Exemple #1
static bool monochromeMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix op, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    if (!mediaValues.monochromeBitsPerComponent()) {
        if (value.isValid()) {
            float number;
            return numberValue(value, number) && compareValue(0, static_cast<int>(number), op);
        return false;

    return colorMediaFeatureEval(value, op, mediaValues);
static bool pointerMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    PointerType pointer = mediaValues.primaryPointerType();

    if (!value.isValid())
        return pointer != PointerTypeNone;

    if (!value.isID)
        return false;

    return (pointer == PointerTypeNone && value.id == CSSValueNone)
        || (pointer == PointerTypeCoarse && value.id == CSSValueCoarse)
        || (pointer == PointerTypeFine && value.id == CSSValueFine);
static bool hoverMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    HoverType hover = mediaValues.primaryHoverType();

    if (!value.isValid())
        return hover != HoverTypeNone;

    if (!value.isID)
        return false;

    return (hover == HoverTypeNone && value.id == CSSValueNone)
        || (hover == HoverTypeOnDemand && value.id == CSSValueOnDemand)
        || (hover == HoverTypeHover && value.id == CSSValueHover);
static bool scanMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    if (!mediaValues.scanMediaType())
        return false;

    if (!value.isValid())
        return true;

    if (!value.isID)
        return false;

    // If a platform interface supplies progressive/interlace info for TVs in the
    // future, it needs to be handled here. For now, assume a modern TV with
    // progressive display.
    return (value.id == CSSValueProgressive);
static bool evalResolution(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix op, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    // According to MQ4, only 'screen', 'print' and 'speech' may match.
    // FIXME: What should speech match? https://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/issues/348
    float actualResolution = 0;

    // This checks the actual media type applied to the document, and we know
    // this method only got called if this media type matches the one defined
    // in the query. Thus, if if the document's media type is "print", the
    // media type of the query will either be "print" or "all".
    if (mediaValues.screenMediaType()) {
        actualResolution = clampTo<float>(mediaValues.devicePixelRatio());
    } else if (mediaValues.printMediaType()) {
        // The resolution of images while printing should not depend on the DPI
        // of the screen. Until we support proper ways of querying this info
        // we use 300px which is considered minimum for current printers.
        actualResolution = 300 / cssPixelsPerInch;

    if (!value.isValid())
        return !!actualResolution;

    if (!value.isValue)
        return false;

    if (value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)
        return compareValue(actualResolution, clampTo<float>(value.value), op);

    if (!CSSPrimitiveValue::isResolution(value.unit))
        return false;

    double canonicalFactor = CSSPrimitiveValue::conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(value.unit);
    double dppxFactor = CSSPrimitiveValue::conversionToCanonicalUnitsScaleFactor(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DPPX);
    float valueInDppx = clampTo<float>(value.value * (canonicalFactor / dppxFactor));
    if (CSSPrimitiveValue::isDotsPerCentimeter(value.unit)) {
        // To match DPCM to DPPX values, we limit to 2 decimal points.
        // The http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-values/#absolute-lengths recommends
        // "that the pixel unit refer to the whole number of device pixels that best
        // approximates the reference pixel". With that in mind, allowing 2 decimal
        // point precision seems appropriate.
        return compareValue(
            floorf(0.5 + 100 * actualResolution) / 100,
            floorf(0.5 + 100 * valueInDppx) / 100, op);

    return compareValue(actualResolution, valueInDppx, op);
static bool transform3dMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix op, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    UseCounter::count(mediaValues.document(), UseCounter::PrefixedTransform3dMediaFeature);

    bool returnValueIfNoParameter;
    int have3dRendering;

    bool threeDEnabled = mediaValues.threeDEnabled();

    returnValueIfNoParameter = threeDEnabled;
    have3dRendering = threeDEnabled ? 1 : 0;

    if (value.isValid()) {
        float number;
        return numberValue(value, number) && compareValue(have3dRendering, static_cast<int>(number), op);
    return returnValueIfNoParameter;
static bool pointerMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    MediaValues::PointerDeviceType pointer = mediaValues.pointer();

    // If we're on a port that hasn't explicitly opted into providing pointer device information
    // (or otherwise can't be confident in the pointer hardware available), then behave exactly
    // as if this feature feature isn't supported.
    if (pointer == MediaValues::UnknownPointer)
        return false;

    if (!value.isValid())
        return pointer != MediaValues::NoPointer;

    if (!value.isID)
        return false;

    return (pointer == MediaValues::NoPointer && value.id == CSSValueNone)
        || (pointer == MediaValues::TouchPointer && value.id == CSSValueCoarse)
        || (pointer == MediaValues::MousePointer && value.id == CSSValueFine);
static bool hoverMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    MediaValues::PointerDeviceType pointer = mediaValues.pointer();

    // If we're on a port that hasn't explicitly opted into providing pointer device information
    // (or otherwise can't be confident in the pointer hardware available), then behave exactly
    // as if this feature feature isn't supported.
    if (pointer == MediaValues::UnknownPointer)
        return false;

    float number = 1;
    if (value.isValid()) {
        if (!numberValue(value, number))
            return false;

    return (pointer == MediaValues::NoPointer && !number)
        || (pointer == MediaValues::TouchPointer && !number)
        || (pointer == MediaValues::MousePointer && number == 1);
static bool anyPointerMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    int availablePointers = mediaValues.availablePointerTypes();

    if (!value.isValid())
        return availablePointers & ~PointerTypeNone;

    if (!value.isID)
        return false;

    switch (value.id) {
    case CSSValueCoarse:
        return availablePointers & PointerTypeCoarse;
    case CSSValueFine:
        return availablePointers & PointerTypeFine;
    case CSSValueNone:
        return availablePointers & PointerTypeNone;
        return false;
static bool anyHoverMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    int availableHoverTypes = mediaValues.availableHoverTypes();

    if (!value.isValid())
        return availableHoverTypes & ~HoverTypeNone;

    if (!value.isID)
        return false;

    switch (value.id) {
    case CSSValueNone:
        return availableHoverTypes & HoverTypeNone;
    case CSSValueOnDemand:
        return availableHoverTypes & HoverTypeOnDemand;
    case CSSValueHover:
        return availableHoverTypes & HoverTypeHover;
        return false;
static bool resolutionMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix op, const MediaValues& MediaValues)
    return (!value.isValid() || CSSPrimitiveValue::isResolution(value.unit)) && evalResolution(value, op, MediaValues);
static bool devicePixelRatioMediaFeatureEval(const MediaQueryExpValue& value, MediaFeaturePrefix op, const MediaValues& mediaValues)
    UseCounter::count(mediaValues.document(), UseCounter::PrefixedDevicePixelRatioMediaFeature);

    return (!value.isValid() || value.unit == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) && evalResolution(value, op, mediaValues);