int MOAILuaClass::_extendFactory ( lua_State* L ) {

	MOAILuaState state ( L );

	// upvalues:
	// 1: class table
	// 2: interface table

	// clone the class table
	state.CloneTable ( lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ));
	// add getClassName to class table
	lua_pushvalue ( L, 1 );
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _getUpvalue, 1 );
	lua_setfield ( L, -2, "getClassName" );
	// clone the interface table
	state.CloneTable ( lua_upvalueindex ( 2 ));
	// set the interface table as its own __index
	lua_pushvalue ( state, -1 );
	lua_setfield ( state, -2, "__index" );
	// add getClass to interface table
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 );
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _getUpvalue, 1 );
	lua_setfield ( L, -2, "getClass" );
	// add getClassName to interface table
	lua_pushvalue ( L, 1 );
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _getUpvalue, 1 );
	lua_setfield ( L, -2, "getClassName" );
	// stack:
	// -1: interface table
	// -2: class table
	// copy the extended interface table
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -1 );

	// get and push the original factory method
	lua_pushvalue ( L, lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ));
	lua_getfield ( L, -1, "new" );
	lua_replace ( L, -2 );

	// push the 'new' function with the interface table and original factory method as upvalues
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _new, 2 );
	// set the extended 'new' method into the class table
	lua_setfield ( L, -3, "new" );
	// stack:
	// -1: interface table
	// -2: class table
	// now copy the extended class and interface tables
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 );
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 );
	// push the 'extend' method with the extended class and interface tables as upvalues
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _extendFactory, 2 );
	// set the extended 'extend' method into the class table
	lua_setfield ( L, -3, "extend" );
	// stack:
	// -1: interface table
	// -2: class table
	// init the getInterfaceTable method
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -1 );
	lua_pushcclosure ( state, _getInterfaceTable, 1 );
	lua_setfield ( state, -3, "getInterfaceTable" );
	// stack:
	// -1: interface table
	// -2: class table

	// call the extender
	if ( state.IsType ( 2, LUA_TFUNCTION )) {
		lua_pushvalue ( L, 2 ); // function
		lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 ); // interface table
		lua_pushvalue ( L, -4 ); // class table
		lua_pushvalue ( L, lua_upvalueindex ( 2 )); // super interface table
		lua_pushvalue ( L, lua_upvalueindex ( 1 )); // super class table
		state.DebugCall ( 4, 0 );

	// stack:
	// -1: interface table
	// -2: class table
	lua_pop ( L, 1 );
	// stack:
	// -1: class table

	// and we're done
	cc8* classname = state.GetValue < cc8* >( 1, "" );
	lua_setglobal ( state, classname );
	return 0;
int MOAILuaClass::_extendSingleton ( lua_State* L ) {

	MOAILuaState state ( L );
	// upvalues:
	// 1: singleton userdata
	// 2: class table
	// set the userdata
	MOAILuaObject* luaData = ( MOAILuaObject* )state.GetPtrUserData ( lua_upvalueindex ( 1 ));
	state.PushPtrUserData ( luaData );
	// clone the class table
	state.CloneTable ( lua_upvalueindex ( 2 ));
	lua_pushvalue ( state, -1 );
	lua_setfield ( state, -2, "__index" );

	lua_pushvalue ( state, -1 );
	lua_setfield ( state, -2, "__newindex" );
	// add getClassName to class table
	lua_pushvalue ( L, 1 );
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _getUpvalue, 1 );
	lua_setfield ( L, -2, "getClassName" );
	// copy the extended userdata
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 );
	// copy the extended table
	lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 );
	// push the 'extend' method with the singleton userdata and extended class table upvalues
	lua_pushcclosure ( L, _extendSingleton, 2 );
	// set the extended 'extend' method...
	lua_setfield ( L, -2, "extend" );

	// stack:
	// -1: extended class table
	// -2: extended userdata
	// call the extender
	if ( state.IsType ( 2, LUA_TFUNCTION )) {
		lua_pushvalue ( L, 2 );
		lua_pushvalue ( L, -2 );
		lua_pushvalue ( L, lua_upvalueindex ( 2 ));
		state.DebugCall ( 2, 0 );
	// stack:
	// -1: extended class table
	// -2: extended userdata
	// set the table as a metatable on the userdata
	lua_setmetatable ( L, -2 );
	// and we're done
	cc8* classname = state.GetValue < cc8* >( 1, "" );
	lua_setglobal ( state, classname );
	return 0;