Exemple #1
GenePool::MIDIEventList *GenePool::getEvents(void)
	list<MIDITimedBigMessage*> *events = new list<MIDITimedBigMessage*>;

    for (EventPool::iterator i = pool_.begin(); i != pool_.end(); ++i)
		for (BreadNoteCluster::iterator j = (*i)->begin(); j != (*i)->end(); ++j)
            BreadNote *e = (*j);
            u_int8_t pitch = e->pitch();
            u_int32_t ontime = e->ontime();
            u_int32_t duration = e->duration();
            u_int8_t channel = e->channel();
            u_int8_t dynamic = e->dynamic();

			MIDITimedBigMessage *m = new MIDITimedBigMessage;
			m->SetNoteOn(channel, pitch, dynamic);
			m = new MIDITimedBigMessage;
			m->SetNoteOff(channel, pitch, dynamic);

//            printf("(%d %d %d %d %d) ", ontime, pitch, duration, channel,
//                   dynamic);

	return events;
bool AddEndingPause( MIDIMultiTrack &tracks, int track_num, MIDIClockTime pause_ticks )
    MIDIClockTime t = tracks.GetTrack( track_num )->GetLastEventTime();
    MIDITimedBigMessage msg;
    msg.SetTime( t + pause_ticks );
    // add lowest "note on" in channel 0 with velocity 0 (i.e. "note off")
    msg.SetNoteOn( 0, 0, 0 );
    return tracks.GetTrack( track_num )->PutEvent( msg );
void MIDIDriver::AllNotesOff ( int chan )
    MIDITimedBigMessage msg;
    // send a note off for every note on in the out_matrix

    if ( out_matrix.GetChannelCount ( chan ) > 0 )
        for ( int note = 0; note < 128; ++note )
            while ( out_matrix.GetNoteCount ( chan, note ) > 0 )
                // make a note off with note on msg, velocity 0
                msg.SetNoteOn ( ( unsigned char ) chan,
                                ( unsigned char ) note, 0 );
                OutputMessage ( msg );

    msg.SetControlChange ( chan, C_DAMPER, 0 );
    OutputMessage ( msg );
    msg.SetAllNotesOff ( ( unsigned char ) chan );
    OutputMessage ( msg );