Exemple #1
void ik2Bsolver::solveIK(const MPoint &startJointPos,
                         const MPoint &midJointPos,
                         const MPoint &effectorPos,
                         const MPoint &handlePos,
                         const MVector &poleVector,
                         double twistValue,
                         MQuaternion &qStart,
                         MQuaternion &qMid,
                         const double & softDistance,
						 const double & restLength1,
						 const double & restLength2,
						 double & stretching)
// This is method that actually computes the IK solution.
        // vector from startJoint to midJoint
        MVector vector1 = midJointPos - startJointPos; vector1 = vector1.normal() * restLength1;
        // vector from midJoint to effector
        MVector vector2 = effectorPos - midJointPos; vector2 = vector2.normal() * restLength2;
        // vector from startJoint to handle
        MVector vectorH = handlePos - startJointPos;
        // vector from startJoint to effector
        MVector vectorE = effectorPos - startJointPos;
        // lengths of those vectors
        const double length1 = restLength1;
        const double length2 = restLength2;
        const double lengthH = vectorH.length();
        // component of the vector1 orthogonal to the vectorE
        const MVector vectorO =
                vector1 - vectorE*((vector1*vectorE)/(vectorE*vectorE));
        // calculate q12 which solves for the midJoint rotation
        // angle between vector1 and vector2
        const double vectorAngle12 = vector1.angle(vector2);
        // vector orthogonal to vector1 and 2
        const MVector vectorCross12 = vector1^vector2;
        const double lengthHsquared = lengthH * lengthH;
		double weight = 0.0;
		double slowLH = lengthH;// / (1.0 + (6.8 - softDistance) / (restLength1 + restLength2));
		const double da = restLength1 + restLength2 - softDistance;

		if(slowLH > da) {
		    float s = (slowLH - da) / softDistance;
		    if(s> 1.f) s= 1.f;
		    Vector3F pt = m_herm.interpolate(s);
		    // MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("herm ")+ pt.y);
// approading l1+l2 slower 
			weight = 1.0 - exp(-(slowLH - da) / softDistance * 6.98);
			weight = pt.y * weight + (1.f - pt.y) * s;
			slowLH = da + softDistance * weight;

			// MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("wei ")+weight);

//           1
//        /    \
//  l1  /        \ l2
//    /            \	     ---l1---1 ---l2---
//  0 ------ l ------ 2     0 ------ l ------- 2
// angle for arm extension		
		double cos_theta = (slowLH * slowLH - length1*length1 - length2*length2) / (2*length1*length2);
		if (cos_theta > 1) 
                cos_theta = 1;
        else if (cos_theta < -1) 
                cos_theta = -1;
        const double theta = acos(cos_theta);

        // quaternion for arm extension
        MQuaternion q12(theta - vectorAngle12, vectorCross12);
        // calculate qEH which solves for effector rotating onto the handle
        // vector2 with quaternion q12 applied
        vector2 = vector2.rotateBy(q12);
        // vectorE with quaternion q12 applied
        vectorE = vector1 + vector2;
        // quaternion for rotating the effector onto the handle
        MQuaternion qEH(vectorE, vectorH);
		if(lengthH > vectorE.length()) {
			// MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("vle ")+(lengthH-vectorE.length()));
			stretching = (lengthH-vectorE.length()) * weight;
        // calculate qNP which solves for the rotate plane
        // vector1 with quaternion qEH applied
        vector1 = vector1.rotateBy(qEH);
        if (vector1.isParallel(vectorH))
                // singular case, use orthogonal component instead
                vector1 = vectorO.rotateBy(qEH);
        // quaternion for rotate plane
        MQuaternion qNP;
        if (!poleVector.isParallel(vectorH) && (lengthHsquared != 0)) {
                // component of vector1 orthogonal to vectorH
                MVector vectorN = 
                        vector1 - vectorH*((vector1*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
                // component of pole vector orthogonal to vectorH
                MVector vectorP = 
                        poleVector - vectorH*((poleVector*vectorH)/lengthHsquared);
                double dotNP = (vectorN*vectorP)/(vectorN.length()*vectorP.length());
                if (absoluteValue(dotNP + 1.0) < kEpsilon) {
                        // singular case, rotate halfway around vectorH
                        MQuaternion qNP1(kPi, vectorH);
                        qNP = qNP1;
                else {
                        MQuaternion qNP2(vectorN, vectorP);
                        qNP = qNP2;

        // calculate qTwist which adds the twist
        MQuaternion qTwist(twistValue, vectorH);
		// quaternion for the mid joint
        qMid = q12;     
        // concatenate the quaternions for the start joint
        qStart = qEH*qNP*qTwist;
void curveColliderLocator::draw(M3dView &view, const MDagPath &path, 
								 M3dView::DisplayStyle style,
								 M3dView::DisplayStatus status)
	// Get the input curve
	MObject thisNode = thisMObject();
	MPlug radiusPlug(thisNode, colliderRadiusIn);
	MPlug colorPlugR(thisNode, colliderColorR);
	MPlug colorPlugG(thisNode, colliderColorG);
	MPlug colorPlugB(thisNode, colliderColorB);
	MPlug colorPlugT(thisNode, colliderTransparency);
	MPlug radiusElement;
	double radius;
	double radius2;
	double param;
	double param2;
	double paramNorm;
	MStatus stat;
	MQuaternion rotateQuat;
	double degreesToRadians = ( M_PI/ 180.0 );
	double radiansToDegrees = ( 180.0/M_PI );
	double rotateRadians;
	MVector crvNormalRotated;
	MPointArray radiusPts;
	MPoint radiusPt;
	// Alternate method of getting the MFnNurbsCurve:
	MPlug curvePlug(thisNode, colliderCurveIn);
	MPlugArray inputCrvArray;
	curvePlug.connectedTo(inputCrvArray, true, false);
	MObject crvColliderObj = inputCrvArray[0].node();
	MFnNurbsCurve cColliderFn(crvColliderObj, &stat);
		MGlobal::displayInfo(MString("Error creating MFnNurbsCurve for collider curve"));
	MFnDagNode crvDagNode(crvColliderObj);
	MDagPath crvDagPath;
	MMatrix crvXform = crvDagPath.inclusiveMatrix();
	int numSpans = cColliderFn.numSpans();
	MPoint crvPoint;
	MPoint crvPoint2;
	GLUquadricObj* qobj = gluNewQuadric();

	//                  DRAW SMOOTH SHADED 
	if ( ( style == M3dView::kFlatShaded ) || ( style == M3dView::kGouraudShaded ) ) {
		glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );
		glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW );
		float3 color; 
		float transparency;
		float  diffuse[] = {color[0], color[1], color[2], transparency};
		float  specular[] = { 0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f, transparency};
		float  shine[] = { 100.0f };
		float  ambient[] = { 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f, transparency };
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_DIFFUSE, diffuse);
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SPECULAR, specular);
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_SHININESS, shine);
		glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT, ambient);
		// Draw the beginning and ending sphere caps
		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(0, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);

		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(numSpans, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (radiusPlug.numElements() - 1), &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);
		int numStacks = numSpans*30;
		int numSlices = 32;
		// Initialize our point array with the radius values
		for(int radiusItr = 0; radiusItr < radiusPlug.numElements(); radiusItr++){
			radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(radiusItr, &stat);
			if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
			radiusPt.x = (double)radius; radiusPt.y = 0.0; radiusPt.z = 0.0;
			radiusPts[radiusItr] = radiusPt;
			for(uint crvItr = 0; crvItr < numStacks - 1; crvItr++){
				param = (float(crvItr)/float(numStacks-1))*numSpans;
				param2 = (float(crvItr+1)/float(numStacks-1))*numSpans;
				cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
				cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param2, crvPoint2, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvPoint2 = crvPoint2 * crvXform;
				// Determine the radius value 
				int lastRadiusIndex = radiusPlug.numElements() - 1;
				if(lastRadiusIndex == 0){
					radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
					if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
					radius2 = radius;
				}else if(lastRadiusIndex > 0){

					paramNorm = param/numSpans;
					radiusPt = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
					radius = radiusPt.x;
					paramNorm = param2/numSpans;
					radiusPt  = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
					radius2 = radiusPt.x;			
				// First, we need to determine our starting position by travelling along the normal 
				MVector crvNormal = cColliderFn.normal(param, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvNormal = crvNormal * crvXform;
				MVector crvTangent = cColliderFn.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvTangent = crvTangent * crvXform;
				MVector crvNormal2 = cColliderFn.normal(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvNormal2 = crvNormal2 * crvXform;
				MVector crvTangent2 = cColliderFn.tangent(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
				crvTangent2 = crvTangent2 * crvXform;
	//			glTranslatef(crvNormal.x, crvNormal.y, crvNormal.z);

				for(int sliceItr = 0; sliceItr < numSlices; sliceItr++){
					// quad vertex 4
					rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));		
					// quad vertex 3
					rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
					// quad vertex 2
					rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
							   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
					// quad vertex 1
					rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
					rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
					crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
					glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
					glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
							   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));				
	//                  END SMOOTH SHADED 
	//                  DRAW WIREFRAME 
	if ( style == M3dView::kWireFrame ||  status == M3dView::kActive || status == M3dView::kLead) {
		glPushAttrib( GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS );

		// Draw the beginning and ending sphere caps
		// Quadrilateral strips
		glPolygonMode (GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE);
		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(0, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);
		cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(numSpans, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
		crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
		glTranslatef(crvPoint.x, crvPoint.y, crvPoint.z);
		radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex( (radiusPlug.numElements() - 1), &stat);
		gluSphere(qobj, radius, 16, 16);
		int numStacks = numSpans*10;
		int numSlices = 32;
		// Initialize our point array with the radius values
		for(int radiusItr = 0; radiusItr < radiusPlug.numElements(); radiusItr++){
			radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(radiusItr, &stat);
			if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
			radiusPt.x = (double)radius; radiusPt.y = 0.0; radiusPt.z = 0.0;
			radiusPts[radiusItr] = radiusPt;
		for(uint crvItr = 0; crvItr < numStacks; crvItr++){
			param = (float(crvItr)/float(numStacks))*numSpans;
			param2 = (float(crvItr+1)/float(numStacks))*numSpans;
			cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param, crvPoint, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvPoint = crvPoint*crvXform;
			cColliderFn.getPointAtParam(param2, crvPoint2, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvPoint2 = crvPoint2 * crvXform;
			// Determine the radius value 
			int lastRadiusIndex = radiusPlug.numElements() - 1;
			if(lastRadiusIndex == 0){
				radiusElement = radiusPlug.elementByPhysicalIndex(0, &stat);
				if(!stat){MGlobal::displayError(MString("Could not get radius element.")); return;}
				radius2 = radius;
			}else if(lastRadiusIndex > 0){
				paramNorm = param/numSpans;
				radiusPt = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
				radius = radiusPt.x;
				paramNorm = param2/numSpans;
				radiusPt  = getInterpolatedSplinePoint(paramNorm, radiusPts);
				radius2 = radiusPt.x;			
			// First, we need to determine our starting position by travelling along the normal 
			MVector crvNormal = cColliderFn.normal(param, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvNormal = crvNormal * crvXform;
			MVector crvTangent = cColliderFn.tangent(param, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvTangent = crvTangent * crvXform;
			MVector crvNormal2 = cColliderFn.normal(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvNormal2 = crvNormal2 * crvXform;
			MVector crvTangent2 = cColliderFn.tangent(param2, MSpace::kWorld);
			crvTangent2 = crvTangent2 * crvXform;
			//			glTranslatef(crvNormal.x, crvNormal.y, crvNormal.z);
			for(int sliceItr = 0; sliceItr < numSlices; sliceItr++){
				// quad vertex 4
				rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));		
				// quad vertex 3
				rotateRadians = ((((float)sliceItr+1)/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
				// quad vertex 2
				rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent2, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint2.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius2),
						   (float)crvPoint2.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius2));
				// quad vertex 1
				rotateRadians = (((float)sliceItr/numSlices)*360)*degreesToRadians;
				rotateQuat.setAxisAngle(crvTangent, rotateRadians);
				crvNormalRotated = crvNormal.rotateBy(rotateQuat);
				glNormal3f(crvNormalRotated.x, crvNormalRotated.y, crvNormalRotated.z );
				glVertex3f((float)crvPoint.x + (crvNormalRotated.x*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.y + (crvNormalRotated.y*radius),
						   (float)crvPoint.z + (crvNormalRotated.z*radius));				
	//                  END WIREFRAME 
//	glEnable(GL_LIGHT0);