int main(){ Mall mall; mall.addStore("book","first book store"); mall.addStore("game","first game store"); mall.addStore("shoe","first shoe store"); BookStore* secondbook=new BookStore("second book store"); Book* book=secondbook->orderBook("novel"); ShoeStore secondshoe("second shoe store"); GameStore secondgame("second game store"); mall.printStores(); Customer* customer1=new Customer("Tugce"); Customer* customer2=new Customer("Ahmet"); Customer* customer3=new Customer("Asli"); Book* book1=new Book(); Shoe* shoe1=new Shoe(); Game* game1=new Game(); secondbook->addItem(book1); secondshoe.addItem(shoe1); secondgame.addItem(game1); secondbook->enter(customer1); secondbook->enter(customer2); secondbook->enter(customer3); secondbook->printCustomers(); secondbook->exit(customer2); system("pause"); return 0; }
int main() { char ch_choice; string temp_str; double total_debt; string temp, temp_id, temp_id1, temp_id2, temp_id3; string item_prop1, item_prop2, item_prop3, item_prop4; Store* ptr_store; Store* temp_store; mall.setMallName("SHOPPING MALL"); cout << "Welcome to the " << mall.getMallName() << " ! " << endl; // Create and initialize customers at system Customer* temp_customer = new Customer(""); Customer* customer1 = new Customer("suheda"); Customer* customer2 = new Customer("erman"); Customer* customer3 = new Customer("ahmet"); Customer* customer4 = new Customer("gokhan"); Customer* customer5 = new Customer("mehmet"); // Create and initialize stores at system Store* shoe_store = new ShoeStore("Steve Madden"); Store* game_store = new GameStore("Gameland"); Store* book_store = new BookStore("D&R"); // Create and initialize shoe items Item* shoe_item1 = new Shoe("high heels", 150, 37, "female"); Item* shoe_item2 = new Shoe("ankle boot", 200, 38, "female"); Item* shoe_item3 = new Shoe("sport shoe", 120, 45, "male"); Item* shoe_item4 = new Shoe("slipper", 45, 39, "female"); Item* shoe_item5 = new Shoe("sandal", 110, 43, "male"); //Create and initialize book items Item* book_item1 = new Book("Calikusu", 24, "Resat Nuri Guntekin", "Inkılap Kitabevi"); Item* book_item2 = new Book("Kinyas ve Kayra", 25, "Hakan Gunday", "Om Yayınevi"); Item* book_item3 = new Book("Karamazov Kardesler", 30, "Dostoyevski", "The Russian Messenger"); Item* book_item4 = new Book("Ask", 23, "Elif safak", "Dogan Kitabevi"); Item* book_item5 = new Book("Kurk Mantolu Madonna", 15, "Sabahattin Ali", "Yapı Kredi Yay."); //Create and initialize game items Item* game_item1 = new Game("Guitar Hero", 80, "audio/video", "Musical"); Item* game_item2 = new Game("Football Manager", 90, "audio/video", "Football"); Item* game_item3 = new Game("Sims", 100, "audio/video", "Role Playing"); Item* game_item4 = new Game("World of Worcraft", 130, "audio/video", "Strategy"); Item* game_item5 = new Game("Puzzle", 50, "Paper", "Puzzle"); // Add shoe items to the shoe store shoe_store->addItemtoStore(*shoe_item1); shoe_store->addItemtoStore(*shoe_item2); shoe_store->addItemtoStore(*shoe_item3); shoe_store->addItemtoStore(*shoe_item4); shoe_store->addItemtoStore(*shoe_item5); // Add book items to the book store book_store->addItemtoStore(*book_item1); book_store->addItemtoStore(*book_item2); book_store->addItemtoStore(*book_item3); book_store->addItemtoStore(*book_item4); book_store->addItemtoStore(*book_item5); //Add game items to the item store game_store->addItemtoStore(*game_item1); game_store->addItemtoStore(*game_item2); game_store->addItemtoStore(*game_item3); game_store->addItemtoStore(*game_item4); game_store->addItemtoStore(*game_item5); // Create and initialize credit card object at the system // Account Limit is set to 1000 optionally. Payment* credit_card = new CreditCard(0, "4020230411018987", "visa", "03/15"); credit_card->setLimit(CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_LIMIT); // Create and initialize cash object at the system // Account Limit is set to 1000 optionally. Payment* cash = new Cash(0); cash->setLimit(CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_LIMIT); // Create and initialize check object at the system // Account Limit is set to 1000 optionally. Payment* check = new Check(0, "Garanti Bankası", 220); check->setLimit(CUSTOMER_ACCOUNT_LIMIT); Item* temp_item; ItemToPurchase itpurchase; ShoppingCard* shopping_card = new ShoppingCard; mainmenu: printMainMenuText(); getCharFromUserandStore(ch_choice); vector <ItemToPurchase> its; switch(ch_choice) { // Mall Menu case '1': mallmenu: printMallMenuText(); getCharFromUserandStore(ch_choice); while (ch_choice != '6') { switch(ch_choice) { case '1': cout << "Customers which are waiting to enter mall. Choose one by typing its number.."<<endl; if(!customer1->getEntertoMallStatus()) cout << "1. Suheda" << endl; if(!customer2->getEntertoMallStatus()) cout << "2. Erman" << endl; if(!customer3->getEntertoMallStatus()) cout << "3. Ahmet" << endl; if(!customer4->getEntertoMallStatus()) cout << "4. Gokhan" << endl; if(!customer5->getEntertoMallStatus()) cout << "5. Mehmet"<< endl; getCharFromUserandStore(ch_choice); if (ch_choice == '1') mall.enter(*customer1); else if (ch_choice == '2') mall.enter(*customer2); else if (ch_choice == '3') mall.enter(*customer3); else if (ch_choice == '4') mall.enter(*customer4); else if (ch_choice == '5') mall.enter(*customer5); break; case '2': cout << "Enter the name of customer which will exit: "; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); toLowerCaseSTD(temp_str); if(mall.getCustomerFromMall(temp_str, temp_customer)) { mall.exit(*temp_customer); cout << "Customer " << temp_str << " has exit the mall" << endl; } break; case '3': mall.printCustomers(); break; case '4': if((mall.getStores()).size() != 0) { mall.printStores(); } else { cout << "There are no stores at the mall right now! Please add store from main menu!" << endl; } break; case '5': cout << "\nChoose the type of store : (ShoeStore / GameStore / BookStore) : "; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); if (temp_str == "ShoeStore") { mall.addStore(*shoe_store); } else if (temp_str == "GameStore") { mall.addStore(*game_store); } else if (temp_str == "BookStore") { mall.addStore(*book_store); } else { cout << "You have entered invalid store type. Be careful about case sensitivity !" << endl; } break; default: break; } cin.clear(); cin.sync(); goto mallmenu; } cin.clear(); cin.sync(); goto mainmenu; break; // Store Menu case '2': storemenu: printStoreMenuText(); getCharFromUserandStore(ch_choice); while(ch_choice != '5') { switch(ch_choice) { case '1': if((mall.getStores()).size() != 0) { mall.printStores(); cout << "Which store do you want to enter ? Type its ID.." << endl; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); if(mall.getStoreviaId(atoi(temp_str.c_str()), temp_store)) { cout << "These are the customers which are currently at the mall :" << endl; mall.printCustomers(); cout << "Enter your name :" << endl; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); toLowerCaseSTD(temp_str); if(mall.getCustomerFromMall(temp_str, temp_customer)) { (*temp_store).enter(*temp_customer); } } } else { cout << "There are no stores at the mall right now! Please add store from main menu!" << endl; } cin.clear(); cin.sync(); break; case '2': if((mall.getStores()).size() != 0) { mall.printStores(); cout << "Which store do you want to exit ? Type its ID.." << endl; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); if(mall.getStoreviaId(atoi(temp_str.c_str()), temp_store)) { cout << "Enter your name :" << endl; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); toLowerCaseSTD(temp_str); if(temp_store->getCustomerFromStore(temp_str, temp_customer)) { (*temp_store).exit(*temp_customer); } } } else { cout << "There are no stores at the mall right now! Please add store from main menu!" << endl; } cin.clear(); cin.sync(); break; case '3': if((mall.getStores()).size() != 0) { mall.printStores(); cout << "Choose a store. type its ID.." << endl; cin >> temp; if(mall.getStoreviaId(atoi(temp.c_str()), temp_store)) { (*temp_store).printCustomers(); } } else { cout << "There are no stores at the mall right now! Please add store from main menu!" << endl; } break; case '4': cout << "\nWhich store items do you want to show? : (ShoeStore / GameStore / BookStore) : "; getStringFromUserandStore(temp_str); if (temp_str == "ShoeStore") { (*shoe_store).printItems(); } else if (temp_str == "GameStore") { (*game_store).printItems(); } else if (temp_str == "BookStore") { (*book_store).printItems(); } else { cout << "You have entered invalid store type. Be careful about case sensitivity !" << endl; } break; default: break; } goto storemenu; }