Exemple #1
bool util::isDrivenBySplineIK(const MFnIkJoint & iJoint)
    // spline IK can drive the starting joint's translate channel but
    // it has no connection to the translate plug.
    // we treat the joint as animated in this case.
    // find the ikHandle node.
    MPlug msgPlug = iJoint.findPlug("message", false);
    MPlugArray msgPlugDst;
    msgPlug.connectedTo(msgPlugDst, false, true);
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < msgPlugDst.length(); i++) {
        MFnDependencyNode ikHandle(msgPlugDst[i].node());
        if (!ikHandle.object().hasFn(MFn::kIkHandle)) continue;

        // find the ikSolver node.
        MPlug ikSolverPlug = ikHandle.findPlug("ikSolver");
        MPlugArray ikSolverDst;
        ikSolverPlug.connectedTo(ikSolverDst, true, false);
        for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ikSolverDst.length(); j++) {

            // return true if the ikSolver is a spline solver.
            if (ikSolverDst[j].node().hasFn(MFn::kSplineSolver)) {
                return true;
    return false;
Exemple #2
    // getBindPoseMatrix.
    // should be a relatively harmless function.
    // well you're wrong: this is one of the most stupid/difficult things in
    // Maya:
    //   1st try: just get the "bindPose"-plug, and use it as matrix:
    //             MFnIkJoint joint(jointPath.node());
    //             MPlug bindMatrixPlug = joint.findPlug("bindPose");
    //             MObject bindMatrixObject;
    //             bindMatrixPlug.getValue(bindMatrixObject);
    //             MFnMatrixData matrixData(bindMatrixObject);
    //             MMatrix bindMatrix = matrixData.matrix();
    //      Looks correct. But isn't. Not only, that we want the local
    //      transform (but that wouldn't be difficult (just look at the
    //      parent...), the bindPose plug seems
    //      to be shared between instances. If a joint is instanced, the
    //      bindMatrix would be the same as for the other instance. Bad luck :(
    //   2nd try: extract the local-transform out of the bindPose-plug. That's
    //      what is done here. (at least for now. (seen first in
    //      MS' xporttranslator).
    //      Still not the really correct way: it's possible to break the
    //      bindPose-plug. Maya still works, but our exporter doesn't.
    //   3rd (and correct way):
    //        http://www.greggman.com/pages/mayastuff.htm
    // again: not yet very much error-checking...
    BindPoseTool::getBindPoseMatrix(MFnIkJoint joint) const
        // get bindPose-plug on joint
        MPlug tempBindPosePlug = joint.findPlug("bindPose");

        MPlugArray mapConnections;
        tempBindPosePlug.connectedTo(mapConnections, false, true);

        if (mapConnections.length() != 1)
            //cout << "returning currentMatrix" << endl;
            // certainly not the most correct way of dealing with the problem...
            return joint.transformation().asMatrix();

        // find the other end. actually we shouldn't call it "bindPosePlug",
        // but worldTransformPlug (as that's where it enters).

        // theoretically someone could bind the bindPose to other nodes,
        // than the bindPose-node. in this case there's a problem.
        MPlug bindPosePlug = mapConnections[0];

        // this node should be a "dagPose"-node (in case you want to look it
        // up in the help)
        MFnDependencyNode bindPoseNode(bindPosePlug.node());

        // and as such, has the "xformMatrix"-attribute.
        MObject xformMatrixAttribute = bindPoseNode.attribute("xformMatrix");

        MPlug localTransformPlug(bindPosePlug.node(), xformMatrixAttribute);
        // xformMatrix is an array. to get our localmatrix we need to select
        // the same index, as our bindPosePlug (logicalIndex()).
                            bindPosePlug.logicalIndex(), xformMatrixAttribute);

        MObject localMatrixObject;
        // extract the matrix out of the object.
        return MFnMatrixData(localMatrixObject).matrix();
void MayaTransformWriter::pushTransformStack(const MFnIkJoint & iJoint,
	bool iForceStatic)
	// check joints that are driven by Maya FBIK
	// Maya FBIK has no connection to joints' TRS plugs
	// but TRS of joints are driven by FBIK, they are not static
	// Maya 2012's new HumanIK has connections to joints.
	// FBIK is a special case.
	bool forceAnimated = false;
	MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
	if (iJoint.hikJointName(&status).length() > 0 && status) {
		forceAnimated = true;

	// inspect the translate
	addTranslate(iJoint, "translate", "translateX", "translateY", "translateZ",
		Alembic::AbcGeom::kTranslateHint, false, iForceStatic, forceAnimated,
		mSample, mAnimChanList);

	// inspect the inverseParent scale
	// [IS] is ignored when Segment Scale Compensate is false
	MPlug scaleCompensatePlug = iJoint.findPlug("segmentScaleCompensate");
	if (scaleCompensatePlug.asBool())
		addScale(iJoint, "inverseScale", "inverseScaleX", "inverseScaleY",
			"inverseScaleZ", true, iForceStatic, forceAnimated, mSample, mAnimChanList);

	MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder eJointOrientOrder, eRotOrder, eRotateAxisOrder;
	double vals[3];

	// for reordering rotate names
	MString rotateNames[3];
	unsigned int rotOrder[3];

	// now look at the joint orientation
	rotateNames[0] = "jointOrientX";
	rotateNames[1] = "jointOrientY";
	rotateNames[2] = "jointOrientZ";

	iJoint.getOrientation(vals, eJointOrientOrder);
	if (util::getRotOrder(eJointOrientOrder, rotOrder[0], rotOrder[1], rotOrder[2]))
		addRotate(iJoint, "jointOrient", rotateNames, rotOrder,
			Alembic::AbcGeom::kRotateHint, iForceStatic, true,
			mSample, mAnimChanList, mJointOrientOpIndex);

	rotateNames[0] = "rotateX";
	rotateNames[1] = "rotateY";
	rotateNames[2] = "rotateZ";

	// if this returns false then the rotation order was kInvalid or kLast
	eRotOrder = iJoint.rotationOrder();
	if (util::getRotOrder(eRotOrder, rotOrder[0], rotOrder[1],
		addRotate(iJoint, "rotate", rotateNames, rotOrder,
			Alembic::AbcGeom::kRotateHint, iForceStatic, true,
			mSample, mAnimChanList, mRotateOpIndex);

	// now look at the rotation orientation, aka rotate axis
	rotateNames[0] = "rotateAxisX";
	rotateNames[1] = "rotateAxisY";
	rotateNames[2] = "rotateAxisZ";

	iJoint.getScaleOrientation(vals, eRotateAxisOrder);
	if (util::getRotOrder(eRotateAxisOrder, rotOrder[0], rotOrder[1], rotOrder[2]))
		addRotate(iJoint, "rotateAxis", rotateNames, rotOrder,
			Alembic::AbcGeom::kRotateOrientationHint, iForceStatic, true,
			mSample, mAnimChanList, mRotateAxisOpIndex);

	// inspect the scale
	addScale(iJoint, "scale", "scaleX", "scaleY", "scaleZ", false,
		iForceStatic, forceAnimated, mSample, mAnimChanList);

	// remember current rotation
	if (mFilterEulerRotations)
		double xx(0), yy(0), zz(0);

		// there are 2 rotation order enum definitions:
		//	 MEulerRotation::RotationOrder = MTransformationMatrix::RotationOrder-1
		if (getSampledRotation( mSample, mJointOrientOpIndex, xx, yy, zz ))
			mPrevJointOrientSolution.setValue(xx, yy, zz, (MEulerRotation::RotationOrder)(eJointOrientOrder-1));

		if (getSampledRotation( mSample, mRotateOpIndex, xx, yy, zz ))
			mPrevRotateSolution.setValue(xx, yy, zz, (MEulerRotation::RotationOrder)(eRotOrder-1));

		if (getSampledRotation( mSample, mRotateAxisOpIndex, xx, yy, zz ))
			mPrevRotateAxisSolution.setValue(xx, yy, zz, (MEulerRotation::RotationOrder)(eRotateAxisOrder-1));