/// tryMergingIntoMemset - When scanning forward over instructions, we look for
/// some other patterns to fold away.  In particular, this looks for stores to
/// neighboring locations of memory.  If it sees enough consecutive ones, it
/// attempts to merge them together into a memcpy/memset.
Instruction *MemCpyOpt::tryMergingIntoMemset(Instruction *StartInst,
        Value *StartPtr, Value *ByteVal) {
    if (TD == 0) return 0;

    // Okay, so we now have a single store that can be splatable.  Scan to find
    // all subsequent stores of the same value to offset from the same pointer.
    // Join these together into ranges, so we can decide whether contiguous blocks
    // are stored.
    MemsetRanges Ranges(*TD);

    BasicBlock::iterator BI = StartInst;
    for (++BI; !isa<TerminatorInst>(BI); ++BI) {
        if (!isa<StoreInst>(BI) && !isa<MemSetInst>(BI)) {
            // If the instruction is readnone, ignore it, otherwise bail out.  We
            // don't even allow readonly here because we don't want something like:
            // A[1] = 2; strlen(A); A[2] = 2; -> memcpy(A, ...); strlen(A).
            if (BI->mayWriteToMemory() || BI->mayReadFromMemory())

        if (StoreInst *NextStore = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(BI)) {
            // If this is a store, see if we can merge it in.
            if (!NextStore->isSimple()) break;

            // Check to see if this stored value is of the same byte-splattable value.
            if (ByteVal != isBytewiseValue(NextStore->getOperand(0)))

            // Check to see if this store is to a constant offset from the start ptr.
            int64_t Offset;
            if (!IsPointerOffset(StartPtr, NextStore->getPointerOperand(),
                                 Offset, *TD))

            Ranges.addStore(Offset, NextStore);
        } else {
            MemSetInst *MSI = cast<MemSetInst>(BI);

            if (MSI->isVolatile() || ByteVal != MSI->getValue() ||

            // Check to see if this store is to a constant offset from the start ptr.
            int64_t Offset;
            if (!IsPointerOffset(StartPtr, MSI->getDest(), Offset, *TD))

            Ranges.addMemSet(Offset, MSI);

    // If we have no ranges, then we just had a single store with nothing that
    // could be merged in.  This is a very common case of course.
    if (Ranges.empty())
        return 0;

    // If we had at least one store that could be merged in, add the starting
    // store as well.  We try to avoid this unless there is at least something
    // interesting as a small compile-time optimization.
    Ranges.addInst(0, StartInst);

    // If we create any memsets, we put it right before the first instruction that
    // isn't part of the memset block.  This ensure that the memset is dominated
    // by any addressing instruction needed by the start of the block.
    IRBuilder<> Builder(BI);

    // Now that we have full information about ranges, loop over the ranges and
    // emit memset's for anything big enough to be worthwhile.
    Instruction *AMemSet = 0;
    for (MemsetRanges::const_iterator I = Ranges.begin(), E = Ranges.end();
            I != E; ++I) {
        const MemsetRange &Range = *I;

        if (Range.TheStores.size() == 1) continue;

        // If it is profitable to lower this range to memset, do so now.
        if (!Range.isProfitableToUseMemset(*TD))

        // Otherwise, we do want to transform this!  Create a new memset.
        // Get the starting pointer of the block.
        StartPtr = Range.StartPtr;

        // Determine alignment
        unsigned Alignment = Range.Alignment;
        if (Alignment == 0) {
            Type *EltType =
            Alignment = TD->getABITypeAlignment(EltType);

        AMemSet =
            Builder.CreateMemSet(StartPtr, ByteVal, Range.End-Range.Start, Alignment);

        DEBUG(dbgs() << "Replace stores:\n";
              for (unsigned i = 0, e = Range.TheStores.size(); i != e; ++i)
              dbgs() << *Range.TheStores[i] << '\n';
              dbgs() << "With: " << *AMemSet << '\n');

        if (!Range.TheStores.empty())

        // Zap all the stores.
        for (SmallVector<Instruction*, 16>::const_iterator
                SI = Range.TheStores.begin(),
                SE = Range.TheStores.end(); SI != SE; ++SI) {

    return AMemSet;
bool NVPTXLowerAggrCopies::runOnFunction(Function &F) {
  SmallVector<LoadInst *, 4> aggrLoads;
  SmallVector<MemTransferInst *, 4> aggrMemcpys;
  SmallVector<MemSetInst *, 4> aggrMemsets;

  DataLayout *TD = &getAnalysis<DataLayout>();
  LLVMContext &Context = F.getParent()->getContext();

  // Collect all the aggrLoads, aggrMemcpys and addrMemsets.
  //const BasicBlock *firstBB = &F.front();  // first BB in F
  for (Function::iterator BI = F.begin(), BE = F.end(); BI != BE; ++BI) {
    //BasicBlock *bb = BI;
    for (BasicBlock::iterator II = BI->begin(), IE = BI->end(); II != IE;
        ++II) {
      if (LoadInst * load = dyn_cast<LoadInst>(II)) {

        if (load->hasOneUse() == false) continue;

        if (TD->getTypeStoreSize(load->getType()) < MaxAggrCopySize) continue;

        User *use = *(load->use_begin());
        if (StoreInst * store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(use)) {
          if (store->getOperand(0) != load) //getValueOperand
      } else if (MemTransferInst * intr = dyn_cast<MemTransferInst>(II)) {
        Value *len = intr->getLength();
        // If the number of elements being copied is greater
        // than MaxAggrCopySize, lower it to a loop
        if (ConstantInt * len_int = dyn_cast < ConstantInt > (len)) {
          if (len_int->getZExtValue() >= MaxAggrCopySize) {
        } else {
          // turn variable length memcpy/memmov into loop
      } else if (MemSetInst * memsetintr = dyn_cast<MemSetInst>(II)) {
        Value *len = memsetintr->getLength();
        if (ConstantInt * len_int = dyn_cast<ConstantInt>(len)) {
          if (len_int->getZExtValue() >= MaxAggrCopySize) {
        } else {
          // turn variable length memset into loop
  if ((aggrLoads.size() == 0) && (aggrMemcpys.size() == 0)
      && (aggrMemsets.size() == 0)) return false;

  // Do the transformation of an aggr load/copy/set to a loop
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = aggrLoads.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    LoadInst *load = aggrLoads[i];
    StoreInst *store = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(*load->use_begin());
    Value *srcAddr = load->getOperand(0);
    Value *dstAddr = store->getOperand(1);
    unsigned numLoads = TD->getTypeStoreSize(load->getType());
    Value *len = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), numLoads);

    convertTransferToLoop(store, srcAddr, dstAddr, len, load->isVolatile(),
                          store->isVolatile(), Context, F);


  for (unsigned i = 0, e = aggrMemcpys.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    MemTransferInst *cpy = aggrMemcpys[i];
    Value *len = cpy->getLength();
    // llvm 2.7 version of memcpy does not have volatile
    // operand yet. So always making it non-volatile
    // optimistically, so that we don't see unnecessary
    // st.volatile in ptx
    convertTransferToLoop(cpy, cpy->getSource(), cpy->getDest(), len, false,
                          false, Context, F);

  for (unsigned i = 0, e = aggrMemsets.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    MemSetInst *memsetinst = aggrMemsets[i];
    Value *len = memsetinst->getLength();
    Value *val = memsetinst->getValue();
    convertMemSetToLoop(memsetinst, memsetinst->getDest(), len, val, Context,

  return true;
Exemple #3
void Lint::visitCallSite(CallSite CS) {
  Instruction &I = *CS.getInstruction();
  Value *Callee = CS.getCalledValue();

  visitMemoryReference(I, Callee, MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0, nullptr,

  if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(findValue(Callee,
                                                 /*OffsetOk=*/false))) {
    Assert(CS.getCallingConv() == F->getCallingConv(),
           "Undefined behavior: Caller and callee calling convention differ",

    FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
    unsigned NumActualArgs = CS.arg_size();

    Assert(FT->isVarArg() ? FT->getNumParams() <= NumActualArgs
                          : FT->getNumParams() == NumActualArgs,
           "Undefined behavior: Call argument count mismatches callee "
           "argument count",

    Assert(FT->getReturnType() == I.getType(),
           "Undefined behavior: Call return type mismatches "
           "callee return type",

    // Check argument types (in case the callee was casted) and attributes.
    // TODO: Verify that caller and callee attributes are compatible.
    Function::arg_iterator PI = F->arg_begin(), PE = F->arg_end();
    CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin(), AE = CS.arg_end();
    for (; AI != AE; ++AI) {
      Value *Actual = *AI;
      if (PI != PE) {
        Argument *Formal = &*PI++;
        Assert(Formal->getType() == Actual->getType(),
               "Undefined behavior: Call argument type mismatches "
               "callee parameter type",

        // Check that noalias arguments don't alias other arguments. This is
        // not fully precise because we don't know the sizes of the dereferenced
        // memory regions.
        if (Formal->hasNoAliasAttr() && Actual->getType()->isPointerTy())
          for (CallSite::arg_iterator BI = CS.arg_begin(); BI != AE; ++BI)
            if (AI != BI && (*BI)->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
              AliasResult Result = AA->alias(*AI, *BI);
              Assert(Result != MustAlias && Result != PartialAlias,
                     "Unusual: noalias argument aliases another argument", &I);

        // Check that an sret argument points to valid memory.
        if (Formal->hasStructRetAttr() && Actual->getType()->isPointerTy()) {
          Type *Ty =
          visitMemoryReference(I, Actual, DL->getTypeStoreSize(Ty),
                               DL->getABITypeAlignment(Ty), Ty,
                               MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);

  if (CS.isCall() && cast<CallInst>(CS.getInstruction())->isTailCall())
    for (CallSite::arg_iterator AI = CS.arg_begin(), AE = CS.arg_end();
         AI != AE; ++AI) {
      Value *Obj = findValue(*AI, /*OffsetOk=*/true);
             "Undefined behavior: Call with \"tail\" keyword references "

  if (IntrinsicInst *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&I))
    switch (II->getIntrinsicID()) {
    default: break;

    // TODO: Check more intrinsics

    case Intrinsic::memcpy: {
      MemCpyInst *MCI = cast<MemCpyInst>(&I);
      // TODO: If the size is known, use it.
      visitMemoryReference(I, MCI->getDest(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MCI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Write);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MCI->getSource(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MCI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Read);

      // Check that the memcpy arguments don't overlap. The AliasAnalysis API
      // isn't expressive enough for what we really want to do. Known partial
      // overlap is not distinguished from the case where nothing is known.
      uint64_t Size = 0;
      if (const ConstantInt *Len =
        if (Len->getValue().isIntN(32))
          Size = Len->getValue().getZExtValue();
      Assert(AA->alias(MCI->getSource(), Size, MCI->getDest(), Size) !=
             "Undefined behavior: memcpy source and destination overlap", &I);
    case Intrinsic::memmove: {
      MemMoveInst *MMI = cast<MemMoveInst>(&I);
      // TODO: If the size is known, use it.
      visitMemoryReference(I, MMI->getDest(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MMI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Write);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MMI->getSource(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MMI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Read);
    case Intrinsic::memset: {
      MemSetInst *MSI = cast<MemSetInst>(&I);
      // TODO: If the size is known, use it.
      visitMemoryReference(I, MSI->getDest(), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize,
                           MSI->getAlignment(), nullptr, MemRef::Write);

    case Intrinsic::vastart:
             "Undefined behavior: va_start called in a non-varargs function",

      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);
    case Intrinsic::vacopy:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Write);
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(1), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read);
    case Intrinsic::vaend:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);

    case Intrinsic::stackrestore:
      // Stackrestore doesn't read or write memory, but it sets the
      // stack pointer, which the compiler may read from or write to
      // at any time, so check it for both readability and writeability.
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), MemoryLocation::UnknownSize, 0,
                           nullptr, MemRef::Read | MemRef::Write);
Exemple #4
void Lint::visitCallSite(CallSite CS) {
  Instruction &I = *CS.getInstruction();
  Value *Callee = CS.getCalledValue();

  // TODO: Check function alignment?
  visitMemoryReference(I, Callee, 0, 0);

  if (Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(Callee->stripPointerCasts())) {
    Assert1(CS.getCallingConv() == F->getCallingConv(),
            "Undefined behavior: Caller and callee calling convention differ",

    const FunctionType *FT = F->getFunctionType();
    unsigned NumActualArgs = unsigned(CS.arg_end()-CS.arg_begin());

    Assert1(FT->isVarArg() ?
              FT->getNumParams() <= NumActualArgs :
              FT->getNumParams() == NumActualArgs,
            "Undefined behavior: Call argument count mismatches callee "
            "argument count", &I);
    // TODO: Check argument types (in case the callee was casted)

    // TODO: Check ABI-significant attributes.

    // TODO: Check noalias attribute.

    // TODO: Check sret attribute.

  // TODO: Check the "tail" keyword constraints.

  if (IntrinsicInst *II = dyn_cast<IntrinsicInst>(&I))
    switch (II->getIntrinsicID()) {
    default: break;

    // TODO: Check more intrinsics

    case Intrinsic::memcpy: {
      MemCpyInst *MCI = cast<MemCpyInst>(&I);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MCI->getSource(), MCI->getAlignment(), 0);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MCI->getDest(), MCI->getAlignment(), 0);

      // Check that the memcpy arguments don't overlap. The AliasAnalysis API
      // isn't expressive enough for what we really want to do. Known partial
      // overlap is not distinguished from the case where nothing is known.
      unsigned Size = 0;
      if (const ConstantInt *Len =
        if (Len->getValue().isIntN(32))
          Size = Len->getValue().getZExtValue();
      Assert1(AA->alias(MCI->getSource(), Size, MCI->getDest(), Size) !=
              "Undefined behavior: memcpy source and destination overlap", &I);
    case Intrinsic::memmove: {
      MemMoveInst *MMI = cast<MemMoveInst>(&I);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MMI->getSource(), MMI->getAlignment(), 0);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MMI->getDest(), MMI->getAlignment(), 0);
    case Intrinsic::memset: {
      MemSetInst *MSI = cast<MemSetInst>(&I);
      visitMemoryReference(I, MSI->getDest(), MSI->getAlignment(), 0);

    case Intrinsic::vastart:
              "Undefined behavior: va_start called in a non-varargs function",

      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), 0, 0);
    case Intrinsic::vacopy:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), 0, 0);
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(1), 0, 0);
    case Intrinsic::vaend:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), 0, 0);

    case Intrinsic::stackrestore:
      visitMemoryReference(I, CS.getArgument(0), 0, 0);