Exemple #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
		// Generate some names
		vector<string> names;
		for (int i = 0; i < NameN; ++i)
			names.push_back (to_string (rand()));

		// The name id per pixels
		vector<vector<int> >	pixelToNames (Width*Height);

		// Generate a random image
		for (auto &pixel : pixelToNames)
			const int samplesN = rand ()%(SamplesMax+1);
			for (int s = 0; s < samplesN; ++s)
				pixel.push_back (rand()%NameN);

		cout << "Fill a mask id map" << endl;
		Builder builder (Width, Height, {"R","G","B"});

		// Fill the builder
		for (int y = 0; y < Height; ++y)
		for (int x = 0; x < Width; ++x)
			const vector<int> &pixel = pixelToNames[x+y*Width];
			const float weight = 1.f/(float)pixel.size ();
			const float values[3] = {weight, weight*0.75f, weight*0.5f};
			for (size_t s = 0; s < pixel.size (); ++s)
				builder.addCoverage (x, y, pixel[s], values);

			// Build and write a mask
			cout << "Build the mask id map" << endl;
			const Mask mask (builder, names);

			cout << "Write the mask" << endl;
			mask.write (filename);

		// Read a mask
		cout << "Read the mask" << endl;
		Mask mask;
		mask.read (filename);

		const int R = mask.findSlice ("R");
		const int G = mask.findSlice ("G");
		const int B = mask.findSlice ("B");

		// Check the mask
		cout << "Check the mask" << endl;
		// Build the mask of every name
		for (int i = 0; i < NameN; ++i)
			// Create a query for this name
			Query query (&mask, [&names,i](const char *name){return names[i] == name;});

			for (int y=0; y<Height; ++y)
			for (int x=0; x<Width; ++x)
				// Recompute the coverage from the original image
				const vector<int> &pixel = pixelToNames[x+y*Width];
				const float weight = 1.f/(float)pixel.size ();
				const float values[3] = {weight, weight*0.75f, weight*0.5f};
				float weightSum[3] = {0, 0, 0};
				for (size_t s = 0; s < pixel.size (); ++s)
					weightSum[0] += names[pixel[s]] == names[i] ? (half)values[0] : (half)0;
					weightSum[1] += names[pixel[s]] == names[i] ? (half)values[1] : (half)0;
					weightSum[2] += names[pixel[s]] == names[i] ? (half)values[2] : (half)0;

				// The coverage from the file
				std::vector<float> coverage;
				query.getSliceData (x, y, coverage);

				Errors += int((half)weightSum[0] != (half)coverage[R]);
				Errors += int((half)weightSum[1] != (half)coverage[G]);
				Errors += int((half)weightSum[2] != (half)coverage[B]);
	catch (runtime_error &e)
		cout << e.what () << endl;
		remove (filename);
		return -1;

	remove (filename);
	cout << Errors << " error(s)" << endl;

	return Errors;
    void readParams()
        // Get parameters =======================================================
        fn1 = getParam("--i1");
        fn2 = getParam("--i2");

        rot0 = getDoubleParam("--rot",0);
        rotF = getDoubleParam("--rot",1);
        step_rot = getDoubleParam("--rot",2);

        tilt0 = getDoubleParam("--tilt",0);
        tiltF = getDoubleParam("--tilt",1);
        step_tilt = getDoubleParam("--tilt",2);

        psi0 = getDoubleParam("--psi",0);
        psiF = getDoubleParam("--psi",1);
        step_psi = getDoubleParam("--psi",2);

        scale0 = getDoubleParam("--scale",0);
        scaleF = getDoubleParam("--scale",1);
        step_scale = getDoubleParam("--scale",2);

        grey_scale0 = getDoubleParam("--grey_scale",0);
        grey_scaleF = getDoubleParam("--grey_scale",1);
        step_grey = getDoubleParam("--grey_scale",2);

        grey_shift0 = getDoubleParam("--grey_shift",0);
        grey_shiftF = getDoubleParam("--grey_shift",1);
        step_grey_shift = getDoubleParam("--grey_shift",2);

        z0 = getDoubleParam("-z",0);
        zF = getDoubleParam("-z",1);
        step_z = getDoubleParam("-z",2);

        y0 = getDoubleParam("-y",0);
        yF = getDoubleParam("-y",1);
        step_y = getDoubleParam("-y",2);

        x0 = getDoubleParam("-x",0);
        xF = getDoubleParam("-x",1);
        step_x = getDoubleParam("-x",2);

        mask_enabled = checkParam("--mask");
        if (mask_enabled)
            mask.read(argc, argv);

        usePowell = checkParam("--local");
        useFRM = checkParam("--frm");
        if (useFRM)
        onlyShift = checkParam("--onlyShift");

        if (step_rot   == 0)
            step_rot = 1;
        if (step_tilt  == 0)
            step_tilt  = 1;
        if (step_psi   == 0)
            step_psi = 1;
        if (step_scale == 0)
            step_scale = 1;
        if (step_grey  == 0)
            step_grey  = 1;
        if (step_grey_shift  == 0)
            step_grey_shift  = 1;
        if (step_z     == 0)
            step_z = 1;
        if (step_y     == 0)
            step_y = 1;
        if (step_x     == 0)
            step_x = 1;

        tell = checkParam("--show_fit");
        apply = checkParam("--apply");
        fnOut = getParam("--apply");

        if (checkParam("--covariance"))
            params.alignment_method = COVARIANCE;
        else if (checkParam("--least_squares"))
            params.alignment_method = LEAST_SQUARES;
            params.alignment_method = COVARIANCE;