Exemple #1
bool Mesh::bndDistAndGradients(int iEl, double &f , std::vector<double> &gradF, double eps)
  MElement *element = _el[iEl];
  f = 0.;
  // dommage ;-)
  if (element->getDim() != 2)
    return false;

  int currentId = 0;
  std::vector<int> vertex2param(element->getNumVertices());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < element->getNumVertices(); ++i) {
    if (_el2FV[iEl][i] >= 0) {
      vertex2param[i] = currentId;
      currentId += _nPCFV[_el2FV[iEl][i]];
      vertex2param[i] = -1;
  gradF.resize(currentId, 0.);

  const nodalBasis &elbasis = *element->getFunctionSpace();
  bool edgeFound = false;
  for (int iEdge = 0; iEdge < element->getNumEdges(); ++iEdge) {
    int clId = elbasis.getClosureId(iEdge, 1);
    const std::vector<int> &closure = elbasis.closures[clId];
    std::vector<MVertex *> vertices;
    GEdge *edge = NULL;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < closure.size(); ++i) {
      MVertex *v = element->getVertex(closure[i]);
      // only valid in 2D
      if ((int)i >= 2 && v->onWhat() && v->onWhat()->dim() == 1) {
        edge = v->onWhat()->cast2Edge();
    if (edge) {
      edgeFound = true;
      std::vector<double> localgrad;
      std::vector<SPoint3> nodes(closure.size());
      std::vector<double> params(closure.size());
      std::vector<bool> onedge(closure.size());
      for (size_t i = 0; i < closure.size(); ++i) {
        nodes[i] = _xyz[_el2V[iEl][closure[i]]];
        onedge[i] = element->getVertex(closure[i])->onWhat() == edge && _el2FV[iEl][closure[i]] >= 0;
        if (onedge[i]) {
          params[i] = _uvw[_el2FV[iEl][closure[i]]].x();
          reparamMeshVertexOnEdge(element->getVertex(closure[i]), edge, params[i]);
      f += computeBndDistAndGradient(edge, params, vertices, *BasisFactory::getNodalBasis(elbasis.getClosureType(clId)), nodes, onedge, localgrad, eps);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < closure.size(); ++i) {
        if (onedge[i])
	  gradF[vertex2param[closure[i]]] += localgrad[i];
  return edgeFound;
Exemple #2
void backgroundMesh2D::updateSizes()
    DoubleStorageType::iterator itv = sizeField.begin();
    for ( ; itv != sizeField.end(); ++itv) {
        SPoint2 p;
        MVertex *v = _2Dto3D[itv->first];
        double lc;
        if (v->onWhat()->dim() == 0) {
            lc = sizeFactor * BGM_MeshSize(v->onWhat(), 0,0,v->x(),v->y(),v->z());
        else if (v->onWhat()->dim() == 1) {
            double u;
            v->getParameter(0, u);
            lc = sizeFactor * BGM_MeshSize(v->onWhat(), u, 0, v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
        else {
            GFace *face = dynamic_cast<GFace*>(gf);
            if(!face) {
                Msg::Error("Entity is not a face in background mesh");
            reparamMeshVertexOnFace(v, face, p);
            lc = sizeFactor * BGM_MeshSize(face, p.x(), p.y(), v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
        // printf("2D -- %g %g 3D -- %g %g\n",p.x(),p.y(),v->x(),v->y());
        itv->second = min(lc,itv->second);
        itv->second = max(itv->second,  sizeFactor * CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMin);
        itv->second = min(itv->second,  sizeFactor * CTX::instance()->mesh.lcMax);
    // do not allow large variations in the size field
    // (Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 43, 1143-1165 (1998) MESH GRADATION
    std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge> edges;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNumMeshElements(); i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < getElement(i)->getNumEdges(); j++) {
    const double _beta = 1.3;
    for (int i=0; i<0; i++) {
        std::set<MEdge,Less_Edge>::iterator it = edges.begin();
        for ( ; it != edges.end(); ++it) {
            MVertex *v0 = it->getVertex(0);
            MVertex *v1 = it->getVertex(1);
            MVertex *V0 = _2Dto3D[v0];
            MVertex *V1 = _2Dto3D[v1];
            DoubleStorageType::iterator s0 = sizeField.find(V0);
            DoubleStorageType::iterator s1 = sizeField.find(V1);
            if (s0->second < s1->second)s1->second = min(s1->second,_beta*s0->second);
            else s0->second = min(s0->second,_beta*s1->second);
static double _relocateVertex(GFace *gf, MVertex *ver,
                              const std::vector<MElement *> &lt, double tol)
  if(ver->onWhat()->dim() != 2) return 2.0;

  SPoint2 p1(0, 0);
  SPoint2 p2;
  if(ver->getParameter(0, p2[0])) {
    ver->getParameter(1, p2[1]);
  else {
    return _relocateVertex2(gf, ver, lt, tol);

  std::size_t counter = 0;
  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < lt.size(); i++) {
    for(std::size_t j = 0; j < lt[i]->getNumVertices(); j++) {
      MVertex *v = lt[i]->getVertex(j);
      SPoint2 pp;
      reparamMeshVertexOnFace(v, gf, pp);
      if(v->onWhat()->dim() == 1) {
        GEdge *ge = dynamic_cast<GEdge *>(v->onWhat());
        // do not take any chance
        if(ge->isSeam(gf)) return 2.0;
      p1 += pp;
  p1 *= 1. / (double)counter;
  double worst;
  double xi = Maximize_Quality_Golden_Section(ver, gf, p1, p2, lt, tol, worst);
  // if (xi != 0) printf("xi = %g\n",xi);
  SPoint2 p = p1 * (1 - xi) + p2 * xi;
  GPoint pp = gf->point(p);
  if(!pp.succeeded()) return 2.0;
  ver->x() = pp.x();
  ver->y() = pp.y();
  ver->z() = pp.z();
  ver->setParameter(0, pp.u());
  ver->setParameter(1, pp.v());
  return worst;
Exemple #4
bool GEdge::computeDistanceFromMeshToGeometry (double &d2, double &dmax)
  d2 = 0.0; dmax = 0.0;
  if (geomType() == Line) return true;
  if (!lines.size())return false;
  IntPt *pts;
  int npts;
  lines[0]->getIntegrationPoints(2*lines[0]->getPolynomialOrder(), &npts, &pts);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++){
    MLine *l = lines[i];
    double t[256];

    for (int j=0; j< l->getNumVertices();j++){
      MVertex *v = l->getVertex(j);
      if (v->onWhat() == getBeginVertex()){
	t[j] = getLowerBound();
      else if (v->onWhat() == getEndVertex()){
	t[j] = getUpperBound();
      else {
    for (int j=0;j<npts;j++){
      SPoint3 p;
      double tinit = l->interpolate(t,pts[j].pt[0],0,0);
      GPoint pc = closestPoint(p, tinit);
      if (!pc.succeeded())continue;
      double dsq =
	(pc.x()-p.x())*(pc.x()-p.x()) +
	(pc.y()-p.y())*(pc.y()-p.y()) +
      d2 += pts[i].weight * fabs(l->getJacobianDeterminant(pts[j].pt[0],0,0)) * dsq;
      dmax = std::max(dmax,sqrt(dsq));
  d2 = sqrt(d2);
  return true;
Exemple #5
std::set<MVertex *> BGMBase::get_vertices_of_maximum_dim(int dim)
  std::set<MVertex *> bnd_vertices;
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < gf->getNumMeshElements(); i++) {
    MElement *element = gf->getMeshElement(i);
    for(std::size_t j = 0; j < element->getNumVertices(); j++) {
      MVertex *vertex = element->getVertex(j);
      if(vertex->onWhat()->dim() <= dim) bnd_vertices.insert(vertex);
  return bnd_vertices;
Exemple #6
void Mesh::getGEntityPositions(std::vector<SPoint3> &xyz,
			       std::vector<SPoint3> &uvw) 
  for (int iV = 0; iV < nVert(); iV++)
    xyz[iV] = SPoint3(_vert[iV]->x(),_vert[iV]->y(),_vert[iV]->z());
  for (int iFV = 0; iFV < nFV(); iFV++){
    MVertex *v = _freeVert[iFV];
    if (v->onWhat()->dim() == 1){
      double t;
      uvw[iFV] = SPoint3(t,0,0);
    if (v->onWhat()->dim() == 2){
      double uu,vv;
      uvw[iFV] = SPoint3(uu,vv,0);
Exemple #7
static void drawVerticesPerElement(drawContext *ctx, GEntity *e,
                                   std::vector<T*> &elements)
  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++){
    MElement *ele = elements[i];
    for(int j = 0; j < ele->getNumVertices(); j++){
      MVertex *v = ele->getVertex(j);
      // FIXME isElementVisible() can be slow: we should also use a
      // vertex array for drawing vertices...
      if(isElementVisible(ele) && v->getVisibility()){
        if(CTX::instance()->mesh.points) {
          if(CTX::instance()->mesh.colorCarousel == 0 ||
             CTX::instance()->mesh.volumesFaces ||
             CTX::instance()->mesh.surfacesFaces){ // by element type
            if(v->getPolynomialOrder() > 1)
              glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertexSup);
              glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & CTX::instance()->color.mesh.vertex);
            unsigned int col = getColorByEntity(e);
            glColor4ubv((GLubyte *) & col);
            ctx->drawSphere(CTX::instance()->mesh.pointSize, v->x(), v->y(), v->z(),
            glVertex3d(v->x(), v->y(), v->z());
          drawVertexLabel(ctx, v->onWhat() ? v->onWhat() : e, v);
Exemple #8
bool OptHOM::addBndObjGrad(double factor, double &Obj, alglib::real_1d_array &gradObj)
  // set the mesh to its present position
  std::vector<SPoint3> xyz,uvw;

  //could be better (e.g. store the model in the Mesh:: datastrucure)

  GModel *gm = GModel::current();

  // for all model edges, compute the error between the geometry and the mesh

  maxDistCAD = 0.0;
  double distCAD = 0.0;

  for (GModel::eiter it = gm->firstEdge(); it != gm->lastEdge(); ++it){
    // do not do straight lines
    if ((*it)->geomType() == GEntity::Line)continue;
    // look at all mesh lines

    std::vector<bool> doWeCompute((*it)->lines.size());
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->lines.size(); i++){
      doWeCompute[i] = false;
      for (unsigned int j=0;j<(*it)->lines[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
        int index = mesh.getFreeVertexStartIndex((*it)->lines[i]->getVertex(j));
        if (index >=0){
          doWeCompute[i] = true;

    std::vector<double> dist((*it)->lines.size());
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->lines.size(); i++){
      if (doWeCompute[i]){
        // compute the distance from the geometry to the mesh
        dist[i] = MLineGEdgeDistance ( (*it)->lines[i] , *it );
        maxDistCAD = std::max(maxDistCAD,dist[i]);
        distCAD += dist [i] * factor;
    // be clever to compute the derivative : iterate on all
    // Distance = \sum_{lines} Distance (line, GEdge)
    // For a high order vertex, we compute the derivative only by
    // recomputing the distance to one only line
    const double eps = 1.e-6;
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->lines.size(); i++){
      if (doWeCompute[i]){
        for (int j=2 ; j<(*it)->lines[i]->getNumVertices()  ; j++){
          MVertex *v = (*it)->lines[i]->getVertex(j);
          int index = mesh.getFreeVertexStartIndex(v);
          //	printf("%d %d (%d %d)\n",v->getNum(),index,v->onWhat()->tag(),v->onWhat()->dim());
          if (index >= 0){
            double t;
            SPoint3 pp (v->x(),v->y(),v->z());
            GPoint gp = (*it)->point(t+eps);
            double dist2 = MLineGEdgeDistance ( (*it)->lines[i] , *it );
            double deriv = (dist2 - dist[i])/eps;
            //	  printf("%g %g %g\n",dist[i],dist2, MLineGEdgeDistance ( (*it)->lines[i] , *it ));
            // get the index of the vertex
            gradObj[index] += deriv * factor;
      //    printf("done\n");
      // For a low order vertex classified on the GEdge, we recompute
    // two distances for the two MLines connected to the vertex
      for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->lines.size()-1; i++){
        MVertex *v =  (*it)->lines[i]->getVertex(1);
        int index = mesh.getFreeVertexStartIndex(v);
        if (index >= 0){
          double t;
          SPoint3 pp (v->x(),v->y(),v->z());
          GPoint gp = (*it)->point(t+eps);
          MLine *l1 = (*it)->lines[i];
          MLine *l2 = (*it)->lines[i+1];
          //	printf("%d %d -- %d %d\n",l1->getVertex(0)->getNum(),l1->getVertex(1)->getNum(),l2->getVertex(0)->getNum(),l2->getVertex(1)->getNum());
          double deriv =
            (MLineGEdgeDistance ( l1 , *it ) - dist[i])  /eps +
            (MLineGEdgeDistance ( l2 , *it ) - dist[i+1])/eps;
          gradObj[index] += deriv * factor;
  //  printf("computing distance : 1D part %12.5E\n",distCAD);

  // now the 3D part !

  std::vector<std::vector<SVector3> > gsfT;
  computeGradSFAtNodes ( (*gm->firstFace())->triangles[0],gsfT);

  std::map<MVertex*,SVector3> normalsToCAD;

  for(GModel::fiter it = gm->firstFace(); it != gm->lastFace(); ++it){
    // do not do plane surfaces
    if ((*it)->geomType() == GEntity::Plane)continue;
    std::map<MTriangle*,double> dist;

    std::vector<bool> doWeCompute((*it)->triangles.size());
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->triangles.size(); i++){
      doWeCompute[i] = false;
      for (unsigned int j=0;j<(*it)->triangles[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
        int index = mesh.getFreeVertexStartIndex((*it)->triangles[i]->getVertex(j));
        if (index >=0){
          doWeCompute[i] = true;
      if (doWeCompute[i]){
        for (unsigned int j=0;j<(*it)->triangles[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
          MVertex *v = (*it)->triangles[i]->getVertex(j);
          if (normalsToCAD.find(v) == normalsToCAD.end()){
            SPoint2 p_cad;
            reparamMeshVertexOnFace(v, *it, p_cad);
            SVector3 tg_cad = (*it)->normal(p_cad);
            normalsToCAD[v] = tg_cad;

    for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->triangles.size(); i++){
      // compute the distance from the geometry to the mesh
        const double d = MFaceGFaceDistanceOld((*it)->triangles[i], *it, &gsfT, &normalsToCAD);
        dist[(*it)->triangles[i]] = d;
        maxDistCAD = std::max(maxDistCAD,d);
        distCAD += d * factor;

    // be clever again to compute the derivatives
    const double eps = 1.e-6;
    for (unsigned int i=0;i<(*it)->triangles.size(); i++){
        for (unsigned int j=0;j<(*it)->triangles[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
          //    for (; itm !=v2t.end(); ++itm){
          MVertex   *v = (*it)->triangles[i]->getVertex(j);
          if(v->onWhat()->dim() == 1){
            int index = mesh.getFreeVertexStartIndex(v);
            if (index >= 0){
              MTriangle *t = (*it)->triangles[i];
              GEdge *ge = v->onWhat()->cast2Edge();
              double t_;
              SPoint3 pp (v->x(),v->y(),v->z());
              GPoint gp = ge->point(t_+eps);
              const double distT = dist[t];
              double deriv =  (MFaceGFaceDistanceOld(t, *it, &gsfT, &normalsToCAD) - distT) /eps;
              gradObj[index] += deriv * factor;

          if(v->onWhat() == *it){
            int index = mesh.getFreeVertexStartIndex(v);
            if (index >= 0){
              MTriangle *t = (*it)->triangles[i];
              double uu,vv;
              SPoint3 pp (v->x(),v->y(),v->z());

              const double distT = dist[t];

              GPoint gp = (*it)->point(uu+eps,vv);
              double deriv = (MFaceGFaceDistanceOld(t, *it, &gsfT, &normalsToCAD) - distT) /eps;
              gradObj[index] += deriv * factor;

              gp = (*it)->point(uu,vv+eps);
              deriv = (MFaceGFaceDistanceOld(t, *it, &gsfT, &normalsToCAD) - distT) /eps;
              gradObj[index+1] += deriv * factor;
  Obj +=distCAD;
  //  printf("computing distance : 2D part %12.5E\n",distCAD);
  //  printf("%22.15E\n",distCAD);
  return true;
Exemple #9
PView *GMSH_BubblesPlugin::execute(PView *v)
  double shrink = (double)BubblesOptions_Number[0].def;
  std::string fileName = BubblesOptions_String[0].def;

  FILE *fp = Fopen(fileName.c_str(), "w");
    Msg::Error("Could not open output file '%s'", fileName.c_str());
    return v;

  GModel *m = GModel::current();

  int p = m->getMaxElementaryNumber(0) + 1;
  int l = m->getMaxElementaryNumber(1) + 1;
  int s = m->getMaxElementaryNumber(2) + 1;
  int ll = s, ps = 1;

  SBoundingBox3d bbox = m->bounds();
  double lc = norm(SVector3(bbox.max(), bbox.min())) / 100;
  fprintf(fp, "lc = %g;\n", lc);

  for(GModel::viter vit = m->firstVertex(); vit != m->lastVertex(); vit++)
    (*vit)->writeGEO(fp, "lc");

  for(GModel::eiter eit = m->firstEdge(); eit != m->lastEdge(); eit++)

  for(GModel::fiter fit = m->firstFace(); fit != m->lastFace(); fit++){
    fprintf(fp, "Delete { Surface {%d}; }\n", (*fit)->tag());

    int sbeg = s;
    int llbeg = ll;

    // compute vertex-to-triangle_barycenter map
    std::map<MVertex*, std::vector<SPoint3> > v2t;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < (*fit)->triangles.size(); i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)

    // add boundary vertices in map to get cells "closer" to the boundary
    for(std::map<MVertex*, std::vector<SPoint3> >::iterator it = v2t.begin();
        it != v2t.end(); it++){
      MVertex *v = it->first;
      if(v->onWhat() && v->onWhat()->dim() < 2)
        it->second.push_back(SPoint3(it->first->x(), it->first->y(), it->first->z()));

    for(std::map<MVertex*, std::vector<SPoint3> >::iterator it = v2t.begin();
        it != v2t.end(); it++){
      if(it->second.size() > 2){
        // get barycenter of cell boundary points and order them
        SPoint3 bc;
        for(unsigned int i = 0; i < it->second.size(); i++)
          bc += it->second[i];
        bc *= 1. / (double)it->second.size();
        compareAngle comp(bc);
        std::sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), comp);
        // shrink cells
          for(unsigned int i = 0; i < it->second.size(); i++){
            double dir[3] = {it->second[i].x() - bc.x(),
                             it->second[i].y() - bc.y(),
                             it->second[i].z() - bc.z()};
            it->second[i][0] -= shrink * dir[0];
            it->second[i][1] -= shrink * dir[1];
            it->second[i][2] -= shrink * dir[2];
        // create b-spline bounded surface for each cell
        int nump = it->second.size();
        for(int i = 0; i < nump; i++){
          SPoint3 &b(it->second[i]);
          fprintf(fp, "Point(%d) = {%.16g, %.16g, %.16g, lc};\n", p++, b.x(), b.y(), b.z());
        fprintf(fp, "BSpline(%d) = {", l++);
        for(int i = nump - 1; i >= 0; i--)
          fprintf(fp, "%d,", p - i - 1);
        fprintf(fp, "%d};\n", p - nump);
        fprintf(fp, "Line Loop(%d) = {%d};\n", ll++, l - 1);
        fprintf(fp, "Plane Surface(%d) = {%d};\n", s++, ll - 1);
    fprintf(fp, "Physical Surface(%d) = {%d:%d};\n", ps++, sbeg, s - 1);

    fprintf(fp, "Plane Surface(%d) = {%d, %d:%d};\n", s++, (*fit)->tag(), llbeg, ll - 1);
    fprintf(fp, "Physical Surface(%d) = {%d};\n", ps++, s - 1);


  return v;
Exemple #10
// apply a displacement that does not create elements that are
// distorted over a value "thres"
double highOrderTools::apply_incremental_displacement(double max_incr,
                                                      std::vector<MElement*> & v,
                                                      bool mixed,
                                                      double thres,
                                                      char *meshName,
                                                      std::vector<MElement*> & disto)
  // assume that the mesh is OK, yet already curved
  //linearSystemCSRTaucs<double> *lsys = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
  linearSystemPETSc<double> *lsys = new  linearSystemPETSc<double>;
  lsys->setParameter("petscOptions","-pc_type ilu");

  dofManager<double> myAssembler(lsys);
  elasticityMixedTerm El_mixed (0, 1.0, .333, _tag);
  elasticityTerm El (0, 1.0, .333, _tag);

  std::set<MVertex*> _vertices;

  //+++++++++ Boundary Conditions & Numbering +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  // fix all dof that correspond to vertices on the boundary
  // the value is equal
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < v[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
      MVertex *vert = v[i]->getVertex(j);

  //+++++++++ Fix d tr(eps) = 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  if (mixed){
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < disto.size(); i++){
      for (int j = 0; j < disto[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
        MVertex *vert = disto[i]->getVertex(j);
        myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 4, _tag, 0.0);

  for (std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = _vertices.begin(); it != _vertices.end(); ++it){
    MVertex *vert = *it;
    std::map<MVertex*,SVector3>::iterator itt = _targetLocation.find(vert);
    // impose displacement @ boundary
    if (itt != _targetLocation.end() && vert->onWhat()->dim() < _dim){
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 0, _tag, itt->second.x()-vert->x());
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 1, _tag, itt->second.y()-vert->y());
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 2, _tag, itt->second.z()-vert->z());
    // ensure we do not touch any vertex that is on the boundary
    else if (vert->onWhat()->dim() < _dim){
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 0, _tag, 0);
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 1, _tag, 0);
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 2, _tag, 0);
    //    }
    if (_dim == 2)myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 2, _tag, 0);
    // number vertices
    myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 0, _tag);
    myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 1, _tag);
    myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 2, _tag);
    if (mixed){
      myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 3, _tag);
      myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 4, _tag);

  if (myAssembler.sizeOfR()){
    // assembly of the elasticity term on the
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
      SElement se(v[i]);
      if (mixed) El_mixed.addToMatrix(myAssembler, &se);
      else El.addToMatrix(myAssembler, &se);
    // solve the system

  // Move vertices @ maximum
  FILE *fd = Fopen ("d.msh","w");
  fprintf(fd,"$MeshFormat\n2 0 8\n$EndMeshFormat\n$NodeData\n1\n"
          "\"tr(sigma)\"\n1\n0.0\n3\n1\n3\n%d\n", (int) _vertices.size());
  for (std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = _vertices.begin(); it != _vertices.end(); ++it){
    double ax, ay, az;
    myAssembler.getDofValue(*it, 0, _tag, ax);
    myAssembler.getDofValue(*it, 1, _tag, ay);
    myAssembler.getDofValue(*it, 2, _tag, az);
    (*it)->x() += max_incr*ax;
    (*it)->y() += max_incr*ay;
    (*it)->z() += max_incr*az;
    fprintf(fd,"%d %g %g %g\n",(*it)->getIndex(), ax,ay,az);

  // Check now if elements are ok


  double percentage = max_incr * 100.;
    std::vector<MElement*> disto;
    double minD;
    getDistordedElements(v, 0.5, disto, minD);
    if (minD < thres){
      percentage -= 10.;
      for (std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it = _vertices.begin(); it != _vertices.end(); ++it){
        double ax, ay, az;
        myAssembler.getDofValue(*it, 0, _tag, ax);
        myAssembler.getDofValue(*it, 1, _tag, ay);
        myAssembler.getDofValue(*it, 2, _tag, az);
        (*it)->x() -= .1*ax;
        (*it)->y() -= .1*ay;
        (*it)->z() -= .1*az;
    else break;

  delete lsys;
  return percentage;
  return 0.0;
Exemple #11
void highOrderTools::applySmoothingTo(std::vector<MElement*> &all, GFace *gf)
  linearSystemCSRTaucs<double> *lsys = new linearSystemCSRTaucs<double>;
  linearSystemPETSc<double> *lsys = new  linearSystemPETSc<double>;
  // compute the straight sided positions of high order nodes that are
  // on the edges of the face in the UV plane
  dofManager<double> myAssembler(lsys);
  elasticityTerm El(0, 1.0, CTX::instance()->mesh.hoPoissonRatio, _tag);
  std::vector<MElement*> layer, v;
  double minD;
  getDistordedElements(all, CTX::instance()->mesh.hoThresholdMin, v, minD);
  int numBad = v.size();
  const int nbLayers = CTX::instance()->mesh.hoNLayers;
  for (int i = 0; i < nbLayers; i++){
    addOneLayer(all, v, layer);
    v.insert(v.end(), layer.begin(), layer.end());

  if (!v.size()) return;
  Msg::Info("Smoothing high order mesh : model face %d (%d elements considered in "
            "the elastic analogy, worst mapping %12.5E, %3d bad elements)", gf->tag(),

  addOneLayer(all, v, layer);
  std::set<MVertex*>::iterator it;
  std::set<MVertex*> verticesToMove;

  // on the last layer, fix displacement to 0
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer.size(); i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < layer[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
      MVertex *vert = layer[i]->getVertex(j);
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 0, _tag, 0);
      myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 1, _tag, 0);

  // fix all vertices that cannot move
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < v[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
      MVertex *vert = v[i]->getVertex(j);
      if (vert->onWhat()->dim() < 2){
	double du = 0, dv = 0;
        myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 0, _tag, du);
        myAssembler.fixVertex(vert, 1, _tag, dv);

  // number the other DOFs
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++){
    for (int j = 0; j < v[i]->getNumVertices(); j++){
      MVertex *vert = v[i]->getVertex(j);
      myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 0, _tag);
      myAssembler.numberVertex(vert, 1, _tag);

  double dx0 = smooth_metric_(v, gf, myAssembler, verticesToMove, El);
  double dx = dx0;
  Msg::Debug(" dx0 = %12.5E", dx0);
  int iter = 0;
    double dx2 = smooth_metric_(v, gf, myAssembler, verticesToMove, El);
    Msg::Debug(" dx2  = %12.5E", dx2);
    if (fabs(dx2 - dx) < 1.e-4 * dx0)break;
    if (iter++ > 2)break;
    dx = dx2;

  for (it = verticesToMove.begin(); it != verticesToMove.end(); ++it){
    SPoint2 param;
    if ((*it)->onWhat()->dim() == 2){
      reparamMeshVertexOnFace(*it, gf, param);
      GPoint gp = gf->point(param);
      (*it)->x() = gp.x();
      (*it)->y() = gp.y();
      (*it)->z() = gp.z();
      _targetLocation[*it] = SVector3(gp.x(), gp.y(), gp.z());
      SVector3 p =  getTL(*it);
      (*it)->x() = p.x();
      (*it)->y() = p.y();
      (*it)->z() = p.z();
  delete lsys;
Exemple #12
Mesh::Mesh(const std::map<MElement*,GEntity*> &element2entity,
           const std::set<MElement*> &els, std::set<MVertex*> &toFix,
           bool fixBndNodes, bool fastJacEval) :

  _dim = (*els.begin())->getDim();

  // Initialize elements, vertices, free vertices and element->vertices
  // connectivity
  const int nElements = els.size();
  _nPC = 0;
  int iEl = 0;
  bool nonGeoMove = false;
  for(std::set<MElement*>::const_iterator it = els.begin();
      it != els.end(); ++it, ++iEl) {
    _el[iEl] = *it;
    const JacobianBasis *jac = _el[iEl]->getJacobianFuncSpace();
    _nBezEl[iEl] = _fastJacEval ? jac->getNumJacNodesFast() : jac->getNumJacNodes();
    _nNodEl[iEl] = jac->getNumMapNodes();
    for (int iVEl = 0; iVEl < jac->getNumMapNodes(); iVEl++) {
      MVertex *vert = _el[iEl]->getVertex(iVEl);
      GEntity *ge = vert->onWhat();
      const int vDim = ge->dim();
      const bool hasParam = ge->haveParametrization();
      int iV = addVert(vert);
      if ((vDim > 0) && (toFix.find(vert) == toFix.end()) && (!fixBndNodes || vDim == _dim)) {   // Free vertex?
        ParamCoord *param;
        if (vDim == 3) param = new ParamCoordPhys3D();
        else if (hasParam) param = new ParamCoordParent(vert);
        else {
          if (vDim == 2) param = new ParamCoordLocalSurf(vert);
          else param = new ParamCoordLocalLine(vert);
          nonGeoMove = true;
        int iFV = addFreeVert(vert,iV,vDim,param,toFix);
        for (int i=_startPCFV[iFV]; i<_startPCFV[iFV]+vDim; i++) _indPCEl[iEl].push_back(i);
      else _el2FV[iEl].push_back(-1);

  if (nonGeoMove) Msg::Info("WARNING: Some vertices will be moved along local lines "
                            "or planes, they may not remain on the exact geometry");

  // Initial coordinates
  for (int iV = 0; iV < nVert(); iV++) _ixyz[iV] = _vert[iV]->point();
  for (int iFV = 0; iFV < nFV(); iFV++) _iuvw[iFV] = _paramFV[iFV]->getUvw(_freeVert[iFV]);

  // Set current coordinates
  _xyz = _ixyz;
  _uvw = _iuvw;

  // Set normals to 2D elements (with magnitude of inverse Jacobian) or initial
  // Jacobians of 3D elements
  if (_dim == 2) {
    for (int iEl = 0; iEl < nEl(); iEl++) calcScaledNormalEl2D(element2entity,iEl);
  else {
    double dumJac[3][3];
    for (int iEl = 0; iEl < nEl(); iEl++)
      _invStraightJac[iEl] = 1. / fabs(_el[iEl]->getPrimaryJacobian(0.,0.,0.,dumJac));

Exemple #13
void Mesh::approximationErrorAndGradients(int iEl, double &f, std::vector<double> &gradF, double eps,
					  simpleFunction<double> &fct)
  std::vector<SPoint3> _xyz_temp;
  for (int iV = 0; iV < nVert(); iV++){
    _xyz_temp.push_back(SPoint3( _vert[iV]->x(), _vert[iV]->y(), _vert[iV]->z()));

  MElement *element = _el[iEl];

  f = approximationError (fct, element);
  // FIME
  //  if (iEl < 1)printf("approx error elem %d = %g\n",iEl,f);
  int currentId = 0;
  // compute the size of the gradient
  // depends on how many dofs exist per vertex (0,1,2 or 3)
  for (size_t i = 0; i < element->getNumVertices(); ++i) {
    if (_el2FV[iEl][i] >= 0) {// some free coordinates
      currentId += _nPCFV[_el2FV[iEl][i]];
  gradF.resize(currentId, 0.);
  currentId = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < element->getNumVertices(); ++i) {
    if (_el2FV[iEl][i] >= 0) {// some free coordinates
      MVertex *v =  element->getVertex(i);
      // vertex classified on a model edge
      if (_nPCFV[_el2FV[iEl][i]] == 1){
	double t = _uvw[_el2FV[iEl][i]].x();
	GEdge *ge = (GEdge*)v->onWhat();
	SPoint3 p (v->x(),v->y(),v->z());
	GPoint d = ge->point(t+eps);
	double f_d = approximationError (fct, element);
	gradF[currentId++] = (f_d-f)/eps;
	if (iEl < 1)printf("df = %g\n",(f_d-f)/eps);
      else if (_nPCFV[_el2FV[iEl][i]] == 2){
	double uu = _uvw[_el2FV[iEl][i]].x();
	double vv = _uvw[_el2FV[iEl][i]].y();
	GFace *gf = (GFace*)v->onWhat();
	SPoint3 p (v->x(),v->y(),v->z());
	GPoint  d = gf->point(uu+eps,vv);
	double f_u = approximationError (fct, element);
	gradF[currentId++] = (f_u-f)/eps;
	d = gf->point(uu,vv+eps);
	double f_v = approximationError (fct, element);
	gradF[currentId++] = (f_v-f)/eps;
	//	if (iEl < 1)printf("df = %g %g\n",(f_u-f)/eps,(f_v-f)/eps);
  for (int iV = 0; iV < nVert(); iV++)
