 * Read sto file.
 * @param aFilename name of sto file.
void MarkerData::readStoFile(const string& aFileName)
    if (aFileName.empty())
        throw Exception("MarkerData.readStoFile: ERROR- Marker file name is empty",__FILE__,__LINE__);

    // If the file was written by STOFileAdapter, make the file readable by
    // Storage. Calls below have no effect otherwise.
    std::string tmpFileName{"tmp.sto"};
    bool versionChanged{revertToVersionNumber1(aFileName, tmpFileName)};
        addNumRowsNumColumns(tmpFileName, aFileName);

    Storage store(aFileName);

    // populate map between marker names and column numbers 
    std::map<int, std::string>  markerIndices;
    buildMarkerMap(store, markerIndices);

    if (markerIndices.size()==0){
        throw Exception("MarkerData.readStoFile: ERROR- No markers were identified. Markers should appear on consecutive columns as Marker1.x Marker1.y Marker1.z Marker2.x... etc.",__FILE__,__LINE__);
    std::map<int, std::string>::iterator iter;

    for (iter = markerIndices.begin(); iter != markerIndices.end(); iter++) {
        SimTK::String markerNameWithSuffix = iter->second;
        size_t dotIndex =
        SimTK::String candidateMarkerName = markerNameWithSuffix.substr(0, dotIndex-1);
    // use map to populate data for MarkerData header
    _numMarkers = (int) markerIndices.size();
    _numFrames = store.getSize();
    _firstFrameNumber = 1;
    _dataRate = 250;
    _cameraRate = 250;
    _originalDataRate = 250;
    _originalStartFrame = 1;
    _originalNumFrames = _numFrames;
    _fileName = aFileName;
    _units = Units(Units::Meters);

    double time;
    int sz = store.getSize();
    for (int i=0; i < sz; i++){
        StateVector* nextRow = store.getStateVector(i);
        time = nextRow->getTime();
        int frameNum = i+1;
        MarkerFrame *frame = new MarkerFrame(_numMarkers, frameNum, time, _units);
        const Array<double>& rowData = nextRow->getData();
        // Cycle through map and add Marker coordinates to the frame. Same order as header.
        for (iter = markerIndices.begin(); iter != markerIndices.end(); iter++) {
            int startIndex = iter->first; // startIndex includes time but data doesn't!
            frame->addMarker(SimTK::Vec3(rowData[startIndex-1], rowData[startIndex], rowData[startIndex+1]));
Exemple #2
 * Read TRC file.
 * @param aFilename name of TRC file.
 * @param aSMD MarkerData object to hold the file contents
void MarkerData::readTRCFile(const string& aFileName, MarkerData& aSMD)
   ifstream in;
   string line, buffer;
   int frameNum, coordsRead;
   double time;
	SimTK::Vec3 coords;

	if (aFileName.empty())
		throw Exception("MarkerData.readTRCFile: ERROR- Marker file name is empty",__FILE__,__LINE__);


	if (!in.good())
		string errorMessage;
		errorMessage = "Unable to open marker file " + aFileName;
		throw Exception(errorMessage);

   readTRCFileHeader(in, aFileName, aSMD);

   /* read frame data */
   while (getline(in, line))
      /* skip over any blank lines */
      if (findFirstNonWhiteSpace(line) == -1)

		if (aSMD._frames.getSize() == aSMD._numFrames)
#if 0
			if (gUseGlobalMessages)
				gErrorBuffer += "Extra data found at end of tracked marker file. ";
				gErrorBuffer += "Header declared only " + intToString(trc->header.numFrames) + " frames.\n";
			rc = smFileWarning;

      if (!readIntegerFromString(line, &frameNum))
#if 0
         if (gUseGlobalMessages)
            gErrorBuffer += "Could not read frame number in tracked marker file.\n";
         rc = smFileError;
         goto cleanup;

      if (!readDoubleFromString(line, &time))
#if 0
         if (gUseGlobalMessages)
            gErrorBuffer += "Could not read time in tracked marker file.\n";
         rc = smFileError;
         goto cleanup;

		MarkerFrame *frame = new MarkerFrame(aSMD._numMarkers, frameNum, time, aSMD._units);

      /* keep reading sets of coordinates until the end of the line is
       * reached. If more coordinates were read than there are markers,
       * return an error.
      coordsRead = 0;
	  bool allowNaNs = true;
      while (readCoordinatesFromString(line, &coords[0], allowNaNs))
         if (coordsRead >= aSMD._numMarkers)

#if 0  // Don't return an error because many TRC files have extra data at the ends of rows
            if (gUseGlobalMessages)
               gErrorBuffer += "Extra data found in frame number " + intToString(frameNum) +
                               " in tracked marker file.\n";
            rc = smFileError;
            // delete the current markerCoordList because framesRead has not been incremented yet.
            delete [] f->markerCoordList;
            goto cleanup;
         if (coordsRead < aSMD._numMarkers)

      if (coordsRead < aSMD._numMarkers)
#if 0
         if (gUseGlobalMessages)
            gErrorBuffer += " Missing data in frame number " + intToString(frameNum) +
                            " in tracked marker file.\n";
         rc = smFileError;
         // delete the current markerCoordList because framesRead has not been incremented yet.
         delete [] f->markerCoordList;
         goto cleanup;

   if (aSMD._frames.getSize() < aSMD._numFrames)
#if 0
      if (gUseGlobalMessages)
         gErrorBuffer += "Missing data in tracked marker file. Only " + intToString(framesRead) + " of " +
                         intToString(trc->header.numFrames) + " frames found.\n";
      rc = smFileError;
      goto cleanup;
		aSMD._numFrames = aSMD._frames.getSize();

   /* If the user-defined frame numbers are not continguous from the first frame to the
    * last, reset them to a contiguous array. This is necessary because the user-defined
    * numbers are used to index the array of frames.
	if (aSMD._frames[aSMD._numFrames-1]->getFrameNumber() - aSMD._frames[0]->getFrameNumber() !=
		 aSMD._numFrames - 1)
		int firstIndex = aSMD._frames[0]->getFrameNumber();
      for (int i = 1; i < aSMD._numFrames; i++)
			aSMD._frames[i]->setFrameNumber(firstIndex + i);

#if 0
   if (gUseGlobalMessages)
      gMessage += "TRC file " + actualFileName + "\n\t" + intToString(trc->header.numFrames)
                  + " frames\n\t" + intToString(trc->header.numMarkers) + " markers/frame\n";
      gMessage += "Read " + intToString(framesRead) + " frames.\n";
