void RandomPlayerbotMgr::RandomTeleport(Player* bot, vector<WorldLocation> &locs)
    if (bot->IsBeingTeleported())

    if (locs.empty())
        sLog.outError("Cannot teleport bot %s - no locations available", bot->GetName());

    for (int attemtps = 0; attemtps < 10; ++attemtps)
        int index = urand(0, locs.size() - 1);
        WorldLocation loc = locs[index];
        float x = loc.coord_x + urand(0, sPlayerbotAIConfig.grindDistance) - sPlayerbotAIConfig.grindDistance / 2;
        float y = loc.coord_y + urand(0, sPlayerbotAIConfig.grindDistance) - sPlayerbotAIConfig.grindDistance / 2;
        float z = loc.coord_z;

        Map* map = sMapMgr.FindMap(loc.mapid);
        if (!map)

        const TerrainInfo * terrain = map->GetTerrain();
        if (!terrain)

        AreaTableEntry const* area = sAreaStore.LookupEntry(terrain->GetAreaId(x, y, z));
        if (!area)

        if (!terrain->IsOutdoors(x, y, z) ||
                terrain->IsUnderWater(x, y, z) ||
                terrain->IsInWater(x, y, z))

        sLog.outDetail("Random teleporting bot %s to %s %f,%f,%f", bot->GetName(), area->area_name[0], x, y, z);
        float height = map->GetTerrain()->GetHeightStatic(x, y, 0.5f + z, true, MAX_HEIGHT);
        if (height <= INVALID_HEIGHT)

        z = 0.05f + map->GetTerrain()->GetHeightStatic(x, y, 0.05f + z, true, MAX_HEIGHT);

        bot->TeleportTo(loc.mapid, x, y, z, 0);

    sLog.outError("Cannot teleport bot %s - no locations available", bot->GetName());
void WorldSession::HandleMovementOpcodes( WorldPacket & recv_data )
    uint32 opcode = recv_data.GetOpcode();
    DEBUG_LOG("WORLD: Recvd %s (%u, 0x%X) opcode", LookupOpcodeName(opcode), opcode, opcode);

    Unit *mover = _player->GetMover();
    Player *plMover = mover->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER ? (Player*)mover : NULL;

    // ignore, waiting processing in WorldSession::HandleMoveWorldportAckOpcode and WorldSession::HandleMoveTeleportAck
    if(plMover && plMover->IsBeingTeleported())
        recv_data.rpos(recv_data.wpos());                   // prevent warnings spam

    /* extract packet */
    ObjectGuid guid;
    MovementInfo movementInfo;

    recv_data >> guid.ReadAsPacked();
    recv_data >> movementInfo;

    if (!VerifyMovementInfo(movementInfo, guid))

    // fall damage generation (ignore in flight case that can be triggered also at lags in moment teleportation to another map).
    if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_FALL_LAND && plMover && !plMover->IsTaxiFlying())

    // ---- anti-cheat features -->>>
    uint32 Anti_TeleTimeDiff=plMover ? time(NULL) - plMover->Anti__GetLastTeleTime() : time(NULL);
    static const uint32 Anti_TeleTimeIgnoreDiff=sWorld.GetMvAnticheatIgnoreAfterTeleport();
    if (plMover && (plMover->m_transport == 0) && sWorld.GetMvAnticheatEnable() &&
        GetPlayer()->GetSession()->GetSecurity() <= sWorld.GetMvAnticheatGmLevel() &&
        GetPlayer()->GetMotionMaster()->GetCurrentMovementGeneratorType()!=FLIGHT_MOTION_TYPE &&
        const uint32 CurTime=getMSTime();
        if (getMSTimeDiff(GetPlayer()->m_anti_lastalarmtime,CurTime) > sWorld.GetMvAnticheatAlarmPeriod())
            GetPlayer()->m_anti_alarmcount = 0;
        /* I really don't care about movement-type yet (todo)
        UnitMoveType move_type;

        if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_FLYING) move_type = MOVE_FLY;
        else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_SWIMMING) move_type = MOVE_SWIM;
        else if (movementInfo.flags & MOVEMENTFLAG_WALK_MODE) move_type = MOVE_WALK;
        else move_type = MOVE_RUN;*/
        float delta_x = GetPlayer()->GetPositionX() - movementInfo.GetPos()->x;
        float delta_y = GetPlayer()->GetPositionY() - movementInfo.GetPos()->y;
        float delta_z = GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() - movementInfo.GetPos()->z;
        float delta = sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y); // Len of movement-vector via Pythagoras (a^2+b^2=Len^2)
        float tg_z = 0.0f; //tangens
        float delta_t = getMSTimeDiff(GetPlayer()->m_anti_lastmovetime,CurTime);

        GetPlayer()->m_anti_lastmovetime = CurTime;
        GetPlayer()->m_anti_MovedLen += delta;

       if (delta_t > 15000.0f)
        {   delta_t = 15000.0f;   }

        // Tangens of walking angel
        if (!(movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_FLYING | MOVEFLAG_SWIMMING)))
            tg_z = ((delta !=0.0f) && (delta_z > 0.0f)) ? (atan((delta_z*delta_z) / delta) * 180.0f / M_PI) : 0.0f;

        //antiOFF fall-damage, MOVEMENTFLAG_UNK4 seted by client if player try movement when falling and unset in this case the MOVEMENTFLAG_FALLING flag.
        if ((!GetPlayer()->CanFly() && GetPlayer()->m_anti_BeginFallZ == INVALID_HEIGHT) &&
            (movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_FALLING | MOVEFLAG_FALLINGFAR)) != 0)

       if (GetPlayer()->m_anti_NextLenCheck <= CurTime)
            // Check every 500ms is a lot more advisable then 1000ms, because normal movment packet arrives every 500ms
           uint32 OldNextLenCheck=GetPlayer()->m_anti_NextLenCheck;
            float delta_xyt=GetPlayer()->m_anti_MovedLen/(float)(getMSTimeDiff(OldNextLenCheck-500,CurTime));
            GetPlayer()->m_anti_NextLenCheck = CurTime+500;
           GetPlayer()->m_anti_MovedLen = 0.0f;
            static const float MaxDeltaXYT = sWorld.GetMvAnticheatMaxXYT();

           if (delta_xyt > MaxDeltaXYT && delta<=100.0f && GetPlayer()->GetZoneId() != 2257)
                if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatSpeedCheck())
                    Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Speed hack",delta_xyt,LookupOpcodeName(opcode),

        if (delta > 100.0f && GetPlayer()->GetZoneId() != 2257)
           if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatTeleportCheck())
                Anti__ReportCheat("Tele hack",delta,LookupOpcodeName(opcode));

        // Check for waterwalking . Fix new way of checking for waterwalking by Darky88
       if (movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MOVEFLAG_WATERWALKING) &&
            !(GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_WATER_WALK) || GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_GHOST)))
                Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Water walking",0.0f,NULL,0.0f,(uint32)(movementInfo.GetMovementFlags()));

        // Check for walking upwards a mountain while not beeing able to do that, New check by Darky88
        if ((delta_z < -2.3f) && (tg_z > 2.37f))
            if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatMountainCheck())
                Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Mountain hack",tg_z,NULL,delta,delta_z);

        static const float DIFF_OVERGROUND = 10.0f;
        float Anti__GroundZ = GetPlayer()->GetTerrain()->GetHeight(GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(),GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(),MAX_HEIGHT);
        float Anti__FloorZ  = GetPlayer()->GetTerrain()->GetHeight(GetPlayer()->GetPositionX(),GetPlayer()->GetPositionY(),GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ());
        float Anti__MapZ = ((Anti__FloorZ <= (INVALID_HEIGHT+5.0f)) ? Anti__GroundZ : Anti__FloorZ) + DIFF_OVERGROUND;

        if (!GetPlayer()->CanFly() &&
            !GetPlayer()->GetTerrain()->IsUnderWater(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, movementInfo.GetPos()->z-7.0f) &&
            Anti__MapZ < GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() && Anti__MapZ > (INVALID_HEIGHT+DIFF_OVERGROUND + 5.0f))
            static const float DIFF_AIRJUMP=25.0f; // 25 is realy high, but to many false positives...

            // Air-Jump-Detection definitively needs a better way to be detected...
            if ((movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_CAN_FLY | MOVEFLAG_FLYING | MOVEFLAG_ROOT)) != 0) // Fly Hack
                // Fix Aura 55164
                if (!GetPlayer()->HasAura(55164) || !GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FEATHER_FALL))
                    if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatFlyCheck())
                        Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Fly hack",
                            ((uint8)(GetPlayer()->HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_FLY))) +

            // Need a better way to do that - currently a lot of fake alarms
            else if ((Anti__MapZ+DIFF_AIRJUMP < GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() &&
                    (movementInfo.GetMovementFlags() & (MOVEFLAG_FALLINGFAR | MOVEFLAG_PENDINGSTOP))==0) ||
                    (Anti__MapZ < GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ() && opcode==MSG_MOVE_JUMP) &&
                if (sWorld.GetMvAnticheatJumpCheck())
                    Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Possible Air Jump Hack",0.0f,LookupOpcodeName(opcode),0.0f,movementInfo.GetMovementFlags());

        /*if(Anti__FloorZ < -199900.0f && Anti__GroundZ >= -199900.0f &&
           GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ()+5.0f < Anti__GroundZ)
            Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Teleport2Plane hack",

        //Teleport To Plane checks
        if (movementInfo.GetPos()->z < 0.0001f && movementInfo.GetPos()->z > -0.0001f && (!movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MovementFlags(MOVEFLAG_SWIMMING | MOVEFLAG_CAN_FLY | MOVEFLAG_FLYING))))
                // Prevent using TeleportToPlan.
                Map *map = GetPlayer()->GetMap();
                if (map)
                    float plane_z = map->GetTerrain()->GetHeight(movementInfo.GetPos()->x, movementInfo.GetPos()->y, MAX_HEIGHT) - movementInfo.GetPos()->z;
                    plane_z = (plane_z < -500.0f) ? 0 : plane_z; //check holes in heigth map
                    if(plane_z > 0.1f || plane_z < -0.1f)
                            Anti__CheatOccurred(CurTime,"Teleport2Plane hack",GetPlayer()->GetPositionZ(),NULL,plane_z);
    // <<---- anti-cheat features

    /* process position-change */

    if (plMover)
        plMover->UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(movementInfo, opcode);

    // after move info set
    if (opcode == MSG_MOVE_SET_WALK_MODE || opcode == MSG_MOVE_SET_RUN_MODE)
        mover->UpdateWalkMode(mover, false);

    WorldPacket data(opcode, recv_data.size());
    data << mover->GetPackGUID();             // write guid
    movementInfo.Write(data);                               // write data
    mover->SendMessageToSetExcept(&data, _player);