 * Solve linear system using Cramer procedure
 * \throw	ExceptionDimension	incompatible matrix dimensions
 * \throw ExceptionRuntime	Equation has either no solution or an infinity of solutions
 * \param[in]	Coefficients	matrix of equations' coefficients
 * \param[in]	ConstantTerms	column matrix of constant term
 * \return	solutions packed in a column matrix (SMatrixDouble)
MatrixDouble LinearSystem::Cramer(const SquareMatrixDouble &Coefficients, const MatrixDouble &ConstantTerms)
	size_t n = Coefficients.GetRows();
	if ((ConstantTerms.GetRows() != n) || (ConstantTerms.GetCols() != 1))
		throw ExceptionDimension(StringUTF8("LinearEquationsSystem::CramerSolver("
					"const SquareMatrixDouble *Coefficients, const MatrixDouble *ConstantTerms): ") + 
				_("invalid or incompatible matrix dimensions"));
		double D = Coefficients.Determinant();
		if (D == 0.0)
			throw ExceptionRuntime(_("Equation has either no solution or an infinity of solutions."));
		MatrixDouble Solutions(n, 1, 0.0);
		for (size_t k = 0; k < n; k++)
			SquareMatrixDouble Mk(Coefficients);
			for (size_t r = 0; r < n; r++)
				Mk.At(r, k) = ConstantTerms.At(r, 0);
			double Dk = Mk.Determinant();
			Solutions.At(k, 0) = Dk / D;
		return Solutions;
 * Solve linear system using Gauss-Jordan procedure
 * \throw	ExceptionDimension	incompatible matrix dimensions
 * \throw ExceptionRuntime	Equation has either no solution or an infinity of solutions
 * \param[in]	Coefficients	matrix of equations' coefficients
 * \param[in]	ConstantTerms	column matrix of constant terms
 * \return	solutions packed in a column matrix (SMatrixDouble)
MatrixDouble LinearSystem::GaussJordan(const SquareMatrixDouble &Coefficients, const MatrixDouble &ConstantTerms)
	size_t n = Coefficients.GetRows();
	if (ConstantTerms.GetRows() != n)
		throw ExceptionDimension(StringUTF8("LinearEquationsSystem::GaussJordanSolver("
					"const SquareMatrixDouble *Coefficients, const MatrixDouble *ConstantTerms): ") + 
				_("invalid or incompatible matrix dimensions"));
		USquareMatrixDouble CopyCoefficients = CloneAs<SquareMatrixDouble>(Coefficients);
		UMatrixDouble CopyConstantTerms = CloneAs<MatrixDouble>(ConstantTerms);
		for (size_t c = 0; c < n - 1; c++)
			// Search the greatest pivot in column
			double Pivot = CopyCoefficients->At(c, c);
			double AbsMaxPivot = fabs(Pivot);
			size_t RowIndex = c;
			for (size_t r = c + 1 ; r < n; r++)
				double Candidate = CopyCoefficients->At(r, c);
				if (fabs(Candidate) > AbsMaxPivot)
					Pivot = Candidate;
					AbsMaxPivot = fabs(Pivot);
					RowIndex = r;
			// If no non-null pivot found, system may have infinite number of solutions
			if (Pivot == 0.0)
				throw ExceptionRuntime(_("Equation has either no solution or an infinity of solutions."));
			if (RowIndex != c)
				CopyCoefficients->SwapRows(c, RowIndex);
				CopyConstantTerms->SwapRows(c, RowIndex);
				// Elimination
			for (size_t r = c + 1; r < n; r++)
				double Coeff = CopyCoefficients->At(r, c);
				if (Coeff != 0.0)
					double Scale = - Coeff / Pivot;
					for (size_t k = c; k < n; k++)
						CopyCoefficients->IncreaseElement(r, k, CopyCoefficients->At(c, k) * Scale);
					CopyConstantTerms->IncreaseElement(r, 0, CopyConstantTerms->At(c, 0) * Scale);
		// End of loop for column
		MatrixDouble Solutions(n, 1, 0.0);
		Solutions.At(n - 1, 0) = CopyConstantTerms->At(n - 1, 0) / CopyCoefficients->At(n - 1, n - 1);
		for (auto r = int(n) - 2; r >= 0; --r)
			double Cumul = 0.0;
			for (auto c = int(n) - 1; c > r; --c)
				Cumul += CopyCoefficients->At(r, c) * Solutions.At(c, 0);
			Solutions.At(r, 0) = (CopyConstantTerms->At(r, 0) - Cumul) / CopyCoefficients->At(r, r);
		return Solutions;