static void playSource(OMXClient *client, sp<MediaSource> &source) { sp<MetaData> meta = source->getFormat(); const char *mime; CHECK(meta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); sp<MediaSource> rawSource; if (!strcasecmp(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_RAW, mime)) { rawSource = source; } else { rawSource = OMXCodec::Create( client->interface(), meta, false /* createEncoder */, source, NULL /* matchComponentName */, gPreferSoftwareCodec ? OMXCodec::kPreferSoftwareCodecs : 0); if (rawSource == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to instantiate decoder for '%s'.\n", mime); return; } } source.clear(); status_t err = rawSource->start(); if (err != OK) { fprintf(stderr, "rawSource returned error %d (0x%08x)\n", err, err); return; } if (gPlaybackAudio) { AudioPlayer *player = new AudioPlayer(NULL); player->setSource(rawSource); rawSource.clear(); player->start(true /* sourceAlreadyStarted */); status_t finalStatus; while (!player->reachedEOS(&finalStatus)) { usleep(100000ll); } delete player; player = NULL; return; } else if (gReproduceBug >= 3 && gReproduceBug <= 5) { int64_t durationUs; CHECK(meta->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &durationUs)); status_t err; MediaBuffer *buffer; MediaSource::ReadOptions options; int64_t seekTimeUs = -1; for (;;) { err = rawSource->read(&buffer, &options); options.clearSeekTo(); bool shouldSeek = false; if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { CHECK(buffer == NULL); printf("format changed.\n"); continue; } else if (err != OK) { printf("reached EOF.\n"); shouldSeek = true; } else { int64_t timestampUs; CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, ×tampUs)); bool failed = false; if (seekTimeUs >= 0) { int64_t diff = timestampUs - seekTimeUs; if (diff < 0) { diff = -diff; } if ((gReproduceBug == 4 && diff > 500000) || (gReproduceBug == 5 && timestampUs < 0)) { printf("wanted: %.2f secs, got: %.2f secs\n", seekTimeUs / 1E6, timestampUs / 1E6); printf("ERROR: "); failed = true; } } printf("buffer has timestamp %lld us (%.2f secs)\n", timestampUs, timestampUs / 1E6); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; if (failed) { break; } shouldSeek = ((double)rand() / RAND_MAX) < 0.1; if (gReproduceBug == 3) { shouldSeek = false; } } seekTimeUs = -1; if (shouldSeek) { seekTimeUs = (rand() * (float)durationUs) / RAND_MAX; options.setSeekTo(seekTimeUs); printf("seeking to %lld us (%.2f secs)\n", seekTimeUs, seekTimeUs / 1E6); } } rawSource->stop(); return; } int n = 0; int64_t startTime = getNowUs(); long numIterationsLeft = gNumRepetitions; MediaSource::ReadOptions options; int64_t sumDecodeUs = 0; int64_t totalBytes = 0; while (numIterationsLeft-- > 0) { long numFrames = 0; MediaBuffer *buffer; for (;;) { int64_t startDecodeUs = getNowUs(); status_t err = rawSource->read(&buffer, &options); int64_t delayDecodeUs = getNowUs() - startDecodeUs; options.clearSeekTo(); if (err != OK) { CHECK(buffer == NULL); if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { printf("format changed.\n"); continue; } break; } if (buffer->range_length() > 0 && (n++ % 16) == 0) { printf("."); fflush(stdout); } sumDecodeUs += delayDecodeUs; totalBytes += buffer->range_length(); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; ++numFrames; if (gMaxNumFrames > 0 && numFrames == gMaxNumFrames) { break; } if (gReproduceBug == 1 && numFrames == 40) { printf("seeking past the end now."); options.setSeekTo(0x7fffffffL); } else if (gReproduceBug == 2 && numFrames == 40) { printf("seeking to 5 secs."); options.setSeekTo(5000000); } } printf("$"); fflush(stdout); options.setSeekTo(0); } rawSource->stop(); printf("\n"); int64_t delay = getNowUs() - startTime; if (!strncasecmp("video/", mime, 6)) { printf("avg. %.2f fps\n", n * 1E6 / delay); printf("avg. time to decode one buffer %.2f usecs\n", (double)sumDecodeUs / n); printf("decoded a total of %d frame(s).\n", n); } else if (!strncasecmp("audio/", mime, 6)) { // Frame count makes less sense for audio, as the output buffer // sizes may be different across decoders. printf("avg. %.2f KB/sec\n", totalBytes / 1024 * 1E6 / delay); printf("decoded a total of %lld bytes\n", totalBytes); } }
status_t OggWriter::threadFunc() { mEstimatedDurationUs = 0; mEstimatedSizeBytes = 0; bool stoppedPrematurely = true; int64_t previousPausedDurationUs = 0; int64_t maxTimestampUs = 0; status_t err = OK; int64_t ltotalSize = 0; int64_t timestampUs = 0; // int64_t tsUsPauseBeg = 0; int64_t tsUsPauseEnd = 0; //paused sample count int64_t smpPaused = 0; // prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"OggWriter", 0, 0, 0); //struct sched_param param; //param.sched_priority = RTPM_PRIO_OMX_AUDIO; //sched_setscheduler(0, SCHED_RR, ¶m); //androidSetThreadPriority(0, ANDROID_PRIORITY_AUDIO); //while (!mDone) { while (1 == 1) { MediaBuffer *buffer = NULL; MediaBuffer *buffer1 = NULL; if (mDone) { buffer = new MediaBuffer(0); buffer1 = buffer; } LOGV("OggWriter::threadFunc:mSource->read+:buffer=%p,buffer1=%p", buffer, buffer1); err = mSource->read(&buffer); LOGV("OggWriter::threadFunc:mSource->read-,err=%d,buffer=%p", err, buffer); if (err != OK) { break; } LOGV("OggWriter::threadFunc:buffer->range_length()=%d", buffer->range_length()); //buffer->range_length() == 0, ogg encoder SWIP caching data if (mPaused || buffer->range_length() == 0) { //mtk80721 deal pause time error+ if (mPaused && mPausedflag) { buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &tsUsPauseBeg); LOGD("OggWriter::threadFunc,pausetime=%d,tsUsPauseBeg=%lld", iPausedTime, tsUsPauseBeg); mPausedflag = false; } //- if (buffer->range_length() > 0) { //not vorbis header data should be released if (memcmp(buffer->data() + 29, "vorbis", 6) != 0) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } else { LOGD("ogg header:buffer=%p,size=%d", buffer, buffer->range_length()); } } else { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } } mEstimatedSizeBytes += buffer->range_length(); if (exceedsFileSizeLimit()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED, 0); break; } CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, ×tampUs)); if (timestampUs > 0) { if (timestampUs > mEstimatedDurationUs) { mEstimatedDurationUs = timestampUs; } if (mResumed) { //mtk80721 deal pause time error+ buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &tsUsPauseEnd); LOGD("previousPausedDurationUs =%lld,pausetime=%d,tsUsPauseBeg=%lld,tsUsPauseEnd=%lld", previousPausedDurationUs, iPausedTime, tsUsPauseBeg, tsUsPauseEnd); previousPausedDurationUs = previousPausedDurationUs + (tsUsPauseEnd - tsUsPauseBeg); smpPaused = previousPausedDurationUs * mSampleRate / 1000000ll; LOGD("previousPausedDurationUs =%lld,samplecount=%lld", previousPausedDurationUs, smpPaused); //previousPausedDurationUs += (timestampUs - maxTimestampUs - 20000); //- mResumed = false; } timestampUs -= previousPausedDurationUs; LOGV("time stamp: %lld, previous paused duration: %lld", timestampUs, previousPausedDurationUs); if (timestampUs > maxTimestampUs) { maxTimestampUs = timestampUs; } } if (exceedsFileDurationLimit()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED, 0); break; } LOGV("OggWriter::threadFunc:fwrite"); //write timestamp uint8_t *ptimestamp = (uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset() + 6; uint64_t ts = U64LE_AT(ptimestamp); if (smpPaused > 0) { ts -= smpPaused; memcpy(ptimestamp, &ts, sizeof(int64_t)); } ssize_t n = fwrite( (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), 1, buffer->range_length(), mFile); ltotalSize += n; if (n < (ssize_t)buffer->range_length()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; break; } // XXX: How to tell it is stopped prematurely? if (stoppedPrematurely) { stoppedPrematurely = false; } LOGV("OggWriter::threadFunc:buffer->release:buffer=%p", buffer); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } if (stoppedPrematurely) { notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_TRACK_INFO_COMPLETION_STATUS, UNKNOWN_ERROR); } /* // int bitrate = ltotalSize / (timestampUs/1E6) * 8; LOGV("ltotalSize=%lld, timestampUs=%lld, bitrate=%d",ltotalSize, timestampUs, bitrate); //seek to the bitrate field fseek(mFile, 44, SEEK_SET); // max bitrate fwrite(&bitrate, 1, sizeof(int), mFile); // nominal bitrate fwrite(&bitrate, 1, sizeof(int), mFile); // min bitrate fwrite(&bitrate, 1, sizeof(int), mFile); */ fflush(mFile); fclose(mFile); mFile = NULL; mReachedEOS = true; if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { return OK; } return err; }
status_t AMRSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { #ifdef MTK_AOSP_ENHANCEMENT // Maybe risk (int)index >= (uint)mOffsetTableLength warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions // should check seekTimeUs < 0 case if (seekTimeUs < 0) { ALOGW("seekTimeUs:%lld < 0", seekTimeUs); seekTimeUs = 0; } #endif size_t size; int64_t seekFrame = seekTimeUs / 20000ll; // 20ms per frame. mCurrentTimeUs = seekFrame * 20000ll; size_t index = seekFrame < 0 ? 0 : seekFrame / 50; if (index >= mOffsetTableLength) { index = mOffsetTableLength - 1; } mOffset = mOffsetTable[index] + (mIsWide ? 9 : 6); for (size_t i = 0; i< seekFrame - index * 50; i++) { status_t err; if ((err = getFrameSizeByOffset(mDataSource, mOffset, mIsWide, &size)) != OK) { return err; } mOffset += size; } } uint8_t header; ssize_t n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, &header, 1); if (n < 1) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } #ifdef MTK_AOSP_ENHANCEMENT int count = 0; while(header & 0x83) { if ((count % 10) == 0) SXLOGW("AMRSource::read--Frame head error,skip until to find an valid one count %d",count); mOffset++; count++; if (count>320) { SXLOGW("getFrameSizeByOffset--can not find the correct frame header in 64 byte"); return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, &header, 1); if (n < 1) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } } #else if (header & 0x83) { // Padding bits must be 0. ALOGE("padding bits must be 0, header is 0x%02x", header); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } #endif unsigned FT = (header >> 3) & 0x0f; size_t frameSize = getFrameSize(mIsWide, FT); if (frameSize == 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { return err; } n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, buffer->data(), frameSize); if (n != (ssize_t)frameSize) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; return ERROR_IO; } buffer->set_range(0, frameSize); buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, mCurrentTimeUs); buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, 1); mOffset += frameSize; mCurrentTimeUs += 20000; // Each frame is 20ms *out = buffer; return OK; }
status_t AACWriter::threadFunc() { mEstimatedDurationUs = 0; mEstimatedSizeBytes = 0; int64_t previousPausedDurationUs = 0; int64_t maxTimestampUs = 0; status_t err = OK; bool stoppedPrematurely = true; prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"AACWriterThread", 0, 0, 0); while (!mDone && err == OK) { MediaBuffer *buffer; err = mSource->read(&buffer); if (err != OK) { break; } if (mPaused) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } mEstimatedSizeBytes += kAdtsHeaderLength + buffer->range_length(); if (exceedsFileSizeLimit()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; #ifndef ANDROID_DEFAULT_CODE ALOGW("reach max file size limit,mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes=%lld",mMaxFileSizeLimitBytes); #endif notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED, 0); break; } int32_t isCodecSpecific = 0; if (buffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsCodecConfig, &isCodecSpecific) && isCodecSpecific) { ALOGV("Drop codec specific info buffer"); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } int64_t timestampUs; CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, ×tampUs)); if (timestampUs > mEstimatedDurationUs) { mEstimatedDurationUs = timestampUs; } if (mResumed) { previousPausedDurationUs += (timestampUs - maxTimestampUs - mFrameDurationUs); mResumed = false; } timestampUs -= previousPausedDurationUs; ALOGV("time stamp: %lld, previous paused duration: %lld", timestampUs, previousPausedDurationUs); if (timestampUs > maxTimestampUs) { maxTimestampUs = timestampUs; } if (exceedsFileDurationLimit()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; #ifndef ANDROID_DEFAULT_CODE ALOGW("reach max file duration limit,mMaxFileDurationLimitUs=%lld",mMaxFileDurationLimitUs); #endif notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED, 0); break; } // Each output AAC audio frame to the file contains // 1. an ADTS header, followed by // 2. the compressed audio data. ssize_t dataLength = buffer->range_length(); #ifndef ANDROID_DEFAULT_CODE if (dataLength==0) { ALOGW("threadFunc, read buffer length == 0"); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } #endif uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(); if (writeAdtsHeader(kAdtsHeaderLength + dataLength) != OK || dataLength != write(mFd, data, dataLength)) { err = ERROR_IO; } buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; if (err != OK) { break; } if (stoppedPrematurely) { stoppedPrematurely = false; } } if ((err == OK || err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) && stoppedPrematurely) { #ifndef ANDROID_DEFAULT_CODE ALOGE("threadFunc,no frame writen to file"); #endif err = ERROR_MALFORMED; } close(mFd); mFd = -1; mReachedEOS = true; if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { return OK; } return err; }
status_t VideoEditorSRC::read( MediaBuffer **buffer_out, const ReadOptions *options) { ALOGV("read %p(%p)", this, mSource.get()); *buffer_out = NULL; if (!mStarted) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (mResampler) { // Store the seek parameters int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode = ReadOptions::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { ALOGV("read Seek %lld", seekTimeUs); mSeekTimeUs = seekTimeUs; mSeekMode = mode; } // We ask for 1024 frames in output // resampler output is always 2 channels and 32 bits const size_t kOutputFrameCount = 1024; const size_t kBytes = kOutputFrameCount * 2 * sizeof(int32_t); int32_t *pTmpBuffer = (int32_t *)calloc(1, kBytes); if (!pTmpBuffer) { ALOGE("calloc failed to allocate memory: %d bytes", kBytes); return NO_MEMORY; } // Resample to target quality mResampler->resample(pTmpBuffer, kOutputFrameCount, this); if (mStopPending) { stop(); mStopPending = false; } // Change resampler and retry if format change happened if (mFormatChanged) { mFormatChanged = false; checkAndSetResampler(); free(pTmpBuffer); return read(buffer_out, NULL); } // Create a new MediaBuffer int32_t outBufferSize = kOutputFrameCount * 2 * sizeof(int16_t); MediaBuffer* outBuffer = new MediaBuffer(outBufferSize); // Convert back to 2 channels and 16 bits ditherAndClamp( (int32_t *)((uint8_t*)outBuffer->data() + outBuffer->range_offset()), pTmpBuffer, kOutputFrameCount); free(pTmpBuffer); // Compute and set the new timestamp sp<MetaData> to = outBuffer->meta_data(); int64_t totalOutDurationUs = (mAccuOutBufferSize * 1000000) / (mOutputSampleRate * 2 * 2); int64_t timeUs = mInitialTimeStampUs + totalOutDurationUs; to->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); // update the accumulate size mAccuOutBufferSize += outBufferSize; *buffer_out = outBuffer; } else { // Resampling not required. Read and pass-through. MediaBuffer *aBuffer; status_t err = mSource->read(&aBuffer, options); if (err != OK) { ALOGV("read returns err = %d", err); } if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { checkAndSetResampler(); return read(buffer_out, NULL); } // EOS or some other error if(err != OK) { stop(); *buffer_out = NULL; return err; } *buffer_out = aBuffer; } return OK; }
status_t MyVorbisExtractor::readNextPacket(MediaBuffer **out) { *out = NULL; MediaBuffer *buffer = NULL; int64_t timeUs = -1; for (;;) { size_t i; size_t packetSize = 0; bool gotFullPacket = false; for (i = mNextLaceIndex; i < mCurrentPage.mNumSegments; ++i) { uint8_t lace = mCurrentPage.mLace[i]; packetSize += lace; if (lace < 255) { gotFullPacket = true; ++i; break; } } if (mNextLaceIndex < mCurrentPage.mNumSegments) { off64_t dataOffset = mOffset + 27 + mCurrentPage.mNumSegments; for (size_t j = 0; j < mNextLaceIndex; ++j) { dataOffset += mCurrentPage.mLace[j]; } size_t fullSize = packetSize; if (buffer != NULL) { fullSize += buffer->range_length(); } MediaBuffer *tmp = new MediaBuffer(fullSize); if (buffer != NULL) { memcpy(tmp->data(), buffer->data(), buffer->range_length()); tmp->set_range(0, buffer->range_length()); buffer->release(); } else { // XXX Not only is this not technically the correct time for // this packet, we also stamp every packet in this page // with the same time. This needs fixing later. if (mVi.rate) { // Rate may not have been initialized yet if we're currently // reading the configuration packets... // Fortunately, the timestamp doesn't matter for those. #ifdef MTK_AOSP_ENHANCEMENT timeUs = (mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition - mCurrentPageSamples) * 1000000ll / mVi.rate;//mPrevGranulePosition #else timeUs = mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition * 1000000ll / mVi.rate; #endif } tmp->set_range(0, 0); } buffer = tmp; ssize_t n = mSource->readAt( dataOffset, (uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_length(), packetSize); if (n < (ssize_t)packetSize) { ALOGV("failed to read %zu bytes at 0x%016llx, got %zd bytes", packetSize, dataOffset, n); return ERROR_IO; } buffer->set_range(0, fullSize); mNextLaceIndex = i; if (gotFullPacket) { // We've just read the entire packet. if (timeUs >= 0) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); } if (mFirstPacketInPage) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt32( kKeyValidSamples, mCurrentPageSamples); mFirstPacketInPage = false; } *out = buffer; return OK; } // fall through, the buffer now contains the start of the packet. } CHECK_EQ(mNextLaceIndex, mCurrentPage.mNumSegments); mOffset += mCurrentPageSize; ssize_t n = readPage(mOffset, &mCurrentPage); if (n <= 0) { if (buffer) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } ALOGV("readPage returned %zd", n); return n < 0 ? n : (status_t)ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } mCurrentPageSamples = mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition - mPrevGranulePosition; mFirstPacketInPage = true; #ifdef MTK_AOSP_ENHANCEMENT if(mPrevGranulePosition > 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF) { mCurrentPageSamples = 0; SXLOGD("revise the timestamp to page granule position"); } #endif mPrevGranulePosition = mCurrentPage.mGranulePosition; mCurrentPageSize = n; mNextLaceIndex = 0; if (buffer != NULL) { if ((mCurrentPage.mFlags & 1) == 0) { // This page does not continue the packet, i.e. the packet // is already complete. if (timeUs >= 0) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); } buffer->meta_data()->setInt32( kKeyValidSamples, mCurrentPageSamples); mFirstPacketInPage = false; *out = buffer; return OK; } } } }
int AudioFDK::Update() { LOGTRACE("%s", __func__); LOGTHREAD("Audio Update Thread Running - waiting = %s", mWaiting ? "true" : "false"); // Check to see if there is a target state on the queue. if (targetStateCount() > 0) { // If there is at least one target state, handle that one state, and then return if it makes sense to do so, // or allow it to run through the rest of the update, if that makes sense for the state. // Additional items on the queue will be handled the next time through. TargetState ts = popTargetState(); switch (ts.state) { case STOPPED: if (doStop( { LOGI("Stopped: state=%s", getStateString(mPlayState)); return AUDIOTHREAD_CONTINUE; } break; case PAUSED: { // Pause the java track here so that we aren't in the middle of feeding it data when we pause. JNIEnv* env; if (gHLSPlayerSDK->GetEnv(&env)) env->CallNonvirtualVoidMethod(mTrack, mCAudioTrack, mPause); SetState(PAUSED, __func__); } break; } } if (mWaiting) return AUDIOTHREAD_WAIT; if (mPlayState != PLAYING) { while (mPlayState == INITIALIZED) { LOGI("Audio Thread initialized. Waiting to start | semPause.count = %d", semPause.count); sem_wait(&semPause); return AUDIOTHREAD_CONTINUE; // Make sure we check the state queue, before continuing } if (mPlayState == PAUSED) { LOGI("Pausing Audio Thread: state = PAUSED | semPause.count = %d", semPause.count ); sem_wait(&semPause); return AUDIOTHREAD_CONTINUE; // Make sure we check the state queue, before continuing } if (mPlayState == SEEKING) { LOGI("Pausing Audio Thread: state = SEEKING | semPause.count = %d", semPause.count ); sem_wait(&semPause); LOGI("Resuming Audio Thread: state = %d | semPause.count = %d", mPlayState, semPause.count ); return AUDIOTHREAD_CONTINUE; // Make sure we check the state queue, before continuing } if (mPlayState == STOPPED) { LOGI("mPlayState == STOPPED. Ending audio update thread!"); return AUDIOTHREAD_FINISH; // We don't really want to add more stuff to the buffer // and potentially run past the end of buffered source data // if we're not actively playing } } JNIEnv* env; if (!gHLSPlayerSDK->GetEnv(&env)) return AUDIOTHREAD_FINISH; // If we don't have a java environment at this point, something has killed it, // so we better kill the thread. AutoLock updateLocker(&updateMutex, __func__); MediaBuffer* mediaBuffer = NULL; //LOGI("Reading to the media buffer"); status_t res = OK; if(mAudioSource.get()) res = mAudioSource->read(&mediaBuffer, NULL); else if(mAudioSource23.get()) res = mAudioSource23->read(&mediaBuffer, NULL); else { res = OK; } if (res == OK && mTrack) { //LOGI("Finished reading from the media buffer"); RUNDEBUG( {if (mediaBuffer) mediaBuffer->meta_data()->dumpToLog();} );
status_t APESource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; uint32_t newframe = 0 , firstbyte = 0; ///LOGV("APESource::read"); int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; int32_t bitrate = 0; if (!mMeta->findInt32(kKeyBitRate, &bitrate) || !mMeta->findInt32(kKeySampleRate, &mSampleRate)) { LOGI("no bitrate"); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } if (options != NULL && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { { int64_t duration = 0; int64_t seektabletime = 0; if ((mTotalsample > 0) && (mTableOfContents[0] > 0) && (mSamplesPerFrame > 0) && mMeta->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &duration)) { ape_parser_ctx_t ape_ctx; uint32_t filepos, blocks_to_skip; ape_ctx.samplerate = mSampleRate; ape_ctx.blocksperframe = mSamplesPerFrame; ape_ctx.totalframes = mTotalFrame; ape_ctx.seektable = mTableOfContents; ape_ctx.firstframe = mTableOfContents[0]; if (ape_calc_seekpos_by_microsecond(&ape_ctx, seekTimeUs, &newframe, &filepos, &firstbyte, &blocks_to_skip) < 0) { LOGD("getseekto error exit"); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } mCurrentPos = filepos; mCurrentTimeUs = (int64_t)newframe * mSamplesPerFrame * 1000000ll / mSampleRate; LOGD("getseekto seekTimeUs=%lld, Actual time%lld, filepos%x,frame %d, seekbyte %d", seekTimeUs, mCurrentTimeUs, mCurrentPos, newframe, firstbyte); } else { LOGD("getseekto parameter error exit"); return ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } } if ((mFileoffset != 0) && (mCurrentPos >= mFileoffset)) { LOGD("APESource::readAt to end filesize %x curr: %x", mFileoffset, mCurrentPos); return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { LOGD("APESource::acquire_buffer fail"); return err; } size_t frame_size; frame_size = kMaxFrameSize; ssize_t n = 0; #ifdef ENABLE_MMRIOTHREAD if (options != NULL && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { ResetReadioPtr(mCurrentPos); } n = ReadBitsteam(buffer->data(), frame_size); #else ///frame_size = mMaxBufferSize; n = mDataSource->readAt(mCurrentPos, buffer->data(), frame_size); #endif ///LOGE("APESource::readAt %x, %x, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d", mCurrentPos, buffer->data(), buffer->size(), mTotalsample, bitrate, mSampleRate, frame_size); //ssize_t n = mDataSource->readAt(mCurrentPos, buffer->data(), frame_size); if ((mFileoffset != 0) && ((mCurrentPos + n) >= mFileoffset)) { frame_size = mFileoffset - mCurrentPos; memset(buffer->data() + frame_size, 0, n - frame_size); } else if ((n < (ssize_t)frame_size) && (n > 0)) { frame_size = n; off64_t fileoffset = 0; mDataSource->getSize(&fileoffset); LOGD("APESource::readAt not enough read %d frmsize %x, filepos %x, filesize %x", n, frame_size, mCurrentPos + frame_size, fileoffset); //if ((mCurrentPos + frame_size) >= fileoffset // && (mCurrentPos + frame_size) < mTableOfContents[mTotalFrame - 1]) if ((mCurrentPos + frame_size) >= fileoffset && (mCurrentPos + frame_size) < mTableOfContents[mSt_bound- 1]) { memset(buffer->data(), 0, buffer->size()); /// for this file is not complete error, frame buffer should not transfer to avoid decoding noise data. LOGD("APESource::file is not enough to end --> memset"); } } else if (n <= 0) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; LOGD("APESource::readAt EOS filepos %x frmsize %d", mCurrentPos, frame_size); return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } buffer->set_range(0, frame_size); if (options != NULL && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, mCurrentTimeUs); buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyNemFrame, newframe); buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeySeekByte, firstbyte); *mSeekbyte = firstbyte;//for ape seek on acodec *mNewframe = newframe;//for ape seek on acodec } buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, mCurrentTimeUs); buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, 1); mCurrentPos += frame_size; mCurrentTimeUs += (int64_t)(frame_size * 8000000ll) / bitrate ; #ifdef ENABLE_MMRIOTHREAD UpdateReadPtr(frame_size); #endif *out = buffer; ///LOGE("APESource::kKeyTime done %x %lld", mCurrentPos, mCurrentTimeUs); return OK; }
status_t Harness::testSeek( const char *componentName, const char *componentRole) { bool isEncoder = !strncmp(componentRole, "audio_encoder.", 14) || !strncmp(componentRole, "video_encoder.", 14); if (isEncoder) { // Not testing seek behaviour for encoders. printf(" * Not testing seek functionality for encoders.\n"); return OK; } const char *mime = GetMimeFromComponentRole(componentRole); if (!mime) { printf(" * Cannot perform seek test with this componentRole (%s)\n", componentRole); return OK; } sp<MediaSource> source = CreateSourceForMime(mime); if (source == NULL) { printf(" * Unable to open test content for type '%s', " "skipping test of componentRole %s\n", mime, componentRole); return OK; } sp<MediaSource> seekSource = CreateSourceForMime(mime); if (source == NULL || seekSource == NULL) { return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } CHECK_EQ(seekSource->start(), (status_t)OK); sp<MediaSource> codec = OMXCodec::Create( mOMX, source->getFormat(), false /* createEncoder */, source, componentName); CHECK(codec != NULL); CHECK_EQ(codec->start(), (status_t)OK); int64_t durationUs; CHECK(source->getFormat()->findInt64(kKeyDuration, &durationUs)); ALOGI("stream duration is %lld us (%.2f secs)", durationUs, durationUs / 1E6); static const int32_t kNumIterations = 5000; // We are always going to seek beyond EOS in the first iteration (i == 0) // followed by a linear read for the second iteration (i == 1). // After that it's all random. for (int32_t i = 0; i < kNumIterations; ++i) { int64_t requestedSeekTimeUs; int64_t actualSeekTimeUs; MediaSource::ReadOptions options; double r = uniform_rand(); if ((i == 1) || (i > 0 && r < 0.5)) { // 50% chance of just continuing to decode from last position. requestedSeekTimeUs = -1; ALOGI("requesting linear read"); } else { if (i == 0 || r < 0.55) { // 5% chance of seeking beyond end of stream. requestedSeekTimeUs = durationUs; ALOGI("requesting seek beyond EOF"); } else { requestedSeekTimeUs = (int64_t)(uniform_rand() * durationUs); ALOGI("requesting seek to %lld us (%.2f secs)", requestedSeekTimeUs, requestedSeekTimeUs / 1E6); } MediaBuffer *buffer = NULL; options.setSeekTo( requestedSeekTimeUs, MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_NEXT_SYNC); if (seekSource->read(&buffer, &options) != OK) { CHECK(buffer == NULL); actualSeekTimeUs = -1; } else { CHECK(buffer != NULL); CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &actualSeekTimeUs)); CHECK(actualSeekTimeUs >= 0); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } ALOGI("nearest keyframe is at %lld us (%.2f secs)", actualSeekTimeUs, actualSeekTimeUs / 1E6); } status_t err; MediaBuffer *buffer; for (;;) { err = codec->read(&buffer, &options); options.clearSeekTo(); if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { CHECK(buffer == NULL); continue; } if (err == OK) { CHECK(buffer != NULL); if (buffer->range_length() == 0) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } } else { CHECK(buffer == NULL); } break; } if (requestedSeekTimeUs < 0) { // Linear read. if (err != OK) { CHECK(buffer == NULL); } else { CHECK(buffer != NULL); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } } else if (actualSeekTimeUs < 0) { EXPECT(err != OK, "We attempted to seek beyond EOS and expected " "ERROR_END_OF_STREAM to be returned, but instead " "we got a valid buffer."); EXPECT(err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM, "We attempted to seek beyond EOS and expected " "ERROR_END_OF_STREAM to be returned, but instead " "we found some other error."); CHECK_EQ(err, (status_t)ERROR_END_OF_STREAM); CHECK(buffer == NULL); } else { EXPECT(err == OK, "Expected a valid buffer to be returned from " "OMXCodec::read."); CHECK(buffer != NULL); int64_t bufferTimeUs; CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &bufferTimeUs)); if (!CloseEnough(bufferTimeUs, actualSeekTimeUs)) { printf("\n * Attempted seeking to %lld us (%.2f secs)", requestedSeekTimeUs, requestedSeekTimeUs / 1E6); printf("\n * Nearest keyframe is at %lld us (%.2f secs)", actualSeekTimeUs, actualSeekTimeUs / 1E6); printf("\n * Returned buffer was at %lld us (%.2f secs)\n\n", bufferTimeUs, bufferTimeUs / 1E6); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; CHECK_EQ(codec->stop(), (status_t)OK); return UNKNOWN_ERROR; } buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } } CHECK_EQ(codec->stop(), (status_t)OK); return OK; }
bool OmxDecoder::ReadVideo(VideoFrame *aFrame, int64_t aSeekTimeUs) { MOZ_ASSERT(aSeekTimeUs >= -1); if (!mVideoSource.get()) return false; ReleaseVideoBuffer(); status_t err; if (aSeekTimeUs != -1) { MediaSource::ReadOptions options; options.setSeekTo(aSeekTimeUs); err = mVideoSource->read(&mVideoBuffer, &options); } else { err = mVideoSource->read(&mVideoBuffer); } if (err == OK && mVideoBuffer->range_length() > 0) { int64_t timeUs; int32_t keyFrame; if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs) ) { LOG("no frame time"); return false; } if (timeUs < 0) { LOG("frame time %lld must be nonnegative", timeUs); return false; } if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &keyFrame)) { keyFrame = 0; } char *data = reinterpret_cast<char *>(mVideoBuffer->data()) + mVideoBuffer->range_offset(); size_t length = mVideoBuffer->range_length(); if (!ToVideoFrame(aFrame, timeUs, data, length, keyFrame)) { return false; } } else if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { // If the format changed, update our cached info. LOG("mVideoSource INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED"); if (!SetVideoFormat()) return false; else return ReadVideo(aFrame, aSeekTimeUs); } else if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { LOG("mVideoSource END_OF_STREAM"); } else if (err != OK) { LOG("mVideoSource ERROR %#x", err); } return err == OK; }
void NuPlayer::GenericSource::readBuffer( bool audio, int64_t seekTimeUs, int64_t *actualTimeUs) { Track *track = audio ? &mAudioTrack : &mVideoTrack; CHECK(track->mSource != NULL); if (actualTimeUs) { *actualTimeUs = seekTimeUs; } MediaSource::ReadOptions options; bool seeking = false; if (seekTimeUs >= 0) { options.setSeekTo(seekTimeUs); seeking = true; } for (;;) { MediaBuffer *mbuf; status_t err = track->mSource->read(&mbuf, &options); options.clearSeekTo(); if (err == OK) { size_t outLength = mbuf->range_length(); if (audio && mAudioIsVorbis) { outLength += sizeof(int32_t); } sp<ABuffer> buffer = new ABuffer(outLength); memcpy(buffer->data(), (const uint8_t *)mbuf->data() + mbuf->range_offset(), mbuf->range_length()); if (audio && mAudioIsVorbis) { int32_t numPageSamples; if (!mbuf->meta_data()->findInt32( kKeyValidSamples, &numPageSamples)) { numPageSamples = -1; } memcpy(buffer->data() + mbuf->range_length(), &numPageSamples, sizeof(numPageSamples)); } int64_t timeUs; CHECK(mbuf->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)); buffer->meta()->setInt64("timeUs", timeUs); if (actualTimeUs) { *actualTimeUs = timeUs; } mbuf->release(); mbuf = NULL; if (seeking) { track->mPackets->queueDiscontinuity( ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_SEEK, NULL); } track->mPackets->queueAccessUnit(buffer); break; } else if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { #if 0 track->mPackets->queueDiscontinuity( ATSParser::DISCONTINUITY_FORMATCHANGE, NULL); #endif } else { track->mPackets->signalEOS(err); break; } } }
int CEncoderLame::encode(const sp<IMediaSource>& pMediaSource_in, const sp<IAudioSink>& pAudioSink_out) { AUTO_LOG(); CHECK_PTR_EXT(m_pGobalFlags, BAD_VALUE); CHECK_PTR_EXT(pMediaSource_in, BAD_VALUE); CHECK_PTR_EXT(pAudioSink_out, BAD_VALUE); sp<MetaData> pMeta = pMediaSource_in->getFormat(); CHECK_PTR_EXT(pMeta, BAD_VALUE); int32_t iChannelNum = 0; bool chk = pMeta->findInt32(kKeyChannelCount, &iChannelNum); CHECK_IS_EXT((true == chk), UNKNOWN_ERROR); int ret = lame_set_num_channels(m_pGobalFlags, iChannelNum); CHECK_IS_EXT((ret == OK), ret); // only support one channel and two channels CHECK_IS_EXT(((1 == iChannelNum) || (2 == iChannelNum)), INVALID_OPERATION); ret = pMediaSource_in->start(); CHECK_IS_EXT((ret == OK), ret); MediaBuffer* pBuf = NULL; while (OK == (pMediaSource_in->read(&pBuf, NULL))) { if (pBuf == NULL) { break; } if ((pBuf->data() == NULL) || (pBuf->range_length() == 0)) { pBuf->release(); pBuf = NULL; continue; } int16_t *pOrg = (int16_t *)((const char *)pBuf->data() + pBuf->range_offset()); ssize_t iSamplesRead = pBuf->range_length() / 2; pOrg += iSamplesRead; iSamplesRead /= iChannelNum; CHECK_NE(iSamplesRead, 0); int iMP3BufSize = 1.25 * iSamplesRead + 7200; short int* pPCMBufL = new short int[iSamplesRead]; short int* pPCMBufR = new short int[iSamplesRead]; unsigned char* pMP3Buf = new unsigned char[iMP3BufSize]; if (iChannelNum == 2) { for (ssize_t i = iSamplesRead; --i >= 0;) { pPCMBufR[i] = *--pOrg; pPCMBufL[i] = *--pOrg; } } else if (iChannelNum == 1) { memset(pPCMBufR, 0, iSamplesRead * sizeof(short int)); for (ssize_t i = iSamplesRead; --i >= 0;) { pPCMBufL[i] = *--pOrg; } } else { // EMPTY } int iOutSize = lame_encode_buffer(m_pGobalFlags, pPCMBufL, pPCMBufR, iSamplesRead, pMP3Buf, iMP3BufSize); int iWriteSize = iOutSize; if (iOutSize > 0) { iWriteSize = pAudioSink_out->write(pMP3Buf, iOutSize); } delete (pMP3Buf); delete (pPCMBufR); delete (pPCMBufL); pBuf->release(); pBuf = NULL; CHECK_IS_EXT((iOutSize == iWriteSize), UNKNOWN_ERROR); } // last frame may remain { unsigned char* pMP3Buf = new unsigned char[LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER]; int iOutSize = lame_encode_flush(m_pGobalFlags, pMP3Buf, sizeof(pMP3Buf)); int iWriteSize = iOutSize; if (iOutSize > 0) { iWriteSize = pAudioSink_out->write(pMP3Buf, iOutSize); } delete (pMP3Buf); CHECK_IS_EXT((iOutSize == iWriteSize), UNKNOWN_ERROR); } // write the tag3v1 { unsigned char* pMP3Buf = new unsigned char[128]; int iOutSize = lame_get_id3v1_tag(m_pGobalFlags, pMP3Buf, sizeof(pMP3Buf)); int iWriteSize = iOutSize; if ((iOutSize > 0) && (((size_t)iOutSize) <= sizeof(pMP3Buf))) { iWriteSize = pAudioSink_out->write(pMP3Buf, iOutSize); } delete (pMP3Buf); CHECK_IS_EXT((iOutSize == iWriteSize), UNKNOWN_ERROR); } RETURN(OK); }
status_t AnotherPacketSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { #else status_t AnotherPacketSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *) { #endif *out = NULL; Mutex::Autolock autoLock(mLock); while (mEOSResult == OK && mBuffers.empty()) { mCondition.wait(mLock); } if (!mBuffers.empty()) { const sp<ABuffer> buffer = *mBuffers.begin(); #ifndef ANDROID_DEFAULT_CODE m_uiNextAduSeqNum = buffer->int32Data(); #endif mBuffers.erase(mBuffers.begin()); int32_t discontinuity; if (buffer->meta()->findInt32("discontinuity", &discontinuity)) { if (wasFormatChange(discontinuity)) { mFormat.clear(); } return INFO_DISCONTINUITY; } sp<RefBase> object; if (buffer->meta()->findObject("format", &object)) { mFormat = static_cast<MetaData*>(object.get()); } int64_t timeUs; CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt64("timeUs", &timeUs)); MediaBuffer *mediaBuffer = new MediaBuffer(buffer); mediaBuffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, timeUs); #ifndef ANDROID_DEFAULT_CODE int32_t fgInvalidtimeUs=false; if(buffer->meta()->findInt32("invt", &fgInvalidtimeUs)) { mediaBuffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kInvalidKeyTime, fgInvalidtimeUs); } int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode seekMode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &seekMode)) { mediaBuffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTargetTime, seekTimeUs); } #endif *out = mediaBuffer; return OK; } return mEOSResult; }
void* decoderThread(void *arg) { AVCodecContext *avctx = (AVCodecContext*)arg; StagefrightContext *stagefrightContext = (StagefrightContext*)avctx->priv_data; const AVPixFmtDescriptor *pixelDescriptor = av_pix_fmt_desc_get(avctx->pix_fmt); Frame* frame; MediaBuffer *mediaBuffer; int32_t width, height; int status; int imageLinesize[3]; const uint8_t *imageData[3]; int64_t frameTimestamp = 0; do { mediaBuffer = NULL; frame = NULL; //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Pushing buffer to decoder\n"); status = stagefrightContext->decoder->read(&mediaBuffer); //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Decoder read returned %d\n", status); switch(status) { case OK: { sp<MetaData> imageFormat = stagefrightContext->decoder->getFormat(); imageFormat->findInt32(kKeyWidth , &width); imageFormat->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height); //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Output format is %d x %d\n", width, height); frame = allocFrame(0); if (!frame) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "decoderThread: Can't allocate frame in decoder thread\n"); break; } frame->ffmpegFrame = av_frame_alloc(); if(frame->ffmpegFrame == NULL) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "decoderThread: Can't allocate AVFrame in decoder thread\n"); freeFrame(frame, false); break; } // The OMX.SEC decoder doesn't signal the modified width/height if (stagefrightContext->decoderName && !strncmp(stagefrightContext->decoderName, "OMX.SEC", 7) && (width & 15 || height & 15) && ((width + 15)&~15) * ((height + 15)&~15) * 3/2 == mediaBuffer->range_length()) { width = (width + 15)&~15; height = (height + 15)&~15; } if (!avctx->width || !avctx->height || avctx->width > width || avctx->height > height) { avctx->width = width; avctx->height = height; } if(avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)(frame->ffmpegFrame), (uint8_t*)mediaBuffer->data(), avctx->pix_fmt, width, height) < 0) { av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_ERROR, "decoderThread: Can't do avpicture_fill\n"); freeFrame(frame, false); break; } frame->ffmpegFrame->format = avctx->pix_fmt; frame->ffmpegFrame->height = height; frame->ffmpegFrame->width = width; frame->ffmpegFrame->channel_layout = 0; // V/ffmpeg (10410): ret_frame: format -1 // V/ffmpeg (10410): ret_frame: 0 x 0 // V/ffmpeg (10410): ret_frame: channels 0 // V/ffmpeg (10410): ret_frame: channel_layout 0 // V/ffmpeg (10410): ret_frame: format -1 // V/ffmpeg (10410): ret_frame: nb_samples 0 //pgm_save(frame->ffmpegFrame->data[0], frame->ffmpegFrame->linesize[0], width, height, "/sdcard/decoded.pgm"); //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Hurry up into the output :-)\n"); if (mediaBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &frameTimestamp) && stagefrightContext->frameIndexToTimestampMap->count(frameTimestamp) > 0) { //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: writing pts\n"); frame->ffmpegFrame->pts = (*(stagefrightContext->frameIndexToTimestampMap))[frameTimestamp].pts; //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: writing reorder opaque\n"); frame->ffmpegFrame->reordered_opaque = (*stagefrightContext->frameIndexToTimestampMap)[frameTimestamp].reordered_opaque; //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: erasing timestamp from map\n"); stagefrightContext->frameIndexToTimestampMap->erase(frameTimestamp); } //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Waiting for a slot in the output\n"); while (true) { pthread_mutex_lock(&stagefrightContext->outputQueueMutex); if (stagefrightContext->outputFrameQueue->size() >= 10) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&stagefrightContext->outputQueueMutex); usleep(10000); continue; } break; } //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: pushing frame to output queue\n"); stagefrightContext->outputFrameQueue->push_back(frame); pthread_mutex_unlock(&stagefrightContext->outputQueueMutex); //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Pushed decoded frame to output queue\n"); mediaBuffer->release(); break; } case INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED: //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: format has changed\n"); if(mediaBuffer) mediaBuffer->release(); freeFrame(frame, false); continue; default: { //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: Decoder status unknown. Exiting\n"); if(mediaBuffer) mediaBuffer->release(); freeFrame(frame, false); goto decoder_exit; } } } while (!stagefrightContext->stopDecoderThread); decoder_exit: //av_log(avctx, AV_LOG_DEBUG, "decoderThread: return 0\n"); stagefrightContext->decoderThreadExited = true; return 0; }
status_t AMRSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { uint64_t seekFrame = seekTimeUs / 20000ll; // 20ms per frame. mCurrentTimeUs = seekFrame * 20000ll; uint32_t framesize=0; uint64_t offset = 0, numframes = 0; seekFrame = seekFrame + 1; //why seekframe+1, since the array starts from zero LOGI("seekframe %lld", seekFrame); for (List<AMRFrameTableEntry>::iterator it = mAMRFrameTableEntries.begin(); it != mAMRFrameTableEntries.end(); ++it) { numframes = it->mNumFrames; framesize = it->mFrameSize; if(seekFrame >= mTotalFrames) { LOGE("seek beyond EOF"); return ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE; } if(seekFrame > numframes) { offset = offset + (numframes * framesize); seekFrame = seekFrame - numframes; LOGV("> offset %lld seekFrame %lld numframes %lld framesize %d", offset, seekFrame, numframes, framesize); } else { offset = offset + (seekFrame * framesize); LOGV("!> offset %lld numframes %lld framesize %d", offset, numframes, framesize); break; } } mOffset = offset; } uint8_t header; ssize_t n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, &header, 1); if (n < 1) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (header & 0x83) { // Padding bits must be 0. LOGE("padding bits must be 0, header is 0x%02x", header); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } unsigned FT = (header >> 3) & 0x0f; if (FT > MAX_AMRMODE) { LOGE("illegal AMR frame type %d", FT); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } size_t frameSize = getFrameSize(mIsWide, FT); MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { return err; } n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, buffer->data(), frameSize); if (n != (ssize_t)frameSize) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; return ERROR_IO; } buffer->set_range(0, frameSize); buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, mCurrentTimeUs); buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, 1); mOffset += frameSize; mCurrentTimeUs += 20000; // Each frame is 20ms *out = buffer; return OK; }
/** ******************************************************************************* * @brief Gets an access unit (AU) from the stream handler source. * @note AU is the smallest possible amount of data to be decoded by decoder * * @param context: (IN) Context of the reader * @param pStreamHandler (IN) The stream handler of the stream to make jump * @param pAccessUnit (I/O)Pointer to an access unit to fill with read data * @return M4NO_ERROR there is no error * @return M4ERR_PARAMETER at least one parameter is not properly set * @returns M4ERR_ALLOC memory allocation failed * @returns M4WAR_NO_MORE_AU there are no more access unit in the stream ******************************************************************************* */ M4OSA_ERR VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu(M4OSA_Context context, M4_StreamHandler *pStreamHandler, M4_AccessUnit *pAccessUnit) { VideoEditorMp3Reader_Context *pReaderContext = (VideoEditorMp3Reader_Context*)context; M4OSA_ERR err = M4NO_ERROR; M4SYS_AccessUnit* pAu; MediaBuffer *mAudioBuffer; MediaSource::ReadOptions options; ALOGV("VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu start"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1((pReaderContext == 0), M4ERR_PARAMETER, "VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu: invalid context"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1((pStreamHandler == 0), M4ERR_PARAMETER, "VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu: invalid pointer to M4_StreamHandler"); M4OSA_DEBUG_IF1((pAccessUnit == 0), M4ERR_PARAMETER, "VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu: invalid pointer to M4_AccessUnit"); if (pStreamHandler == (M4_StreamHandler*)pReaderContext->\ mAudioStreamHandler) { pAu = &pReaderContext->mAudioAu; } else { ALOGV("VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu: StreamHandler is not known\n"); return M4ERR_PARAMETER; } if (pReaderContext->mSeeking) { options.setSeekTo(pReaderContext->mSeekTime); } pReaderContext->mMediaSource->read(&mAudioBuffer, &options); if (mAudioBuffer != NULL) { if ((pAu->dataAddress == NULL) || (pAu->size < mAudioBuffer->range_length())) { if (pAu->dataAddress != NULL) { free((M4OSA_Int32*)pAu->dataAddress); pAu->dataAddress = NULL; } pAu->dataAddress = (M4OSA_Int32*)M4OSA_32bitAlignedMalloc( (mAudioBuffer->range_length() + 3) & ~0x3, M4READER_MP3, (M4OSA_Char*)"pAccessUnit->m_dataAddress" ); if (pAu->dataAddress == NULL) { ALOGV("VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu malloc failed"); pReaderContext->mMediaSource->stop(); pReaderContext->mMediaSource.clear(); pReaderContext->mDataSource.clear(); return M4ERR_ALLOC; } } pAu->size = mAudioBuffer->range_length(); memcpy((M4OSA_MemAddr8)pAu->dataAddress, (const char *)mAudioBuffer->data() + mAudioBuffer->range_offset(), mAudioBuffer->range_length()); mAudioBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, (int64_t*)&pAu->CTS); pAu->CTS = pAu->CTS / 1000; /*converting the microsec to millisec */ pAu->DTS = pAu->CTS; pAu->attribute = M4SYS_kFragAttrOk; mAudioBuffer->release(); ALOGV("VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu AU CTS = %ld",pAu->CTS); pAccessUnit->m_dataAddress = (M4OSA_Int8*) pAu->dataAddress; pAccessUnit->m_size = pAu->size; pAccessUnit->m_CTS = pAu->CTS; pAccessUnit->m_DTS = pAu->DTS; pAccessUnit->m_attribute = pAu->attribute; } else { ALOGV("VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu EOS reached."); pAccessUnit->m_size=0; err = M4WAR_NO_MORE_AU; } pAu->nbFrag = 0; options.clearSeekTo(); pReaderContext->mSeeking = M4OSA_FALSE; mAudioBuffer = NULL; ALOGV("VideoEditorMp3Reader_getNextAu end"); return err; }
status_t AMRSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { size_t size; int64_t seekFrame = seekTimeUs / 20000ll; // 20ms per frame. mCurrentTimeUs = seekFrame * 20000ll; size_t index = seekFrame < 0 ? 0 : seekFrame / 50; if (index >= mOffsetTableLength) { index = mOffsetTableLength - 1; } mOffset = mOffsetTable[index] + (mIsWide ? 9 : 6); for (size_t i = 0; i< seekFrame - index * 50; i++) { status_t err; if ((err = getFrameSizeByOffset(mDataSource, mOffset, mIsWide, &size)) != OK) { return err; } mOffset += size; } } uint8_t header; ssize_t n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, &header, 1); if (n < 1) { return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } if (header & 0x83) { // Padding bits must be 0. ALOGE("padding bits must be 0, header is 0x%02x", header); return ERROR_MALFORMED; } unsigned FT = (header >> 3) & 0x0f; size_t frameSize = getFrameSize(mIsWide, FT); if (frameSize == 0) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { return err; } n = mDataSource->readAt(mOffset, buffer->data(), frameSize); if (n != (ssize_t)frameSize) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; return ERROR_IO; } buffer->set_range(0, frameSize); buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, mCurrentTimeUs); buffer->meta_data()->setInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, 1); mOffset += frameSize; mCurrentTimeUs += 20000; // Each frame is 20ms *out = buffer; return OK; }
static VideoFrame *extractVideoFrameWithCodecFlags( OMXClient *client, const sp<MetaData> &trackMeta, const sp<MediaSource> &source, uint32_t flags, int64_t frameTimeUs, int seekMode) { sp<MediaSource> decoder = OMXCodec::Create( client->interface(), source->getFormat(), false, source, NULL, flags | OMXCodec::kClientNeedsFramebuffer); if (decoder.get() == NULL) { ALOGV("unable to instantiate video decoder."); return NULL; } status_t err = decoder->start(); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("OMXCodec::start returned error %d (0x%08x)\n", err, err); return NULL; } // Read one output buffer, ignore format change notifications // and spurious empty buffers. MediaSource::ReadOptions options; if (seekMode < MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_PREVIOUS_SYNC || seekMode > MediaSource::ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST) { ALOGE("Unknown seek mode: %d", seekMode); return NULL; } MediaSource::ReadOptions::SeekMode mode = static_cast<MediaSource::ReadOptions::SeekMode>(seekMode); int64_t thumbNailTime; if (frameTimeUs < 0) { if (!trackMeta->findInt64(kKeyThumbnailTime, &thumbNailTime) || thumbNailTime < 0) { thumbNailTime = 0; } options.setSeekTo(thumbNailTime, mode); } else { thumbNailTime = -1; options.setSeekTo(frameTimeUs, mode); } MediaBuffer *buffer = NULL; do { if (buffer != NULL) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } err = decoder->read(&buffer, &options); options.clearSeekTo(); } while (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED || (buffer != NULL && buffer->range_length() == 0)); if (err != OK) { CHECK_EQ(buffer, NULL); ALOGV("decoding frame failed."); decoder->stop(); return NULL; } ALOGV("successfully decoded video frame."); int32_t unreadable; if (buffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsUnreadable, &unreadable) && unreadable != 0) { ALOGV("video frame is unreadable, decoder does not give us access " "to the video data."); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; decoder->stop(); return NULL; } int64_t timeUs; CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)); if (thumbNailTime >= 0) { if (timeUs != thumbNailTime) { const char *mime; CHECK(trackMeta->findCString(kKeyMIMEType, &mime)); ALOGV("thumbNailTime = %lld us, timeUs = %lld us, mime = %s", thumbNailTime, timeUs, mime); } } sp<MetaData> meta = decoder->getFormat(); int32_t width, height; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width)); CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height)); int32_t crop_left, crop_top, crop_right, crop_bottom; if (!meta->findRect( kKeyCropRect, &crop_left, &crop_top, &crop_right, &crop_bottom)) { crop_left = crop_top = 0; crop_right = width - 1; crop_bottom = height - 1; } int32_t rotationAngle; if (!trackMeta->findInt32(kKeyRotation, &rotationAngle)) { rotationAngle = 0; // By default, no rotation } VideoFrame *frame = new VideoFrame; frame->mWidth = crop_right - crop_left + 1; frame->mHeight = crop_bottom - crop_top + 1; frame->mDisplayWidth = frame->mWidth; frame->mDisplayHeight = frame->mHeight; frame->mSize = frame->mWidth * frame->mHeight * 2; frame->mData = new uint8_t[frame->mSize]; frame->mRotationAngle = rotationAngle; int32_t displayWidth, displayHeight; if (meta->findInt32(kKeyDisplayWidth, &displayWidth)) { frame->mDisplayWidth = displayWidth; } if (meta->findInt32(kKeyDisplayHeight, &displayHeight)) { frame->mDisplayHeight = displayHeight; } int32_t srcFormat; CHECK(meta->findInt32(kKeyColorFormat, &srcFormat)); ColorConverter converter( (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)srcFormat, OMX_COLOR_Format16bitRGB565); #ifdef QCOM_HARDWARE if (converter.isValid()) { err = converter.convert( (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), width, height, crop_left, crop_top, crop_right, crop_bottom, frame->mData, frame->mWidth, frame->mHeight, 0, 0, frame->mWidth - 1, frame->mHeight - 1); } else { err = ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } #else CHECK(converter.isValid()); err = converter.convert( (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), width, height, crop_left, crop_top, crop_right, crop_bottom, frame->mData, frame->mWidth, frame->mHeight, 0, 0, frame->mWidth - 1, frame->mHeight - 1); #endif buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; decoder->stop(); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("Colorconverter failed to convert frame."); delete frame; frame = NULL; } return frame; }
status_t MyVorbisExtractor::init() { mMeta = new MetaData; #ifdef MTK_AOSP_ENHANCEMENT if(mMeta.get() == NULL) return NO_MEMORY; #endif mMeta->setCString(kKeyMIMEType, MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_VORBIS); MediaBuffer *packet; status_t err; if ((err = readNextPacket(&packet)) != OK) { return err; } ALOGV("read packet of size %zu\n", packet->range_length()); err = verifyHeader(packet, 1); packet->release(); packet = NULL; if (err != OK) { return err; } if ((err = readNextPacket(&packet)) != OK) { return err; } ALOGV("read packet of size %zu\n", packet->range_length()); err = verifyHeader(packet, 3); packet->release(); packet = NULL; if (err != OK) { return err; } if ((err = readNextPacket(&packet)) != OK) { return err; } ALOGV("read packet of size %zu\n", packet->range_length()); err = verifyHeader(packet, 5); packet->release(); packet = NULL; if (err != OK) { return err; } mFirstDataOffset = mOffset + mCurrentPageSize; off64_t size; uint64_t lastGranulePosition; if (!(mSource->flags() & DataSource::kIsCachingDataSource) && mSource->getSize(&size) == OK && findPrevGranulePosition(size, &lastGranulePosition) == OK) { // Let's assume it's cheap to seek to the end. // The granule position of the final page in the stream will // give us the exact duration of the content, something that // we can only approximate using avg. bitrate if seeking to // the end is too expensive or impossible (live streaming). int64_t durationUs = lastGranulePosition * 1000000ll / mVi.rate; mMeta->setInt64(kKeyDuration, durationUs); #ifndef MTK_AOSP_ENHANCEMENT buildTableOfContents();//move toc build to start() #else mFileSize = size; #endif } return OK; }
status_t AMRNBDecoder::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { status_t err; *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs)) { CHECK(seekTimeUs >= 0); mNumSamplesOutput = 0; if (mInputBuffer) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } } else { seekTimeUs = -1; } if (mInputBuffer == NULL) { err = mSource->read(&mInputBuffer, options); if (err != OK) { return err; } int64_t timeUs; if (mInputBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) { mAnchorTimeUs = timeUs; mNumSamplesOutput = 0; } else { // We must have a new timestamp after seeking. CHECK(seekTimeUs < 0); } } MediaBuffer *buffer; CHECK_EQ(mBufferGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer), OK); const uint8_t *inputPtr = (const uint8_t *)mInputBuffer->data() + mInputBuffer->range_offset(); size_t numBytesRead = AMRDecode(mState, (Frame_Type_3GPP)((inputPtr[0] >> 3) & 0x0f), (UWord8 *)&inputPtr[1], static_cast<int16_t *>(buffer->data()), MIME_IETF); ++numBytesRead; // Include the frame type header byte. buffer->set_range(0, kNumSamplesPerFrame * sizeof(int16_t)); if (numBytesRead > mInputBuffer->range_length()) { // This is bad, should never have happened, but did. Abort now. buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; return ERROR_MALFORMED; } mInputBuffer->set_range( mInputBuffer->range_offset() + numBytesRead, mInputBuffer->range_length() - numBytesRead); if (mInputBuffer->range_length() == 0) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } buffer->meta_data()->setInt64( kKeyTime, mAnchorTimeUs + (mNumSamplesOutput * 1000000) / kSampleRate); mNumSamplesOutput += kNumSamplesPerFrame; *out = buffer; return OK; }
virtual status_t readMultiple( Vector<MediaBuffer *> *buffers, uint32_t maxNumBuffers, const ReadOptions *options) { ALOGV("readMultiple"); if (buffers == NULL || !buffers->isEmpty()) { return BAD_VALUE; } Parcel data, reply; data.writeInterfaceToken(BpMediaSource::getInterfaceDescriptor()); data.writeUint32(maxNumBuffers); if (options != nullptr) { data.writeByteArray(sizeof(*options), (uint8_t*) options); } status_t ret = remote()->transact(READMULTIPLE, data, &reply); mMemoryCache.gc(); if (ret != NO_ERROR) { return ret; } // wrap the returned data in a vector of MediaBuffers int32_t buftype; uint32_t bufferCount = 0; while ((buftype = reply.readInt32()) != NULL_BUFFER) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(bufferCount >= maxNumBuffers, "Received %u+ buffers and requested %u buffers", bufferCount + 1, maxNumBuffers); MediaBuffer *buf; if (buftype == SHARED_BUFFER || buftype == SHARED_BUFFER_INDEX) { uint64_t index = reply.readUint64(); ALOGV("Received %s index %llu", buftype == SHARED_BUFFER ? "SHARED_BUFFER" : "SHARED_BUFFER_INDEX", (unsigned long long) index); sp<IMemory> mem; if (buftype == SHARED_BUFFER) { sp<IBinder> binder = reply.readStrongBinder(); mem = interface_cast<IMemory>(binder); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mem.get() == nullptr, "Received NULL IMemory for shared buffer"); mMemoryCache.insert(index, mem); } else { mem = mMemoryCache.lookup(index); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mem.get() == nullptr, "Received invalid IMemory index for shared buffer: %llu", (unsigned long long)index); } size_t offset = reply.readInt32(); size_t length = reply.readInt32(); buf = new RemoteMediaBufferWrapper(mem); buf->set_range(offset, length); buf->meta_data()->updateFromParcel(reply); } else { // INLINE_BUFFER int32_t len = reply.readInt32(); ALOGV("INLINE_BUFFER status %d and len %d", ret, len); buf = new MediaBuffer(len);>data(), len); buf->meta_data()->updateFromParcel(reply); } buffers->push_back(buf); ++bufferCount; ++mBuffersSinceStop; } ret = reply.readInt32(); ALOGV("readMultiple status %d, bufferCount %u, sinceStop %u", ret, bufferCount, mBuffersSinceStop); return ret; }
void OmxDecoder::ReleaseVideoBuffer() { if (mVideoBuffer) { mVideoBuffer->release(); mVideoBuffer = NULL; } }
void Converter::onMessageReceived(const sp<AMessage> &msg) { switch (msg->what()) { case kWhatMediaPullerNotify: { int32_t what; CHECK(msg->findInt32("what", &what)); if (!mIsPCMAudio && mEncoder == NULL) { ALOGV("got msg '%s' after encoder shutdown.", msg->debugString().c_str()); if (what == MediaPuller::kWhatAccessUnit) { sp<ABuffer> accessUnit; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("accessUnit", &accessUnit)); accessUnit->setMediaBufferBase(NULL); } break; } if (what == MediaPuller::kWhatEOS) { mInputBufferQueue.push_back(NULL); feedEncoderInputBuffers(); scheduleDoMoreWork(); } else { CHECK_EQ(what, MediaPuller::kWhatAccessUnit); sp<ABuffer> accessUnit; CHECK(msg->findBuffer("accessUnit", &accessUnit)); if (mNumFramesToDrop > 0 || mEncodingSuspended) { if (mNumFramesToDrop > 0) { --mNumFramesToDrop; ALOGI("dropping frame."); } accessUnit->setMediaBufferBase(NULL); break; } #if 0 MediaBuffer *mbuf = (MediaBuffer *)(accessUnit->getMediaBufferBase()); if (mbuf != NULL) { ALOGI("queueing mbuf %p", mbuf); mbuf->release(); } #endif #if ENABLE_SILENCE_DETECTION if (!mIsVideo) { if (IsSilence(accessUnit)) { if (mInSilentMode) { break; } int64_t nowUs = ALooper::GetNowUs(); if (mFirstSilentFrameUs < 0ll) { mFirstSilentFrameUs = nowUs; } else if (nowUs >= mFirstSilentFrameUs + 10000000ll) { mInSilentMode = true; ALOGI("audio in silent mode now."); break; } } else { if (mInSilentMode) { ALOGI("audio no longer in silent mode."); } mInSilentMode = false; mFirstSilentFrameUs = -1ll; } } #endif mInputBufferQueue.push_back(accessUnit); feedEncoderInputBuffers(); scheduleDoMoreWork(); } break; } case kWhatEncoderActivity: { #if 0 int64_t whenUs; if (msg->findInt64("whenUs", &whenUs)) { int64_t nowUs = ALooper::GetNowUs(); ALOGI("[%s] kWhatEncoderActivity after %lld us", mIsVideo ? "video" : "audio", nowUs - whenUs); } #endif mDoMoreWorkPending = false; if (mEncoder == NULL) { break; } status_t err = doMoreWork(); if (err != OK) { notifyError(err); } else { scheduleDoMoreWork(); } break; } case kWhatRequestIDRFrame: { if (mEncoder == NULL) { break; } if (mIsVideo) { ALOGV("requesting IDR frame"); mEncoder->requestIDRFrame(); } break; } case kWhatShutdown: { ALOGI("shutting down %s encoder", mIsVideo ? "video" : "audio"); releaseEncoder(); AString mime; CHECK(mOutputFormat->findString("mime", &mime)); ALOGI("encoder (%s) shut down.", mime.c_str()); sp<AMessage> notify = mNotify->dup(); notify->setInt32("what", kWhatShutdownCompleted); notify->post(); break; } case kWhatDropAFrame: { ++mNumFramesToDrop; break; } case kWhatReleaseOutputBuffer: { if (mEncoder != NULL) { size_t bufferIndex; CHECK(msg->findInt32("bufferIndex", (int32_t*)&bufferIndex)); CHECK(bufferIndex < mEncoderOutputBuffers.size()); mEncoder->releaseOutputBuffer(bufferIndex); } break; } case kWhatSuspendEncoding: { int32_t suspend; CHECK(msg->findInt32("suspend", &suspend)); mEncodingSuspended = suspend; if (mFlags & FLAG_USE_SURFACE_INPUT) { sp<AMessage> params = new AMessage; params->setInt32("drop-input-frames",suspend); mEncoder->setParameters(params); } break; } default: TRESPASS(); } }
void OmxDecoder::ReleaseAudioBuffer() { if (mAudioBuffer) { mAudioBuffer->release(); mAudioBuffer = NULL; } }
int main() { // We only have an AMR-WB encoder on sholes... static bool outputWBAMR = false; static const int32_t kSampleRate = outputWBAMR ? 16000 : 8000; static const int32_t kNumChannels = 1; android::ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); OMXClient client; CHECK_EQ(client.connect(), (status_t)OK); #if 0 sp<MediaSource> source = new SineSource(kSampleRate, kNumChannels); #else sp<MediaSource> source = new AudioSource( AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT, kSampleRate, audio_channel_in_mask_from_count(kNumChannels)); #endif sp<MetaData> meta = new MetaData; meta->setCString( kKeyMIMEType, outputWBAMR ? MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_WB : MEDIA_MIMETYPE_AUDIO_AMR_NB); meta->setInt32(kKeyChannelCount, kNumChannels); meta->setInt32(kKeySampleRate, kSampleRate); int32_t maxInputSize; if (source->getFormat()->findInt32(kKeyMaxInputSize, &maxInputSize)) { meta->setInt32(kKeyMaxInputSize, maxInputSize); } sp<MediaSource> encoder = OMXCodec::Create( client.interface(), meta, true /* createEncoder */, source); #if 1 sp<AMRWriter> writer = new AMRWriter("/sdcard/out.amr"); writer->addSource(encoder); writer->start(); sleep(10); writer->stop(); #else sp<MediaSource> decoder = OMXCodec::Create( client.interface(), meta, false /* createEncoder */, encoder); #if 0 AudioPlayer *player = new AudioPlayer(NULL); player->setSource(decoder); player->start(); sleep(10); player->stop(); delete player; player = NULL; #elif 0 CHECK_EQ(decoder->start(), (status_t)OK); MediaBuffer *buffer; while (decoder->read(&buffer) == OK) { // do something with buffer putchar('.'); fflush(stdout); buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } CHECK_EQ(decoder->stop(), (status_t)OK); #endif #endif return 0; }
bool OmxDecoder::ReadVideo(VideoFrame *aFrame, int64_t aSeekTimeUs) { if (!mVideoSource.get()) return false; ReleaseVideoBuffer(); status_t err; if (aSeekTimeUs != -1) { MediaSource::ReadOptions options; options.setSeekTo(aSeekTimeUs); err = mVideoSource->read(&mVideoBuffer, &options); } else { err = mVideoSource->read(&mVideoBuffer); } if (err == OK && mVideoBuffer->range_length() > 0) { int64_t timeUs; int32_t unreadable; int32_t keyFrame; if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs) ) { LOG("no key time"); return false; } if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsSyncFrame, &keyFrame)) { keyFrame = 0; } if (!mVideoBuffer->meta_data()->findInt32(kKeyIsUnreadable, &unreadable)) { unreadable = 0; } LOG("data: %p size: %u offset: %u length: %u unreadable: %d", mVideoBuffer->data(), mVideoBuffer->size(), mVideoBuffer->range_offset(), mVideoBuffer->range_length(), unreadable); char *data = reinterpret_cast<char *>(mVideoBuffer->data()) + mVideoBuffer->range_offset(); size_t length = mVideoBuffer->range_length(); if (unreadable) { LOG("video frame is unreadable"); } if (!ToVideoFrame(aFrame, timeUs, data, length, keyFrame)) { return false; } } else if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { // If the format changed, update our cached info. return SetVideoFormat(); } else if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { return false; } return true; }
status_t AMRWriter::threadFunc() { mEstimatedDurationUs = 0; mEstimatedSizeBytes = 0; bool stoppedPrematurely = true; int64_t previousPausedDurationUs = 0; int64_t maxTimestampUs = 0; status_t err = OK; prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"AMRWriter", 0, 0, 0); while (!mDone) { MediaBuffer *buffer; err = mSource->read(&buffer); if (err != OK) { break; } if (mPaused) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; continue; } mEstimatedSizeBytes += buffer->range_length(); if (exceedsFileSizeLimit()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_FILESIZE_REACHED, 0); break; } int64_t timestampUs; CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, ×tampUs)); if (timestampUs > mEstimatedDurationUs) { mEstimatedDurationUs = timestampUs; } if (mResumed) { previousPausedDurationUs += (timestampUs - maxTimestampUs - 20000); mResumed = false; } timestampUs -= previousPausedDurationUs; ALOGV("time stamp: %lld, previous paused duration: %lld", timestampUs, previousPausedDurationUs); if (timestampUs > maxTimestampUs) { maxTimestampUs = timestampUs; } if (exceedsFileDurationLimit()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; notify(MEDIA_RECORDER_EVENT_INFO, MEDIA_RECORDER_INFO_MAX_DURATION_REACHED, 0); break; } ssize_t n = write(mFd, (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(), buffer->range_length()); if (n < (ssize_t)buffer->range_length()) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; err = ERROR_IO; break; } if (err != OK) { break; } if (stoppedPrematurely) { stoppedPrematurely = false; } buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } if ((err == OK || err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) && stoppedPrematurely) { err = ERROR_MALFORMED; } close(mFd); mFd = -1; mReachedEOS = true; if (err == ERROR_END_OF_STREAM) { return OK; } return err; }
status_t PCMSource::read( MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions *options) { *out = NULL; int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode seek = ReadOptions::SEEK_CLOSEST_SYNC; if (options != NULL && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs,&seek)) { int64_t pos = (seekTimeUs * mSampleRate) / 1000000 * mNumChannels * 2; if (pos > mSize) { pos = mSize; } mCurrentPos = pos + mOffset; } MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = mGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer); if (err != OK) { return err; } ssize_t n = mDataSource->readAt( mCurrentPos, buffer->data(), mBufferSize); if (n <= 0) { buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; return ERROR_END_OF_STREAM; } mCurrentPos += n; buffer->set_range(0, n); if (mBitsPerSample == 8) { // Convert 8-bit unsigned samples to 16-bit signed. MediaBuffer *tmp; CHECK_EQ(mGroup->acquire_buffer(&tmp), OK); // The new buffer holds the sample number of samples, but each // one is 2 bytes wide. tmp->set_range(0, 2 * n); int16_t *dst = (int16_t *)tmp->data(); const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t *)buffer->data(); while (n-- > 0) { *dst++ = ((int16_t)(*src) - 128) * 256; ++src; } buffer->release(); buffer = tmp; } else if (mBitsPerSample == 24) { // Convert 24-bit signed samples to 16-bit signed. const uint8_t *src = (const uint8_t *)buffer->data() + buffer->range_offset(); int16_t *dst = (int16_t *)src; size_t numSamples = buffer->range_length() / 3; for (size_t i = 0; i < numSamples; ++i) { int32_t x = (int32_t)(src[0] | src[1] << 8 | src[2] << 16); x = (x << 8) >> 8; // sign extension x = x >> 8; *dst++ = (int16_t)x; src += 3; } buffer->set_range(buffer->range_offset(), 2 * numSamples); } size_t bytesPerSample = mBitsPerSample >> 3; buffer->meta_data()->setInt64( kKeyTime, 1000000LL * (mCurrentPos - mOffset) / (mNumChannels * bytesPerSample) / mSampleRate); *out = buffer; return OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { android::ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); DataSource::RegisterDefaultSniffers(); const char *rtpFilename = NULL; const char *rtcpFilename = NULL; if (argc == 3) { rtpFilename = argv[1]; rtcpFilename = argv[2]; } else if (argc != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ rtpFilename rtcpFilename ]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } #if 0 static const uint8_t kSPS[] = { 0x67, 0x42, 0x80, 0x0a, 0xe9, 0x02, 0x83, 0xe4, 0x20, 0x00, 0x00, 0x7d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0xa6, 0x00, 0x80 }; static const uint8_t kPPS[] = { 0x68, 0xce, 0x3c, 0x80 }; AString out1, out2; encodeBase64(kSPS, sizeof(kSPS), &out1); encodeBase64(kPPS, sizeof(kPPS), &out2); printf("params=%s,%s\n", out1.c_str(), out2.c_str()); #endif sp<ALooper> looper = new ALooper; sp<UDPPusher> rtp_pusher; sp<UDPPusher> rtcp_pusher; if (rtpFilename != NULL) { rtp_pusher = new UDPPusher(rtpFilename, 5434); looper->registerHandler(rtp_pusher); rtcp_pusher = new UDPPusher(rtcpFilename, 5435); looper->registerHandler(rtcp_pusher); } sp<ARTPSession> session = new ARTPSession; looper->registerHandler(session); #if 0 // My H264 SDP static const char *raw = "v=0\r\n" "o=- 64 233572944 IN IP4\r\n" "s=QuickTime\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "a=range:npt=0-315\r\n" "a=isma-compliance:2,2.0,2\r\n" "m=video 5434 RTP/AVP 97\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n" "b=AS:30\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000\r\n" "a=fmtp:97 packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42000C;" "sprop-parameter-sets=Z0IADJZUCg+I,aM44gA==\r\n" "a=mpeg4-esid:201\r\n" "a=cliprect:0,0,240,320\r\n" "a=framesize:97 320-240\r\n"; #elif 0 // My H263 SDP static const char *raw = "v=0\r\n" "o=- 64 233572944 IN IP4\r\n" "s=QuickTime\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "a=range:npt=0-315\r\n" "a=isma-compliance:2,2.0,2\r\n" "m=video 5434 RTP/AVP 97\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n" "b=AS:30\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 H263-1998/90000\r\n" "a=cliprect:0,0,240,320\r\n" "a=framesize:97 320-240\r\n"; #elif 0 // My AMR SDP static const char *raw = "v=0\r\n" "o=- 64 233572944 IN IP4\r\n" "s=QuickTime\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "a=range:npt=0-315\r\n" "a=isma-compliance:2,2.0,2\r\n" "m=audio 5434 RTP/AVP 97\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n" "b=AS:30\r\n" "a=rtpmap:97 AMR/8000/1\r\n" "a=fmtp:97 octet-align\r\n"; #elif 1 // GTalk's H264 SDP static const char *raw = "v=0\r\n" "o=- 64 233572944 IN IP4\r\n" "s=QuickTime\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "a=range:npt=now-\r\n" "m=video 5434 RTP/AVP 96\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n" "b=AS:320000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000\r\n" "a=fmtp:96 packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001E;" "sprop-parameter-sets=Z0IAHpZUBaHogA==,aM44gA==\r\n" "a=cliprect:0,0,480,270\r\n" "a=framesize:96 720-480\r\n"; #else // sholes H264 SDP static const char *raw = "v=0\r\n" "o=- 64 233572944 IN IP4\r\n" "s=QuickTime\r\n" "t=0 0\r\n" "a=range:npt=now-\r\n" "m=video 5434 RTP/AVP 96\r\n" "c=IN IP4\r\n" "b=AS:320000\r\n" "a=rtpmap:96 H264/90000\r\n" "a=fmtp:96 packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001E;" "sprop-parameter-sets=Z0KACukCg+QgAAB9AAAOpgCA,aM48gA==\r\n" "a=cliprect:0,0,240,320\r\n" "a=framesize:96 320-240\r\n"; #endif sp<ASessionDescription> desc = new ASessionDescription; CHECK(desc->setTo(raw, strlen(raw))); CHECK_EQ(session->setup(desc), (status_t)OK); if (rtp_pusher != NULL) { rtp_pusher->start(); } if (rtcp_pusher != NULL) { rtcp_pusher->start(); } looper->start(false /* runOnCallingThread */); CHECK_EQ(session->countTracks(), 1u); sp<MediaSource> source = session->trackAt(0); sp<MediaSource> decoder = SimpleDecodingSource::Create( source, 0 /* flags: ACodec::kPreferSoftwareCodecs */); CHECK(decoder != NULL); CHECK_EQ(decoder->start(), (status_t)OK); for (;;) { MediaBuffer *buffer; status_t err = decoder->read(&buffer); if (err != OK) { if (err == INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED) { int32_t width, height; CHECK(decoder->getFormat()->findInt32(kKeyWidth, &width)); CHECK(decoder->getFormat()->findInt32(kKeyHeight, &height)); printf("INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED %d x %d\n", width, height); continue; } ALOGE("decoder returned error 0x%08x", err); break; } #if 1 if (buffer->range_length() != 0) { int64_t timeUs; CHECK(buffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)); printf("decoder returned frame of size %zu at time %.2f secs\n", buffer->range_length(), timeUs / 1E6); } #endif buffer->release(); buffer = NULL; } CHECK_EQ(decoder->stop(), (status_t)OK); looper->stop(); return 0; }
status_t FLACDecoder::read(MediaBuffer **out, const ReadOptions* options) { int err = 0; *out = NULL; uint32 blockSize, usedBitstream, availLength = 0; uint32 flacOutputBufSize = FLAC_OUTPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; int *status = 0; bool seekSource = false, eos = false; if (!mInitStatus) { return NO_INIT; } int64_t seekTimeUs; ReadOptions::SeekMode mode; if (options && options->getSeekTo(&seekTimeUs, &mode)) { ALOGD("qti_flac: Seek to %lld", seekTimeUs); CHECK(seekTimeUs >= 0); mNumFramesOutput = 0; seekSource = true; if (mInputBuffer) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } } else { seekTimeUs = -1; } if (mInputBuffer) { mInputBuffer->release(); mInputBuffer = NULL; } if (!eos) { err = mSource->read(&mInputBuffer, options); if (err != OK) { ALOGE("qti_flac: Parser returned %d", err); eos = true; return err; } } int64_t timeUs; if (mInputBuffer->meta_data()->findInt64(kKeyTime, &timeUs)) { mAnchorTimeUs = timeUs; mNumFramesOutput = 0; ALOGVV("qti_flac: mAnchorTimeUs %lld", mAnchorTimeUs); } else { CHECK(seekTimeUs < 0); } if (!eos) { if (mInputBuffer) { ALOGVV("qti_flac: Parser filled %d bytes", mInputBuffer->range_length()); availLength = mInputBuffer->range_length(); status = (*mProcessData)(&pFlacDecState, (uint8*)mInputBuffer->data(), availLength, mOutBuffer, &flacOutputBufSize, &usedBitstream, &blockSize); } ALOGVV("qti_flac: status %d, availLength %d, usedBitstream %d, blockSize %d", (int)status, availLength, usedBitstream, blockSize); MediaBuffer *buffer; CHECK_EQ(mBufferGroup->acquire_buffer(&buffer), (status_t)OK); buffer->set_range(0, blockSize*mNumChannels*2); uint16_t *ptr = (uint16_t *) mOutBuffer; //Interleave the output from decoder for multichannel clips. if (mNumChannels > 1) { for (uint32_t k = 0; k < blockSize; k++) { for (uint32_t i = k, j = mNumChannels*k; i < blockSize*mNumChannels; i += blockSize, j++) { mTmpBuf[j] = ptr[i]; } } memcpy((uint16_t *)buffer->data(), mTmpBuf, blockSize*mNumChannels*2); } else { memcpy((uint16_t *)buffer->data(), mOutBuffer, blockSize*mNumChannels*2); } int64_t time = 0; time = mAnchorTimeUs + (mNumFramesOutput*1000000)/mSampleRate; buffer->meta_data()->setInt64(kKeyTime, time); mNumFramesOutput += blockSize; ALOGVV("qti_flac: time = %lld", time); *out = buffer; } return OK; }