bool TransformComponent::Init(TiXmlElement* pData)

	Vec3 yawPitchRoll = m_Transform.GetYawPitchRoll();
	yawPitchRoll.x = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.x);
	yawPitchRoll.y = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.y);
	yawPitchRoll.z = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.z);

	Vec3 position = m_Transform.GetPosition();

	TiXmlElement* pPositionElement = pData->FirstChildElement("Position");
	if (pPositionElement)
		double x = 0;
		double y = 0;
		double z = 0;
		pPositionElement->Attribute("x", &x);
		pPositionElement->Attribute("y", &y);
		pPositionElement->Attribute("z", &z);
		position = Vec3(x, y, z);

	TiXmlElement* pOrientationElement = pData->FirstChildElement("YawPitchRoll");
	if (pOrientationElement)
		double yaw = 0;
		double pitch = 0;
		double roll = 0;
		pOrientationElement->Attribute("x", &yaw);
		pOrientationElement->Attribute("y", &pitch);
		pOrientationElement->Attribute("z", &roll);
		yawPitchRoll = Vec3(yaw, pitch, roll);

	Mat4x4 translation;

	Mat4x4 rotation;
	rotation.BuildYawPitchRoll((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.x), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.y), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.z));

	m_Transform = rotation * translation;

	return true;
// create a game object from lua
int LuaInternalScriptExports::CreateGameObject(const char* objectArchetype, LuaPlus::LuaObject luaPosition, LuaPlus::LuaObject luaYawPitchRoll)
	// lua position must be a table
	if (!luaPosition.IsTable())
		CB_ERROR("Invalid object passed to CreateGameObject(). Type = " + std::string(luaPosition.TypeName()));
	// lua yawPitchRoll must be a table
	if (!luaYawPitchRoll.IsTable())
		CB_ERROR("Invalid object passed to CreateGameObject(). Type = " + std::string(luaYawPitchRoll.TypeName()));

	Vec3 position(luaPosition["x"].GetFloat(), luaPosition["y"].GetFloat(), luaPosition["z"].GetFloat());
	Vec3 yawPitchRoll(luaYawPitchRoll["x"].GetFloat(), luaYawPitchRoll["y"].GetFloat(), luaYawPitchRoll["z"].GetFloat());
	// build the transform for the object
	Mat4x4 transform;
	transform.BuildYawPitchRoll(yawPitchRoll.x, yawPitchRoll.y, yawPitchRoll.z);

	// create the object
	TiXmlElement* overloads = nullptr;
	StrongGameObjectPtr pObject = g_pApp->m_pGame->CreateGameObject(objectArchetype, overloads, &transform);

	// fire the new object created event
	if (pObject)
		shared_ptr<Event_NewGameObject> pNewObjectEvent(CB_NEW Event_NewGameObject(pObject->GetId()));
		return pObject->GetId();

bool TransformComponent::VInit(TiXmlElement* pData)

	// [mrmike] - this was changed post-press - because changes to the TransformComponents can come in partial definitions,
	//            such as from the editor, its better to grab the current values rather than clear them out.
	Vec3 yawPitchRoll = m_transform.GetYawPitchRoll();
	yawPitchRoll.x = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.x);
	yawPitchRoll.y = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.y);
	yawPitchRoll.z = RADIANS_TO_DEGREES(yawPitchRoll.z);

	Vec3 position = m_transform.GetPosition();	

    TiXmlElement* pPositionElement = pData->FirstChildElement("Position");
    if (pPositionElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pPositionElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pPositionElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pPositionElement->Attribute("z", &z);
        position = Vec3(x, y, z);

    TiXmlElement* pOrientationElement = pData->FirstChildElement("YawPitchRoll");
    if (pOrientationElement)
        double yaw = 0;
        double pitch = 0;
        double roll = 0;
        pOrientationElement->Attribute("x", &yaw);
        pOrientationElement->Attribute("y", &pitch);
        pOrientationElement->Attribute("z", &roll);
		yawPitchRoll = Vec3(yaw, pitch, roll);

	Mat4x4 translation;

	Mat4x4 rotation;
	rotation.BuildYawPitchRoll((float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.x), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.y), (float)DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(yawPitchRoll.z));

	// This is not supported yet.
    TiXmlElement* pLookAtElement = pData->FirstChildElement("LookAt");
    if (pLookAtElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pLookAtElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pLookAtElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pLookAtElement->Attribute("z", &z);

		Vec3 lookAt((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);
		rotation.BuildRotationLookAt(translation.GetPosition(), lookAt, g_Up);

    TiXmlElement* pScaleElement = pData->FirstChildElement("Scale");
    if (pScaleElement)
        double x = 0;
        double y = 0;
        double z = 0;
        pScaleElement->Attribute("x", &x);
        pScaleElement->Attribute("y", &y);
        pScaleElement->Attribute("z", &z);
        m_scale = Vec3((float)x, (float)y, (float)z);

    m_transform = rotation * translation;
    return true;
void MovementController::OnUpdate(DWORD const deltaMilliseconds)
	//if (m_bKey['Q'])
	//	// This code is a cheat to position the camera exactly in a given
	//	// spot so I can take screen shots!

	//	Mat4x4 camTranslate;
	//	D3DXMatrixTranslation(&m_matPosition, 8.847f, 7.055f, 11.618f);

	//	m_fTargetYaw = m_fYaw += -64.35f;
	//	m_fTargetPitch = m_fPitch = 28.57f;

	//	// Calculate the new rotation matrix from the camera
	//	// yaw and pitch.
	//	Mat4x4 matRot;
	//	D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll(&matRot, DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fYaw), DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fPitch), 0);

	//	// Create the new object-to-world matrix, and the
	//	// new world-to-object matrix. 
	//	D3DXMatrixMultiply(&m_matToWorld, &matRot, &m_matPosition);
	//	D3DXMatrixInverse(&m_matFromWorld, NULL, &m_matToWorld);

	//	m_object->VSetTransform(&m_matToWorld, &m_matFromWorld);
	//	return;

	bool bTranslating = false;
	Vec4 atWorld(0,0,0,0);
	Vec4 rightWorld(0,0,0,0);
	Vec4 upWorld(0,0,0,0);

	if (m_bKey['W'] || m_bKey['S'])
		// In D3D, the "look at" default is always
		// the positive Z axis.
		Vec4 at = g_Forward4; 
		if (m_bKey['S'])
			at *= -1;

		// This will give us the "look at" vector 
		// in world space - we'll use that to move
		// the camera.
		atWorld = m_matToWorld.Xform(at);
		bTranslating = true;

	if (m_bKey['A'] || m_bKey['D'])
		// In D3D, the "right" default is always
		// the positive X axis.
		Vec4 right = g_Right4; 
		if (m_bKey['A'])
			right *= -1;

		// This will give us the "right" vector 
		// in world space - we'll use that to move
		// the camera
		rightWorld = m_matToWorld.Xform(right);
		bTranslating = true;

	if (m_bKey[' '] || m_bKey['C'] || m_bKey['X'])
		// In D3D, the "up" default is always
		// the positive Y axis.
		Vec4 up = g_Right4; 
		if (!m_bKey[' '])
			up *= -1;

		//Unlike strafing, Up is always up no matter
		//which way you are looking
		upWorld = up;
		bTranslating = true;

	//Handling rotation as a result of mouse position
		// The secret formula!!! Don't give it away!
		//If you are seeing this now, then you must be some kind of elite hacker!
		m_fYaw += (m_fTargetYaw - m_fYaw) * ( .35f );
		m_fTargetPitch = MAX(-90, MIN(90, m_fTargetPitch));
		m_fPitch += (m_fTargetPitch - m_fPitch) * ( .35f );

		// Calculate the new rotation matrix from the camera
		// yaw and pitch.
		Mat4x4 matRot;
		matRot.BuildYawPitchRoll(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(-m_fYaw), DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fPitch), 0);

		// Create the new object-to-world matrix, and the
		// new world-to-object matrix. 

		m_matToWorld = matRot * m_matPosition;
		m_matFromWorld = m_matToWorld.Inverse(); 
		m_object->VSetTransform(&m_matToWorld, &m_matFromWorld);

	if (bTranslating)
		float elapsedTime = (float)deltaMilliseconds / 1000.0f;

		Vec3 direction = atWorld + rightWorld + upWorld;

		// Ramp the acceleration by the elapsed time.
		float numberOfSeconds = 5.f;
		m_currentSpeed += m_maxSpeed * ( (elapsedTime*elapsedTime) / numberOfSeconds);
		if (m_currentSpeed > m_maxSpeed)
			m_currentSpeed = m_maxSpeed;

		direction *= m_currentSpeed;

		Vec3 pos = m_matPosition.GetPosition() + direction;

		m_matFromWorld = m_matToWorld.Inverse();
		m_object->VSetTransform(&m_matToWorld, &m_matFromWorld);
		m_currentSpeed = 0.0f;
Exemple #5
int InternalScriptExports::CreateActor(const char* actorArchetype, LuaPlus::LuaObject luaPosition, LuaPlus::LuaObject luaYawPitchRoll)

    if (!luaPosition.IsTable())
	    GCC_ERROR("Invalid object passed to CreateActor(); type = " + std::string(luaPosition.TypeName()));

    if (!luaYawPitchRoll.IsTable())
	    GCC_ERROR("Invalid object passed to CreateActor(); type = " + std::string(luaYawPitchRoll.TypeName()));

	Vec3 pos(luaPosition["x"].GetFloat(), luaPosition["y"].GetFloat(), luaPosition["z"].GetFloat());
	Vec3 ypr(luaYawPitchRoll["x"].GetFloat(), luaYawPitchRoll["y"].GetFloat(), luaYawPitchRoll["z"].GetFloat());

	Mat4x4 initialTransform;
	initialTransform.BuildYawPitchRoll(ypr.x, ypr.y, ypr.z);

	TiXmlElement *overloads = NULL;
	StrongActorPtr pActor = g_pApp->m_pGame->VCreateActor(actorArchetype, overloads, &initialTransform);

	if (pActor)
		shared_ptr<EvtData_New_Actor> pNewActorEvent(GCC_NEW EvtData_New_Actor(pActor->GetId()));
		return pActor->GetId();
