/** function creates empty MD event workspace with given parameters (workspace factory) and stores internal pointer to this workspace for further usage.
*  IT ASLO SETS UP W-TRANSFORMATON. TODO: reconsile w-transfo with MD geometry. 
*@param WSD the class which describes an MD workspace
*@returns shared pointer to the created workspace
API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr MDEventWSWrapper::createEmptyMDWS(const MDWSDescription &WSD)

    std::string ERR=" Number of requested MD dimensions: "+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(WSD.nDimensions())+
      " exceeds maximal number of MD dimensions: "+boost::lexical_cast<std::string>((int)MAX_N_DIM)+" instantiated during compilation\n";

  m_NDimensions = (int)WSD.nDimensions();
  // call the particular function, which creates the workspace with n_dimensions

  // set up the matrix, which convert momentums from Q in orthogonal crystal coordinate system and units of Angstrom^-1 to hkl or orthogonal hkl or whatevert
  return m_Workspace;
* Create new MD workspace and set up its box controller using algorithm's box
* controllers properties
* @param targWSDescr :: Description of workspace to create
* @param filebackend :: true if the workspace will have a file back end
* @param filename :: file to use for file back end of workspace
* @return :: Shared pointer for the created workspace
ConvertToMD::createNewMDWorkspace(const MDWSDescription &targWSDescr,
                                  const bool filebackend,
                                  const std::string &filename) {
  // create new md workspace and set internal shared pointer of m_OutWSWrapper
  // to this workspace
  API::IMDEventWorkspace_sptr spws =
  if (!spws) {
    g_log.error() << "can not create target event workspace with :"
                  << targWSDescr.nDimensions() << " dimensions\n";
    throw(std::invalid_argument("can not create target workspace"));
  // Build up the box controller
  Mantid::API::BoxController_sptr bc =
  // Build up the box controller, using the properties in
  // BoxControllerSettingsAlgorithm
  this->setBoxController(bc, m_InWS2D->getInstrument());
  if (filebackend) {
    setupFileBackend(filename, m_OutWSWrapper->pWorkspace());

  // Check if the user want sto force a top level split or not
  bool topLevelSplittingChecked = this->getProperty("TopLevelSplitting");

  if (topLevelSplittingChecked) {
    // Perform initial split with the forced settings

  // split boxes;

  // Do we split more due to MinRecursionDepth?
  int minDepth = this->getProperty("MinRecursionDepth");
  int maxDepth = this->getProperty("MaxRecursionDepth");
  if (minDepth > maxDepth)
    throw std::invalid_argument(
        "MinRecursionDepth must be >= MaxRecursionDepth ");

  return spws;