLong ("-createCache"); const MString loadCacheFlag ("-lc"); const MString loadCacheFlagLong ("-loadCache"); const MString savePoseFlag ("-sp"); const MString savePoseFlagLong ("-savePose"); const MString loadPoseFlag ("-lp"); const MString loadPoseFlagLong ("-loadPose"); const MString poseAtFlag ("-pa"); const MString poseAtFlagLong ("-poseAt"); const MString bindToFlag ("-bt"); const MString bindToFlagLong ("-bindTo"); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ ) { arg = args.asString( i, &stat ); if (!stat) continue; if ( arg == createCacheFlag || arg == createCacheFlagLong ) { _operation = tCreate; } else if ( arg == loadCacheFlag || arg == loadCacheFlagLong ) { if (i == args.length()-1) continue; i++; _operation = tLoad; args.get(i, _cacheName); } else if ( arg == savePoseFlag || arg == savePoseFlagLong ) { if (i == args.length()-1) continue; i++; _operation = tSavePose; args.get(i, _cacheName); } else if ( arg == loadPoseFlag || arg == loadPoseFlagLong ) { if (i == args.length()-1) continue; i++; _operation = tLoadPose; args.get(i, _cacheName); } else if ( arg == poseAtFlag || arg == poseAtFlagLong ) { if (i == args.length()-1) continue; i++; args.get(i, _poseName); } else if ( arg == bindToFlag || arg == bindToFlagLong ) { if (i == args.length()-1) continue; i++; args.get(i, _bindName); } else { MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("unknown flag ") + arg); } } if(_operation == tLoad) { if( _cacheName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -lc cacheFileName to load pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } if(_poseName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName to create pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } } else if(_operation == tSavePose) { if(_cacheName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -sp cacheFileName to save pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } if(_poseName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName to save pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } } else if(_operation == tLoadPose) { if(_cacheName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -lp cacheFileName to load pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } if(_poseName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName to load pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } } else if(_operation == tCreate) { if(_poseName == "" || _bindName == "") { MGlobal::displayError("must give -pa poseMeshName and -bt bindMeshName to create pose cache"); return MS::kFailure; } } return stat; }