void CharacterBuilderTerminalImplementation::enhanceCharacter(CreatureObject* player) { PlayerManager* pm = player->getZoneServer()->getPlayerManager(); pm->enhanceCharacter(player); ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = player->getPlayerObject(); if (ghost == NULL) return; for (int i = 0; i < ghost->getActivePetsSize(); i++) { ManagedReference<AiAgent*> pet = ghost->getActivePet(i); if (pet != NULL) { Locker crossLocker(pet, player); pm->enhanceCharacter(pet); } } }
int PetDeedImplementation::handleObjectMenuSelect(CreatureObject* player, byte selectedID) { if (selectedID == 21) { if(generated || !player->hasSkill("outdoors_bio_engineer_novice") || !isASubChildOf(player)) return 1; if (player->isRidingMount()) { player->sendSystemMessage("You cannot sample DNA while mounted"); return 1; } if(player->getPendingTask("sampledeed") != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("@bio_engineer:harvest_dna_already_harvesting"); return 1; } int skillMod = player->getSkillMod("dna_harvesting"); if (skillMod < 1 || level > skillMod + 15) { player->sendSystemMessage("@bio_engineer:harvest_dna_skill_too_low"); return 1; } Locker clocker(_this.get()); ManagedReference<SampleDeedTask*> task = new SampleDeedTask(_this.get(), player); player->addPendingTask("sampledeed",task,0); return 0; } if (selectedID == 20) { if (generated || !isASubChildOf(player)) return 1; if (player->isInCombat() || player->getParentRecursively(SceneObjectType::BUILDING) != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); //You can only unpack vehicles while Outside and not in Combat. return 1; } ManagedReference<SceneObject*> datapad = player->getSlottedObject("datapad"); if (datapad == NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("Datapad doesn't exist when trying to call pet"); return 1; } if (datapad->getContainerObjectsSize() >= datapad->getContainerVolumeLimit()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@faction_recruiter:datapad_full"); // Your datapad is full. You must first free some space. return 1; } // Does the player have room ManagedReference<PlayerManager*> playerManager = player->getZoneServer()->getPlayerManager(); int numberStored = 0; int maxStoredPets = playerManager->getBaseStoredCreaturePets() + player->getSkillMod("stored_pets"); for (int i = 0; i < datapad->getContainerObjectsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<SceneObject*> object = datapad->getContainerObject(i); if (object != NULL && object->isPetControlDevice()) { PetControlDevice* device = cast<PetControlDevice*>( object.get()); if (device->getPetType() == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { if (++numberStored >= maxStoredPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_too_many_stored"); // There are too many pets stored in this container. Release some of them to make room for more. return 1; } } } } // Can the player control it ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = player->getPlayerObject(); int currentlySpawned = 0; int spawnedLevel = 0; int cLevel = level; int maxPets = player->getSkillMod("keep_creature"); int maxLevelofPets = player->getSkillMod("tame_level"); for (int i = 0; i < ghost->getActivePetsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<AiAgent*> object = ghost->getActivePet(i); if (object != NULL && object->isCreature()) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:too_many"); // You can't control any more pets. Store one first return 1; } spawnedLevel += object->getLevel(); if ((spawnedLevel + cLevel) > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("Taming this pet would exceed your control level ability."); return 1; } } } Reference<CreatureManager*> creatureManager = player->getZone()->getCreatureManager(); if( creatureManager == NULL ){ player->sendSystemMessage("Internal Pet Deed Error #307"); return 1; } CreatureTemplateManager* creatureTemplateManager = CreatureTemplateManager::instance(); ManagedReference<CreatureTemplate*> petTemplate = creatureTemplateManager->getTemplate( mobileTemplate.hashCode() ); if (petTemplate == NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("wrong pet template;mobileTemplate=[" + mobileTemplate + "]" ); return 1; } bool isVicious = petTemplate->getPvpBitmask() & CreatureFlag::AGGRESSIVE; if (level > 10 || isVicious) { if (!player->hasSkill("outdoors_creaturehandler_novice") || (level > maxLevelofPets)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to be able to tame that creature. return 1; } if (isVicious && player->getSkillMod("tame_aggro") < 1) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to be able to tame that creature. return 1; } } // All checks complete, lets setup the control device and do it. ManagedReference<PetControlDevice*> controlDevice = (server->getZoneServer()->createObject(controlDeviceObjectTemplate.hashCode(), 1)).castTo<PetControlDevice*>(); if (controlDevice == NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("wrong pet control device;controlDevice=[" + controlDeviceObjectTemplate + "]" ); return 1; } Locker locker(controlDevice); String templateToSpawn = creatureManager->getTemplateToSpawn(mobileTemplate.hashCode()); ManagedReference<CreatureObject*> creatureObject = creatureManager->createCreature(templateToSpawn.hashCode(), true, 0 ); if( creatureObject == NULL ) { controlDevice->destroyObjectFromDatabase(true); player->sendSystemMessage("wrong pet template;mobileTemplate=[" + mobileTemplate + "]" ); return 1; } Locker clocker(creatureObject, player); ManagedReference<Creature*> pet = creatureObject.castTo<Creature*>(); if( pet == NULL ) { controlDevice->destroyObjectFromDatabase(true); creatureObject->destroyObjectFromDatabase(true); player->sendSystemMessage("Internal Pet Deed Error #348" ); return 1; } ObjectManager* objectManager = server->getZoneServer()->getObjectManager(); pet->setPetDeed(_this.get()); pet->loadTemplateData( petTemplate ); pet->setCustomObjectName(StringIdManager::instance()->getStringId(*pet->getObjectName()), true); pet->createChildObjects(); pet->setBaby(false); // update base stats on the pet now // We will store the deed pointer to the aiagent before serialization // Copy color customization from deed to pet CustomizationVariables* customVars = getCustomizationVariables(); if( customVars != NULL ){ for (int i = 0; i < customVars->size(); ++i) { uint8 id = customVars->elementAt(i).getKey(); int16 val = customVars->elementAt(i).getValue(); String name = CustomizationIdManager::instance()->getCustomizationVariable(id); pet->setCustomizationVariable( name, val, true ); } } // then this is complete StringId s; s.setStringId(pet->getObjectName()->getFullPath()); controlDevice->setControlledObject(pet); controlDevice->setObjectName(s); controlDevice->setPetType(PetManager::CREATUREPET); controlDevice->setMaxVitality(100); controlDevice->setVitality(100); controlDevice->setGrowthStage(1); controlDevice->updateStatus(1); if (!datapad->transferObject(controlDevice, -1)) { controlDevice->destroyObjectFromDatabase(true); return 1; } datapad->broadcastObject(controlDevice, true); controlDevice->growPet(player,true); controlDevice->callObject(player); //Remove the deed from it's container. ManagedReference<SceneObject*> deedContainer = getParent().get(); if (deedContainer != NULL) { destroyObjectFromWorld(true); } generated = true; player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:device_added"); // "A control device has been added to your datapad." return 0; } return DeedImplementation::handleObjectMenuSelect(player, selectedID); }
void PetControlDeviceImplementation::callObject(CreatureObject* player) { if (player->isInCombat() || player->isDead() || player->isIncapacitated() || player->getPendingTask("tame_pet") != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); // You cannot call this pet right now. return; } if (player->isRidingMount()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:mounted_call_warning"); // You cannot call a pet while mounted or riding a vehicle. return; } if (player->getParent() != NULL) { ManagedReference<SceneObject*> strongRef = player->getRootParent().get(); ManagedReference<BuildingObject*> building = NULL; if (strongRef != NULL) building = strongRef.castTo<BuildingObject*>(); if (building == NULL || building->isPrivateStructure()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:private_house"); // You cannot call pets in a private building. return; } } if (!isASubChildOf(player)) return; ManagedReference<TangibleObject*> controlledObject = this->controlledObject.get(); if (controlledObject == NULL || !controlledObject->isAiAgent()) return; ManagedReference<AiAgent*> pet = cast<AiAgent*>(controlledObject.get()); ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = player->getPlayerObject(); if (ghost->hasActivePet(pet)) return; if (vitality <= 0) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:dead_pet"); // This pet is dead. Select DESTROY from the radial menu to delete this pet control device. return; } if (!pet->getCooldownTimerMap()->isPast("call_cooldown")) { if (petType == PetManager::DROIDPET) player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/droid_modules:droid_maint_on_maint_run"); //You cannot call that droid. It is currently on a maintenance run. else player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); // cant call pet right now return; } assert(pet->isLockedByCurrentThread()); unsigned int petFaction = pet->getFaction(); if (petFaction != 0) { if (player->getFaction() == 0) { StringIdChatParameter message("@faction_perk:prose_be_declared"); // You must be declared to a faction to use %TT. message.setTT(pet->getDisplayedName()); player->sendSystemMessage(message); return; } if (player->getFaction() != petFaction || ghost->getFactionStatus() == FactionStatus::ONLEAVE) { StringIdChatParameter message("@faction_perk:prose_be_declared_faction"); // You must be a declared %TO to use %TT. message.setTO(pet->getFactionString()); message.setTT(pet->getDisplayedName()); player->sendSystemMessage(message); return; } } if(player->getPendingTask("call_pet") != NULL) { StringIdChatParameter waitTime("pet/pet_menu", "call_delay_finish_pet"); // Already calling a Pet: Call will be finished in %DI seconds. Time nextExecution; Core::getTaskManager()->getNextExecutionTime(player->getPendingTask("call_pet"), nextExecution); int timeLeft = (nextExecution.getMiliTime() / 1000) - System::getTime(); waitTime.setDI(timeLeft); player->sendSystemMessage(waitTime); return; } if (!growPet(player)) return; if (petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET && !isValidPet(pet)) { ManagedReference<SuiMessageBox*> box = new SuiMessageBox(player,SuiWindowType::PET_FIX_DIALOG); box->setCallback(new PetFixSuiCallback(player->getZoneServer(), _this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast())); box->setPromptText("@bio_engineer:pet_sui_text"); box->setPromptTitle("@bio_engineer:pet_sui_title"); box->setOkButton(true,"@bio_engineer:pet_sui_fix_stats"); box->setCancelButton(true,"@bio_engineer:pet_sui_abort"); box->setOtherButton(true,"@bio_engineer:pet_sui_fix_level"); box->setUsingObject(_this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast()); player->getPlayerObject()->addSuiBox(box); player->sendMessage(box->generateMessage()); return; } int currentlySpawned = 0; int spawnedLevel = 0; int maxPets = 1; int maxLevelofPets = 10; int level = pet->getLevel(); if (petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { ManagedReference<Creature*> creaturePet = cast<Creature*>(pet.get()); if (creaturePet == NULL) return; bool ch = player->hasSkill("outdoors_creaturehandler_novice"); if (ch) { maxPets = player->getSkillMod("keep_creature"); maxLevelofPets = player->getSkillMod("tame_level"); } if (creaturePet->getAdultLevel() > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:control_exceeded"); // Calling this pet would exceed your Control Level ability. return; } if (creaturePet->isVicious() && (player->getSkillMod("tame_aggro") <= 0 || !ch)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to call a pet of this type. return; } } else if (petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET){ maxPets = 3; } for (int i = 0; i < ghost->getActivePetsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<AiAgent*> object = ghost->getActivePet(i); if (object != NULL) { if (object->isCreature() && petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { ManagedReference<CreatureTemplate*> activePetTemplate = object->getCreatureTemplate(); if (activePetTemplate == NULL || activePetTemplate->getTemplateName() == "at_st") continue; if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } spawnedLevel += object->getLevel(); if ((spawnedLevel + level) > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:control_exceeded"); // Calling this pet would exceed your Control Level ability. return; } } else if (object->isNonPlayerCreatureObject() && petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } else if (object->isCreature() && petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET) { ManagedReference<CreatureTemplate*> activePetTemplate = object->getCreatureTemplate(); ManagedReference<CreatureTemplate*> callingPetTemplate = pet->getCreatureTemplate(); if (activePetTemplate == NULL || callingPetTemplate == NULL || activePetTemplate->getTemplateName() != "at_st") continue; if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets || (activePetTemplate->getTemplateName() == "at_st" && callingPetTemplate->getTemplateName() == "at_st")) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } else if (object->isDroidObject() && petType == PetManager::DROIDPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } } } ManagedReference<TradeSession*> tradeContainer = player->getActiveSession(SessionFacadeType::TRADE).castTo<TradeSession*>(); if (tradeContainer != NULL) { server->getZoneServer()->getPlayerManager()->handleAbortTradeMessage(player); } if(player->getCurrentCamp() == NULL && player->getCityRegion() == NULL) { Reference<CallPetTask*> callPet = new CallPetTask(_this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast(), player, "call_pet"); StringIdChatParameter message("pet/pet_menu", "call_pet_delay"); // Calling pet in %DI seconds. Combat will terminate pet call. message.setDI(15); player->sendSystemMessage(message); player->addPendingTask("call_pet", callPet, 15 * 1000); if (petControlObserver == NULL) { petControlObserver = new PetControlObserver(_this.getReferenceUnsafeStaticCast()); petControlObserver->deploy(); } player->registerObserver(ObserverEventType::STARTCOMBAT, petControlObserver); } else { // Player is in a city or camp, spawn pet immediately if( player->getCooldownTimerMap() == NULL ) return; // Check cooldown if( !player->getCooldownTimerMap()->isPast("petCallOrStoreCooldown") ){ player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call_1sec"); //"You cannot CALL for 1 second." return; } spawnObject(player); // Set cooldown player->getCooldownTimerMap()->updateToCurrentAndAddMili("petCallOrStoreCooldown", 1000); // 1 sec } EnqueuePetCommand* enqueueCommand = new EnqueuePetCommand(pet, String("petFollow").toLowerCase().hashCode(), String::valueOf(player->getObjectID()), player->getObjectID(), 1); enqueueCommand->execute(); }
void CreatureManagerImplementation::tame(Creature* creature, CreatureObject* player, bool force) { Zone* zone = creature->getZone(); if (zone == NULL || !creature->isCreature()) return; if(player->getPendingTask("tame_pet") != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("You are already taming a pet"); return; } if(player->getPendingTask("call_pet") != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("You cannot tame a pet while another is being called"); return; } if (!creature->canTameMe(player) || !creature->isAttackableBy(player)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_cant_tame"); // You can't tame that return; } CreatureTemplate* creatureTemplate = creature->getCreatureTemplate(); if (creatureTemplate == NULL) return; int templateLevel = creatureTemplate->getLevel(); int maxLevelofPets = player->getSkillMod("tame_level"); if (!player->hasSkill("outdoors_creaturehandler_novice") || (templateLevel > maxLevelofPets)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to be able to tame that creature. return; } if ((creature->isVicious() && player->getSkillMod("tame_aggro") < 1) || creature->getChanceToTame(player) <= 0) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to be able to tame that creature. return; } ManagedReference<SceneObject*> datapad = player->getSlottedObject("datapad"); if (datapad == NULL) return; if (datapad->getContainerObjectsSize() >= datapad->getContainerVolumeLimit()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@faction_recruiter:datapad_full"); // Your datapad is full. You must first free some space. return; } ManagedReference<PlayerManager*> playerManager = zoneServer->getPlayerManager(); int numberStored = 0; int maxStoredPets = playerManager->getBaseStoredCreaturePets() + player->getSkillMod("stored_pets"); for (int i = 0; i < datapad->getContainerObjectsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<SceneObject*> object = datapad->getContainerObject(i); if (object != NULL && object->isPetControlDevice()) { PetControlDevice* device = cast<PetControlDevice*>( object.get()); if (device->getPetType() == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { if (++numberStored >= maxStoredPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:sys_too_many_stored"); // There are too many pets stored in this container. Release some of them to make room for more. return; } } } } ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = player->getPlayerObject(); int currentlySpawned = 0; int spawnedLevel = 0; int level = creature->getLevel(); int maxPets = player->getSkillMod("keep_creature"); for (int i = 0; i < ghost->getActivePetsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<AiAgent*> object = ghost->getActivePet(i); if (object != NULL) { ManagedReference<PetControlDevice*> pcd = object->getControlDevice().get().castTo<PetControlDevice*>(); if (pcd == NULL || pcd->getPetType() != PetManager::CREATUREPET) { continue; } if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:too_many"); // You can't control any more pets. Store one first return; } spawnedLevel += object->getLevel(); if ((spawnedLevel + level) >= maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("Taming this pet would exceed your control level ability."); return; } } } if (force && !ghost->isPrivileged()) force = false; ChatManager* chatManager = player->getZoneServer()->getChatManager(); chatManager->broadcastMessage(player, "@hireling/hireling:taming_1"); // Easy. Locker clocker(creature); int mask = creature->getPvpStatusBitmask(); creature->setPvpStatusBitmask(0, true); if (creature->isAiAgent()) { AiAgent* agent = cast<AiAgent*>(creature); agent->activateLoad("wait"); } ManagedReference<TameCreatureTask*> task = new TameCreatureTask(creature, player, mask, force); player->addPendingTask("tame_pet", task, 8000); }
void PetControlDeviceImplementation::callObject(CreatureObject* player) { if (player->isInCombat() || player->isDead() || player->isIncapacitated() || player->getPendingTask("tame_pet") != NULL) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call"); // You cannot call this pet right now. return; } if (player->isRidingMount()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:mounted_call_warning"); // You cannot call a pet while mounted or riding a vehicle. return; } if (player->getParent() != NULL) { ManagedReference<SceneObject*> strongRef = player->getParentRecursively(SceneObjectType::BUILDING); ManagedReference<BuildingObject*> building; if (strongRef != NULL) building = strongRef.castTo<BuildingObject*>(); if (building == NULL || building->isPrivateStructure()) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:private_house"); // You cannot call pets in a private building. return; } } if (!isASubChildOf(player)) return; ManagedReference<TangibleObject*> controlledObject = this->controlledObject.get(); if (controlledObject == NULL || !controlledObject->isAiAgent()) return; ManagedReference<AiAgent*> pet = cast<AiAgent*>(controlledObject.get()); ManagedReference<PlayerObject*> ghost = player->getPlayerObject(); if (ghost->hasActivePet(pet)) return; if (vitality <= 0) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:dead_pet"); // This pet is dead. Select DESTROY from the radial menu to delete this pet control device. return; } unsigned int petFaction = pet->getFaction(); if (petFaction != 0) { if (player->getFaction() == 0) { StringIdChatParameter message("@faction_perk:prose_be_declared"); // You must be declared to a faction to use %TT. message.setTT(pet->getDisplayedName()); player->sendSystemMessage(message); return; } if (player->getFaction() != petFaction || ghost->getFactionStatus() == FactionStatus::ONLEAVE) { StringIdChatParameter message("@faction_perk:prose_be_declared_faction"); // You must be a declared %TO to use %TT. message.setTO(pet->getFactionString()); message.setTT(pet->getDisplayedName()); player->sendSystemMessage(message); return; } } if(player->getPendingTask("call_pet") != NULL) { StringIdChatParameter waitTime("pet/pet_menu", "call_delay_finish_pet"); // Already calling a Pet: Call will be finished in %DI seconds. Time nextExecution; Core::getTaskManager()->getNextExecutionTime(player->getPendingTask("call_pet"), nextExecution); int timeLeft = (nextExecution.getMiliTime() / 1000) - System::getTime(); waitTime.setDI(timeLeft); player->sendSystemMessage(waitTime); return; } if (!growPet(player)) return; int currentlySpawned = 0; int spawnedLevel = 0; int maxPets = 1; int maxLevelofPets = 10; int level = pet->getLevel(); if (petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { bool ch = player->hasSkill("outdoors_creaturehandler_novice"); if (ch) { maxPets = player->getSkillMod("keep_creature"); maxLevelofPets = player->getSkillMod("tame_level"); } if (level > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:control_exceeded"); // Calling this pet would exceed your Control Level ability. return; } ManagedReference<Creature*> creaturePet = cast<Creature*>(pet.get()); if (creaturePet != NULL && creaturePet->isVicious() && (player->getSkillMod("tame_aggro") <= 0 || !ch)) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:lack_skill"); // You lack the skill to call a pet of this type. return; } } else if (petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET){ maxPets = 3; } for (int i = 0; i < ghost->getActivePetsSize(); ++i) { ManagedReference<AiAgent*> object = ghost->getActivePet(i); if (object != NULL) { if (object->isCreature() && petType == PetManager::CREATUREPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } spawnedLevel += object->getLevel(); if ((spawnedLevel + level) > maxLevelofPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:control_exceeded"); // Calling this pet would exceed your Control Level ability. return; } } else if (object->isNonPlayerCreatureObject() && petType == PetManager::FACTIONPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } else if (object->isDroidObject() && petType == PetManager::DROIDPET) { if (++currentlySpawned >= maxPets) { player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:at_max"); // You already have the maximum number of pets of this type that you can call. return; } } } } ManagedReference<TradeSession*> tradeContainer = player->getActiveSession(SessionFacadeType::TRADE).castTo<TradeSession*>(); if (tradeContainer != NULL) { server->getZoneServer()->getPlayerManager()->handleAbortTradeMessage(player); } if(player->getCurrentCamp() == NULL && player->getCityRegion() == NULL) { Reference<CallPetTask*> callPet = new CallPetTask(_this.get(), player, "call_pet"); StringIdChatParameter message("pet/pet_menu", "call_pet_delay"); // Calling pet in %DI seconds. Combat will terminate pet call. message.setDI(15); player->sendSystemMessage(message); player->addPendingTask("call_pet", callPet, 15 * 1000); if (petControlObserver == NULL) { petControlObserver = new PetControlObserver(_this.get()); petControlObserver->deploy(); } player->registerObserver(ObserverEventType::STARTCOMBAT, petControlObserver); } else { // Player is in a city or camp, spawn pet immediately if( player->getCooldownTimerMap() == NULL ) return; // Check cooldown if( !player->getCooldownTimerMap()->isPast("petCallOrStoreCooldown") ){ player->sendSystemMessage("@pet/pet_menu:cant_call_1sec"); //"You cannot CALL for 1 second." return; } Locker clocker(controlledObject, player); spawnObject(player); // Set cooldown player->getCooldownTimerMap()->updateToCurrentAndAddMili("petCallOrStoreCooldown", 1000); // 1 sec } }