Exemple #1
MSLCM_LC2013::_patchSpeed(const SUMOReal min, const SUMOReal wanted, const SUMOReal max, const MSCFModel& cfModel) {
    int state = myOwnState;

    // letting vehicles merge in at the end of the lane in case of counter-lane change, step#2
    SUMOReal MAGIC_offset = 1.;
    //   if we want to change and have a blocking leader and there is enough room for him in front of us
    if (myLeadingBlockerLength != 0) {
        SUMOReal space = myLeftSpace - myLeadingBlockerLength - MAGIC_offset - myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMinGap();
        if (space > 0) {
            // compute speed for decelerating towards a place which allows the blocking leader to merge in in front
            SUMOReal safe = cfModel.stopSpeed(&myVehicle, myVehicle.getSpeed(), space);
            // if we are approaching this place
            if (safe < wanted) {
                // return this speed as the speed to use
                return MAX2(min, safe);

    SUMOReal nVSafe = wanted;
    bool gotOne = false;
    for (std::vector<SUMOReal>::const_iterator i = myVSafes.begin(); i != myVSafes.end(); ++i) {
        SUMOReal v = (*i);
        if (v >= min && v <= max) {
            nVSafe = MIN2(v, nVSafe);
            gotOne = true;
        } else {

    if (gotOne && !myDontBrake) {
        return nVSafe;

    // check whether the vehicle is blocked
    if ((state & LCA_WANTS_LANECHANGE) != 0 && (state & LCA_BLOCKED) != 0) {
        if ((state & LCA_STRATEGIC) != 0) {
            // necessary decelerations are controlled via vSafe. If there are
            // none it means we should speed up
            return (max + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
        } else if ((state & LCA_COOPERATIVE) != 0) {
            // only minor adjustments in speed should be done
            if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_LEADER) != 0) {
                return (min + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
            if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_FOLLOWER) != 0) {
                return (max + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;

    // accelerate if being a blocking leader or blocking follower not able to brake
    //  (and does not have to change lanes)
    if ((state & LCA_AMBLOCKINGLEADER) != 0) {
        return (max + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;

    if (myVehicle.getLane()->getEdge().getLanes().size() == 1) {
        // remove chaning information if on a road with a single lane
    return wanted;
MSLCM_DK2004::patchSpeed(const SUMOReal min, const SUMOReal wanted, const SUMOReal max, const MSCFModel& cfModel) {
    if (gSelected.isSelected(GLO_VEHICLE, static_cast<const GUIVehicle*>(&myVehicle)->getGlID())) {
        int bla = 0;
    int state = myOwnState;
    myOwnState = 0;

    // letting vehicles merge in at the end of the lane in case of counter-lane change, step#2
    SUMOReal MAGIC_offset = 1.;
    //   if we want to change and have a blocking leader and there is enough room for him in front of us
    if (myLeadingBlockerLength != 0) {
        SUMOReal space = myLeftSpace - myLeadingBlockerLength - MAGIC_offset - myVehicle.getVehicleType().getMinGap();
        if (space > 0) {
            // compute speed for decelerating towards a place which allows the blocking leader to merge in in front
            SUMOReal safe = cfModel.stopSpeed(&myVehicle, space);
            // if we are approaching this place
            if (safe < wanted) {
                // return this speed as the speed to use
                return MAX2(min, safe);

    // just to make sure to be notified about lane chaning end
    if (myVehicle.getLane()->getEdge().getLanes().size() == 1) {
        // remove chaning information if on a road with a single lane
        return wanted;

    SUMOReal nVSafe = wanted;
    bool gotOne = false;
    for (std::vector<SUMOReal>::const_iterator i = myVSafes.begin(); i != myVSafes.end(); ++i) {
        SUMOReal v = (*i);
        if (v >= min && v <= max) {
            nVSafe = MIN2(v, nVSafe);
            gotOne = true;

    // check whether the vehicle is blocked
    if ((state & LCA_WANTS_LANECHANGE) != 0) {
        if (gotOne && !myDontBrake) {
            return nVSafe;
        // check whether the vehicle maybe has to be swapped with one of
        //  the blocking vehicles
        if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED) != 0) {
            if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_LEADER) != 0) {
                // if interacting with leader and not too slow
                return (min + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
            if ((state & LCA_BLOCKED_BY_FOLLOWER) != 0) {
                return (max + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
            return (min + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;

    // decelerate if being a blocking follower
    //  (and does not have to change lanes)
    if ((state & LCA_AMBLOCKINGFOLLOWER) != 0) {
        if (fabs(max - myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().maxNextSpeed(myVehicle.getSpeed())) < 0.001 && min == 0) { // !!! was standing
            return 0;
        return (min + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
    if ((state & LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER) != 0) {
        if (max <= myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().maxNextSpeed(myVehicle.getSpeed()) && min == 0) { // !!! was standing
            return min;
    if ((state & LCA_AMBACKBLOCKER_STANDING) != 0) {
        return min;
    // accelerate if being a blocking leader or blocking follower not able to brake
    //  (and does not have to change lanes)
    if ((state & LCA_AMBLOCKINGLEADER) != 0) {
        return (max + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
        if (max <= myVehicle.getCarFollowModel().maxNextSpeed(myVehicle.getSpeed()) && min == 0) { // !!! was standing
            return wanted;
        return (min + wanted) / (SUMOReal) 2.0;
    return wanted;